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In the Grown Zone we teach what it means to make healthy, Grown decisions (not merely the adult choices you have the right to make, whether or not they are to your advantage). This includes challenging self-destructive beliefs about how to create and sustain healty relationships, including marriages. This edition of Grown Zone Radio explains why such relationship education is key to protecting your business, career and finances. If your wealth, influence, visibility and status are on the rise, you are particularly vulnerable to making poor relationship choices. We discuss three ways smart business people put their success and wealth at risk in relationships:
You attract and choose potential relationship partners based on what you have, not who you are.
You attract and are attracted to adult dependents who drain, but can't replenish, you and your resources.
You believe that you are too smart, popular, influential and otherwise successful to be exploited.
Check out this edition of Grown Zone Radio to learn why excellent relationships don't happen by chance, but choice. Commit to your relationship education NOW by choosing 21 Days of Grown Zone: Intentional Personal Growth at
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