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The Revelations of Jesus Christ
Received July 31, 2014, Baja, Mexico for the Jews Concerning Gaza
Israel's God saith to uproot inhabitants of Gaza who are culpable before the Lord for sustaining, consorting with, and electing the wicked, even Hamas to rule over them, therefore my people the Jews, saith the Lord, are justified before me marching upon them as David and Joshua of old, yea, even in the shedding of their blood, for they, even they, did they not consent to the shedding of the blood of my people and rejoice in the deaths of innocence? Therefore ye are justified before me, saith the Lord to my people, in uprooting them from the land that it may therefore no more be cumbered with weeds and brambles that my pleasing plant which I, the Lord God have planted may grow to a mighty olive tree. But this land, saith the Lord, belongeth to my covenant people the Jews, who have sought these many generations to return to this land, their land, for I did give it to their fathers and did ordain that my people should have the land and the regions round about Jerusalem as their inheritance forever and ever, even that they should be congregated in Jerusalem, that they should meet Messiah Ben David when his feet shall again touch the Mount of Olives, that they shall exclaim, "What are these wounds in thine hands?" and he shall reply, "These are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends." Even so, all nations that fight against my people the Jews, shall become as a garment that is cast into a hot furnace, saith the Lord, for I have made Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, for their siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem...