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Romney AND Santorum??

  • Broadcast in Politics Conservative



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CAN Mitt Romney beat Barack Obama? Forget whether or not you like his persona, if he’s boring, he’s too rich … ya da ya da ya da. Bottom line—we need a Republican who can beat Barack Obama. Otherwise, hand a crown back to Barack & be done with it.

Three Wise Girls, Linda Alexander & Debbie Barth, hash this out on Reality Radio, Thursday, 3/22 @ 2:30 PM. As always, fast & furious, we’ll throw it out & make you think. We’re getting down to the wire, & the Republican party's still deciding who’ll represent Conservatives in the 2012 bid for the White House. Questions to ponder:

1. Is Mitt Romney a viable choice ?
2. Can he win against Obama?
3. Why is he in the frontrunner spot if we don't really FEEL him? If he’s the likely nominee, shouldn’t we rally around his good points & get him elected?
4. Will Santorum be Romney's VP since Romney can't win certain parts of the country? Santorum’s a Christian conservative—maybe THAT’s the answer?
5. Any skeletons in Romney’s closet? Maybe he’s solid enough & that’s why he seems so boring. We can’t have it all!

No conservative (or liberal) bashing. Not here to tell you how horrible Republicans (or Democrats) are. We're both unabashed conservatives who want a Republican in the White House. It’s our duty to figure out how to help make that happen. If runnin’ our mouths is our best offering, run our mouths we will. Hope you’ll flap your lips with us. We want your thoughts!

Thursday, March 22, 2:30 PM EST. Call 347-994-3835 or in the chat room: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/threewisegirls

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