<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"><channel><title>Colin's Edge</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge</link><description>This show is a black community affairs show from Toronto. I will look at issues that affect the community as well as ways to improve them. Feel free to contact to contact me as colinsedge@gmail.com if you have any show ideas.</description><language>en</language><copyright>Copyright Colin Jobe (C/O Blogtalkradio)</copyright><pubDate>Sat, 15 Jun 2019 07:15:00 GMT</pubDate><lastBuildDate>Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><generator>BlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0</generator><cloud domain="rpc.rsscloud.org" port="5337" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="rssCloud.pleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" /><image><url>https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/5e0c8661-26c3-46d9-9160-d68f9900168ecolins_picture.jpg</url><title>Colin's Edge</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge</link><description>This show is a black community affairs show from Toronto. I will look at issues that affect the community as well as ways to improve them. Feel free to contact to contact me as colinsedge@gmail.com if you have any show ideas.</description></image><atom:link href="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/podcast" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /><itunes:owner><itunes:email>feeds@blogtalkradio.com</itunes:email><itunes:name>BlogTalkRadio.com</itunes:name></itunes:owner><itunes:keywords>current events,black,barack obama,black history,black people,motivation,africa,black community,toronto,black males</itunes:keywords><itunes:image href="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/api/image/resize/1400x1400/aHR0cHM6Ly9kYXNnN3h3bWxkaXg2LmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2hvc3RwaWNzLzVlMGM4NjYxLTI2YzMtNDZkOS05MTYwLWQ2OGY5OTAwMTY4ZWNvbGluc19waWN0dXJlLmpwZw/5e0c8661-26c3-46d9-9160-d68f9900168ecolins_picture.jpg?mode=Basic" /><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:subtitle>This show is a black community affairs show from Toronto. I will look at issues that affect the community as well as ways to improve them. Feel free to contact</itunes:subtitle><itunes:type>episodic</itunes:type><item><title>VibeAndVegas </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/30/vibeandvegas</link><description><![CDATA[This show will have an interview with Toronto podcasters Dr. Vibe and Vegas. Vibe and Vegas will be discussing the up coming election in Toronto.     ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will have an interview with Toronto podcasters Dr. Vibe and Vegas. Vibe and Vegas will be discussing the up coming election in Toronto.     ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/30/vibeandvegas/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/30/vibeandvegas.mp3" length="10498376" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/30/vibeandvegas</guid><pubDate>Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>VibeAndVegas </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will have an interview with Toronto podcasters Dr. Vibe and Vegas. Vibe and Vegas will be discussing the up coming election in Toronto.     ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will have an interview with Toronto podcasters Dr. Vibe and Vegas. Vibe and Vegas will be discussing the up coming election in Toronto.     </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Vibe and Vegas,Toronto podcasters,mayoral race,Toronto politics,local politics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will have an interview with Toronto podcasters Dr. Vibe and Vegas. Vibe and Vegas will be discussing the up coming election in Toronto.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>AuthorGaryHibbert</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/23/authorgaryhibbert</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at how black people can be free from poverty, crime and injustice with the author of the "How Blacks Can Succeed In the Americas, The Caribbean, Africa or anywhere else" Gary Hibbert. For more information on Gary's book please take a look at the website that is listed below.

http://www.garyhibbert.com/ ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at how black people can be free from poverty, crime and injustice with the author of the "How Blacks Can Succeed In the Americas, The Caribbean, Africa or anywhere else" Gary Hibbert. For more information on Gary's book please take a look at the website that is listed below.

http://www.garyhibbert.com/ ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Culture</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/23/authorgaryhibbert/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/23/authorgaryhibbert.mp3" length="10834472" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/09/23/authorgaryhibbert</guid><pubDate>Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>AuthorGaryHibbert</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at how black people can be free from poverty, crime and injustice with the author of the "How Blacks Can Succeed In the Americas, The Caribbean, Africa or anywhere else" Gary Hibbert. For more information on Gary's book please take a look at the website that is listed below.

http://www.garyhibbert.com/ ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at how black people can be free from poverty, crime and injustice with the author of the "How Blacks Can Succeed In the Americas, The Caribbean, Africa or anywhere else" Gary Hibbert. For more information on Gary's book please take a look at the website that is listed below.

http://www.garyhibbert.com/ </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:01:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Gary Hibbert,black people,African people,black success,black history</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at how black people can be free from poverty, crime and injustice with the author of the "How Blacks Can Succeed In the Americas, The Caribb</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GarnettManning</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/26/garnettmanning</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Jamaican national and candidate of the mayor of Brampton Garnett Manning. Garnett will discussing the issues and telling us why he should be the next mayor of Brampton.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Jamaican national and candidate of the mayor of Brampton Garnett Manning. Garnett will discussing the issues and telling us why he should be the next mayor of Brampton.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/26/garnettmanning/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/26/garnettmanning.mp3" length="14469874" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/26/garnettmanning</guid><pubDate>Thu, 26 Aug 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GarnettManning</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Jamaican national and candidate of the mayor of Brampton Garnett Manning. Garnett will discussing the issues and telling us why he should be the next mayor of Brampton.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature an interview with Jamaican national and candidate of the mayor of Brampton Garnett Manning. Garnett will discussing the issues and telling us why he should be the next mayor of Brampton.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:01:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Garnett Manning,Brampton Mayor Race,black politician,Brampton politics,Canadian politics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature an interview with Jamaican national and candidate of the mayor of Brampton Garnett Manning. Garnett will discussing the issues and tellin</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ObamaAndWyclef</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/19/obamaandwyclef</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at whether Barack Obama should run for a second term, and should Wyclef Jean should run for the president of Haiti. My special guest will be Dr. Vibe of the Vibe and Vegas show.  

http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at whether Barack Obama should run for a second term, and should Wyclef Jean should run for the president of Haiti. My special guest will be Dr. Vibe of the Vibe and Vegas show.  

http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/19/obamaandwyclef/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/19/obamaandwyclef.mp3" length="14342397" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/08/19/obamaandwyclef</guid><pubDate>Thu, 19 Aug 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ObamaAndWyclef</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at whether Barack Obama should run for a second term, and should Wyclef Jean should run for the president of Haiti. My special guest will be Dr. Vibe of the Vibe and Vegas show.  

http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at whether Barack Obama should run for a second term, and should Wyclef Jean should run for the president of Haiti. My special guest will be Dr. Vibe of the Vibe and Vegas show.  

http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Barack Obama,Wyclef Jean,Doctor Vibe,American politics,Haitian politics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at whether Barack Obama should run for a second term, and should Wyclef Jean should run for the president of Haiti. My special guest will be</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ronalyndallas</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/17/ronalyndallas</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature a show on courage and strength, and survival of a remarkable woman by the name of Ronalyn Dallas.  Ronalayn has faced death twice and survived. Ronalyn will be sharing incedible story with us tonight. Ronalyn can be contacted at (905) 799-0982.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature a show on courage and strength, and survival of a remarkable woman by the name of Ronalyn Dallas.  Ronalayn has faced death twice and survived. Ronalyn will be sharing incedible story with us tonight. Ronalyn can be contacted at (905) 799-0982.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/17/ronalyndallas/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/17/ronalyndallas.mp3" length="14504147" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/17/ronalyndallas</guid><pubDate>Thu, 17 Jun 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ronalyndallas</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature a show on courage and strength, and survival of a remarkable woman by the name of Ronalyn Dallas.  Ronalayn has faced death twice and survived. Ronalyn will be sharing incedible story with us tonight. Ronalyn can be contacted at (905) 799-0982.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature a show on courage and strength, and survival of a remarkable woman by the name of Ronalyn Dallas.  Ronalayn has faced death twice and survived. Ronalyn will be sharing incedible story with us tonight. Ronalyn can be contacted at (905) 799-0982.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:01:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>strength,courage,desire,remarkable,ronaldlyn dallas</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature a show on courage and strength, and survival of a remarkable woman by the name of Ronalyn Dallas.  Ronalayn has faced death twice and sur</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>CrisisInJamaica</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/03/crisisinjamaica</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the present crisis in Jamaica as it pertains to the deportation of Christoper "Dudas" Coke. My guest is Jamaican national and host of Africa Today on CHRY 105.5 FM Patrick Lee. Patrick will discuss the impact of this crisis on Jamaican society.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the present crisis in Jamaica as it pertains to the deportation of Christoper "Dudas" Coke. My guest is Jamaican national and host of Africa Today on CHRY 105.5 FM Patrick Lee. Patrick will discuss the impact of this crisis on Jamaican society.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/03/crisisinjamaica/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/03/crisisinjamaica.mp3" length="14531523" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/06/03/crisisinjamaica</guid><pubDate>Thu, 03 Jun 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>CrisisInJamaica</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the present crisis in Jamaica as it pertains to the deportation of Christoper "Dudas" Coke. My guest is Jamaican national and host of Africa Today on CHRY 105.5 FM Patrick Lee. Patrick will discuss the impact of this crisis on Jamaican society.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the present crisis in Jamaica as it pertains to the deportation of Christoper "Dudas" Coke. My guest is Jamaican national and host of Africa Today on CHRY 105.5 FM Patrick Lee. Patrick will discuss the impact of this crisis on Jamaican society.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Patrick Lee,Jamaica,Jamaican crisis,Bruce Golding,Jamaican politics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the present crisis in Jamaica as it pertains to the deportation of Christoper "Dudas" Coke. My guest is Jamaican national and host of Afr</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IsTheBlackClergyMisleadingBlackPeople    </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/27/istheblackclergymisleadingblackpeople</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature author Christopher C.Bell who will be discussing his new book "The Black Clergy Misguided Worship Leadership". Christopher believes that it is psychologically 
dangerous for black people to worship a non- black religious figures. 

http://www.drchrisbell.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature author Christopher C.Bell who will be discussing his new book "The Black Clergy Misguided Worship Leadership". Christopher believes that it is psychologically 
dangerous for black people to worship a non- black religious figures. 

http://www.drchrisbell.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Religion</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/27/istheblackclergymisleadingblackpeople/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/27/istheblackclergymisleadingblackpeople.mp3" length="14429750" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/27/istheblackclergymisleadingblackpeople</guid><pubDate>Thu, 27 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IsTheBlackClergyMisleadingBlackPeople    </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature author Christopher C.Bell who will be discussing his new book "The Black Clergy Misguided Worship Leadership". Christopher believes that it is psychologically 
dangerous for black people to worship a non- black religious figures. 

http://www.drchrisbell.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature author Christopher C.Bell who will be discussing his new book "The Black Clergy Misguided Worship Leadership". Christopher believes that it is psychologically 
dangerous for black people to worship a non- black religious figures. 

http://www.drchrisbell.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>black people,religion,black culture,black clergy,black men</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature author Christopher C.Bell who will be discussing his new book "The Black Clergy Misguided Worship Leadership". Christopher believes that</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>AuthorVidalChavannes  </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/20/authorvidalchavannes</link><description><![CDATA[This is show will feature a discussion with author Vidal Chavannes.  Vidal's book tackles some of the issues that affect the black community in Toronto and what can be done to improve them. Vidal's website is
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This is show will feature a discussion with author Vidal Chavannes.  Vidal's book tackles some of the issues that affect the black community in Toronto and what can be done to improve them. Vidal's website is
]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Culture</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/20/authorvidalchavannes/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/20/authorvidalchavannes.mp3" length="14509581" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/20/authorvidalchavannes</guid><pubDate>Thu, 20 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>AuthorVidalChavannes  </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This is show will feature a discussion with author Vidal Chavannes.  Vidal's book tackles some of the issues that affect the black community in Toronto and what can be done to improve them. Vidal's website is
]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This is show will feature a discussion with author Vidal Chavannes.  Vidal's book tackles some of the issues that affect the black community in Toronto and what can be done to improve them. Vidal's website is
</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Vidal Chavannes,Toronto,black people,blacks in Toronto,African Canadian</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This is show will feature a discussion with author Vidal Chavannes.  Vidal's book tackles some of the issues that affect the black community in Toronto and what</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RoccoAchampong</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/13/roccoachampong</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the mayoral race in Toronto with young African Canadian candidate Rocco Achampong. Rocco will be discussing the major issues that the will decide the mayoral race, and why the citizens of Toronto should consider voting for him.

Rocco's website is listed below.

http://www.roccoformayor.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the mayoral race in Toronto with young African Canadian candidate Rocco Achampong. Rocco will be discussing the major issues that the will decide the mayoral race, and why the citizens of Toronto should consider voting for him.

Rocco's website is listed below.

http://www.roccoformayor.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/13/roccoachampong/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/13/roccoachampong.mp3" length="13981489" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/13/roccoachampong</guid><pubDate>Thu, 13 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RoccoAchampong</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the mayoral race in Toronto with young African Canadian candidate Rocco Achampong. Rocco will be discussing the major issues that the will decide the mayoral race, and why the citizens of Toronto should consider voting for him.

Rocco's website is listed below.

http://www.roccoformayor.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the mayoral race in Toronto with young African Canadian candidate Rocco Achampong. Rocco will be discussing the major issues that the will decide the mayoral race, and why the citizens of Toronto should consider voting for him.

Rocco's website is listed below.

http://www.roccoformayor.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Rocco Achampong,mayor candidate,black mayor candidate,young candidate,black lawyer</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the mayoral race in Toronto with young African Canadian candidate Rocco Achampong. Rocco will be discussing the major issues that the wil</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RevWendellBrereton</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/06/revwendellbrereton</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming mayoral race in Toronto with African Candidate candidate Rev. Wendell Brereton. Rev. Brereton will us tell why he decided to join the mayoral race, and what he feels are the most important issues. Rev. Brereton's website is listed below. 

http://www.wendellbrereton.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming mayoral race in Toronto with African Candidate candidate Rev. Wendell Brereton. Rev. Brereton will us tell why he decided to join the mayoral race, and what he feels are the most important issues. Rev. Brereton's website is listed below. 

http://www.wendellbrereton.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/06/revwendellbrereton/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/06/revwendellbrereton.mp3" length="14395478" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/05/06/revwendellbrereton</guid><pubDate>Thu, 06 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RevWendellBrereton</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming mayoral race in Toronto with African Candidate candidate Rev. Wendell Brereton. Rev. Brereton will us tell why he decided to join the mayoral race, and what he feels are the most important issues. Rev. Brereton's website is listed below. 

http://www.wendellbrereton.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the upcoming mayoral race in Toronto with African Candidate candidate Rev. Wendell Brereton. Rev. Brereton will us tell why he decided to join the mayoral race, and what he feels are the most important issues. Rev. Brereton's website is listed below. 

http://www.wendellbrereton.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Wendell Brereton,Toronto mayoral race,christian candidate,black candidate,west indian candidate</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the upcoming mayoral race in Toronto with African Candidate candidate Rev. Wendell Brereton. Rev. Brereton will us tell why he decided to</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>FromFlabToFab </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/29/fromflabtofab</link><description><![CDATA[This show will dicuss how what is required for you to change your appearance from flab to fab with my guest Lennox Cadore. Lennox will be discussing his up coming weight loss seminar.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss how what is required for you to change your appearance from flab to fab with my guest Lennox Cadore. Lennox will be discussing his up coming weight loss seminar.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Weight Loss</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/29/fromflabtofab/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/29/fromflabtofab.mp3" length="14426407" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/29/fromflabtofab</guid><pubDate>Thu, 29 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>FromFlabToFab </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss how what is required for you to change your appearance from flab to fab with my guest Lennox Cadore. Lennox will be discussing his up coming weight loss seminar.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will dicuss how what is required for you to change your appearance from flab to fab with my guest Lennox Cadore. Lennox will be discussing his up coming weight loss seminar.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>weight loss,lose weight,healthy living,weight management,Lennox Cadore</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will dicuss how what is required for you to change your appearance from flab to fab with my guest Lennox Cadore. Lennox will be discussing his up comi</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>CanadianRealEstate </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/15/canadianrealestate</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at how the new rules will affect the Canadian Real estate market with my guest Frank Corbin of Remic Corp. Frank will also be discussing how the H.S.T. will affect the real estate market. 

www.remiccorp.com]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at how the new rules will affect the Canadian Real estate market with my guest Frank Corbin of Remic Corp. Frank will also be discussing how the H.S.T. will affect the real estate market. 

www.remiccorp.com]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Business</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/15/canadianrealestate/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/15/canadianrealestate.mp3" length="14166436" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/15/canadianrealestate</guid><pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>CanadianRealEstate </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at how the new rules will affect the Canadian Real estate market with my guest Frank Corbin of Remic Corp. Frank will also be discussing how the H.S.T. will affect the real estate market. 

www.remiccorp.com]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at how the new rules will affect the Canadian Real estate market with my guest Frank Corbin of Remic Corp. Frank will also be discussing how the H.S.T. will affect the real estate market. 

www.remiccorp.com</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Real Estate Investing,Canadian real estate,invest in real estate,mortgages,Toronto real estate</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at how the new rules will affect the Canadian Real estate market with my guest Frank Corbin of Remic Corp. Frank will also be discussing how</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ReelWorldFilmFestival  </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/06/reelworldfilmfestival</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Reel World Film Festival. My guest will be film maker Allison Wilson-Forbes. 

www.reelworld.ca ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Reel World Film Festival. My guest will be film maker Allison Wilson-Forbes. 

www.reelworld.ca ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Movies</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/06/reelworldfilmfestival/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/06/reelworldfilmfestival.mp3" length="14421809" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/04/06/reelworldfilmfestival</guid><pubDate>Tue, 06 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ReelWorldFilmFestival  </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Reel World Film Festival. My guest will be film maker Allison Wilson-Forbes. 

www.reelworld.ca ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the upcoming Reel World Film Festival. My guest will be film maker Allison Wilson-Forbes. 

www.reelworld.ca </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Film Festival,movies,Reel World Film Festival,international movies,Allison Wilson-Forbes</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the upcoming Reel World Film Festival. My guest will be film maker Allison Wilson-Forbes. 

www.reelworld.ca</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>8StrategiesToHighlyEffectiveCredit</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/30/8strategiestohighlyeffectivecredit</link><description><![CDATA[This show look at ways of creating highly effective credit with Frank Corbin of Remic Wealth Institute. Frank will also be discussing his new book "'8 Strategies To Highly Effective Credit. 

http://www.gethec.com]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show look at ways of creating highly effective credit with Frank Corbin of Remic Wealth Institute. Frank will also be discussing his new book "'8 Strategies To Highly Effective Credit. 

http://www.gethec.com]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Finance</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/30/8strategiestohighlyeffectivecredit/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/30/8strategiestohighlyeffectivecredit.mp3" length="14576663" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/30/8strategiestohighlyeffectivecredit</guid><pubDate>Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>8StrategiesToHighlyEffectiveCredit</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show look at ways of creating highly effective credit with Frank Corbin of Remic Wealth Institute. Frank will also be discussing his new book "'8 Strategies To Highly Effective Credit. 

http://www.gethec.com]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show look at ways of creating highly effective credit with Frank Corbin of Remic Wealth Institute. Frank will also be discussing his new book "'8 Strategies To Highly Effective Credit. 

http://www.gethec.com</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>credit repair,credit help,credit improvement,credit assistance,effective credit</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show look at ways of creating highly effective credit with Frank Corbin of Remic Wealth Institute. Frank will also be discussing his new book "'8 Strategie</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ParentingWithoutAnger</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/25/parentingwithoutanger</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the new and innovative techniques of becoming a more effective parent with my guest parent educator Claudia Tomlinson.

Claudia's website is http://seminars4life.ca/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the new and innovative techniques of becoming a more effective parent with my guest parent educator Claudia Tomlinson.

Claudia's website is http://seminars4life.ca/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Family</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/25/parentingwithoutanger/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/25/parentingwithoutanger.mp3" length="14436020" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/25/parentingwithoutanger</guid><pubDate>Thu, 25 Mar 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ParentingWithoutAnger</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the new and innovative techniques of becoming a more effective parent with my guest parent educator Claudia Tomlinson.

Claudia's website is http://seminars4life.ca/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the new and innovative techniques of becoming a more effective parent with my guest parent educator Claudia Tomlinson.

Claudia's website is http://seminars4life.ca/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>effective parenting,positive parenting,strong family,parenting,Claudia Tomlinson</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the new and innovative techniques of becoming a more effective parent with my guest parent educator Claudia Tomlinson.

Claudia's websi</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>TheHealthyDiva2</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/18/thehealthydiva2</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look the importance of having a balanced life with the my guest Deborah Allen(The Healthy Diva). Deborah will helps to look for the signs of being unbalanced and the techniques that you can use to get back on track.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look the importance of having a balanced life with the my guest Deborah Allen(The Healthy Diva). Deborah will helps to look for the signs of being unbalanced and the techniques that you can use to get back on track.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Health</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/18/thehealthydiva2/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/18/thehealthydiva2.mp3" length="14239161" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/18/thehealthydiva2</guid><pubDate>Thu, 18 Mar 2010 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>TheHealthyDiva2</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look the importance of having a balanced life with the my guest Deborah Allen(The Healthy Diva). Deborah will helps to look for the signs of being unbalanced and the techniques that you can use to get back on track.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look the importance of having a balanced life with the my guest Deborah Allen(The Healthy Diva). Deborah will helps to look for the signs of being unbalanced and the techniques that you can use to get back on track.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>healthy diva,balanced life,balanced living,Deborah Allen,health</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look the importance of having a balanced life with the my guest Deborah Allen(The Healthy Diva). Deborah will helps to look for the signs of bein</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>EnpoweringOurFamilies</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/11/enpoweringourfamilies</link><description><![CDATA[This show look will at recognizing traits in a healthy family with my guest family counsellor and educator Jennilyn Fiddler.

Jennilyn's website is www.empowermentprogram.com]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show look will at recognizing traits in a healthy family with my guest family counsellor and educator Jennilyn Fiddler.

Jennilyn's website is www.empowermentprogram.com]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Family</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/11/enpoweringourfamilies/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/11/enpoweringourfamilies.mp3" length="14583350" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/11/enpoweringourfamilies</guid><pubDate>Thu, 11 Mar 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>EnpoweringOurFamilies</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show look will at recognizing traits in a healthy family with my guest family counsellor and educator Jennilyn Fiddler.

Jennilyn's website is www.empowermentprogram.com]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show look will at recognizing traits in a healthy family with my guest family counsellor and educator Jennilyn Fiddler.

Jennilyn's website is www.empowermentprogram.com</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>family,functional family,strong family,positive family,healthy family</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show look will at recognizing traits in a healthy family with my guest family counsellor and educator Jennilyn Fiddler.

Jennilyn's website is www.empowe</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>SingleBlackFemale</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/04/singleblackfemale</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot upcoming play "Single Black Female" with producer Roger Dundas. Roger will be discussing the play which explores the lives of today's "Single Black Female".


Also, I will be discussing Canada's showing at the winter Olympics with Lennox Cadore. Should "Own The Podium" be disbanded? 

 ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot upcoming play "Single Black Female" with producer Roger Dundas. Roger will be discussing the play which explores the lives of today's "Single Black Female".


Also, I will be discussing Canada's showing at the winter Olympics with Lennox Cadore. Should "Own The Podium" be disbanded? 

 ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Entertainment</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/04/singleblackfemale/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/04/singleblackfemale.mp3" length="14428496" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/03/04/singleblackfemale</guid><pubDate>Thu, 04 Mar 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>SingleBlackFemale</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot upcoming play "Single Black Female" with producer Roger Dundas. Roger will be discussing the play which explores the lives of today's "Single Black Female".


Also, I will be discussing Canada's showing at the winter Olympics with Lennox Cadore. Should "Own The Podium" be disbanded? 

 ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the hot upcoming play "Single Black Female" with producer Roger Dundas. Roger will be discussing the play which explores the lives of today's "Single Black Female".


Also, I will be discussing Canada's showing at the winter Olympics with Lennox Cadore. Should "Own The Podium" be disbanded? 

 </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>black female,black relationships,black women,winter games,winter olympics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the hot upcoming play "Single Black Female" with producer Roger Dundas. Roger will be discussing the play which explores the lives of tod</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>TheHealthyDiva</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/25/thehealthydiva-1</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the ways that we can be healthy in 2010 with my guest Deborah Allen(aka The Healthy Diva). Deborah will also be discussing the upcoming Black Health And Wellness Show. Deborah's website is http://www.pranawellness.com]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the ways that we can be healthy in 2010 with my guest Deborah Allen(aka The Healthy Diva). Deborah will also be discussing the upcoming Black Health And Wellness Show. Deborah's website is http://www.pranawellness.com]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/25/thehealthydiva-1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/25/thehealthydiva-1.mp3" length="13409303" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/25/thehealthydiva-1</guid><pubDate>Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>TheHealthyDiva</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the ways that we can be healthy in 2010 with my guest Deborah Allen(aka The Healthy Diva). Deborah will also be discussing the upcoming Black Health And Wellness Show. Deborah's website is http://www.pranawellness.com]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the ways that we can be healthy in 2010 with my guest Deborah Allen(aka The Healthy Diva). Deborah will also be discussing the upcoming Black Health And Wellness Show. Deborah's website is http://www.pranawellness.com</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>health,the healthy diva,nutrition,healthy  living,Debroah Allen</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the ways that we can be healthy in 2010 with my guest Deborah Allen(aka The Healthy Diva). Deborah will also be discussing the upcoming B</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>HistoryOfHaiti</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/23/historyofhaiti</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the history of Haiti and why it is an important part of black history. My guest will be Jafrikayiti. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the history of Haiti and why it is an important part of black history. My guest will be Jafrikayiti. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">History</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/23/historyofhaiti/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/23/historyofhaiti.mp3" length="14611145" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/23/historyofhaiti</guid><pubDate>Tue, 23 Feb 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>HistoryOfHaiti</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the history of Haiti and why it is an important part of black history. My guest will be Jafrikayiti. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the history of Haiti and why it is an important part of black history. My guest will be Jafrikayiti. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Haiti,history of Haiti,Jafrikayiti,black history,Caribbean hstory</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the history of Haiti and why it is an important part of black history. My guest will be Jafrikayiti.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>DoBlackPeopleThinkTooMuchAboutRacism  </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/04/doblackpeoplethinktoomuchaboutracism</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of racism on the black race and also if discussing racism too much limits black thoughts. My guest will be Jason Kinte from Toronto Poets and Jason will be discussing the upcoming African Summit. Also, we will be posing the question is Canada ready for a black prime minister?]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of racism on the black race and also if discussing racism too much limits black thoughts. My guest will be Jason Kinte from Toronto Poets and Jason will be discussing the upcoming African Summit. Also, we will be posing the question is Canada ready for a black prime minister?]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/04/doblackpeoplethinktoomuchaboutracism/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/04/doblackpeoplethinktoomuchaboutracism.mp3" length="14480323" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/02/04/doblackpeoplethinktoomuchaboutracism</guid><pubDate>Thu, 04 Feb 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>DoBlackPeopleThinkTooMuchAboutRacism  </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of racism on the black race and also if discussing racism too much limits black thoughts. My guest will be Jason Kinte from Toronto Poets and Jason will be discussing the upcoming African Summit. Also, we will be posing the question is Canada ready for a black prime minister?]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the effects of racism on the black race and also if discussing racism too much limits black thoughts. My guest will be Jason Kinte from Toronto Poets and Jason will be discussing the upcoming African Summit. Also, we will be posing the question is Canada ready for a black prime minister?</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>black people,racism,Jason Kinte,African Summit,black community</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the effects of racism on the black race and also if discussing racism too much limits black thoughts. My guest will be Jason Kinte from T</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IMFandTheCaribbean  </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/29/imfandthecaribbean</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact that the IMF policies are having on Caribbean countries with my guest Cikiah Thomas of the Global African Congress. Cikiah will also be discussing the upcoming lecture that G.A.C will be conducting that will look at the potential economic crisis that is looming in the Caribbean.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact that the IMF policies are having on Caribbean countries with my guest Cikiah Thomas of the Global African Congress. Cikiah will also be discussing the upcoming lecture that G.A.C will be conducting that will look at the potential economic crisis that is looming in the Caribbean.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/29/imfandthecaribbean/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/29/imfandthecaribbean.mp3" length="14268209" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/29/imfandthecaribbean</guid><pubDate>Fri, 29 Jan 2010 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IMFandTheCaribbean  </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact that the IMF policies are having on Caribbean countries with my guest Cikiah Thomas of the Global African Congress. Cikiah will also be discussing the upcoming lecture that G.A.C will be conducting that will look at the potential economic crisis that is looming in the Caribbean.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the impact that the IMF policies are having on Caribbean countries with my guest Cikiah Thomas of the Global African Congress. Cikiah will also be discussing the upcoming lecture that G.A.C will be conducting that will look at the potential economic crisis that is looming in the Caribbean.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>IMF,Caribbean,Global African Congress,Cikiah Thomas,Economic Crisis</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the impact that the IMF policies are having on Caribbean countries with my guest Cikiah Thomas of the Global African Congress. Cikiah wil</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>DennisKimbro   </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/28/denniskimbro</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Legacy Festival featuring the author of "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" Dennis Kimbro. Dennis will be discussing benefits of wealth creation for the black community, and also his latest book "What Makes The Great, Great". 

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Legacy Festival featuring the author of "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" Dennis Kimbro. Dennis will be discussing benefits of wealth creation for the black community, and also his latest book "What Makes The Great, Great". 

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/28/denniskimbro/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/28/denniskimbro.mp3" length="14437274" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/28/denniskimbro</guid><pubDate>Thu, 28 Jan 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>DennisKimbro   </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming Legacy Festival featuring the author of "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" Dennis Kimbro. Dennis will be discussing benefits of wealth creation for the black community, and also his latest book "What Makes The Great, Great". 

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the upcoming Legacy Festival featuring the author of "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" Dennis Kimbro. Dennis will be discussing benefits of wealth creation for the black community, and also his latest book "What Makes The Great, Great". 

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Dennis Kimbro,wealth creation,The Legacy Festival,Think And Grow Rich,positive thinking</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the upcoming Legacy Festival featuring the author of "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" Dennis Kimbro. Dennis will be discussing benef</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>CrisisInHaiti</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/22/crisisinhaiti</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the earthquake that took place in Haiti on January 12th with my guest Haitian Meres Weche of www.afrotoronto.com. We will dicsuss Haiti's past and also look at what the earthquake means to Haiti's future.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the earthquake that took place in Haiti on January 12th with my guest Haitian Meres Weche of www.afrotoronto.com. We will dicsuss Haiti's past and also look at what the earthquake means to Haiti's future.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/22/crisisinhaiti/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/22/crisisinhaiti.mp3" length="14368519" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/22/crisisinhaiti</guid><pubDate>Fri, 22 Jan 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>CrisisInHaiti</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the earthquake that took place in Haiti on January 12th with my guest Haitian Meres Weche of www.afrotoronto.com. We will dicsuss Haiti's past and also look at what the earthquake means to Haiti's future.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the earthquake that took place in Haiti on January 12th with my guest Haitian Meres Weche of www.afrotoronto.com. We will dicsuss Haiti's past and also look at what the earthquake means to Haiti's future.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Haiti,earthquake in Haiti,crisis in Haiti,Meres Weche,natural disasters</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the earthquake that took place in Haiti on January 12th with my guest Haitian Meres Weche of www.afrotoronto.com. We will dicsuss Haiti's</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GetRidOfClutter2 </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/21/getridofclutter2</link><description><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life for 2010 with my guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. Maxine's website is listed below.

http://www.maxinehenry.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life for 2010 with my guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. Maxine's website is listed below.

http://www.maxinehenry.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Self Help</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/21/getridofclutter2/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/21/getridofclutter2.mp3" length="14415540" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2010/01/21/getridofclutter2</guid><pubDate>Thu, 21 Jan 2010 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GetRidOfClutter2 </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life for 2010 with my guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. Maxine's website is listed below.

http://www.maxinehenry.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life for 2010 with my guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. Maxine's website is listed below.

http://www.maxinehenry.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Maxine Henry,clutter,get organized,goals,resolution</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life for 2010 with my guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxi</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>NoelWalrond4</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/17/noelwalrond4</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature motivation speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how to fight of the challenges and threats to your dreams, and also how to use the holidays to work on your master plan for 2010. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature motivation speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how to fight of the challenges and threats to your dreams, and also how to use the holidays to work on your master plan for 2010. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Self Help</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/17/noelwalrond4/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/17/noelwalrond4.mp3" length="14432885" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/17/noelwalrond4</guid><pubDate>Thu, 17 Dec 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>NoelWalrond4</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature motivation speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how to fight of the challenges and threats to your dreams, and also how to use the holidays to work on your master plan for 2010. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature motivation speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how to fight of the challenges and threats to your dreams, and also how to use the holidays to work on your master plan for 2010. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Noel Walrond,Self Help,Motivation,Inspiration,dreams</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature motivation speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how to fight of the challenges and threats to your dreams, and also how to use t</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IsTigerWoodsStillARoleModel?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/10/istigerwoodsstillarolemodel</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the Tiger Woods scandal 
and ask if Tiger is still a good role model. We will also look at what can we learn from Tiger's tales and  are we unrealistic about our role models.

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the Tiger Woods scandal 
and ask if Tiger is still a good role model. We will also look at what can we learn from Tiger's tales and  are we unrealistic about our role models.

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/10/istigerwoodsstillarolemodel/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/10/istigerwoodsstillarolemodel.mp3" length="12375481" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/10/istigerwoodsstillarolemodel</guid><pubDate>Thu, 10 Dec 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IsTigerWoodsStillARoleModel?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the Tiger Woods scandal 
and ask if Tiger is still a good role model. We will also look at what can we learn from Tiger's tales and  are we unrealistic about our role models.

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the Tiger Woods scandal 
and ask if Tiger is still a good role model. We will also look at what can we learn from Tiger's tales and  are we unrealistic about our role models.

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Tiger Woods,Tiger,golf,Tiger Woods Affair,sports</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the Tiger Woods scandal 
and ask if Tiger is still a good role model. We will also look at what can we learn from Tiger's tales and  are</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>BlackAmericanInTheDesert </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/03/blackamericaninthedesert</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the history of blacks in Saudi Arabia with my guest author Sumanth. Sumanth will tell us about his new book Black American(Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom. 

Black American (Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom is a romantic adventure story based on the experiences of the author, who writes under the pseudonym Sumanth. He arrived in Arabia 17 years after Black slavery officially ended (1962) and a post slavery Black Saudi community was just beginning to form. Sumanth spent five years in Saudi Arabia, returning to the United States a few years before the start of 1st Gulf War.

Interacting with both White and Black Saudis, the author enjoyed Bedouin hospitality to an extent few of his fellow expatriates got opportunity to do.  It was a unique point in Saudi history. The Bedouins were struggling to adapt to the modern world and their former Black slaves were busy taking advantage of their new citizenship to participate in government programs that would ultimately help them become financially solvent, achieve full independence from the powerful families that once owned them, regain control of their own destines and be completely integrated into Saudi society.

For more information on the novel or to order the book, go to www.blackamericanindesert.com 

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the history of blacks in Saudi Arabia with my guest author Sumanth. Sumanth will tell us about his new book Black American(Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom. 

Black American (Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom is a romantic adventure story based on the experiences of the author, who writes under the pseudonym Sumanth. He arrived in Arabia 17 years after Black slavery officially ended (1962) and a post slavery Black Saudi community was just beginning to form. Sumanth spent five years in Saudi Arabia, returning to the United States a few years before the start of 1st Gulf War.

Interacting with both White and Black Saudis, the author enjoyed Bedouin hospitality to an extent few of his fellow expatriates got opportunity to do.  It was a unique point in Saudi history. The Bedouins were struggling to adapt to the modern world and their former Black slaves were busy taking advantage of their new citizenship to participate in government programs that would ultimately help them become financially solvent, achieve full independence from the powerful families that once owned them, regain control of their own destines and be completely integrated into Saudi society.

For more information on the novel or to order the book, go to www.blackamericanindesert.com 

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">History</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/03/blackamericaninthedesert/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/03/blackamericaninthedesert.mp3" length="14438528" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/12/03/blackamericaninthedesert</guid><pubDate>Thu, 03 Dec 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>BlackAmericanInTheDesert </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the history of blacks in Saudi Arabia with my guest author Sumanth. Sumanth will tell us about his new book Black American(Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom. 

Black American (Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom is a romantic adventure story based on the experiences of the author, who writes under the pseudonym Sumanth. He arrived in Arabia 17 years after Black slavery officially ended (1962) and a post slavery Black Saudi community was just beginning to form. Sumanth spent five years in Saudi Arabia, returning to the United States a few years before the start of 1st Gulf War.

Interacting with both White and Black Saudis, the author enjoyed Bedouin hospitality to an extent few of his fellow expatriates got opportunity to do.  It was a unique point in Saudi history. The Bedouins were struggling to adapt to the modern world and their former Black slaves were busy taking advantage of their new citizenship to participate in government programs that would ultimately help them become financially solvent, achieve full independence from the powerful families that once owned them, regain control of their own destines and be completely integrated into Saudi society.

For more information on the novel or to order the book, go to www.blackamericanindesert.com 

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the history of blacks in Saudi Arabia with my guest author Sumanth. Sumanth will tell us about his new book Black American(Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom. 

Black American (Amreekie Aswad) in the Desert Kingdom is a romantic adventure story based on the experiences of the author, who writes under the pseudonym Sumanth. He arrived in Arabia 17 years after Black slavery officially ended (1962) and a post slavery Black Saudi community was just beginning to form. Sumanth spent five years in Saudi Arabia, returning to the United States a few years before the start of 1st Gulf War.

Interacting with both White and Black Saudis, the author enjoyed Bedouin hospitality to an extent few of his fellow expatriates got opportunity to do.  It was a unique point in Saudi history. The Bedouins were struggling to adapt to the modern world and their former Black slaves were busy taking advantage of their new citizenship to participate in government programs that would ultimately help them become financially solvent, achieve full independence from the powerful families that once owned them, regain control of their own destines and be completely integrated into Saudi society.

For more information on the novel or to order the book, go to www.blackamericanindesert.com 

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Black Arabs,Saudi Arabia,Black American,Black History,Slavery</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the history of blacks in Saudi Arabia with my guest author Sumanth. Sumanth will tell us about his new book Black American(Amreekie Aswad</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RastafarianismRevealed</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/26/RastafarianismRevealed</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the concept of Rastafarianism with my special guest Ras Leon Saul of http://www.uprisingnewspaper.com/ 
Ras Leon will talk about the history of Rastafarian movement and it's impact on black communities globally.

 ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the concept of Rastafarianism with my special guest Ras Leon Saul of http://www.uprisingnewspaper.com/ 
Ras Leon will talk about the history of Rastafarian movement and it's impact on black communities globally.

 ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/26/RastafarianismRevealed/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/26/RastafarianismRevealed.mp3" length="14552630" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/26/RastafarianismRevealed</guid><pubDate>Thu, 26 Nov 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RastafarianismRevealed</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the concept of Rastafarianism with my special guest Ras Leon Saul of http://www.uprisingnewspaper.com/ 
Ras Leon will talk about the history of Rastafarian movement and it's impact on black communities globally.

 ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the concept of Rastafarianism with my special guest Ras Leon Saul of http://www.uprisingnewspaper.com/ 
Ras Leon will talk about the history of Rastafarian movement and it's impact on black communities globally.

 </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Ras Leon Saul,Rastafari,Rastafarian,Rasta,Black history</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the concept of Rastafarianism with my special guest Ras Leon Saul of http://www.uprisingnewspaper.com/ 
Ras Leon will talk about the his</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>NoelWalrond </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/19/noelwalrond</link><description><![CDATA[My guest is motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will talking about how to improve our lives through good relationships.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest is motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will talking about how to improve our lives through good relationships.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Self Help</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/19/noelwalrond/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/19/noelwalrond.mp3" length="14499759" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/19/noelwalrond</guid><pubDate>Thu, 19 Nov 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>NoelWalrond </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest is motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will talking about how to improve our lives through good relationships.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>My guest is motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will talking about how to improve our lives through good relationships.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Noel Walrond,self esteem,motivation,positive thinking,passion</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>My guest is motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will talking about how to improve our lives through good relationships.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>AritstRobertSmall</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/05/aritstrobertsmall</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature artist and community     activist Robert Small. Robert will be discussing the Legacy Festival which will taking place during black history month in February 2010. Robert will also be discussing the featured speaker of his event Dennis Kembro author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice and What Makes The Great Great. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature artist and community     activist Robert Small. Robert will be discussing the Legacy Festival which will taking place during black history month in February 2010. Robert will also be discussing the featured speaker of his event Dennis Kembro author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice and What Makes The Great Great. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/05/aritstrobertsmall/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/05/aritstrobertsmall.mp3" length="14351801" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/11/05/aritstrobertsmall</guid><pubDate>Thu, 05 Nov 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>AritstRobertSmall</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature artist and community     activist Robert Small. Robert will be discussing the Legacy Festival which will taking place during black history month in February 2010. Robert will also be discussing the featured speaker of his event Dennis Kembro author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice and What Makes The Great Great. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature artist and community     activist Robert Small. Robert will be discussing the Legacy Festival which will taking place during black history month in February 2010. Robert will also be discussing the featured speaker of his event Dennis Kembro author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice and What Makes The Great Great. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Robert Small,Dennis Kimbro,Legacy Festival,Black history month,black history</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature artist and community     activist Robert Small. Robert will be discussing the Legacy Festival which will taking place during black histor</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RelationshipExpertBrittenWilder</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/29/relationshipexpertbrittenwilder</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with author Britten Wilder. Britten will be discussing his new book Desperate Husbands, What men think, want and need. This book will help you how to improve your marriage or relationship. Britten's book is similar to Steve Harvey's book 'Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man'

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with author Britten Wilder. Britten will be discussing his new book Desperate Husbands, What men think, want and need. This book will help you how to improve your marriage or relationship. Britten's book is similar to Steve Harvey's book 'Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man'

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Women</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/29/relationshipexpertbrittenwilder/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/29/relationshipexpertbrittenwilder.mp3" length="14461724" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/29/relationshipexpertbrittenwilder</guid><pubDate>Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RelationshipExpertBrittenWilder</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with author Britten Wilder. Britten will be discussing his new book Desperate Husbands, What men think, want and need. This book will help you how to improve your marriage or relationship. Britten's book is similar to Steve Harvey's book 'Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man'

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature an interview with author Britten Wilder. Britten will be discussing his new book Desperate Husbands, What men think, want and need. This book will help you how to improve your marriage or relationship. Britten's book is similar to Steve Harvey's book 'Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man'

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Britten Wilder,Relationships,Love,Dating,Good Relationships</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature an interview with author Britten Wilder. Britten will be discussing his new book Desperate Husbands, What men think, want and need. This</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MotivationSpeakerNoelWalrond09</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/22/motivationspeakernoelwalrond09-1</link><description><![CDATA[This show will  feature a conversation with motivational speaker Noel walrond who will discuss  how to complete your goals for 2009 and  how to prepare for 2010.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will  feature a conversation with motivational speaker Noel walrond who will discuss  how to complete your goals for 2009 and  how to prepare for 2010.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Goals</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/22/motivationspeakernoelwalrond09-1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/22/motivationspeakernoelwalrond09-1.mp3" length="14501848" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/22/motivationspeakernoelwalrond09-1</guid><pubDate>Thu, 22 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MotivationSpeakerNoelWalrond09</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will  feature a conversation with motivational speaker Noel walrond who will discuss  how to complete your goals for 2009 and  how to prepare for 2010.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will  feature a conversation with motivational speaker Noel walrond who will discuss  how to complete your goals for 2009 and  how to prepare for 2010.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Noel Walrond,passion,positive thinking,possibility thinking,motivation</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will  feature a conversation with motivational speaker Noel walrond who will discuss  how to complete your goals for 2009 and  how to prepare for 2010</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ChrisRouseAndRyanSingh  </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/15/chrisrouseandryansingh</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature a interview with Toronto R and B sensation Chris Rouse and director of the hot play Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love Ryan Singh. Chris will be dicsussing his musical career and Ryan will tell us about his exciting new play.

Chris Rouse`s website is www.chrisrousemusic.com

Ryan`s website is: http://www.sexrelationshipsandsometimeslove.ca/_/Home.html]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature a interview with Toronto R and B sensation Chris Rouse and director of the hot play Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love Ryan Singh. Chris will be dicsussing his musical career and Ryan will tell us about his exciting new play.

Chris Rouse`s website is www.chrisrousemusic.com

Ryan`s website is: http://www.sexrelationshipsandsometimeslove.ca/_/Home.html]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Entertainment</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/15/chrisrouseandryansingh/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/15/chrisrouseandryansingh.mp3" length="14473845" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/15/chrisrouseandryansingh</guid><pubDate>Thu, 15 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ChrisRouseAndRyanSingh  </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature a interview with Toronto R and B sensation Chris Rouse and director of the hot play Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love Ryan Singh. Chris will be dicsussing his musical career and Ryan will tell us about his exciting new play.

Chris Rouse`s website is www.chrisrousemusic.com

Ryan`s website is: http://www.sexrelationshipsandsometimeslove.ca/_/Home.html]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature a interview with Toronto R and B sensation Chris Rouse and director of the hot play Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love Ryan Singh. Chris will be dicsussing his musical career and Ryan will tell us about his exciting new play.

Chris Rouse`s website is www.chrisrousemusic.com

Ryan`s website is: http://www.sexrelationshipsandsometimeslove.ca/_/Home.html</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Chris Rouse,Ryan Singh,sex relationships and sometimes love,Toronto theatre,Toronto RnB</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature a interview with Toronto R and B sensation Chris Rouse and director of the hot play Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love Ryan Singh. Chr</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GangViolenceInToronto</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/07/gangviolenceintoronto</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of gang violence in Toronto with my guest Rev. Keaton Austin. We will also discuss possible solutions to gang violence.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of gang violence in Toronto with my guest Rev. Keaton Austin. We will also discuss possible solutions to gang violence.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/07/gangviolenceintoronto/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/07/gangviolenceintoronto.mp3" length="14329022" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/07/gangviolenceintoronto</guid><pubDate>Wed, 07 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GangViolenceInToronto</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the effects of gang violence in Toronto with my guest Rev. Keaton Austin. We will also discuss possible solutions to gang violence.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the effects of gang violence in Toronto with my guest Rev. Keaton Austin. We will also discuss possible solutions to gang violence.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Gang Violence,Gangs in Toronto,Black males,street gangs,Dysfunctional families</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the effects of gang violence in Toronto with my guest Rev. Keaton Austin. We will also discuss possible solutions to gang violence.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IsTheBlackCommunityAfraidOfCounselling</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/01/istheblackcommunityafraidofcounselling</link><description><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the issue of counselling as it pertains to the black community. We will discuss individual,couple,group, marriage and family counseling with my guest Rev. Sky Starr director of Higher Healing Counseling Services.

www.higherhealingcounselling.com  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the issue of counselling as it pertains to the black community. We will discuss individual,couple,group, marriage and family counseling with my guest Rev. Sky Starr director of Higher Healing Counseling Services.

www.higherhealingcounselling.com  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Family</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/01/istheblackcommunityafraidofcounselling/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/01/istheblackcommunityafraidofcounselling.mp3" length="14449603" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/10/01/istheblackcommunityafraidofcounselling</guid><pubDate>Thu, 01 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IsTheBlackCommunityAfraidOfCounselling</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the issue of counselling as it pertains to the black community. We will discuss individual,couple,group, marriage and family counseling with my guest Rev. Sky Starr director of Higher Healing Counseling Services.

www.higherhealingcounselling.com  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will dicuss the issue of counselling as it pertains to the black community. We will discuss individual,couple,group, marriage and family counseling with my guest Rev. Sky Starr director of Higher Healing Counseling Services.

www.higherhealingcounselling.com  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>black community,black males,family counselling,marriage counselling,relationships</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will dicuss the issue of counselling as it pertains to the black community. We will discuss individual,couple,group, marriage and family counseling wi</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MedisinWithDrScottWhitaker</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/18/medisinwithdrscottwhitaker</link><description><![CDATA[This will look at the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and medical sins with author of Medisin Dr. Scott Whitaker.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This will look at the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and medical sins with author of Medisin Dr. Scott Whitaker.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Health</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/18/medisinwithdrscottwhitaker/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/18/medisinwithdrscottwhitaker.mp3" length="14434139" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/18/medisinwithdrscottwhitaker</guid><pubDate>Fri, 18 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MedisinWithDrScottWhitaker</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This will look at the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and medical sins with author of Medisin Dr. Scott Whitaker.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This will look at the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and medical sins with author of Medisin Dr. Scott Whitaker.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Medisin,Dr Scott Whitaker,Alterative medicine,Naturopatic medicine,Alternative medicine</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This will look at the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and medical sins with author of Medisin Dr. Scott Whitaker.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>InAndAroundAfricaExpo   </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/17/InAndAroundAfricaExpo-1</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming first annual In and Around Africa Expo which is taking place here in Toronto. This expo will show case African food,fashion, jewelery, and traditional wear. For more info. click on the link below.   

http://www.inandaroundafricaexpo.com/]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming first annual In and Around Africa Expo which is taking place here in Toronto. This expo will show case African food,fashion, jewelery, and traditional wear. For more info. click on the link below.   

http://www.inandaroundafricaexpo.com/]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/17/InAndAroundAfricaExpo-1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/17/InAndAroundAfricaExpo-1.mp3" length="14432258" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/17/InAndAroundAfricaExpo-1</guid><pubDate>Thu, 17 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>InAndAroundAfricaExpo   </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the upcoming first annual In and Around Africa Expo which is taking place here in Toronto. This expo will show case African food,fashion, jewelery, and traditional wear. For more info. click on the link below.   

http://www.inandaroundafricaexpo.com/]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the upcoming first annual In and Around Africa Expo which is taking place here in Toronto. This expo will show case African food,fashion, jewelery, and traditional wear. For more info. click on the link below.   

http://www.inandaroundafricaexpo.com/</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Africa,African designs,African culture,Black culture,African Canadian</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the upcoming first annual In and Around Africa Expo which is taking place here in Toronto. This expo will show case African food,fashion,</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>TurksAndCaicos </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/04/TurksAndCaicos</link><description><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the decision by the British to recolonize the Turks and Caicos islands with my guest Kofi Sankofa.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the decision by the British to recolonize the Turks and Caicos islands with my guest Kofi Sankofa.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/04/TurksAndCaicos/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/04/TurksAndCaicos.mp3" length="14422854" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/04/TurksAndCaicos</guid><pubDate>Fri, 04 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>TurksAndCaicos </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will dicuss the decision by the British to recolonize the Turks and Caicos islands with my guest Kofi Sankofa.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will dicuss the decision by the British to recolonize the Turks and Caicos islands with my guest Kofi Sankofa.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Turks and Caicos,Black History,Kofi Sankofa,West Indian history,Caribbean history</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will dicuss the decision by the British to recolonize the Turks and Caicos islands with my guest Kofi Sankofa.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/03/MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the benefits of Meditation and Emotional Intelligence with my guest well being consultant Navin Chauhan.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the benefits of Meditation and Emotional Intelligence with my guest well being consultant Navin Chauhan.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Health</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/03/MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/03/MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence.mp3" length="14468621" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/09/03/MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence</guid><pubDate>Thu, 03 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MeditationAndEmotionaIIntelligence</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the benefits of Meditation and Emotional Intelligence with my guest well being consultant Navin Chauhan.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the benefits of Meditation and Emotional Intelligence with my guest well being consultant Navin Chauhan.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Meditation,Emotional Intelligence,Health and Wellness,emotional control,emotional well being</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the benefits of Meditation and Emotional Intelligence with my guest well being consultant Navin Chauhan.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GuyanaDiasporaConference</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/08/13/GuyanaDiasporaConference</link><description><![CDATA[Wednesday's Show will discuss the upcoming Guyana Diaspora Conference which is being held on Sunday August 16th  in Toronto. My guest will be Derek Kowlessar, Malcolm Cho-Kee. I will also have Sheila Holder who is representative of the 
Alliance For Change a new political party in Guyana. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Wednesday's Show will discuss the upcoming Guyana Diaspora Conference which is being held on Sunday August 16th  in Toronto. My guest will be Derek Kowlessar, Malcolm Cho-Kee. I will also have Sheila Holder who is representative of the 
Alliance For Change a new political party in Guyana. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Culture</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/08/13/GuyanaDiasporaConference/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/08/13/GuyanaDiasporaConference.mp3" length="14439990" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/08/13/GuyanaDiasporaConference</guid><pubDate>Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GuyanaDiasporaConference</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Wednesday's Show will discuss the upcoming Guyana Diaspora Conference which is being held on Sunday August 16th  in Toronto. My guest will be Derek Kowlessar, Malcolm Cho-Kee. I will also have Sheila Holder who is representative of the 
Alliance For Change a new political party in Guyana. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Wednesday's Show will discuss the upcoming Guyana Diaspora Conference which is being held on Sunday August 16th  in Toronto. My guest will be Derek Kowlessar, Malcolm Cho-Kee. I will also have Sheila Holder who is representative of the 
Alliance For Change a new political party in Guyana. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Guyana Diaspora Conference,Alliance For Change,Derek Kowlessar,Malcolm Cho-Kee,Sheila Holder</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Wednesday's Show will discuss the upcoming Guyana Diaspora Conference which is being held on Sunday August 16th  in Toronto. My guest will be Derek Kowlessar, M</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>4mypeopledem</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/16/4mypeopledem</link><description><![CDATA[This show will profile Lennox Cadore of new urban website 4mypeopledem.com. Lennox will be discussing the many aspects of his website and how you can benefit from logging on to the website.   ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will profile Lennox Cadore of new urban website 4mypeopledem.com. Lennox will be discussing the many aspects of his website and how you can benefit from logging on to the website.   ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/16/4mypeopledem/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/16/4mypeopledem.mp3" length="14411987" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/16/4mypeopledem</guid><pubDate>Thu, 16 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>4mypeopledem</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will profile Lennox Cadore of new urban website 4mypeopledem.com. Lennox will be discussing the many aspects of his website and how you can benefit from logging on to the website.   ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will profile Lennox Cadore of new urban website 4mypeopledem.com. Lennox will be discussing the many aspects of his website and how you can benefit from logging on to the website.   </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>4mypeopledem,new media,Toronto media,black media,black Toronto website</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will profile Lennox Cadore of new urban website 4mypeopledem.com. Lennox will be discussing the many aspects of his website and how you can benefit fr</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MichaelJackson</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/03/MichaelJackson</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the  life and times of Michael Jackson. We will look at the highs and lows of his career and life.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the  life and times of Michael Jackson. We will look at the highs and lows of his career and life.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/03/MichaelJackson/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/03/MichaelJackson.mp3" length="14418883" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/07/03/MichaelJackson</guid><pubDate>Fri, 03 Jul 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MichaelJackson</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the  life and times of Michael Jackson. We will look at the highs and lows of his career and life.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the  life and times of Michael Jackson. We will look at the highs and lows of his career and life.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Michael Jackson,Entertainment,Music,Pop culture,Michael Jackson is dead</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the  life and times of Michael Jackson. We will look at the highs and lows of his career and life.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>BlackGayPride</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/25/BlackGayPride</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the look at Gay Pride as it relates to the black community. Is the black community afraid of Gay Pride? Are their fears real or imagined? My Guest will be David Lewis-Peart of Black Cap and Dream Taylor.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the look at Gay Pride as it relates to the black community. Is the black community afraid of Gay Pride? Are their fears real or imagined? My Guest will be David Lewis-Peart of Black Cap and Dream Taylor.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/25/BlackGayPride/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/25/BlackGayPride.mp3" length="13032722" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/25/BlackGayPride</guid><pubDate>Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>BlackGayPride</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the look at Gay Pride as it relates to the black community. Is the black community afraid of Gay Pride? Are their fears real or imagined? My Guest will be David Lewis-Peart of Black Cap and Dream Taylor.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the look at Gay Pride as it relates to the black community. Is the black community afraid of Gay Pride? Are their fears real or imagined? My Guest will be David Lewis-Peart of Black Cap and Dream Taylor.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Gay Pride,Black,Toronto,Fear,Prejudice</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the look at Gay Pride as it relates to the black community. Is the black community afraid of Gay Pride? Are their fears real or imagined?</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>KettleBellTraining</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/11/KettleBellTraining</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot fitness craze of Kettlebell training with master trainer and Kettlebell expert Ajamu Bernard. Ajamu is will be discussing his new DVD and how you can get in get in shape by adapting Kettlebell training. Take a look at Ajamu's website www.kbelltrainingacademy.com

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot fitness craze of Kettlebell training with master trainer and Kettlebell expert Ajamu Bernard. Ajamu is will be discussing his new DVD and how you can get in get in shape by adapting Kettlebell training. Take a look at Ajamu's website www.kbelltrainingacademy.com

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/11/KettleBellTraining/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/11/KettleBellTraining.mp3" length="14157241" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/06/11/KettleBellTraining</guid><pubDate>Thu, 11 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>KettleBellTraining</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the hot fitness craze of Kettlebell training with master trainer and Kettlebell expert Ajamu Bernard. Ajamu is will be discussing his new DVD and how you can get in get in shape by adapting Kettlebell training. Take a look at Ajamu's website www.kbelltrainingacademy.com

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the hot fitness craze of Kettlebell training with master trainer and Kettlebell expert Ajamu Bernard. Ajamu is will be discussing his new DVD and how you can get in get in shape by adapting Kettlebell training. Take a look at Ajamu's website www.kbelltrainingacademy.com

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Kettlebells,Ajamu Bernard,Fitness,Weight Loss,Self defense</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the hot fitness craze of Kettlebell training with master trainer and Kettlebell expert Ajamu Bernard. Ajamu is will be discussing his new</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>CCAC</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/28/CCAC</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at a new organization called the Council of Caribbean Associations Canada (CCAC) with my guest Claudia Davis Ewan.

CCAC comprises of thirteen (13) national organizations representing twelve (12) Caribbean countries.  Its mission is to foster understanding, harmony and cooperation among organizations committed to the economic, social, cultural and political advancement of Caribbean peoples living in Canada.    ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at a new organization called the Council of Caribbean Associations Canada (CCAC) with my guest Claudia Davis Ewan.

CCAC comprises of thirteen (13) national organizations representing twelve (12) Caribbean countries.  Its mission is to foster understanding, harmony and cooperation among organizations committed to the economic, social, cultural and political advancement of Caribbean peoples living in Canada.    ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/28/CCAC/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/28/CCAC.mp3" length="14453574" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/28/CCAC</guid><pubDate>Thu, 28 May 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>CCAC</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at a new organization called the Council of Caribbean Associations Canada (CCAC) with my guest Claudia Davis Ewan.

CCAC comprises of thirteen (13) national organizations representing twelve (12) Caribbean countries.  Its mission is to foster understanding, harmony and cooperation among organizations committed to the economic, social, cultural and political advancement of Caribbean peoples living in Canada.    ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at a new organization called the Council of Caribbean Associations Canada (CCAC) with my guest Claudia Davis Ewan.

CCAC comprises of thirteen (13) national organizations representing twelve (12) Caribbean countries.  Its mission is to foster understanding, harmony and cooperation among organizations committed to the economic, social, cultural and political advancement of Caribbean peoples living in Canada.    </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Caribbean Council,Claudia Davis Ewan,CCAC,West Indian,Toronto organization</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at a new organization called the Council of Caribbean Associations Canada (CCAC) with my guest Claudia Davis Ewan.

CCAC comprises of thir</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>jcabusinesssocial</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/21/jcabusinesssocial</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discussing the upcoming business social at the Jamaican Canadian Association with my guest Rosemary Powell.

]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discussing the upcoming business social at the Jamaican Canadian Association with my guest Rosemary Powell.

]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/21/jcabusinesssocial/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/21/jcabusinesssocial.mp3" length="14429750" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/21/jcabusinesssocial</guid><pubDate>Thu, 21 May 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>jcabusinesssocial</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discussing the upcoming business social at the Jamaican Canadian Association with my guest Rosemary Powell.

]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discussing the upcoming business social at the Jamaican Canadian Association with my guest Rosemary Powell.

</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Networking,Jamacian Canadian As,JCA,Black Community,business opportunity</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discussing the upcoming business social at the Jamaican Canadian Association with my guest Rosemary Powell.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IsSwineFluAHoax09</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/14/IsSwineFluAHoax09</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss the swine flu scare that has been going on over last few weeks.I will discuss if Swine Flu was overblown by the media or if it something that needs to be taken seriously.My guest will be Brother Kwame of CHRY 105.5 FM.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the swine flu scare that has been going on over last few weeks.I will discuss if Swine Flu was overblown by the media or if it something that needs to be taken seriously.My guest will be Brother Kwame of CHRY 105.5 FM.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/14/IsSwineFluAHoax09/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/14/IsSwineFluAHoax09.mp3" length="14486175" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/14/IsSwineFluAHoax09</guid><pubDate>Thu, 14 May 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IsSwineFluAHoax09</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss the swine flu scare that has been going on over last few weeks.I will discuss if Swine Flu was overblown by the media or if it something that needs to be taken seriously.My guest will be Brother Kwame of CHRY 105.5 FM.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss the swine flu scare that has been going on over last few weeks.I will discuss if Swine Flu was overblown by the media or if it something that needs to be taken seriously.My guest will be Brother Kwame of CHRY 105.5 FM.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Swine Flu,H1N1,Brother Kwame,Mexico,Health</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss the swine flu scare that has been going on over last few weeks.I will discuss if Swine Flu was overblown by the media or if it something</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>VisionsOfScience2009</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/07/visionsofscience2009</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Angelita Elliott and Francis Jeffers of Visions of Science. We will  be discussing the upcoming Vision of Science Symposium as well as the education as it relates to black students. Has education has been devalued by African Canadians and how it is reflected in our community? Also, what is the role of black parents and how does it impact their children? 

For more information on the Visions of Science Symposium please visit http://www.vosnl.org/
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Angelita Elliott and Francis Jeffers of Visions of Science. We will  be discussing the upcoming Vision of Science Symposium as well as the education as it relates to black students. Has education has been devalued by African Canadians and how it is reflected in our community? Also, what is the role of black parents and how does it impact their children? 

For more information on the Visions of Science Symposium please visit http://www.vosnl.org/
]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/07/visionsofscience2009/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/07/visionsofscience2009.mp3" length="14406763" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/05/07/visionsofscience2009</guid><pubDate>Thu, 07 May 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>VisionsOfScience2009</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Angelita Elliott and Francis Jeffers of Visions of Science. We will  be discussing the upcoming Vision of Science Symposium as well as the education as it relates to black students. Has education has been devalued by African Canadians and how it is reflected in our community? Also, what is the role of black parents and how does it impact their children? 

For more information on the Visions of Science Symposium please visit http://www.vosnl.org/
]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature an interview with Angelita Elliott and Francis Jeffers of Visions of Science. We will  be discussing the upcoming Vision of Science Symposium as well as the education as it relates to black students. Has education has been devalued by African Canadians and how it is reflected in our community? Also, what is the role of black parents and how does it impact their children? 

For more information on the Visions of Science Symposium please visit http://www.vosnl.org/
</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Visions Of Science,Angelita Elliot,Frances Jeffers,Education,Black Parents</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature an interview with Angelita Elliott and Francis Jeffers of Visions of Science. We will  be discussing the upcoming Vision of Science Sympo</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>ObamaWillBeInTrinidad</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/16/ObamaWillBeInTrinidad</link><description><![CDATA[Barack Obama will be appearing at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad from April 17th to the 19th. thiis show will dicuss the impact of his visit on people of the Caribbean especially those from Trinidad. My guest will be Trindadian native Roy Green of CHRY 105.5 FM Toronto.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Barack Obama will be appearing at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad from April 17th to the 19th. thiis show will dicuss the impact of his visit on people of the Caribbean especially those from Trinidad. My guest will be Trindadian native Roy Green of CHRY 105.5 FM Toronto.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/16/ObamaWillBeInTrinidad/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/16/ObamaWillBeInTrinidad.mp3" length="14457127" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/16/ObamaWillBeInTrinidad</guid><pubDate>Thu, 16 Apr 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>ObamaWillBeInTrinidad</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Barack Obama will be appearing at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad from April 17th to the 19th. thiis show will dicuss the impact of his visit on people of the Caribbean especially those from Trinidad. My guest will be Trindadian native Roy Green of CHRY 105.5 FM Toronto.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Barack Obama will be appearing at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad from April 17th to the 19th. thiis show will dicuss the impact of his visit on people of the Caribbean especially those from Trinidad. My guest will be Trindadian native Roy Green of CHRY 105.5 FM Toronto.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Barack Obama,Trinidad,Caribbean People,Summit of the Americas,Caribbean Summit</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Barack Obama will be appearing at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad from April 17th to the 19th. thiis show will dicuss the impact of his visit on people o</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/02/DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact of foreign aid to the developing world.My guest is professor Amin Alhassan. Mr Alhassan is a native of Ghana and a professor of communication studies at York University in Toronto.   ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact of foreign aid to the developing world.My guest is professor Amin Alhassan. Mr Alhassan is a native of Ghana and a professor of communication studies at York University in Toronto.   ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/02/DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/02/DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401.mp3" length="14487638" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/04/02/DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401</guid><pubDate>Thu, 02 Apr 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>DoesForiegnAidHurtDevelopingCountries0401</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the impact of foreign aid to the developing world.My guest is professor Amin Alhassan. Mr Alhassan is a native of Ghana and a professor of communication studies at York University in Toronto.   ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the impact of foreign aid to the developing world.My guest is professor Amin Alhassan. Mr Alhassan is a native of Ghana and a professor of communication studies at York University in Toronto.   </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Aid,developing World,Amin Alhassan,Africa,Ghana</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the impact of foreign aid to the developing world.My guest is professor Amin Alhassan. Mr Alhassan is a native of Ghana and a professor o</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MpenziFilmFestival</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/26/MpenziFilmFestival</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Adonica Huggins program director of Mpenzi Film Festival. The Mpenzi Film Festival is a international film and video festival that celebrates the work of straight and queer black women.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Adonica Huggins program director of Mpenzi Film Festival. The Mpenzi Film Festival is a international film and video festival that celebrates the work of straight and queer black women.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/26/MpenziFilmFestival/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/26/MpenziFilmFestival.mp3" length="14479279" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/26/MpenziFilmFestival</guid><pubDate>Thu, 26 Mar 2009 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MpenziFilmFestival</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature an interview with Adonica Huggins program director of Mpenzi Film Festival. The Mpenzi Film Festival is a international film and video festival that celebrates the work of straight and queer black women.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature an interview with Adonica Huggins program director of Mpenzi Film Festival. The Mpenzi Film Festival is a international film and video festival that celebrates the work of straight and queer black women.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Mpenzi Film Festival,Black women,black movies,Black film festival,Canadian Film festival</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature an interview with Adonica Huggins program director of Mpenzi Film Festival. The Mpenzi Film Festival is a international film and video fe</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>IsObamaniaProblematic?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/05/IsObamaniaProblematic</link><description><![CDATA[This show will look at the positives and negatives of Obamamania. Is the black community learning or we just become victims of hype? ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the positives and negatives of Obamamania. Is the black community learning or we just become victims of hype? ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/05/IsObamaniaProblematic/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/05/IsObamaniaProblematic.mp3" length="14436647" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/03/05/IsObamaniaProblematic</guid><pubDate>Thu, 05 Mar 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>IsObamaniaProblematic?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will look at the positives and negatives of Obamamania. Is the black community learning or we just become victims of hype? ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will look at the positives and negatives of Obamamania. Is the black community learning or we just become victims of hype? </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Barack Obama,Obamania,African American,black,american politics</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will look at the positives and negatives of Obamamania. Is the black community learning or we just become victims of hype?</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Noel Walrond</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/02/26/noel-walrond</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how turn your passion into profit. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how turn your passion into profit. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/02/26/noel-walrond/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/02/26/noel-walrond.mp3" length="14421600" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2009/02/26/noel-walrond</guid><pubDate>Thu, 26 Feb 2009 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Noel Walrond</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how turn your passion into profit. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how turn your passion into profit. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>passion,profit,postive thinking,motivation,possibility thinking</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature motivational speaker Noel Walrond. Noel will be discussing how turn your passion into profit.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>AuthorSeanLiburd </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/18/authorseanliburd--1</link><description><![CDATA[This week's show will feature co- owner of http://www.knowledgebookstore.com/search/index.
and author of the book Awaken the Mind Sean Liburd. Sean will be discussing his new book and Afrocentric gift ideas for the holiday season.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will feature co- owner of http://www.knowledgebookstore.com/search/index.
and author of the book Awaken the Mind Sean Liburd. Sean will be discussing his new book and Afrocentric gift ideas for the holiday season.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/18/authorseanliburd--1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/18/authorseanliburd--1.mp3" length="14418674" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/18/authorseanliburd--1</guid><pubDate>Thu, 18 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>AuthorSeanLiburd </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will feature co- owner of http://www.knowledgebookstore.com/search/index.
and author of the book Awaken the Mind Sean Liburd. Sean will be discussing his new book and Afrocentric gift ideas for the holiday season.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This week's show will feature co- owner of http://www.knowledgebookstore.com/search/index.
and author of the book Awaken the Mind Sean Liburd. Sean will be discussing his new book and Afrocentric gift ideas for the holiday season.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Sean Liburd,Awaken The Mind,Knowledge Bookstore,Afrocentric gifts,Kwanzaa</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This week's show will feature co- owner of http://www.knowledgebookstore.com/search/index.
and author of the book Awaken the Mind Sean Liburd. Sean will be dis</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>StephenHarperAndOJ</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/11/StephenHarperAndOJ</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss two events that have taken place over the last week. The first topic is  Stephen Harper, will he survive as Canada's prime minister, and O.J.Simpson was his sentence fair or payback? ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss two events that have taken place over the last week. The first topic is  Stephen Harper, will he survive as Canada's prime minister, and O.J.Simpson was his sentence fair or payback? ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/11/StephenHarperAndOJ/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/11/StephenHarperAndOJ.mp3" length="14451693" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/11/StephenHarperAndOJ</guid><pubDate>Thu, 11 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>StephenHarperAndOJ</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss two events that have taken place over the last week. The first topic is  Stephen Harper, will he survive as Canada's prime minister, and O.J.Simpson was his sentence fair or payback? ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss two events that have taken place over the last week. The first topic is  Stephen Harper, will he survive as Canada's prime minister, and O.J.Simpson was his sentence fair or payback? </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Stephen Harper,Canadian politics,OJ,OJ Simpson,Justice</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss two events that have taken place over the last week. The first topic is  Stephen Harper, will he survive as Canada's prime minister, and</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>AfrocentricSchool</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/04/AfrocentricSchool</link><description><![CDATA[This show will explain the new developments with the Afrocentric school here in Toronto.My guest will be Lloyd McKell. Lloyd is an executive Officer with the Toronto District School Board.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will explain the new developments with the Afrocentric school here in Toronto.My guest will be Lloyd McKell. Lloyd is an executive Officer with the Toronto District School Board.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/04/AfrocentricSchool/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/04/AfrocentricSchool.mp3" length="14419301" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/12/04/AfrocentricSchool</guid><pubDate>Thu, 04 Dec 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>AfrocentricSchool</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will explain the new developments with the Afrocentric school here in Toronto.My guest will be Lloyd McKell. Lloyd is an executive Officer with the Toronto District School Board.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will explain the new developments with the Afrocentric school here in Toronto.My guest will be Lloyd McKell. Lloyd is an executive Officer with the Toronto District School Board.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Afrocentric School,Alternative School,Black School,Toronto,School For Blacks</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will explain the new developments with the Afrocentric school here in Toronto.My guest will be Lloyd McKell. Lloyd is an executive Officer with the To</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GetRidOfClutter</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/27/GetRidOfClutter</link><description><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life with our guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life with our guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/27/GetRidOfClutter/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/27/GetRidOfClutter.mp3" length="14424944" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/27/GetRidOfClutter</guid><pubDate>Thu, 27 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GetRidOfClutter</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life with our guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life with our guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The Maximizer which is a organizining service. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>clutter,clutter free,get organized,organized</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This week's show will discuss the benefits getting organized by removing clutter from your life with our guest Maxine Henry. Maxine is the owner of Maxine The M</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>MKAsante</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/20/MKAsante</link><description><![CDATA[This show is about a highly anticipated movie "The Black Candle: A Kwanzaa Celebration." directed by MK Asante, and narrated by Maya Angelou . This movie looks at the seven principles of Kwanzaa as central to the lives of African Americans, many of whom celebrate the tradition with a harvest festival from Dec. 26 to Jan.1. 
  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show is about a highly anticipated movie "The Black Candle: A Kwanzaa Celebration." directed by MK Asante, and narrated by Maya Angelou . This movie looks at the seven principles of Kwanzaa as central to the lives of African Americans, many of whom celebrate the tradition with a harvest festival from Dec. 26 to Jan.1. 
  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Entertainment</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/20/MKAsante/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/20/MKAsante.mp3" length="13514838" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/20/MKAsante</guid><pubDate>Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>MKAsante</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show is about a highly anticipated movie "The Black Candle: A Kwanzaa Celebration." directed by MK Asante, and narrated by Maya Angelou . This movie looks at the seven principles of Kwanzaa as central to the lives of African Americans, many of whom celebrate the tradition with a harvest festival from Dec. 26 to Jan.1. 
  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show is about a highly anticipated movie "The Black Candle: A Kwanzaa Celebration." directed by MK Asante, and narrated by Maya Angelou . This movie looks at the seven principles of Kwanzaa as central to the lives of African Americans, many of whom celebrate the tradition with a harvest festival from Dec. 26 to Jan.1. 
  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>MK Asante,Kwanzaa,The Black Candle,Maya Angelou,African  Americans</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show is about a highly anticipated movie "The Black Candle: A Kwanzaa Celebration." directed by MK Asante, and narrated by Maya Angelou . This movie looks</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>GroupEconomics </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/13/GroupEconomics-</link><description><![CDATA[This show will take a look at the concept of group economics and its abilty to help the black community grow economically. My guest will be Gwen Richardson author of "Why African Americans Can Get Ahead, and How We Can Solve It Through Group Economics.   ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will take a look at the concept of group economics and its abilty to help the black community grow economically. My guest will be Gwen Richardson author of "Why African Americans Can Get Ahead, and How We Can Solve It Through Group Economics.   ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Finance</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/13/GroupEconomics-/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/13/GroupEconomics-.mp3" length="14423899" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/13/GroupEconomics-</guid><pubDate>Thu, 13 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>GroupEconomics </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will take a look at the concept of group economics and its abilty to help the black community grow economically. My guest will be Gwen Richardson author of "Why African Americans Can Get Ahead, and How We Can Solve It Through Group Economics.   ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will take a look at the concept of group economics and its abilty to help the black community grow economically. My guest will be Gwen Richardson author of "Why African Americans Can Get Ahead, and How We Can Solve It Through Group Economics.   </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Group Economics,Money,black people,poverty,economic development</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will take a look at the concept of group economics and its abilty to help the black community grow economically. My guest will be Gwen Richardson auth</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>What if Obama wins the election?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/06/What-if-Obama-wins-the-election</link><description><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the impact on the world in general and the black world in particular if Barack Obama wins the U.S. election. 
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the impact on the world in general and the black world in particular if Barack Obama wins the U.S. election. 
]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Elections</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/06/What-if-Obama-wins-the-election/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/06/What-if-Obama-wins-the-election.mp3" length="14424108" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/11/06/What-if-Obama-wins-the-election</guid><pubDate>Thu, 06 Nov 2008 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>What if Obama wins the election?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's show will discuss the impact on the world in general and the black world in particular if Barack Obama wins the U.S. election. 
]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This week's show will discuss the impact on the world in general and the black world in particular if Barack Obama wins the U.S. election. 
</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Barack Obama,The Election,Black people,Black Americans,Election 2008</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This week's show will discuss the impact on the world in general and the black world in particular if Barack Obama wins the U.S. election.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>VernalBanton </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/23/VernalBanton--1</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature author Vernal Banton. Vernal will be discussing his new book Joy 111.JOY111 is the follow up to his first book What Often Works(WOW). The much anticipated sophomore project will showcase Banton's original, definitive work, such as 66 poems, 33 adages, 11 reflections and 1 wish. There will be 5 personalized poem dedications. 
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature author Vernal Banton. Vernal will be discussing his new book Joy 111.JOY111 is the follow up to his first book What Often Works(WOW). The much anticipated sophomore project will showcase Banton's original, definitive work, such as 66 poems, 33 adages, 11 reflections and 1 wish. There will be 5 personalized poem dedications. 
]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Books</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/23/VernalBanton--1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/23/VernalBanton--1.mp3" length="14496624" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/23/VernalBanton--1</guid><pubDate>Thu, 23 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>VernalBanton </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature author Vernal Banton. Vernal will be discussing his new book Joy 111.JOY111 is the follow up to his first book What Often Works(WOW). The much anticipated sophomore project will showcase Banton's original, definitive work, such as 66 poems, 33 adages, 11 reflections and 1 wish. There will be 5 personalized poem dedications. 
]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature author Vernal Banton. Vernal will be discussing his new book Joy 111.JOY111 is the follow up to his first book What Often Works(WOW). The much anticipated sophomore project will showcase Banton's original, definitive work, such as 66 poems, 33 adages, 11 reflections and 1 wish. There will be 5 personalized poem dedications. 
</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Vernal Banton,Inspirational Books,Poetry,Motivation,Black Authors</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature author Vernal Banton. Vernal will be discussing his new book Joy 111.JOY111 is the follow up to his first book What Often Works(WOW). The</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>JasonKinte</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/16/JasonKinte</link><description><![CDATA[This show will feature Jason Kinte president of Toronto Poets. http://www.torontopoets.com/

Jason will be discussing his weekly event called Saturday Night Love which is a combination of poetry, networking and community talk show. Jason is a member of the increase the peace movement.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature Jason Kinte president of Toronto Poets. http://www.torontopoets.com/

Jason will be discussing his weekly event called Saturday Night Love which is a combination of poetry, networking and community talk show. Jason is a member of the increase the peace movement.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Poetry</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/16/JasonKinte/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/16/JasonKinte.mp3" length="14467785" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/16/JasonKinte</guid><pubDate>Thu, 16 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>JasonKinte</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will feature Jason Kinte president of Toronto Poets. http://www.torontopoets.com/

Jason will be discussing his weekly event called Saturday Night Love which is a combination of poetry, networking and community talk show. Jason is a member of the increase the peace movement.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will feature Jason Kinte president of Toronto Poets. http://www.torontopoets.com/

Jason will be discussing his weekly event called Saturday Night Love which is a combination of poetry, networking and community talk show. Jason is a member of the increase the peace movement.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Jason Kinte,Toronto Poets,Black poets,Black Community,Canadian Poets</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will feature Jason Kinte president of Toronto Poets. http://www.torontopoets.com/

Jason will be discussing his weekly event called Saturday Night L</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Nigel Barriffe</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/09/Nigel-Barriffe</link><description><![CDATA[This show will be an interview with Green Party candiate Nigel Barriffe. Nigel will discuss the Green Party's platform and how it can help our community. 

Nigel's website is http://www.nigelbarriffe.com/
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will be an interview with Green Party candiate Nigel Barriffe. Nigel will discuss the Green Party's platform and how it can help our community. 

Nigel's website is http://www.nigelbarriffe.com/
]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Politics</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/09/Nigel-Barriffe/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/09/Nigel-Barriffe.mp3" length="14455873" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/09/Nigel-Barriffe</guid><pubDate>Thu, 09 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Nigel Barriffe</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will be an interview with Green Party candiate Nigel Barriffe. Nigel will discuss the Green Party's platform and how it can help our community. 

Nigel's website is http://www.nigelbarriffe.com/
]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will be an interview with Green Party candiate Nigel Barriffe. Nigel will discuss the Green Party's platform and how it can help our community. 

Nigel's website is http://www.nigelbarriffe.com/
</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Nigel Barrife,The Green Party,Canadian politics,Black Candidates,Federal election</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will be an interview with Green Party candiate Nigel Barriffe. Nigel will discuss the Green Party's platform and how it can help our community. 

Ni</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Can Black Men Learn</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/02/Can-Black-Men-Learn</link><description><![CDATA[This show is about relations between black men and black women. Would men be better off if they listened to women? Is the male ego limiting progress?   ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show is about relations between black men and black women. Would men be better off if they listened to women? Is the male ego limiting progress?   ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Culture</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/02/Can-Black-Men-Learn/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/02/Can-Black-Men-Learn.mp3" length="14475726" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/10/02/Can-Black-Men-Learn</guid><pubDate>Thu, 02 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Can Black Men Learn</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show is about relations between black men and black women. Would men be better off if they listened to women? Is the male ego limiting progress?   ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show is about relations between black men and black women. Would men be better off if they listened to women? Is the male ego limiting progress?   </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Black Men,Black Women,Relationships,Family,Community</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show is about relations between black men and black women. Would men be better off if they listened to women? Is the male ego limiting progress?</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Black Daddies Club</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/25/Black-Daddies-Club</link><description><![CDATA[My guest will be founder of the Black Daddies Club  Brandon Hay. Brandon will talk about the creation of the Black Daddies Club and the many issues that are facing black fathers in Toronto.    ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest will be founder of the Black Daddies Club  Brandon Hay. Brandon will talk about the creation of the Black Daddies Club and the many issues that are facing black fathers in Toronto.    ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/25/Black-Daddies-Club/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/25/Black-Daddies-Club.mp3" length="14229130" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/25/Black-Daddies-Club</guid><pubDate>Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Black Daddies Club</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest will be founder of the Black Daddies Club  Brandon Hay. Brandon will talk about the creation of the Black Daddies Club and the many issues that are facing black fathers in Toronto.    ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>My guest will be founder of the Black Daddies Club  Brandon Hay. Brandon will talk about the creation of the Black Daddies Club and the many issues that are facing black fathers in Toronto.    </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Black Fathers,Black Men,Black Males,Black Canadian</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>My guest will be founder of the Black Daddies Club  Brandon Hay. Brandon will talk about the creation of the Black Daddies Club and the many issues that are fac</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>TheAmericanElectionACanadian'sOpinion</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/18/TheAmericanElectionACanadiansOpinion</link><description><![CDATA[The show will look at upcoming American election and it's impact on Canada as well as the world.I will also look at Sarah Palin and the impact that she has had on the race. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[The show will look at upcoming American election and it's impact on Canada as well as the world.I will also look at Sarah Palin and the impact that she has had on the race. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Elections</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/18/TheAmericanElectionACanadiansOpinion/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/18/TheAmericanElectionACanadiansOpinion.mp3" length="14545525" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/18/TheAmericanElectionACanadiansOpinion</guid><pubDate>Thu, 18 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>TheAmericanElectionACanadian'sOpinion</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[The show will look at upcoming American election and it's impact on Canada as well as the world.I will also look at Sarah Palin and the impact that she has had on the race. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>The show will look at upcoming American election and it's impact on Canada as well as the world.I will also look at Sarah Palin and the impact that she has had on the race. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>The presidential election,Barack Obama,John McCain,Sarah Palin,Joe Biden</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>The show will look at upcoming American election and it's impact on Canada as well as the world.I will also look at Sarah Palin and the impact that she has had</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>First Time Buyers</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/11/First-Time-Buyers</link><description><![CDATA[This show will deal with all of the different aspects of purchasing real estate for first time buyers who are in the income range of 35K to 45k.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will deal with all of the different aspects of purchasing real estate for first time buyers who are in the income range of 35K to 45k.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/11/First-Time-Buyers/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/11/First-Time-Buyers.mp3" length="17126632" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/09/11/First-Time-Buyers</guid><pubDate>Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>First Time Buyers</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will deal with all of the different aspects of purchasing real estate for first time buyers who are in the income range of 35K to 45k.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will deal with all of the different aspects of purchasing real estate for first time buyers who are in the income range of 35K to 45k.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Real Estate,Home ownership,Financing your home,Credit,Assets</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will deal with all of the different aspects of purchasing real estate for first time buyers who are in the income range of 35K to 45k.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>The Olympics</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/23/The-Olympics</link><description><![CDATA[On this show I will discuss the different issues that took place during the Olympics such as Canada's showing, if it was a success for the Chinese, and the Jamaican track team.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On this show I will discuss the different issues that took place during the Olympics such as Canada's showing, if it was a success for the Chinese, and the Jamaican track team.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/23/The-Olympics/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/23/The-Olympics.mp3" length="14484085" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/23/The-Olympics</guid><pubDate>Sat, 23 Aug 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>The Olympics</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On this show I will discuss the different issues that took place during the Olympics such as Canada's showing, if it was a success for the Chinese, and the Jamaican track team.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On this show I will discuss the different issues that took place during the Olympics such as Canada's showing, if it was a success for the Chinese, and the Jamaican track team.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Olympics,China,Canada,Jamaica</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On this show I will discuss the different issues that took place during the Olympics such as Canada's showing, if it was a success for the Chinese, and the Jama</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RealEstateExplained</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/09/RealEstateExplained</link><description><![CDATA[On this show we will be discussing many aspects of real estate such as home ownership, your credit, and how to choose an agent and lawyer.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On this show we will be discussing many aspects of real estate such as home ownership, your credit, and how to choose an agent and lawyer.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/09/RealEstateExplained/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/09/RealEstateExplained.mp3" length="14516268" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/09/RealEstateExplained</guid><pubDate>Sat, 09 Aug 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RealEstateExplained</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On this show we will be discussing many aspects of real estate such as home ownership, your credit, and how to choose an agent and lawyer.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On this show we will be discussing many aspects of real estate such as home ownership, your credit, and how to choose an agent and lawyer.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>real estate,home ownership,financing your home,credit,make money</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On this show we will be discussing many aspects of real estate such as home ownership, your credit, and how to choose an agent and lawyer.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Caribana</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/02/Caribana</link><description><![CDATA[This show will discuss whether Caribana is working for the benefit of the black community or is it working against us. What does the present state of Caribana say about the black community?

 ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss whether Caribana is working for the benefit of the black community or is it working against us. What does the present state of Caribana say about the black community?

 ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/02/Caribana/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/02/Caribana.mp3" length="14132999" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/08/02/Caribana</guid><pubDate>Sat, 02 Aug 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Caribana</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[This show will discuss whether Caribana is working for the benefit of the black community or is it working against us. What does the present state of Caribana say about the black community?

 ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>This show will discuss whether Caribana is working for the benefit of the black community or is it working against us. What does the present state of Caribana say about the black community?

 </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Caribana,Toronto,Black,Caribbean,Carnival</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>This show will discuss whether Caribana is working for the benefit of the black community or is it working against us. What does the present state of Caribana s</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>RevStaceyLatimer</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/24/RevStaceyLatimer</link><description><![CDATA[My guest is Rev. Stacy Latimer a black, same gender loving, HIV positive preacher,army veteran from New York City. Stacey will be talking about the black church's fight against HIV, homophobia,his life as a preacher and a gay black army veteran. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest is Rev. Stacy Latimer a black, same gender loving, HIV positive preacher,army veteran from New York City. Stacey will be talking about the black church's fight against HIV, homophobia,his life as a preacher and a gay black army veteran. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Culture</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/24/RevStaceyLatimer/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/24/RevStaceyLatimer.mp3" length="14405509" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/24/RevStaceyLatimer</guid><pubDate>Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>RevStaceyLatimer</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest is Rev. Stacy Latimer a black, same gender loving, HIV positive preacher,army veteran from New York City. Stacey will be talking about the black church's fight against HIV, homophobia,his life as a preacher and a gay black army veteran. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>My guest is Rev. Stacy Latimer a black, same gender loving, HIV positive preacher,army veteran from New York City. Stacey will be talking about the black church's fight against HIV, homophobia,his life as a preacher and a gay black army veteran. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Gay,Black,HIV,Religion,Army</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>My guest is Rev. Stacy Latimer a black, same gender loving, HIV positive preacher,army veteran from New York City. Stacey will be talking about the black church</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Colinsedge/Obama and Jessie    </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/19/ColinsedgeObama-and-Jessie-</link><description><![CDATA[On today's show we will look at the issues that have affected Obama and Jessie this week. The topics that we will discuss are: Is the New Yorker cover of Obama racist? is Obama too tough on blacks?, and is Jessie Jackson still relevant to the black struggle?  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On today's show we will look at the issues that have affected Obama and Jessie this week. The topics that we will discuss are: Is the New Yorker cover of Obama racist? is Obama too tough on blacks?, and is Jessie Jackson still relevant to the black struggle?  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/19/ColinsedgeObama-and-Jessie-/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/19/ColinsedgeObama-and-Jessie-.mp3" length="14432885" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/19/ColinsedgeObama-and-Jessie-</guid><pubDate>Sat, 19 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Colinsedge/Obama and Jessie    </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On today's show we will look at the issues that have affected Obama and Jessie this week. The topics that we will discuss are: Is the New Yorker cover of Obama racist? is Obama too tough on blacks?, and is Jessie Jackson still relevant to the black struggle?  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On today's show we will look at the issues that have affected Obama and Jessie this week. The topics that we will discuss are: Is the New Yorker cover of Obama racist? is Obama too tough on blacks?, and is Jessie Jackson still relevant to the black struggle?  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Barack Obama,Jessie Jackson,politics,African American,black</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On today's show we will look at the issues that have affected Obama and Jessie this week. The topics that we will discuss are: Is the New Yorker cover of Obama</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Zimbabwepart2</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/12/Zimbabwepart2</link><description><![CDATA[Zimbabwe- A Native son's story. Today's show is about the life and times of D.M. save a native of Zimbabawe who will talk about growing up under Robert Mugabe's rule.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Zimbabwe- A Native son's story. Today's show is about the life and times of D.M. save a native of Zimbabawe who will talk about growing up under Robert Mugabe's rule.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/12/Zimbabwepart2/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/12/Zimbabwepart2.mp3" length="14455455" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/12/Zimbabwepart2</guid><pubDate>Sat, 12 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Zimbabwepart2</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Zimbabwe- A Native son's story. Today's show is about the life and times of D.M. save a native of Zimbabawe who will talk about growing up under Robert Mugabe's rule.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Zimbabwe- A Native son's story. Today's show is about the life and times of D.M. save a native of Zimbabawe who will talk about growing up under Robert Mugabe's rule.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Zimbabwe,Robert Mugabe,Africa,Politics,Black</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Zimbabwe- A Native son's story. Today's show is about the life and times of D.M. save a native of Zimbabawe who will talk about growing up under Robert Mugabe's</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Zimbabwe, country in crisis.</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/05/Zimbabwe-country-in-crisis</link><description><![CDATA[We will be discussing the crisis in Zimbabwe from an African and a black Canadian perspective.  ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[We will be discussing the crisis in Zimbabwe from an African and a black Canadian perspective.  ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Current Events</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/05/Zimbabwe-country-in-crisis/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/05/Zimbabwe-country-in-crisis.mp3" length="14501848" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colinsedge/2008/07/05/Zimbabwe-country-in-crisis</guid><pubDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Zimbabwe, country in crisis.</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[We will be discussing the crisis in Zimbabwe from an African and a black Canadian perspective.  ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>We will be discussing the crisis in Zimbabwe from an African and a black Canadian perspective.  </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>01:00:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Colin Jobe</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Zimbabwe,Robert Mugabe,Africa,black,elections</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>We will be discussing the crisis in Zimbabwe from an African and a black Canadian perspective.</itunes:subtitle></item></channel></rss>