Speak Live Nation Radio Series sponsored by Exposure Magazinehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazineSpeak Live Nation hosted by Cedric Nettles and sponsored by Exposure Magazine is a mainstream media platform reaching global markets promoting professionals, businesses, talents, authors, speakers, and the alike. To learn more about Speak Live Nation contact Public Relations Group admin@exposureassociates.com Looking for Radio Personalities and Interviewees who understand the importance of EXPOSURE.. and EXPOSING #SpeakLiveNation #ExposureMagazine enCopyright Exposure Associates (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 11:15:00 GMTFri, 15 Jan 2016 23:30:00 GMTRadioBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/bed15585-6cb6-41b7-bdf7-4fb178effc9c_flyer.jpgSpeak Live Nation Radio Series sponsored by Exposure Magazinehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazineSpeak Live Nation hosted by Cedric Nettles and sponsored by Exposure Magazine is a mainstream media platform reaching global markets promoting professionals, businesses, talents, authors, speakers, and the alike. To learn more about Speak Live Nation contact Public Relations Group admin@exposureassociates.com Looking for Radio Personalities and Interviewees who understand the importance of EXPOSURE.. and EXPOSING #SpeakLiveNation #ExposureMagazine feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comradio,exposuremagazine,exposure magazine,speak live nation,cedric nettles,exposure,live,actress,author,bookSpeak Live NationnoSpeak Live Nation hosted by Cedric Nettles and sponsored by Exposure Magazine is a mainstream media platform reaching global markets promoting professionals, buepisodicFrom Inmate to Mayor Meet Mayor Franklin Deesehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2016/01/15/from-inmate-to-mayor-meet-mayor-franklin-deeseNewshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2016/01/15/from-inmate-to-mayor-meet-mayor-franklin-deese/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2016/01/15/from-inmate-to-mayor-meet-mayor-franklin-deeseFri, 15 Jan 2016 23:30:00 GMTFrom Inmate to Mayor Meet Mayor Franklin DeesePublicist Ms. Lawrence is a advocate for change she also the CEO of Exposure Magazine a social lifestyle publication reaching over 212 countries. Her break to do 365 LIVE INTERVIEW SERIES is in support of Speak LIVE Nation created by Cedric Nettles.  Mayor Franklin Deese "Inmate to Mayor" has been creating crazy buzz around a man who stood for what he believed in and accomplished it. It wasn’t long before the model student turned menace. Trying to find his way in the world Deese enlisted in the military; however, soon after he found himself dabbling in everything from smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol to boosting in order to make a living. The street life consumed him…    Purchase Book Here.... http://frominmatetomayor.com/my-book-cart/ 00:31:00Speak Live NationnoMayor Franklin Deese,InmatetoMayor,Publicist Tam Lawrence,ExposureMagazine,ExposureMayor Franklin Deese Speaks about his Journey from Inmate to Mayor and Coming to MilwaukeeGET IT RIGHT FOR THE INSIDE OUT! GUEST SPEAKER: DEBORAH FRANKLINhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/28/get-it-right-for-the-inside-out-guest-speaker-deborah-franklinSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/28/get-it-right-for-the-inside-out-guest-speaker-deborah-franklin/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/28/get-it-right-for-the-inside-out-guest-speaker-deborah-franklinMon, 28 Dec 2015 15:00:00 GMTGET IT RIGHT FOR THE INSIDE OUT! GUEST SPEAKER: DEBORAH FRANKLINWebsite            www.deboroughs.com Facebook       www.facebook.com/deboroughsministries Twitter       @mindfranklin Instagram   deborough Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur-Deborah Franklin is the founder of Deborough’s Ministries. She developed this ministry to assist those who want to change themselves from the inside out. She believes that in order to see a change on the outside one has to change on the inside. With the release of her first book “Adjectives” she explores how to silence the voices of negativity and turn it around for the positive. Deborah Franklin is a native of Houston, TX and a proud graduate of Texas Southern University.  She has a heart for people and believes that everyone can achieve their goals if they silence the negative adjectives in their life.              00:30:00Speak Live Nationnodeborah franklin,adjectives,author,book,life classAdjectives Book Author Deborah Franklin "It's a Life Changing Experience."TALK LIVE WITH RELATIONSHIP EXPERT CHRIS "DOC" REIDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/26/talk-live-with-relationship-expert-chris-doc-reidRomancehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/26/talk-live-with-relationship-expert-chris-doc-reid/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/12/26/talk-live-with-relationship-expert-chris-doc-reidSat, 26 Dec 2015 15:00:00 GMTTALK LIVE WITH RELATIONSHIP EXPERT CHRIS "DOC" REIDSuccessful. Beautiful. Intelligent. Yet a satisfying relationship eludes Debra Hampton. At thirty-five years old, she can’t figure out why her philosophy on men—and what they want from women—isn’t working. She’s trapped in a cycle of shattered relationships, until a friend refers her to a relationship guru. After some resistance, Debra finds refuge in the counsel of Doc Reid as he helps her navigate through the storms of rejection and failed love. Once he reveals the error of her ways, will Debra master the forbidden secrets to attract her soul mate or continue to keep love at bay? Purchase the Book Here http://christopherreid.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=38&Itemid=77 00:31:00Speak Live NationnoChrisReild,Book,RelationshipCoach,ExposureMagazine,MagazineCHRIS I NEED HELP DATING TODAY IS ROUGHSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles / Actor Jason Torreshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-jason-torresRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-jason-torres/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-jason-torresThu, 05 Nov 2015 20:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles / Actor Jason TorresJason Torres is a rising star in film. He is a highly sought after independent actor who is versatile with wide range. He joins me on Speak Live Nation. It so happens he is starring in my upcoming film that is in it’s early stages of production. He discusses his start, his passion, and what drew him to the role I offered him in my film Hard Spoken. He is also starring in one of my producing partner’s Israel's Marrero  film Bobby Brick. 00:17:00Speak Live Nationnojason torres,independant film,new york,speak live nation,cedric nettlesJason Torres talks about his passion for acting and his upcoming rolesSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles / Actor & Producer Yusef Abdur-Razzaaqhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-producer-yusef-abdur-razzaaqRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-producer-yusef-abdur-razzaaq/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/11/05/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-actor-producer-yusef-abdur-razzaaqThu, 05 Nov 2015 20:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles / Actor & Producer Yusef Abdur-RazzaaqActor and producer Yusef Abdur-Rqzzaaq joins me on Speak Live Nation to discuss his start as a model and  actor. We discussed his upcoming film he is apart of called ALP. Ironically the movie is about a sleep condition I have had since I was a child. We discussed the mentality of a actor,producer, and writer and why they never apologize for what they say in their respective art forms. 00:18:00Speak Live NationnoYuSpeak Live Nation with Cedric award winning Journalist Darci Stricklandhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/16/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-award-winning-journalist-darci-stricklandRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/16/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-award-winning-journalist-darci-strickland/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/16/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-award-winning-journalist-darci-stricklandFri, 16 Oct 2015 14:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric award winning Journalist Darci StricklandAward winning journalist Darci Strickland joins me on Speak Live Nation to discuss her amazing career and journey. On a more serious note we discussed one of the most significant natural events in South Carolina history with what has been called the ‘Thousand Year Flood’ that left unprecedented damage to homes, roadways and sadly some fatalities.  We also discussed what overall was a very eventful year in the news for South Carolina.    Darci has a degree in Journalism from the University of South Carolina and a certificate in Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University. Darci is an Emmy and Alfred I. DuPont Award winning journalist.  Her infectious and positive speaking.  style make her WLTX’s most requested speaker, leading to many requests from schools, charitable organizations, churches, and other associations statewide. Darci is one of the main spokespersons for Buddy Call 19, a station project that encourages women to do self-breast examinations .  In addition to Buddy Call 19, Darci spearheads the recognition of great teachers, through our Teacher of the Week awards. In her spare time, Darci enjoys reading, traveling, working in the community and spending time with her husband Torrey and daughters Logan, Layla and Lauren. She's a volunteer Guardian ad Litem with Richland County, a Board Member for Workshop Theater, University of South Carolina 2005 Young Alumni of the Year, 2005 South Carolina Broadcaster's Association Anchor of the Year and 2009 South Carolina Broadcaster's Association TV Personality of the Year.  Darci is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists, attends Journey United Methodist Church in Columbia and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. 00:17:00Speak Live Nationnodarci strickland,wltx,columbia sc,1000 year flood,Confederate FlagDarci Strickland discusses her career and the historic South Carolina flood she coveredSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Prod. Israel Marrero/Actor Ruslan Verkovskyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-prod-israel-marreroactor-ruslan-verkovskyRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-prod-israel-marreroactor-ruslan-verkovsky/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/10/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-prod-israel-marreroactor-ruslan-verkovskyTue, 13 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Prod. Israel Marrero/Actor Ruslan VerkovskyIsrael Mareero and Ruslan Verkovsky join me on Speak Live Nation to discuss their journey and Israel's upcoming film 'Bobby Brick' that stars King of Paper Chasin's Jason Lanzar Rivera,  AMC's 'Making of the Mob' star Craig Thomas Rivela, and veteran actor Ruslan Verkovsky. 00:23:00Speak Live Nationnofilm,actor,producer,bobby brick,independent artistsIsrael Marrero and Actor Ruslan Verkovsky discuss the movie business and breaking in as screen writers and actorsSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- New York Fashion Stylist Monique Obezehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/24/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-new-york-fashion-stylist-monique-obezeRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/24/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-new-york-fashion-stylist-monique-obeze/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/24/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-new-york-fashion-stylist-monique-obezeThu, 24 Sep 2015 11:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- New York Fashion Stylist Monique ObezeMonique Obeze of New York based House of Style By Monique discusses her start in the fashion industry. She offers great advice for young professionals looking to get ahead. What does it really take to make your mark in the fashion industry, Monique shares her thoughts on her climb. She even gives me some fashion tips! Guys you don't want to miss that. 00:20:00Speak Live Nationnofashion,speak live nation,cedric nettles,exposure magazine,stylistMonique Obeze of House of Style By Monique discusses her start in the fashion industrySpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Hip Hop Artist Dyana Prinze aka Wonda Womanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/17/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-hip-hop-artist-dyana-prinze-aka-wonda-womanRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/17/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-hip-hop-artist-dyana-prinze-aka-wonda-woman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/17/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-hip-hop-artist-dyana-prinze-aka-wonda-womanThu, 17 Sep 2015 11:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Hip Hop Artist Dyana Prinze aka Wonda WomanDyana Prinze aka Wonda Woman joins me on Speak Live Nation to discuss her start in hip hop from a woman's perspective, what was it like to be under the watch of hip hop legend RZA, Ghostface Killah, and Wu-Tang Clan. She had very interesting advice for women going for their dreams in the notion of male dominated industries and how to deal with chauvinistic attitudes they may encounter.   Dyana Prinze aka Wonda Woman is a lyricist/singer/songwriter from Brooklyn who  got her start after singing for Ghostface Killah. She later became a songwriter and background  singer for RZA. She eventually developed her own rhyme style and began her journey as one of the dopest female MCs to emerge from the Wu-Tang camp. Her single "Hit the Floor" (produced by Dj Scratch) gained her the "Unsigned Champ" title for three weeks on Future Flavas on Power 105.1fm with The Legendary Dj Marley Marl of "Juice Crew" Fame. Her single "ASKIN U2 STAY" (produced by Bronze Nazareth) was  featured on The Wu-Tang Stainless Steel Series Mixtape,Females of the Rap Game vol.3, "Wu-Ladies Compilation",and several other mixes. Her upcoming EP "UNDERESTIMATED" is set to be released Fall 2015. She has opened for Black Thought and QuestLove (The Roots), Jeru The Damaja, and has also shared the stage with M.O.P, Wu-Tang, Mos Def,Cappadonna,Dres (Black Sheep) and many others.  She is a true artist with infinite lyrics and savvy delivery.  She's also featured on three tracks on Cappadonna's release "HOOK OFF", the first Hip-Hop release with no hooks ! Wonda Woman has currently released her self-titled single  "Wonda Woman" produced by DJ Flipcyide! She is a powerful emcee whose natural talent and love for hip hop is expressed in every rhyme. She is paving her own way in this male -dominated industry and continues building her brand as a hip hop veteran. 00:20:00Speak Live NationnoWonda Woman,RZA,Ghostface Killah,Wu-Tang Clan,specklivenationLyricist/Singer/Songwriter from Brooklyn who got her start after singing for Ghostface Killah. She later became a songwriter and background singer for RZA.Speak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Hip Hop Producer/Legend Neek The Exotichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/11/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--hip-hop-producerlegend-neek-the-exoticRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/11/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--hip-hop-producerlegend-neek-the-exotic/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/09/11/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--hip-hop-producerlegend-neek-the-exoticFri, 11 Sep 2015 12:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Hip Hop Producer/Legend Neek The ExoticNeek The Exotic is an emcee and hip hop producer  from Queens, New York whose powerful lyrics and  majestic stage presence has captivated hip hop audiences for years. Growing up with legendary producer Large Professor , Neek started rapping at age 12. Neek was featured with Large Professor's group Main Source for their classic hip hop joint "Fakin' the Funk" for the "White Men Can't Jump" soundtrack. He has collaborated with Mr. Cheeks , Lord Finesse, Bumpy Knuckles, Joel Ortiz and Mayhem Lauren  and many more esteemed  hip hop artists . Neek's debut album  released in 2003 , titled "Exotic's Raw". In 2011, Neek and Large Professor released "Still on the Hustle". Neek then released another solo project "Hustle Don't Stop" in 2013.  Neek The Exotic continues to create  genuine hip hop. He has made his mark in the hip hop industry with his lyrical prowess, raw delivery and energetic performances worldwide. Neek's new album "Premium Grade" is a dynamic project that  reflects  hip hop at its finest.  His first single and video off the album  "Nia Long" has graced many blogs receiving high praise since its release. Neek is still taking the game by storm with his cadence,  compelling lyrics and dope beats.  00:18:00Speak Live Nationnoneek the exotic,main source,fakin the funk,speak live nation,slnNeek The Exotic talks golden age of Hip Hop, work ethic, and current state of hip hop artistsSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Singer/Songwriter Giannahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/29/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-singersongwriter-giannaRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/29/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-singersongwriter-gianna/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/29/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-singersongwriter-giannaSat, 29 Aug 2015 13:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Singer/Songwriter GiannaHumble and hungry Gianna joins me on Speak Live Nation to discuss her new song she just dropped"Baby,it's you."     Popmatters.com raves - “Baby, It’s You” features some wonderfully rich production that evokes the late 1980s as cleverly as Carly Rae Jepsen, wicked R&B groove underscoring a track that’s as ebullient as it is catchy."     "Baby, It's You is a love song about that person that every single time you see them or speak with them... "they" give you ALL the feels," mentions, Gianna.  The song was written by Gianna, Anthony Saunders and Onree Gilland produced by Anthony Saunders and Onree Gill.  "Baby, It's You" will be available on iTunes on August 28th and can be pre-purchased on iTunes now - http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1029982244?ls=1&app=itunes.   #speaklivenation #exposuremagazine   00:10:00Speak Live Nationnogianna,baby it's you,pop,R&B,soulSinger/Songwriter Gianna talks about her new hit song 'Baby It's You'Speak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author Mike Hollingerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/14/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-author-mike-hollingerRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/14/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-author-mike-hollinger/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/08/14/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-author-mike-hollingerFri, 14 Aug 2015 23:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author Mike HollingerMike Hollinger joins me on Speak Live Nation to discuss his late wife Nitza's courageous battle with cancer and her legacy that continues to touch lives through their book 'Through The Trials Just Believe.'     From the streets of Manhattan’s Spanish Harlem to Alaska, the Last Frontier, Nitza’s varied life experiences helped shape her into a strong individual who learned to face life’s challenges with confidence and the determination to succeed. God knew she would need to have faith to persevere, a strong will to fight, and immense trust in Him, knowing that He would see her through life’s challenges. 00:16:00Speak Live Nationnonitza hollinger,mike hollinger,cancer,faith,healingMike Hollinger speaks about his late wife's Nitza's courageous bout with cancer.Speak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Actor/Producer Otis Winstonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/07/07/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actorproducer-otis-winstonRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/07/07/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actorproducer-otis-winston/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/07/07/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actorproducer-otis-winstonTue, 07 Jul 2015 13:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Actor/Producer Otis WinstonFormer Ohio State all conference star, actor,producer, mentor, and father. Otis Winston was a star college athlete Ohio State who went on to become a computer consultant and high school track coach in Columbus, Ohio.  Since embarking on his acting journey, Winston had a guest-starring role on BET’s “The Game” and has landed several commercials. Most notably, he made his big screen debut as Winkie in box office blockbuster, “Oz the Great and Powerful.” 00:27:00Speak Live NationnoFormer Ohio State basketball star now actor and producer joins me on Speak Live Nation with Cedric NettlesSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author Samone Yancyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--author-samone-yancyRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--author-samone-yancy/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--author-samone-yancyFri, 26 Jun 2015 19:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author Samone YancyMinister & Author Samone Yancy stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles to discuss her life enriching book: From Defeat to Victory- The Process of Purging and Purification Samone discussed her journey and her faith walk. 00:13:00Speak Live Nationnowomen in ministry,w,o,m,eMinister & Author Samone Yancy stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles to discuss her life enriching book: From Defeat to Victory- The Process of PurginSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Making Of The Mob Star Craig Thomas Rivelahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-making-of-the-mob-star-craig-thomas-rivelaRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-making-of-the-mob-star-craig-thomas-rivela/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/06/26/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-making-of-the-mob-star-craig-thomas-rivelaFri, 26 Jun 2015 19:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Making Of The Mob Star Craig Thomas RivelaCraig Thomas Rivela stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles. He discussing his start as an actor and his role as notorious  mobster Vito Genovese in AMC's Making Of The Mob. The series premiere of AMC’s The Making of The Mob: New York on June 15th delivered 1.7 million total viewers it it's crowning debut. Narrated by Ray Liotta, The Making of the Mob: New York will delve into and reenact the rise of notorious gangsters like Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Meyer Lansky, and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, along with their Five Families. Mob is AMC’s first “docu-drama,” or a documentary-style series that uses archival footage, cinematic visual effects, and interviews with former city mayors, historians, and actors who have brought the Mafia to life on screen.    00:22:00Speak Live NationnoAMC,A,M,C,craig thomas rivelaCraig Thomas Rivela stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles. He discussing his start as an actor and his role as notorious  mobster Vito Genovese in AMC'Exposure Interview Series Live with Freeway Rick Rosshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/22/exposure-interview-series-live-with-freeway-rick-rossEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/22/exposure-interview-series-live-with-freeway-rick-ross/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/22/exposure-interview-series-live-with-freeway-rick-rossFri, 22 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTExposure Interview Series Live with Freeway Rick Ross"FREEWAY" RICK ROSS SPEAKS LIVE WITH CELEBRITY PUBLICIST TAM LAWRENCE Ricky Donnell Ross, better known as “Freeway” Rick Ross, is one of those rare figures whose experience as a drug kingpin has lead him to a life of rebuilding the community in which he once helped destroy. According to the Oakland Tribune” In the course of his rise, prosecutors estimate that Ross exported several tons of cocaine nationally, and made more than $600 million in the process. Counting inflation its 1.6 billion dollars comparing 1986 to 2010. Now, he has applied the passion that helped him build an empire to helping the youth, Ross has been given a second chance to uplift his community by giving back through mentoring and sharing his story. He plans to inspire many of today’s youths to achieve their greatest successes without following in his footsteps.   Ross was a key figure in VH1′s Emmy nominated documentary “Planet Rock History of Crack and Hip Hop featuring Snoop Dogg, Rza and B-Real of Cypress Hill. As well as the second episode of the first season of BET’s American Gangster documentary series which focused on his story and his connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.He is currently in the process of creating the feature length film of his life story with Nick Cassavetes, his own documentary “Crack in the System” and creating his autobiographical book.  Read More Visit http://www.freewayrick.com/?page_id=30    00:26:00Speak Live NationnoFREEWAY RICK ROSS,RICK ROSS,PLANET ROCK HISTORY OF CRACK AND HIP HOP,HIP HOP,LIVE INTERVIEW"FREEWAY" RICK ROSS SPEAKS LIVE WITH CELEBRITY PUBLICIST TAM LAWRENCE Ricky Donnell Ross, better known as “Freeway” Rick Ross, is one of those rare figures whoSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Inspiration Artist Tay Clemonshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/16/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-inspiration-artist-tay-clemonsRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/16/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-inspiration-artist-tay-clemons/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/16/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-inspiration-artist-tay-clemonsSat, 16 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Inspiration Artist Tay ClemonsTay Clemons BIOGRAPHY Journey To Love       Chosen Shantavia, the artist we call Tay, is the epitome of “A Class Act”. Born in the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina. She was the first and only daughter of Elnora Johnson. She is a singer, songwriter, mother and wife. She is dedicated to perfection when it comes to her music. Tay is an artist who was Chosen to change the world through her illustrious sounds, magnetic personality, electric energy and her desire to be what she was chosen to be, an instrument of change.   The gift of hearing from her musician’s heart and sharing what she receives divinely has been her ultimate goal during her journey. Tay acknowledges that she has been endowed with a gift of song that will change, deliver and set free. She has experienced this in her own life; through her personal struggles and challenges, that there is a powerful force in music that is able to DELIVER.   Though still evolving as an artist, her unique gift of music has opened many doors for her. During her previous years, Tay worked with a number of industry veterans such as Troy Patterson (Third Street Music Group, Mario) Emanuel Seal (Mariah Carey, Usher) and the Clemons Brothers (Dru Hill, Mary J. Blige, Out of Eden). All of these roads led to a place of peace in her life and music, a return to God, the gift giver who had chosen her.   \ 00:22:00Speak Live Nationnotay clemons,gospel music,Inspirational music,Dru Hill,MARY J. BLIGETay Clemons BIOGRAPHY Journey To Love       Chosen Shantavia, the artist we call Tay, is the epitome of “A Class Act”. Born in the city of Fayetteville, NoHollywood Actor Isaiah Washington Speakshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/15/hollywood-actor-isaiah-washington-speaksRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/15/hollywood-actor-isaiah-washington-speaks/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/15/hollywood-actor-isaiah-washington-speaksFri, 15 May 2015 17:00:00 GMTHollywood Actor Isaiah Washington SpeaksCheck out tomorrow's interview with Isaiah Washington hosted by Ms. Lawrence the founder of Exposure Magazine and Celebrity Publicist   By Isaiah Washington SHARETWEET Actor and activist Isaiah Washington writes about the Baltimore uprising, his film ‘Blackbird,’ and the issues he finds most troubling with society’s stance on race. The world associates the word black with bad. The synonym for white is “good,” while the synonym for black is “bad.” That is why I say I’m done being black. I’m African American. I have a proud heritage and proud ancestry—not unlike Chinese, Irish, El Salvadorian, English—and that’s not getting promoted. It hurts. At first look, you may not see the connection between the three pieces of content I want to share with you below: an interview about the Baltimore uprising and Black Lives Matter, the marketing campaign behind my pro-LGBT film Blackbird, and a masterfully crafted op-ed by a black lesbian by the name of Danielle Moodie-Mills.   Read more http://exposure-magazine.com/isaiah-washington-coming-to-exposure-magazines-june-issue-the-address/ For press or media coverage contact  Ms. Lawrence (888) 507-4777 Ext 1     admin   01:00:00Speak Live Nationnoisaiah washington,exposure magazine,exposure,ms lawrenceCheck out tomorrow's interview with Isaiah Washington hosted by Ms. Lawrence the founder of Exposure Magazine and Celebrity Publicist   By Isaiah Washington SSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author/Comedian Tranea Prosser (Miz T.)http://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/06/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-authorcomedian-tranea-prosser-miz-tRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/06/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-authorcomedian-tranea-prosser-miz-t/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/06/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-authorcomedian-tranea-prosser-miz-tWed, 06 May 2015 00:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Author/Comedian Tranea Prosser (Miz T.)Tranea Prosser, a new author is also known as Comedian MizT. Until fairly recently, Miz T's "side-splitting" comedy routines was shared primarily with folks in Texas...from Dallas to Houston to the capital city of Austin. But she is a regional star no more...becoming a comic force across the U-S with the release of "Back at 'Ya Lord." Clips from Miz T's comedy album are now airing on Internet radio stations across America and overseas in London. Where ever there are ears to hear, and a sound system to project her voice, Miz T has been bringing the laughter to folks in all sorts of venues, like churches and banquets. And she does it in a clean, non-profane manner...pleasing to audiences of all ages --- from kids to senior citizens. As an entertainer Miz T is a triple threat; aside from her comedy, she's also a singer with a powerful voice, along with being an accomplished emcee (MC). When she's not captivating audiences, Miz T is a devoted and doting mother and grandmother. 00:25:00Speak Live Nationnoabstinance,comedian,Singers,Minsitry,celibacyTranea Prosser, a new author is also known as Comedian MizT. Until fairly recently, Miz T's "side-splitting" comedy routines was shared primarily with folks iSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Model & Actress Diane Young Mozzonehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/03/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-model-actress-diane-young-mozzoneRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/03/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-model-actress-diane-young-mozzone/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/05/03/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-model-actress-diane-young-mozzoneSun, 03 May 2015 04:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles- Model & Actress Diane Young MozzoneShe made her stage debut in tap at the age of four in N.Y.C. (1955) performing "Anchor's Aweigh" with Tanya and Walter's Dance Studio troupe from Middle Village Queens, N.Y. Her mother, Doris Louise Slack had been a major in costume design, and created the wardrobe for all of their performances. Her father, Lawrence Otto Young, a small refrigeration corporation owner, enrolled her at Our Savior Lutheran School in Queens, NY. at the age of six. He insisted she give up formal dance lessons to pursue academics, religion and sports. Immediately, Diane got involved with school plays and once again, her mother did the costumes. By five, Diane and her two sisters Barbara and Patricia already had begun to stage shows. They collaborated makeup and costume design, also creating settings that were very entertaining and lots of fun for family and friends to watch. They created scripts and rehearsed dance and song routines, and the audience clapped. Diane (alto)was the lead singer, while Barbara and Patricia (soprano) sang backup, much like the Supremes, The Ronettes, and The Four Seasons. Her mother was also an amateur photographer and fine artist, which led to Diane's interest in modeling. She signed her first contract with Foster-Fell Agency in N.Y.C., in 1978. Immediately, she was subcontracted by Miyama International in Tokyo and Universal in Paris. Afterwards, she entered the music industry as a singer-songwriter, and landed a contract with Next Plateau Records (1988)where she released an EP entitled, "Call On Me" (You Tube). In 1995, she returned to college and became a secondary E.S.L. teacher(NY)having had acquired several languages in the twenty-eight countries she has visited. Currently, she lives in San Antonio where she truly feels at home in the film industry with her husband, Artie Mozzone, who is also an actor. 00:19:00Speak Live NationnoDiane Young-Mozzone,Speak Live Nation,SLN,MODEL,ACTRESSShe made her stage debut in tap at the age of four in N.Y.C. (1955) performing "Anchor's Aweigh" with Tanya and Walter's Dance Studio troupe from Middle VillageSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles award winning Journalist Amanda Fitzpatrickhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/22/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-award-winning-journalist-amanda-fitzpatrickRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/22/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-award-winning-journalist-amanda-fitzpatrick/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/22/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-award-winning-journalist-amanda-fitzpatrickWed, 22 Apr 2015 12:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w Cedric Nettles award winning Journalist Amanda FitzpatrickAmanda has been featured  in dozens of local magazines and newspapers for her work in the community and trailblazing career.  In December 2013, she recognized by D Magazine as one of the "10 Most Beautiful Women in Dallas."  She was named "2014 People to Watch" by Dallas Weekly newspaper. In 2014 she was named a grand marshal in the Elite News MLK Day parade and featured in their publication.Ms. Fitzpatrick is an Award winning Journalist residing in Dallas, TX.   Amanda is currently the Fill-in Traffic Reporter on WFAA-TV Daybreak.   You can also read her blogs on the hottest celebrity events, comedy shows, concerts, red carpet premieres and sporting events in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on www.dallasblack.com (10.1 million monthly visitors)    00:24:00Speak Live NationnoAmanda has been featured  in dozens of local magazines and newspapers for her work in the community and trailblazing career.  In December 2013, she recognized bSpeak Live Nation W/ Cedric Nettles Actress & Singer Maria Howellhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/09/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actress-singer-maria-howellRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/09/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actress-singer-maria-howell/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/09/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-actress-singer-maria-howellThu, 09 Apr 2015 17:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation W/ Cedric Nettles Actress & Singer Maria HowellMaria Howell stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles and shares her start as an actress as she will be forever rememebered in a certain magical scene in The Color Purple. She is a very talented actress, voice over artist, and singer.  Some may be inspired to call her best kept secret, but anyone who leaves an imprint on every medium from radio, stage and television to the Hollywood screen is hardly incognito. Howell's talent has been featured as a nightclub singer "Goldie", in "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles", produced by George Lucas (Chicago and NY episodes, which also features veteran actor Keith David). Other roles on the small screen include "Linda", where she plays alongside master performers Richard Thomas (The Waltons) and Virginia Madsen (Sideways) and in "Scattered Dreams" with Tyne Daly (Judging Amy) and Alicia Silverstone (Clueless and Beauty Shop). Her credibility as a true thespian flourished when she nailed a coveted role as the daughter of Maya Angelou's character in Langston Hughes' "Tambourines to Glory" stage play. She has worked with famed actor, director and producer, Tyler Perry in film, "Daddy's Little Girls" and in his TV sitcoms "Meet the Browns"and "House of Payne" (TBS).     00:22:00Speak Live NationnoMaria Howell,The Color Purple,Actress,suge avery,whoopie goldbergMaria Howell stops by Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles and shares her start as an actress as she will be forever rememebered in a certain magical scene inSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Syleena Johnson & Tangie Black Moorehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-syleena-johnson-tangie-black-mooreRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-syleena-johnson-tangie-black-moore/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-syleena-johnson-tangie-black-mooreThu, 02 Apr 2015 23:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Syleena Johnson & Tangie Black MooreI had the priviledge of having two very talented ladies on Speak Live Nation, Grammy nominated R&B sensation Syleena Johnson and Producer/Director Tangie Black Moore spoke with me about their new film that began airing on BET 'Couple's Therapy'.  Tier2 Films proudly announces the upcoming network debut of the musical-drama "Couple's Therapy", premiering globally on the BET Network on Monday, March 30, 2015, at 8:00pm (est).  "Couple's Therapy" is written and executive produced by Tier2 Films own, Tangie Black Moore and Ric Atari.  The film stars Syleena Johnson and directed by Tangie Black Moore.  "Couple's Therapy was a fun project to create with a great group of talented people.  As a fan of her [Syleena Johnson] Couple's Therapy album, I enjoyed the process of taking the album's subject matter and creating an entire new world with relatable characters, situations and storylines. Seeing the process from its script conception to premiering on the BET Networks is truly gratifying," adds Tangie Black Moore (Director/Executive Producer).     "Couple's Therapy" is inspired by Grammy Nominated Recording Artist Syleena Johnson's album, "Chapter 6: Couple's Therapy" (Blackbyrd Music/EOne).  "This was one of the most challenging, but most rewarding projects I've done. Being able to paint a vivid picture through my music is a gift from God and I can't thank God enough for the opportunity," says Syleena Johnson (Principal Actress, Producer).   00:28:00Speak Live NationnoSyleena Johnson,tangie black moore,Couple's Therapy,BET,Black loveI had the priviledge of having two very talented ladies on Speak Live Nation, Grammy nominated R&B sensation Syleena Johnson and Producer/Director Tangie BlackSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Author LaSean Riniquehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-lasean-riniqueRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-lasean-rinique/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-lasean-riniqueThu, 02 Apr 2015 17:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Author LaSean RiniqueLaSean got her entrepreneurial spirit from her family bloodline. After completing August Martin High School in Queens, LaSean entered Delaware State University.   While in college, LaSean pursued Journalism Mass Communications, and then switched to Hotel Restaurant Management and Business Administration, and was soon bitten by the entrepreneurial bug after graduating from Delaware State.   In 1995, LaSean began piloting different business ideas, and with that type of exposure, and ambition LaSean embarked into the entertainment business-and successfully went onto acting/modeling working on such shows as Law and Order, NY Under Cover, Extra Roles in several Box Office Movies, An Off Off Broadway Play written by Ms. Tanganyika Fredericks (“Caught Up”), a lead role in “UBig” a local Long Island Access channel comedy show and she landed a main spot with Los Banditos Chocolates Improv team during their premier run-featured at Roses Turn. LaSean also is a radio personality known as Mz. OptimiZm. Mz. OptimiZm is an on-line and FM radio personality that holds a high spot in the Charts and known in the DE area for her Radio Slot on WAMS FM. She has interviewed celebrated guest such as Dr. Eunice S Thomas, Dr. Nikki Giovanni, Easy Mo Bee, Aaron D Spears, Marvin Dixon, Blue Williams, State Representative Darryl M. Scott, Syleena Johnson, and Dr. Lucy Perez to name a few. She resides in DE with her family and is an active member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. The goals and passions that LaSean holds dear are: Philanthropy, Mentoring, Radio, Commentating latest events and Ground Breaking News on the Television Circuit, and most of all, Family. 00:31:00Speak Live NationnoLaSean,Entrepreneurship,women entrepreneurs,homeless,Life CoachingLaSean got her entrepreneurial spirit from her family bloodline. After completing August Martin High School in Queens, LaSean entered Delaware State University.Speak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Author Freda L. Mayshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-freda-l-maysRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-freda-l-mays/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/04/02/speak-live-nation-with-cedric-nettles-w-author-freda-l-maysThu, 02 Apr 2015 09:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation with Cedric Nettles w Author Freda L. Mays   Breast cancer fighter, Author and Music Industry Executive, Freda L. Mays announces the release of her debut book, "My Naked Truth About Breast Cancer and Being Single".  She discusses her victory over brest cancer.The book is globally available now via amazon.com.  00:15:00Speak Live NationnoBreast cancer fighter, Author and Music Industry Executive, Freda L. Mays announces the release of her debut book, "My Naked Truth About Breast Cancer and BSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles - Authors Tomika P. Woods & G. Dewion Brownhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/27/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--authors-tomika-p-woods-g-dewion-brownRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/27/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--authors-tomika-p-woods-g-dewion-brown/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/27/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--authors-tomika-p-woods-g-dewion-brownFri, 27 Mar 2015 14:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles - Authors Tomika P. Woods & G. Dewion BrownAuthor Tomika P. Woods and author G. Dewion Brown joined me on Speak Live Nation to talk about their intriguing book The Truth Lies that discusses common issues in love and relationships from an uncommon angle. 00:24:00Speak Live Nationnotomika p. woods,g dewion brown,The Truth Lies,authors,Love & RelationshipsAuthor Tomika P. Woods and author G. Dewion Brown joined me on Speak Live Nation to talk about their intriguing book The Truth Lies that discusses common issuesSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles - KOPC star Actor Jason Lanzar Riverahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/19/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--kopc-star-actor-jason-lanzar-riveraRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/19/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--kopc-star-actor-jason-lanzar-rivera/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/19/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles--kopc-star-actor-jason-lanzar-riveraThu, 19 Mar 2015 05:00:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles - KOPC star Actor Jason Lanzar RiveraJason Lanzar Rivera is an A-lister that is originally from New York. You saw him as "Dell" in the cult classic (KOPC) King of Paper Chasin' and he chatted with me  on Speak Live Nation about his start in acting, his memorable role, his own hard hitting film project that addresses domestic violence and what it takes to make it to someone's movie set. 00:18:00Speak Live Nationno#jason lanzar rivera,kopc,dl king,latino,king of paper chazinJason Lanzar Rivera is an A-lister that is originally from New York. You saw him as "Dell" in the cult classic (KOPC) King of Paper Chasin' and he chatted withSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles -Former Miss South Carolina Amanda Bluesteinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-former-miss-south-carolina-amanda-bluestein-1Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-former-miss-south-carolina-amanda-bluestein-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/13/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-former-miss-south-carolina-amanda-bluestein-1Fri, 13 Mar 2015 22:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles -Former Miss South Carolina Amanda BluesteinAmanda is a former beauty queen from Columbia, South Carolina who has competed in the Miss USA and Miss Earth pageants. Pennekamp won the Miss South Carolina USA 2004 title in late 2003 and represented South Carolina in the Miss USA 2004 pageant held in Hollywood, California in April 2004 Amanda discussses her time as Miss South Carolina, her passion for children and the arts, and how she overcame her heart condition against the odds. 00:19:00Speak Live NationnoMiss South Carolina,Amanda Bluestein,American Heart Association,Miss USA,Mrs. GalaxyAmanda is a former beauty queen from Columbia, South Carolina who has competed in the Miss USA and Miss Earth pageants. Pennekamp won the Miss South Carolina USpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles interviews Artist & TV Host Desi Sanchezhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/05/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-interviews-artist-tv-host-desi-sanchezRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/05/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-interviews-artist-tv-host-desi-sanchez/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/03/05/speak-live-nation-w-cedric-nettles-interviews-artist-tv-host-desi-sanchezThu, 05 Mar 2015 06:30:00 GMTSpeak Live Nation w/ Cedric Nettles interviews Artist & TV Host Desi SanchezArtist Adesina Sanchez is an NYC native, specializing in figurative imagery which brings light to social issues and uplifts her audience. Adesina is also an established television and media personality, with almost a decade of experience, appearing under her stage and nickname, Desi Sanchez.   As a broadcaster, Desi became most well-known as an MTV VJ when she was named the “Face of MTV2” in 2010, and she joined up with Viacom again in 2014, as the host of Night Out, which aired across Viacom platforms (MTV, VH1, Spike, Comedy Central + more). Other credits include work as co-anchor on Major League Gaming's eSports Report, fill-in anchor on E! News Now; and hosting shows for VEVO, Bleacher Report, Syfy Channel, Music Choice, TMZ; including five years as the host of FOX & MyNetwork‘s LatiNation, where she got her start in 2005. After ten years in television, Desi is thrilled to be back pursuing her passion as an artist. Trained at recognized institutions such as The Art Students League, Pratt Institute, and the School of Visual Arts, she currently works as an illustrator for video games, books & private clientele. In addition, Desi has shown her art in several galleries in New York City, gives back to the community by teaching free drawing classes to underprivileged children, and is now working on a very ambitious & experimental series for her first solo art show. Proof positive that, no matter how long it takes, it’s never too late to make a dream come true!" 00:16:00Speak Live NationnoMTV,sci-fi channel,VH1,Spike TV,COMEDY CENTRAL HBO SHOWTIMEArtist Adesina Sanchez is an NYC native, specializing in figurative imagery which brings light to social issues and uplifts her audience. Adesina is also an estExposure Goes Live with LOVE & HIP HOP Reality Celebrity Diamond Strawberryhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/02/13/exposure-goes-live-with-love-hip-hop-reality-celebrity-diamond-strawberryEntertainmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/02/13/exposure-goes-live-with-love-hip-hop-reality-celebrity-diamond-strawberry/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2015/02/13/exposure-goes-live-with-love-hip-hop-reality-celebrity-diamond-strawberryFri, 13 Feb 2015 17:00:00 GMTExposure Goes Live with LOVE & HIP HOP Reality Celebrity Diamond StrawberryDiamond Strawberry, born to Lisa and (MLB Hall of Fame member), Darryl Strawberry was destined to be and has become a dynamic young lady. Her organic beauty and charisma have been captivating people since she was a toddler & continues today.   Diamond may have been born into privilege, however she faced challenges that many teenage young ladies face including an unplanned, but certainly blessed pregnancy.  MyLisa, her now 7 year old daughter and only child is the joy of her life who inspired Diamond to co-found “A Safe Place Youth Center”, a group home for pregnant teens, with her mother Lisa.   Diamond is setting an example for the teen moms on how to maintain a hectic schedule of travel, making appearances, filming & photo shoots balanced with motherhood. She continues to pursue her modeling career and will be launching her own online boutique later this summer.  Diamond is currently a cast member on VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop NY,” airing Monday nights on VH1.   CONNECT WITH DIAMOND Instagram: @Diamond_Strawberry Twitter: @DStrawberryDuh 00:27:00Speak Live Nationnomusic,live,loveinhiphop,reality tv,CelebrityDiamond Strawberry, born to Lisa and (MLB Hall of Fame member), Darryl Strawberry was destined to be and has become a dynamic young lady. Her organic beauty andBoutique Shopping with Upscale Fashion Designershttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/12/03/boutique-shopping-with-upscale-fashion-designersRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/12/03/boutique-shopping-with-upscale-fashion-designers/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/12/03/boutique-shopping-with-upscale-fashion-designersWed, 03 Dec 2014 01:30:00 GMTBoutique Shopping with Upscale Fashion DesignersExposure LIVE Radio series is hosting an online destination for holiday shopping online. Our special guests will be upscale fashion designer Jermikko Shoshanna Sheila Hawkins-Bucklew and Fashion Editor Stephani Bakus Learn about how to build a personalized wardrobe and style, discovering up-to-the-minute trends and emerging designers, sharing and shopping the absolute best in upscale fashion, and connecting with an exclusive group of fashion designers. The influencers are a collective of individuals carefully selected by our editors who possess something magical, inspirational, and impossible to define... and a breadth of influence, impossible to deny.   Images of available merchandise will be featured on this page with a link to payment option(s) purchase exclusive designs- You can call in and speak with our guests Fashion Experts by calling (516) 418-5697  01:30:00Speak Live Nationnofashion,Designers,shopping,exposure,magazineExposure LIVE Radio series is hosting an online destination for holiday shopping online. Our special guests will be upscale fashion designer Jermikko Shoshanna"EXPOSURE LIVE INTERVIEW SERIES .. with A-List Hollywood Actor Hawthornehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/30/exposure-live-interview-series-with-a-list-hollywood-actor-hawthorneEntertainmenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/30/exposure-live-interview-series-with-a-list-hollywood-actor-hawthorne/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/30/exposure-live-interview-series-with-a-list-hollywood-actor-hawthorneSun, 30 Nov 2014 01:52:26 GMT"EXPOSURE LIVE INTERVIEW SERIES .. with A-List Hollywood Actor HawthorneMy show "EXPOSURE LIVE INTERVIEW SERIES .. with A-List Hollywood Actor Hawthorne James" 00:46:00Speak Live NationnoExposure,Live,InterviewMy show "EXPOSURE LIVE INTERVIEW SERIES .. with A-List Hollywood Actor Hawthorne James"Exposing You to More Bounce "ZAPP" Original Greg Jacksonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/27/exposing-you-to-more-bounce-zapp-original-greg-jacksonMusichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/27/exposing-you-to-more-bounce-zapp-original-greg-jackson/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/27/exposing-you-to-more-bounce-zapp-original-greg-jacksonThu, 27 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTExposing You to More Bounce "ZAPP" Original Greg Jackson Greg Jackson: Artist, Songwriter, and Producer, Multi-platinum recordings. Solo Album debuts 2014 Born in Cincinnati Ohio, Greg started performing at the age of four when his uncle and aunts would take him to several school activities with them just so he could perform for their friends. At age fourteen, he joined a Cincinnati based band by the name of "The Soulseekers" (1969) who later changed their name to "400 Years of What" (1972).  After performing locally for years, he later hooked up with members of Parliament Funkadelic (1975) now known as the Original P. then move to Atlanta GA. While writing and rehearsing approximately a year for Original P., he received a called from Bootsy and his brother Catfish Collins (1976) asking him to join a band that they and George Clinton was producing by the name of Roger and the Human Body now known as Zapp since 1980.  Working with the Troutman brothers gave him an opportunity to not only tour the world, but a chance to share his musical ability by writing, producing, co-producing and performing with such artist as Roger Troutman, Shirley Murdock, Bobby Glover, New Horizon, the Human Body, Dick Smith, Sugarfoot of the Ohio Players, Bigg Robb and Dayton. Greg is currently on tour with Zapp and working with Troutman brothers (Lester, Terry and Rufus) who he has become their long time friend.   00:31:00Speak Live NationnoZapp,Greg Jackson,Exposure Live,Exposure Magazine,MusicGreg Jackson: Artist, Songwriter, and Producer, Multi-platinum recordings. Solo Album debuts 2014 Born in Cincinnati Ohio, Greg started performing at the agExposure is Exposing Film Director David Bradburn Listen Live 11/20 @11amCSThttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/20/exposure-is-exposing-film-director-david-bradburn-listen-live-1120-11amcstRadiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/20/exposure-is-exposing-film-director-david-bradburn-listen-live-1120-11amcst/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/exposuremagazine/2014/11/20/exposure-is-exposing-film-director-david-bradburn-listen-live-1120-11amcstThu, 20 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTExposure is Exposing Film Director David Bradburn Listen Live 11/20 @11amCSTDavid Bradburn David Bradburn grew up outside of Chicago in Elgin, Illinois. Here, he shot his first film during high school: a compilation of shorts and mock commercials that he hoped would be funny enough to make it to America’s Funniest Home Videos. 25 years later, Bradburn has honed his craft and finds himself wearing the many different hats of the independent movie maker to see a project from script to screen. Serving as lead producer of the Von Steuben High School Film Festival for six years, Bradburn navigated the process of obtaining grants to bring filmmaking opportunities to Chicago high school students. Bradburn’s films include “Home”,  “The Night Before The Morning After”, “Superhero Me”, a finalist in the 2012 Beverly Hills Film Fest Writing Competition, My Brother’s Other Mother ­– a documentary chronicling his younger brother’s search for his birth mother in the Dominican Republic, and the soon to be finished “Sisters” which was written by Northwestern University’s Film Department Chair, Dave Tolchinsky. Bradburn’s successful launch into Chicago’s independent film community most recently landed him assignments with Kenmore and FOX. Bradburn holds a BA from Wheaton College, and an M. Ed from UIC, and hasn’t given up on his American Funniest Home Video dreams.  http://www.forktheman.com/ 00:44:00Speak Live NationnoFilm Director,Chicago,David Bradburn,Live,InterviewDavid Bradburn David Bradburn grew up outside of Chicago in Elgin, Illinois. Here, he shot his first film during high school: a compilation of shorts and mock