AWARR Fam. enCopyright Kali Maat Sekhmet Ntrw (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 03:45:00 GMTSat, 10 Apr 2010 03:00:00 GMTEducationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Fam. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comeducation,community,revolution,afrakan,art,black,black love,children,color,complexionAWARRnoHotep Fam.episodicRevolutionary Thought C-F, 10 Apr 2010 03:00:00 GMTRevolutionary Thought C-FReading by chapter02:00:00AWARRnorevolution,nation building,community,rbg,organizationReading by chapterRevolutionary Thought: Chapters A-C, 04 Apr 2010 03:00:00 GMTRevolutionary Thought: Chapters A-CWill be reading the chapters of Revolutionary Thought by Batu A. Shakari during my latest BTR show sessions. A-Z02:00:00AWARRnorevolution,thought,afrakan,nationbuilding,pan africanWill be reading the chapters of Revolutionary Thought by Batu A. Shakari during my latest BTR show sessions. A-ZSHADES OF BLACK, 28 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMTSHADES OF BLACKLet's talk about the stigma amongst black people today. Light skinned Black vs. Dark skinned Black. It's time to Un-Do what Willie Lynch taught us so we can move forward. Self hatred is the root of evil in our community. Good hair is healthy hair-but in our culture it's hair that represents that we are other than black. What is your point of view on the divide. Is it really an issue? Or is it a myth. Let's get to the heart of the matter.02:00:00AWARRnoblack,children,color,community,complexionLet's talk about the stigma amongst black people today. Light skinned Black vs. Dark skinned Black. It's time to Un-Do what Willie Lynch taught us so we can movREALTALK POETRY SLAM, 18 Feb 2008 01:00:00 GMTREALTALK POETRY SLAMOk, Zen is back on the air. Apologies for the delay. Hustlin' ain't easy-wish there were 2 of me to share the work. Poetry, Spoken Word and Flow of speach is what it's all about for my next show, so stay tuned for when we are live and in living color. Peace and Blessings. Indie Beats Part Duece Coming Soon! ~Zen~01:30:00AWARRnoart,black love,controversey,deep,emotionsOk, Zen is back on the air. Apologies for the delay. Hustlin' ain't easy-wish there were 2 of me to share the work. Poetry, Spoken Word and Flow of speach is wh