Soul Therapy with Pastor Andre Martin World! We Welcome you to Soul Therapy Radio, where God wants your Dreams and Visions Realized. We hope to be an impact in the lives of those that we come in contact with. Whether you are working, at play or just at home with family, remember God loves you and wants you to maximize your potential. Be blessed, and join us in our exciting Journey of faith together! All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 00:15:00 GMTFri, 27 May 2011 15:00:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Therapy with Pastor Andre Martin World! We Welcome you to Soul Therapy Radio, where God wants your Dreams and Visions Realized. We hope to be an impact in the lives of those that we come in contact with. Whether you are working, at play or just at home with family, remember God loves you and wants you to maximize your potential. Be blessed, and join us in our exciting Journey of faith together! feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comreligion,jesus,love,god,family,faith,christ,hope,loss,lostSoul Therapy OnlinenoHello World! We Welcome you to Soul Therapy Radio, where God wants your Dreams and Visions Realized. We hope to be an impact in the lives of those that we comeepisodicSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You?, 27 May 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You? Part 4 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small in comparison to the world around us. God by definition is inaccessible to the human at first glance or even a second or third but in reality God is a spirit and in order to have a relationship with him it must be done in the same manner! The Foundational Scripture is found in Isaiah 55:9. ~Pastor Martin 00:26:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGod,Love,Hidden,Searching,LostPart 4 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small in cSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You?, 13 May 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You? Part 3 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small in comparison to the world around us. God by definition is inaccessible to the human at first glance or even a second or third but in reality God is a spirit and in order to have a relationship with him it must be done in the same manner! The Foundational Scripture is found in Isaiah 55:9. ~Pastor Martin 00:31:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGod,Love,Hidden,Searching,LostPart 3 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small inSoul Therapy 2011 - God Where are You and How do I Find You, 06 May 2011 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - God Where are You and How do I Find You Part 2 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small in comparison to the world around us. God by definition is inaccessible to the human at first glance or even a second or third but in reality God is a spirit and in order to have a relationship with him it must be done in the same manner! The Foundational Scripture is found in Isaiah 55:9. ~Pastor Martin 00:22:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoLost,Scripture,Jesus,Love,GodPart 2 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small inSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You?, 29 Apr 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - God where are you and how do I find You? Part 1 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small in comparison to the world around us. God by definition is inaccessible to the human at first glance or even a second or third but in reality God is a spirit and in order to have a relationship with him it must be done in the same manner! The Foundational Scripture is found in Isaiah 55:9. ~Pastor Martin 00:30:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGod,Love,Hidden,Searching,LostPart 1 Man has long wondered how to get in contact with the creator of heaqven and earth. Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that we are very small inSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Final- Sword of the Spirit, 15 Apr 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Final- Sword of the Spirit Now that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, This is the final installment of this series so let's go ON OFFENSE! Let's Get it! ~Pastor Martin 00:31:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGod,Love,Jesus,Divine Truth Christian Center,Armor of GodNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God prSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - Helmet of Salvation, 01 Apr 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - Helmet of SalvationNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, Let's Get it!00:22:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoHelmet,Salvation,Jesus,God,SavedNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protectSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - The Sheild of Faith, 25 Mar 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - The Sheild of FaithNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, Let's Get it!00:31:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoFaith,Hope,Jesus,Protection,SheildNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protectSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - The Feet of The Gospel, 18 Mar 2011 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - Armor of God Series - The Feet of The GospelNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, Let's Get it!00:30:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGospel,Preparation,Love,Christ,BeautyNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protectSoul Therapy 2011 - Amror of God Series (The Breastplate of Righteousness), 25 Feb 2011 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - Amror of God Series (The Breastplate of Righteousness) Now that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, Let's Get it!00:30:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoLove,Faith,Divine Truth Christian Center,Right Standing,JesusNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protectSoul Therapy 2011 - The Armor of God Series (Belt of Truth), 11 Feb 2011 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - The Armor of God Series (Belt of Truth)Now that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protects and keeps you in the time of trouble. Ephesians 6:10-18 is our Foundational Teaching, Let's Get it!00:29:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoTruth,Divine,Jesus,Armor,GodNow that we know who the enemy is and where he originated from,now we need to know how to protect our Spirits! This series will excite you about how God protectSoul Therapy 2011 - The End of Days? Part II, 28 Jan 2011 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - The End of Days? Part IIWhats Happening in the World? Why all the Floods, Eathquakes, Diseases, Murders, Pain, Famine and Mysterious wonders? God Has the Answers. We are in the Last days, but let not take that out of context. The Bible speaks to issues like the 2012 predictions and others like it. We will address these topics in a 3 Part series covering prophecy, the Rapture, 144,000 Chosen and others. The Scripture Reference is: Matthew Chapter 2400:30:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoEarthquakes,Jesus,Christ,Future,HopeWhats Happening in the World? Why all the Floods, Eathquakes, Diseases, Murders, Pain, Famine and Mysterious wonders? God Has the Answers. We are in the Last daSoul Therapy 2011 - The End of Days? Part I, 14 Jan 2011 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2011 - The End of Days? Part I Whats Happening in the World? Why all the Floods, Eathquakes, Diseases, Murders, Pain, Famine and Mysterious wonders? God Has the Answers. We are in the Last days, but let not take that out of context. The Bible speaks to issues like the 2012 predictions and others like it. We will address these topics in a 3 Part series covering prophecy, the Rapture, 144,000 Chosen and others. The Scripture Reference is: Matthew Chapter 2400:30:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoFuture,End Times,Prophecy,Jesus,ChristWhats Happening in the World? Why all the Floods, Eathquakes, Diseases, Murders, Pain, Famine and Mysterious wonders? God Has the Answers. We are in the Last daSoul Therapy 2010 - Spiritual Discernment Part I, 10 Dec 2010 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Spiritual Discernment Part IThe Gifts of God are without repentance. The Bible says test the spirit to see if it is of God. There is a lot of confusion about how to tell if God is speaking or not as well as the spiritual strongholds people have that hinder them form going to the next level in God. This teaching is not about unrighteous judgement of others but it is about you knowing the word of God for yourself and how to recognize spirits in others as well as yourself...Lets Get it! The Foundational Scripture is 1 John 4:101:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoDiscernment,God,Jesus,Spiritual Warfare,LoveThe Gifts of God are without repentance. The Bible says test the spirit to see if it is of God. There is a lot of confusion about how to tell if God is speakingSpiritual Warfare Part II - The Origin of Evil, 19 Nov 2010 14:30:00 GMTSpiritual Warfare Part II - The Origin of EvilThis Session we will Continue to talk about Satan the Pre Adamic Time, The Ephod of Satan and The Ephod of the High Preist. Remember the Devil is the "god" of this world...the scripture says that he is an Angel of Light. How can you fight against something you know very little about or how he attacks. A Great War College Tactic is to study your opponent and devise a strategy. We are Spiritual Beings that have a mind/soul that live in a body, but when it comes to fighting against satan we try to use human willpower?! Satan is a Supernatural Being that only can be held down by God throught the Blood of Christ. The Foundational Scripture is Ephesians 6:10. 00:58:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoEphod,Satan,Jesus,Blood of Christ,Siritual WarfareThis Session we will Continue to talk about Satan the Pre Adamic Time, The Ephod of Satan and The Ephod of the High Preist. Remember the Devil is the "god" of tSoul Therapy 2010 - Spiritual Warfare Part I - The Origin of Evil, 12 Nov 2010 16:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Spiritual Warfare Part I - The Origin of EvilThe Devil Made me do it is a phrase coinded by Flip Wilson who played the role of Geraldine many years ago. Although it is humorous the truth of the matter is that The Devil is the "god" of this world...the scripture says that he is an Angel of Light. How can you fight against something you know very little about or how he attacks. A Great War College Tactic is to study your opponent and devise a strategy. We are Spiritual Beings that have a mind/soul that live in a body, but when it comes to fighting against satan we try to use human willpower?! Satan is a Supernatural Being that only can be held down by God throught the Blood of Christ. The Foundational Scripture is Ephesians 6:10.01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoEvil,Jesus,Adversary,Spiritual Warfare,PrayerThe Devil Made me do it is a phrase coinded by Flip Wilson who played the role of Geraldine many years ago. Although it is humorous the truth of the matter is tSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Signs of The Times, 05 Nov 2010 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Signs of The TimesPrince wrote a song many years ago called signs O the Times. It was very catchy, blues driven melody that had a message that is so void in music today. Prophetically speaking the times we are in are not a mystery becasue God Reveals himself over and over again. The Bible sys there is nothing new under the Sun yet many of us in the Body of Christ Forget what has happened in days passed. God has Answers! Stay Tuned as we explore the current economic, political and prophetic climate we are in. LETS GET IT! The Foundation Scripture will be Ecc. 1:9-1101:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoEconomy,Hope,World Systems,Future,JesusPrince wrote a song many years ago called signs O the Times. It was very catchy, blues driven melody that had a message that is so void in music today. ProphetiSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear (Series Final) - Don't Blame God Part II, 22 Oct 2010 12:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear (Series Final) - Don't Blame God Part IIThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, disappointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have had open wounds from deaths in their families, miscarriages, murders, suicides, natural causes, or pain because of Job loss or loss of a relationship. All of these bring sorrow and sadness on many levels. In addition, there are some misconceptions on the nature of death, and the root cause of affliction as it relates to the believer. do to an overwhelming response I will teach a final installment of this series. The Foundational Scripture will come from Joel 2:12-1301:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoLove,Compassion,Jesus,God,DeathThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, disappointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have hadSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part IV - Don't Blame God, 15 Oct 2010 15:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part IV - Don't Blame God There comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have had open wounds from deaths in their families, miscarriages, murders, suicides, natural causes, or pain because of Job loss or loss of a relationship. All of these bring sorrow and sadness on many levels. In addition, there are some misconceptions on the nature of death, and the root cause of affliction as it relates to the believer. I will take the time to dissect several concepts that will assist in your healing as well as certain terms or phrases to avoid when being there for a loved one in their time of need. I will also, as an example, show you how unbiblical it is to assign God to the death of a loved one and other errors spoken during funerals. The Foundational Scripture will come from Joel 2:12-13 01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoJesus,Love,Loss,Blame,TheologyThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have hadSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part III - Understanding Death, 17 Sep 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part III - Understanding DeathThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have had open wounds from deaths in their families, miscarriages, murders, suicides, natural causes, or pain because of Job loss or loss of a relationship. All of these bring sorrow and sadness on many levels. In addition, there are some misconceptions on the nature of death, and the root cause of affliction as it relates to the believer. I will take the time to dissect several concepts that will assist in your healing as well as certain terms or phrases to avoid when being there for a loved one in their time of need. I will also, as an example, show you how unbiblical it is to assign God to the death of a loved one and other errors spoken during funerals. The Foundational Scripture will come from Joel 2:12-1301:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoDeath,Mourning,Grief,Loss,LoveThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have hadSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear - Part 2, 10 Sep 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear - Part 2There comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have had open wounds from deaths in their families, miscarriages, murders, suicides, natural causes, or pain because of Job loss or loss of a relationship. All of these bring sorrow and sadness on many levels. In addition, there are some misconceptions on the nature of death, and the root cause of affliction as it relates to the believer. I will take the time to dissect several concepts that will assist in your healing as well as certain terms or phrases to avoid when being there for a loved one in their time of need. I will also, as an example, show you how unbiblical it is to assign God to the death of a loved one and other errors spoken during funerals. The Foundational Scripture will come from Joel 2:12-1301:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoMourning,Loss,Greif,Pain,HealingThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have hadSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part I, 03 Sep 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Cry Your Last Tear Part IThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have had open wounds from deaths in their families, miscarriages, murders, suicides, natural causes, or pain because of Job loss or loss of a relationship. All of these bring sorrow and sadness on many levels. In addition, there are some misconceptions on the nature of death, and the root cause of affliction as it relates to the believer. I will take the time to dissect several concepts that will assist in your healing as well as certain terms or phrases to avoid when being there for a loved one in their time of need. I will also, as an example, show you how unbiblical it is to assign God to the death of a loved one and other errors spoken during funerals. The Foundational Scripture will come from Joel 2:12-1301:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoPain,Dissapointment,Loss,Mourning,GriefThere comes a time when we experience pain, loss, dissapointment in our lives. I chose this topic because there are many hurting people out there that have hadSoul Therapy 2010 - The Revelation of Righteousness Part 2, 20 Aug 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - The Revelation of Righteousness Part 2Righteousness or right standing with God is an elusive topic to say the least. Many Believers as well as those that are interested in becoming saved feel as if there are qualifications to be favorable in God's eyes...the truth is that there are rules, conditions, blessings and curses that people obtain by disobedeience. There is, however, one thing that we all must comprehend...and that is NO ones is good except God, but you cna be prefect in the eyes of God...How? Tune in and Lets Get it! Part II01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoQualified,Right Standing,Love,Jesus,JustifiedRighteousness or right standing with God is an elusive topic to say the least. Many Believers as well as those that are interested in becoming saved feel as ifSoul Therapy 2010 - The Revelation of Righteousness, 13 Aug 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - The Revelation of RighteousnessRighteousness or right standing with God is an elusive topic to say the least. Many Believers as well as those that are interested in becoming saved feel as if there are qualifications to be favorable in God's eyes...the truth is that there are rules, conditions, blessings and curses that people obtain by disobedeience. There is, however, one thing that we all must comprehend...and that is NO ones is good except God, but you cna be prefect in the eyes of God...How? Tune in and Lets Get it! Foundational Scriptures Romans 1:01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoRighteousness,Jesus,Acceptance,Love,QualifiedRighteousness or right standing with God is an elusive topic to say the least. Many Believers as well as those that are interested in becoming saved feel as ifSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Show Me Your Glory, 30 Jul 2010 03:30:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Show Me Your GloryThe Glory of God is a transformational experience for those that are believe and totally submit to the power of God through Christ. There is healing, Power, Love honor, Deliverance and a full manifestation of the dimensions of Christ when the "Schecinah" Glory Falls. This Message is a depiction of the impossible realities when you enter into the presence of God. The Foundational Scripture is from Exodus 33:17-23...Lets Get It!01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoGlory of God,Power,Peace,Love,TransformationThe Glory of God is a transformational experience for those that are believe and totally submit to the power of God through Christ. There is healing, Power, LovSoul Therapy 2010 - The Road to Deliverance, 23 Jul 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - The Road to DeliveranceThe Road to Deliverance from oppression is not an easy task. I personally had to confront my own demons at times. Some of which plagued me for years until I truly engaged in prayers of Deliverance. Remember, with God and the Holy blood of Jesus Christ, all things are possible. To be free and truly free, you have to be willing to submit to the Power of the Holy Spirit in all of your heart, soul and mind. There will be several confessions and prayers in this broadcast. If you are not strong enough...have a deliverance prayer warrior sit with you as you embark on this journey. Fear will try to knock at the door, so fast and pray for strength before listening and speaking. You may also feel the need to purge physically from the ears, nose, throat, yawning's all good because it is what "may happen" when evil spirits are leaving your body. The only qualification is that you listen and follow as a little child, humble and trusting God the entire time. You never go after the branches (symptoms) of a tree to heal it but at the root(Disease) !Ephesians 6:10-18 is the foundational Scripture for this special broadcast. 01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoDemons,Freedom,Deliverance,Love,JesusThe Road to Deliverance from oppression is not an easy task. I personally had to confront my own demons at times. Some of which plagued me for years until I truSoul Therapy Radio 2010 Deliverance Series - Uprooting the Rejection Tree, 16 Jul 2010 03:30:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 Deliverance Series - Uprooting the Rejection TreeThe fear of rejection is a debilitating issue. It stops us from making the next step to our destiny and purpose in life. It also stops us from approaching another person we really like. If rejection is the curse, confidence is the cure. The way to heal from rejection is to balance it with confidence in Christ by investing in the Word of God, fun activities and a renewed mindset. If you feel good about yourself, you'll be able to recognize the great truths about yourself too. You don't need to worry about what other people think about you to be happy with yourself. The Foundational scripture is as follows: He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, and acquainted with grief and sickness; and like One from Whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or have any esteem for Him. -Isaiah 53:3 01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoRejection,Jesus,Love,Hope,FaithThe fear of rejection is a debilitating issue. It stops us from making the next step to our destiny and purpose in life. It also stops us from approaching anothSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Investing in Yourself by Showing Mercy, 09 Jul 2010 17:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Investing in Yourself by Showing MercyIt is said that God gets up from the seat of Judgement and sits on the seat of mercy. The Bible says "Happy are the merciful for they will have mercy shown to them! Matt 5:7. Why is mercy necessary, because God has every right to send all of us to Hell for the disobedience and evil that we commit in his sight. All fall short of his standard...yet he sent hi son to save us from condemnation and gives us a passport to heavenly blessings on earth as it is in heaven! If you dont know Christ or your relationship with God is distant to say the least, tune in and be filled! We will also cover several other aspects of investing in your life. After all you are the biggest investment God has on earth and you need to provide a good return on what he has blessed you with. Learn and find out how!01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoJesus,Christ,Mercy,Grace,ForgivenessIt is said that God gets up from the seat of Judgement and sits on the seat of mercy. The Bible says "Happy are the merciful for they will have mercy shown to tSoul Therapy Radio - Investing in Your Life by Finding Satisfaction, 01 Jul 2010 17:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio - Investing in Your Life by Finding SatisfactionEveryone remembers words to a familiar song, "I cant get no, sat-is-fact-ion" All of us feel that way when it comes to our relationships...other times we are not happy with ourselves because our happiness is in temporary things but the joy of the Lord is our strength and is permanent. It is possible to be saved and satisfied! If you dont know Christ or your relationship with God is distant to say the least, tune in and be filled! We will also cover several other aspects of investing in your life. After all you are the biggest investment God has on earth and you need to provide a good return on what he has blessed you with. Learn and find out how!01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoJesus,Family,Satisfaction,Happiness,JoyEveryone remembers words to a familiar song, "I cant get no, sat-is-fact-ion" All of us feel that way when it comes to our relationships...other times we are noSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - How to invest in Yourself by Sacrifice, 25 Jun 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - How to invest in Yourself by SacrificeI Implore, ask, beg you my brothers and sisters, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service! Sacrifice is a key element in gettign closer to God and the plan he has for you! The more you give of yourself even when you dont want to, the more you will be rewarded. We will also cover several other aspects of investing in your life. After all you are the biggest investment God has on earth and you need to provide a good return on what he has blessed you with. Learn and find out how!01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoSacrifice,Love,Jesus Christ,God,InvestmentsI Implore, ask, beg you my brothers and sisters, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service!Soul Therapy 2010 - How to Invest in yourself by Serving, 18 Jun 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - How to Invest in yourself by ServingChrist showed the ultimate form of service by reducing himself from the throne of heaven to wash the lives of unworthy men with his Blood. You must have a heart to serve to experience another level of God! We will also cover several other aspects of investing in your life. After all you are the biggest investment God has on earth and you need to provide a good return on what he has blessed you with. Learn and find out how!01:01:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoServing,Faith,Investment,Self-Empowerment,JesusChrist showed the ultimate form of service by reducing himself from the throne of heaven to wash the lives of unworthy men with his Blood. You must have a heartSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - How to Invest in Yourself by Faith, 11 Jun 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - How to Invest in Yourself by FaithThe Bible teaches that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Need Vision and Inspiration? Tune into this series to build your faith. We will also cover several other aspects of investing in your life. After all you are the biggest investment God has on earth and you need to provide a good return on what he has blessed you with. Learn and find out how!01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoFamily,Empowerment,Blessings,Faith,Jesus ChristThe Bible teaches that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Need Vision and Inspiration? Tune into this series to buiSoul Therapy 2010 - Finer Womanhood Part II, 04 Jun 2010 04:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy 2010 - Finer Womanhood Part IIThe last two series engaged the Essence of Manhood now its time for the ladies Not only is she the perfect compliment to a Mans dreams desires and destiny but she is also the channel that God himself selected to birth his image and likeness. She is the resting place for the seed of all of mankind and is valued above rubies and other beautiful stones. Proverbs 31:10 Will Be the Foundational Teaching. 01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoWoman,Jesus,Self-Esteem,Womanhood,FamilyThe last two series engaged the Essence of Manhood now its time for the ladies Not only is she the perfect compliment to a Mans dreams desires and destiny but sSoul Therap 2010 - Finer Womanhood - Encore Broadcast, 28 May 2010 17:00:00 GMTSoul Therap 2010 - Finer Womanhood - Encore BroadcastThe last two series engaged the Essence of Manhood now its time for the ladies Not only is she the perfect compliment to a Mans dreams desires and destiny but she is also the channel that God himself selected to birth his image and likeness. She is the resting place for the seed of all of mankind and is valued above rubies and other beautiful stones. Proverbs 31:10 Will Be the Foundational Teaching.01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoWoman,Family,Love,God,Self-EsteemThe last two series engaged the Essence of Manhood now its time for the ladies Not only is she the perfect compliment to a Mans dreams desires and destiny but sSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - The Essence of Manhood Part II, 21 May 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - The Essence of Manhood Part IIManhood is a vital aspect to the stability of society and the family unit. Although there are many "cultural" definitions of Maleness, Masculinity, Swagger etc., God has a distinct outlook on what a Man should be. If you have sons that are without a Father or a real role model and need to be pointed in the right direction let them know so we can break bread together across the digital airwaves. The world is changing and the women are changing into "Adam" or equals not in Gender but in purpose as God intended. The Man is still "suppose" to be the leader, priest, provider, protector, friend, and lover of thier wives siblings and parents...However there is pressure from so many external factor that clouds up what it is to be one in the 21st Century. Men this one is for you! Ladies tune in as eventually you will come into contact with this species (Laughing) and it is important that you listen in as well to know how to detect, raise, and love one as a mother, wife, sister or daughter. I know that if you are a single mother that it is very possible to raise a man. Nevertheless, it takes a Man to know a man to develop a boy into a man with purpose. Just as it takes a woman to know a woman to raise a girl into a beautiful woman of destiny. Lets Get it! -- Pastor Andre Martin, Senior Pastor of Divine Truth Christian Center. 01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoMen,Family,Jesus,God,LeadershipManhood is a vital aspect to the stability of society and the family unit. Although there are many "cultural" definitions of Maleness, Masculinity, Swagger etc.Soul Therapy Radio - The Essence of Manhood, 14 May 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio - The Essence of ManhoodManhood is a vital aspect to the stability of society and the family unit. Although there are many "cultural" definitions of Maleness, Masculinity, Swagger etc., God has a distinct outlook on what a Man should be. If you have sons that are without a Father or a real role model and need to be pointed in the right direction let them know so we can break bread together across the digital airwaves. The world is changing and the women are changing into "Adam" or equals not in Gender but in purpose as God intended. The Man is still "suppose" to be the leader, priest, provider, protecter, freind, and lover of thier wives siblings and parents...However there is pressure from so many external factor that clouds up what it is to be one in the 21st Century. Men this one is for you! Ladies tune in as eventually you will come into contact with this species (Laughing) and it is important that you listen in as well to know how to detect, raise, and love one as a mother, wife, sister or daughter. I know that if you are a single mother that it is very possible to raise a man. Nevertheless, it takes a Man to know a man to develop a boy into a man with purpose. Just as it takes a woman to know a woman to raise a girl into a beautiful woman of destiny. Lets Get it! -- Pastor Andre Martin, Senior Pastor of Divine Truth Christian Center.01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoManhood,God,Leadership,Fatherhood,FamilyManhood is a vital aspect to the stability of society and the family unit. Although there are many "cultural" definitions of Maleness, Masculinity, Swagger etc.Soul Therapy Radio - Marriage Takes Three Part II, 07 May 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio - Marriage Takes Three Part IIBeing married can be wonderful and also heartbreaking at times. You should not only survive in your marriage but thrive and be satisfied totally! We want to Share with you key concepts and ideas that we have learned over our last decade together! Even if you are single or engaged Listen in and Learn what God's original intent for our marriages and relationships are supposed to be. Tune in and God Bless! Dr. Andre L. Martin, Senior Pastor and Founder of Divine Truth Christian Center01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoMarriage,Divorce,Reconcile,Jesus,GodBeing married can be wonderful and also heartbreaking at times. You should not only survive in your marriage but thrive and be satisfied totally! We want to ShaSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Marriage Takes Three!, 30 Apr 2010 03:00:00 GMTSoul Therapy Radio 2010 - Marriage Takes Three! Being married can be wonderful and also heartbreaking at times. You should not only survive in your marriage but thrive and be satisfied totally! We want to Share with you key concepts and ideas that we have learned over our last decade together! Even if you are single or engaged Listen in and Learn what God's original intent for our marriages and relationships are supposed to be. Tune in and God Bless! Dr. Andre L. Martin, Senior Pastor and Founder of Divine Truth Christian Center.01:00:00Soul Therapy OnlinenoJesus,Family,Faith,Finances,WorshipBeing married can be wonderful and also heartbreaking at times. You should not only survive in your marriage but thrive and be satisfied totally! We want to Sha