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Don and Tomas Discuss the Next False Flag

  • Broadcast in Politics



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There is a core group of criminals within our government that is engaging in open criminal activity as if it won't matter in the very near future. So we pose the question, why? Why would the Justice Department give guns to Mexican drug gangs? Why would the IRS openly target political opponents of the regime? Why is the CIA and its allies openly funding ISIS, formerly Al Qaeda which they created in the first place? The concerning aspect is why aren't the perpitrators worried about being prosecuted? One answer is they have an enormous false flag planned for later this year that will make everything irrelevant. So call in and pick your poison. Will it be a nuclear false flag and if so which city or cities will be hit? How about Ebola? An EMP? Etc. Besides what kind of attack and where it might be launched, gives Don and Tomas your best guess as to who the traitors will blame this time. Will it be cave Arabs again? How about the CIA's mercenary army, ISIS? Of course the Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! They even made a funny movie with that title years ago when I was a kid. Give us your best educated guess and your reasons why.

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