Awesome Health and Wellness Health and Wellness for everyone with 'Wellness Spokeswomen' Kathleen Martin, LOACC. Learn how you can thrive while you are alive!enCopyright Kathleen Martin (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 20:00:00 GMTThu, 09 Aug 2012 14:00:00 GMTHealthBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness for everyone with 'Wellness Spokeswomen' Kathleen Martin, LOACC. Learn how you can thrive while you are alive!feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comhealth,vegetarian,wellness,organic lifestyle,alternative health,beliefs,body mind spirit,childrens health,health coach,local foodKathleen Martin LOACCnoAwesome Health and Wellness for everyone with 'Wellness Spokeswomen' Kathleen Martin, LOACC. Learn how you can thrive while you are alive!episodicAwesome Health and Wellness! Thrive While You're Alive!, 09 Aug 2012 14:00:00 GMTAwesome Health and Wellness! Thrive While You're Alive! The Awesome Health and Wellness show has what you need to 'thrive while you're alive'! Learn how to experience awesome health and wellness in your life-body, mind and spirit. Leading edge news, tips and information from the leading experts, teachers, coaches and teachers! Join in on the conversation- call 646-478-4764     00:36:00Kathleen Martin LOACCnoAlternative Health,body mind spirit,Organic lifestyle,Vegetarian,Health CoachThe Awesome Health and Wellness show has what you need to 'thrive while you're alive'! Learn how to experience awesome health and wellness in your life-body, miHow Food Gets to Your Plate and more about Awesome Health, 04 Aug 2012 15:00:00 GMTHow Food Gets to Your Plate and more about Awesome Health Did you know that most food travels thousands of miles to get to your plate? And that in the process loses much of it's nutrition, uses large amounts of fossile fuel and is exposed to toxic chemicals to keep it from decaying along the way!  Did you know that it is actually illegal to show pictures of concentrated animal feeding operations, making it difficult for people to get a sense of how inhumane and polluting they can be. Learn the real truth about  the food you and your family are eating and the choices you can make to make sure you experience Awesome Health and Wellness! 00:54:00Kathleen Martin LOACCnoHealth,Wellness,Organic lifestyle,Vegetarian,local FoodDid you know that most food travels thousands of miles to get to your plate? And that in the process loses much of it's nutrition, uses large amounts of fossileThe Longevity Blueprint!, 01 Aug 2012 14:00:00 GMTThe Longevity Blueprint!   “Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind.”   Mary Baker Eddy   Only well-being flows!  We are either allowing it or resisting it. Did you know that how long and how well you live is in your mind? The New Health Paradigm tells us that our beliefs about ourselves, and our health and our longevity have more to do with how long we live and how healthy we are than our genetics.  We have all heard that there is a body -mind connection, but what does that mean? It means that we have beliefs about everything including how healthy and how long we will live. Join the 'Awesome Health and Wellness' show to learn the steps to living a long, healthy life and to 'thrive while you're alive' with the Longevity Blueprint!   00:53:00Kathleen Martin LOACCnoHealth,Wellness,Longevity,Beliefs,Mind“Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind.”   Mary Baker Eddy   Only well-being flows!  We are either allowing it or resisting it. Did you know thStop the Insanity! Take the 'Healthy Child Pledge'!, 28 Jul 2012 15:00:00 GMTStop the Insanity! Take the 'Healthy Child Pledge'! Awesome Health and Wellness is taking a stand to help you and your children achieve optimal health and wellbeing! Join me today as I discuss what we can all do to become our own and our children's health advocate! Enough is enough! Too many are struggling with health and weight issues that are preventable and reversable. Learn how you can begin to take a stand for health and to take the Healthy Child Pledge. Find out how you can help yourself and your children 'thrive while you are alive' by making the choices everyday that lead to 'Awesome Health and Wellness!  00:28:00Kathleen Martin LOACCnoHealth,Wellness,Vegetarian,Childrens Health,ParentingAwesome Health and Wellness is taking a stand to help you and your children achieve optimal health and wellbeing! Join me today as I discuss what we can all doAwesome Health and Wellness!, 19 Jul 2012 23:00:00 GMTAwesome Health and Wellness! Join 'Wellness Spokeswoman' Kathleen Martin, LOACC to learn how to achieve 'Awesome Health' and Wellness and 'Thrive while you're Alive'! Health and wellness begins in the mind! Create a health consciousness using proven and effective steps to take daily from the top health and wellness experts, teachers, authors and resources and you will experience a vibrantly healthy life! 00:29:00Kathleen Martin LOACCnoAlternative Health,Raw Food,Organic lifestyle,Wellness,VegetarianJoin 'Wellness Spokeswoman' Kathleen Martin, LOACC to learn how to achieve 'Awesome Health' and Wellness and 'Thrive while you're Alive'! Health and wellness be