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I ALMOST GAVE UP! But Almost Doesn't Count!

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"Whenever you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!" - Franklin D. Roosevelt Tune In "LIVE" for A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from brburns.com. <---i got="" some,="" but="" i="" need="" some="" more!="" -="" "i="" need="" some="" more="" believers!"="" -="" are="" you="" a="" visionary?="" a="" picture="" is="" worth="" 1000="" words!="" send="" me="" a="" message="" in="" my="" "inbox"="" asap="" for="" the="" details!="" this="" is="" going="" to="" be="" awesome!!!="" -="" brburns.com="" for="" several="" weeks="" i="" have="" been="" asking="" you="" to=""><--“save the="" date”="" -="" now="" the="" day="" is="" finally="" here="" and="" i="" have="" been="" given="" permission="" to="" share="" the="" good="" news="" with="" you.="" i="" am="" excited="" to="" announce="" the="" release="" of="" my="" new="" novel="" –="" i="" almost="" gave="" up.="" it’s="" an="" inspiring="" story="" about="" faith,="" family,="" friendship="" and="" forgiveness!="" as="" many="" of="" you="" may="" know,="" my="" team="" and="" i="" have="" been="" promoting="" our="" mission="" to="" sell="" one="" million="" books="" across="" america;="" in="" an="" effort="" to="" become="" the="" first="" self-published="" author="" to="" achieve="" this="" honor.="" thankfully,="" our="" efforts="" have="" not="" gone="" unnoticed.="" a="" couple="" of="" months="" ago="" we="" were="" contacted="" by="" a="" “major="" sponsor”="" who="" has="" issued="" us="" an="" interesting="" challenge.="" we="" have="" been="" challenged="" to="" sell="" 2500="" books="" in="" just="" 30="" days.="" if="" we="" can="" successfully="" complete="" this="" task="" by="" april="" 15th="" “they”="" have="" committed="" to="" sponsor="" our="" one="" million="" books="" across="" america="" “live="" your="" dream”="" book="" tour.="" the="" tour="" will="" be="" filmed="" and="" documented="" for="" broadcast.="" your="" support="" is="" needed!="" you="" can="" order="" your="" autographed="" copy="" of="" i="" almost="" gave="" up="" from="" my="" website="" –="" www.brburns.com.="" if="" you="" have="" not="" signed="" up,="" please="" sign="" up="" on="" my="" website="" while="" you’re="" there.="" your="" support,="" prayers="" and="" encouragement="" is="" needed="" and="" appreciated.="" for="" the="" next="" 30="" days="" i="" will="" be="" posting="" on="" facebook,="" tweeting="" on="" twitter,="" emailing,="" texting="" and="" calling="" you,="" asking="" for="" your="" support="" and="" asking="" you="" to="" help="" me="" spread="" the="" word.="" the="" date”="" -="" now="" the="" day="" is="" finally="" here="" and="" i="" have="" been="" given="" permission="" to="" share="" the="" good="" news="" with="" you.="" i="" am="" excited="" to="" announce="" the="" release="" of="" my="" new="" novel="" –="" i="" almost="" gave="" up.="" it’s="" an="" inspiring="" story="" about="" faith,="" family,="" friendship="" and="" forgiveness!="" as="" many="" of="" you="" may="" know,="" my="" team="" and="" i="" have="" been="" promoting="" our="" mission="" to="" sell="" one="" million="" books="" across="" america;="" in="" an="" effort="" to="" become="" the="" first="" self-published="" author="" to="" achieve="" this="" honor.="" thankfully,="" our="" efforts="" have="" not="" gone="" unnoticed.="" a="" couple="" of="" months="" ago="" we="" were="" contacted="" by="" a="" “major="" sponsor”="" who="" has="" issued="" us="" an="" interesting="" challenge.="" we="" have="" been="" challenged="" to="" sell="" 2500="" books="" in="" just="" 30="" days.="" if="" we="" can="" successfully="" complete="" this="" task="" by="" april="" 15th="" “they”="" have="" committed="" to="" sponsor="" our="" one="" million="" books="" across="" america="" “live="" your="" dream”="" book="" tour.="" the="" tour="" will="" be="" filmed="" and="" documented="" for="" broadcast.="" your="" support="" is="" needed!="" you="" can="" order="" your="" autographed="" copy="" of="" i="" almost="" gave="" up="" from="" my="" website="" –="" www.brburns.com.="" if="" you="" have="" not="" signed="" up,="" please="" sign="" up="" on="" my="" website="" while="" you’re="" there.="" your="" support,="" prayers="" and="" encouragement="" is="" needed="" and="" appreciated.="" for="" the="" next="" 30="" days="" i="" will="" be="" posting="" on="" facebook,="" tweeting="" on="" twitter,="" emailing,="" texting="" and="" calling="" you,="" asking="" for="" your="" support="" and="" asking="" you="" to="" help="" me="" spread="" the="" word.="">

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