IN THE BLACK RADIO Us As We Discuss And address issues That Effect Black African People Worldwide. Educational, Political,Economic And Social issues Will Be Discussed Our goal is to expose the system of racism white supremacy, and restore it with a system of true justice.we are dedicated to the task of liberating black people globally, not only the mind but ultimately the body. . Debates, and Scholarly Discussions are encouraged. we also give a BLACK CONSCIOUS PERSPECTIVE ON HIP-HOP NEWS, AND NEWS AROUND THE WORLD. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW US, SO YOU CAN BE UPDATED WHEN WE BROADCAST OUR PROGRAM!! SHOWTIME IS 9PM EST CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694... JOIN YOUR HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND BROTHER SOLAR MIND AS WE DELIVER RAW INFORMATION NO CUT, REAL REVOLUTIONARIES ONLY!! GO TO BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/INTHEBLACKRADIO AND FOLLOW US FOR UPDATED SHOW DATES AND All Rights Reserved.Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:00:00 GMTSun, 05 Jun 2016 22:00:00 GMTPoliticsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 THE BLACK RADIO Us As We Discuss And address issues That Effect Black African People Worldwide. Educational, Political,Economic And Social issues Will Be Discussed Our goal is to expose the system of racism white supremacy, and restore it with a system of true justice.we are dedicated to the task of liberating black people globally, not only the mind but ultimately the body. . Debates, and Scholarly Discussions are encouraged. we also give a BLACK CONSCIOUS PERSPECTIVE ON HIP-HOP NEWS, AND NEWS AROUND THE WORLD. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW US, SO YOU CAN BE UPDATED WHEN WE BROADCAST OUR PROGRAM!! SHOWTIME IS 9PM EST CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694... JOIN YOUR HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND BROTHER SOLAR MIND AS WE DELIVER RAW INFORMATION NO CUT, REAL REVOLUTIONARIES ONLY!! GO TO BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/INTHEBLACKRADIO AND FOLLOW US FOR UPDATED SHOW DATES AND TIME..feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comin the black radio solar mind ogod sister renee truth queenIN THE BLACK RADIOyesJoin Us As We Discuss And address issues That Effect Black African People Worldwide. Educational, Political,Economic And Social issues Will Be Discussed Our goaepisodicRoyal Bust Back AT Sa Neter Live, 05 Jun 2016 22:00:00 GMTRoyal Bust Back AT Sa Neter LiveBRO. ROYAL SPEAKS OUT AGAINST SA NETER AND THE HOUSE OF CONS LIVE   02:07:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoEDUCATIONALThe "Reality T.V. Fantasy", 01 Apr 2016 01:00:00 GMTThe "Reality T.V. Fantasy"TONIGHT @ 9 PM EST IN THE BLACK RADIO WILL BE DEALING WITH THE EFFECT THAT REALITY SHOWS HAVE THE BLACK COMMUNITY. TUNE IN AS BROTHER SOLAR MIND, O GOD AND SISTER DYMOND DISCUSS HOW THE MIND CONTROL MEDIA USES REALITY T.V. TO CREATE NEGATIVE IMAGES OF BLACKS IN AMERICA. THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY INTERESTING DISCUSSION SO MAKE SURE YOU TUNE IN THE CALL IN NUMBER IS 619-924-0694 01:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoTONIGHT @ 9 PM EST IN THE BLACK RADIO WILL BE DEALING WITH THE EFFECT THAT REALITY SHOWS HAVE THE BLACK COMMUNITY. TUNE IN AS BROTHER SOLAR MIND, O GOD AND SISTIN THE BLACK MEDIA LIVE FEAT LEX VORTEX, 27 Mar 2016 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK MEDIA LIVE FEAT LEX VORTEX JOIN IN THE BLACK MEDIA LIVE TONIGHT AT 9PM EST AS WE INTERVIEW LEX VORTEX AS HE FIRES SHOTS AT THE AMEN RA SQUAD THE CALL IN NUMBER IS 619-924-0694 01:51:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoJOIN IN THE BLACK MEDIA LIVE TONIGHT AT 9PM EST AS WE INTERVIEW LEX VORTEX AS HE FIRES SHOTS AT THE AMEN RA SQUAD THE CALL IN NUMBER IS 619-924-0694Communication between the Black Wombman and Man, 25 Mar 2016 01:00:00 GMTCommunication between the Black Wombman and ManLAST WEEK ON IN THE BLACK RADIO WITH BROTHERS O- GOD, SOLAR MIND AND SISTER TOOOFLYY (FROM THE DYMONDS RADIO SHOW) WE TALKED ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE BLACK WOMBMAN AND MAN. THIS WEEK WE ARE STILL FOCUSING ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BLACK WOMBMAN AND MAN, HOWEVER WE ARE GONNA LOOK DEEPER INTO HOW WE COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER. DOES THE BLACK WOMBMAN KNOW HOW TO TALK TO THE BLACK? DOES THE BLACK MAN KNOW HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BLACK WOMBMAN? LETS HAVE A DISCUSSION TONIGHT… CALL IN NUMBER 619-924-0694 01:19:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIOWhat Must Blacks Do Now To Be Liberated Ft Nuben Menkarayzz, 20 Mar 2016 01:00:00 GMTWhat Must Blacks Do Now To Be Liberated Ft Nuben MenkarayzzIts Going Down Tonight!!! Brother Nuben Menkenrayzz Will Be Bringing His Philosophy on the best way to free black people now!! be in the house its going down!! call in number is (619) 924-0694 PRESS 1 TO ASK A QUESTION OR TO COMMENT.... 02:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoNEW WEBSITE www.intheblacknation.comDo Black Men And Women Hate Each Other?, 18 Mar 2016 01:00:00 GMTDo Black Men And Women Hate Each Other?TONIGHT ON IN THE BLACK RADIO WITH BROTHERS O- GOD, SOLAR MIND AND SISTER TOOOFLYY (FROM THE DYMONDS RADIO SHOW) WE WILL BE DEALING WITH RELATIONSHIPS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY.  WHY IS THERE SUCH A HIGH DIVORCE RATE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY?  DO BLACK MEN RESPECT THE BLACK WOMEN? DO BLACK WOMEN BELIEVE IN THE BLACK MAN? ARE "TRADITIONAL" RELATIONSHIPS A THING OF THE PAST? LETS ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AMONGST A HOST OF OTHER QUESTIONS THAT WILL BE BROUGHT UP TO THIS MUCH NEEDED DISCUSION.... MAKE SURE YOU TUNE IN FAMILY!!! CALL IN NUMBER: (619-924-0694) 02:01:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoin the black radio,black radio,black love,black community,black womenUnderstanding Black Relationships in the Hells of AmericaGeneral Hashar & Priest Danyaahla Live Tonight !!! (In The Black Radio), 14 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMTGeneral Hashar & Priest Danyaahla Live Tonight !!! (In The Black Radio)ITS GOING DOWN TONIGHT!! 8PM EST TWO HEAVY HITTERS!! GENERAL HASHAR & PRIEST DANYAAHALA LIVE ON IN THE BLACK RADIO!! THE SYNAGOUGE OF SATAN IS FALLING!! WILL BE THE TOPIC THE CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694 02:27:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoin the black radio,in the black media 2,in the black media,ogod,solar mindwww.intheblacknation.comTHE REALITY OF THE SO-CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, 11 Mar 2016 02:01:19 GMTTHE REALITY OF THE SO-CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITYTUNE IN TONIGHT IN THE BLACK MEDIA WILL GOING IN ON THE STATE OF THE SO-CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY! 01:42:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoDO WE REALLY HAVE A CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY?The Dymonds Radio Show: Respect, 04 Mar 2016 02:00:00 GMTThe Dymonds Radio Show: RespectThe Dymonds Radio Show Premiere on In The Black Radio is LIVE tonight at 6 pm pst/ 9 pm est with host ToooFlyy… The topic of the night is RESPECT. Why folks dont know how to respect each other? Do folks even know what respect is? Why is it so important that both genders learn to respect each other?Hmm.. Lets have an open discussion tonight by calling in @ (619) 924-0694 to join the conversation 01:23:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoThe Dymonds Radio: Empowering, Entertaining, Educational & EnlighteningPolight & Nu-covenant Website Services Scam Exposed!!, 28 Feb 2016 02:00:00 GMTPolight & Nu-covenant Website Services Scam Exposed!!Tonight We Are Bringing On A Brother Who Understands Each And Every Aspect Of Brother Polights Website! He will break the scam down service by service.make sure you are  in the house tonight family its going down!! also we will be live on Youtube channel in the black media 2. We will deliver the knockout blow tonight!! call in at (619) 924-0694 PRESS 1 TO SPEAK 02:29:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnopolight exposed,in the black media,in the black radio,ogod,solar mindwww.intheblacknation.comThe Return Of In The Black Radio!!! (Open Mic), 21 Feb 2016 02:00:00 GMTThe Return Of In The Black Radio!!! (Open Mic) PEACE FAMILY WE ARE BACK!! IN THE BLACK RADIO IS BACK ON THE AIR AFTER A MUST NEEDED BREAK! WE BACK READY TO START KILLING SHIT ONCE AGAIN!! IT FEELS GOOD!! THE CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694 PRESS 1 IF YOU WANT TO SPEAK!! ALSO CHECK OUR NEWWEBSITE OUT AT 02:28:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoin the black media,in the black media 2,in the black nation,ogod,solar mindPEACE FAMILY WE ARE BACK!! IN THE BLACK RADIO IS BACK ON THE AIR AFTER A MUST NEEDED BREAK! WE BACK READY TO START KILLING SHIT ONCE AGAIN!! IT FEELS GOOD!! THTHE BLACK MALE & FEMALE RELATIONSHIP FEAT RELATIONSHIP EXPERT CHAZZ ELLIS>>>> ]]>>>>> ]]>Politics, 20 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTTHE BLACK MALE & FEMALE RELATIONSHIP FEAT RELATIONSHIP EXPERT CHAZZ ELLIS>>>> ]]>Tuesday Jan 19th, join Ogod, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee, as we discuss Black male-female relationships. We will be joined by special guest relationship expert Chazz Ellis. This will be a hot one. Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>> 02:32:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Chazz Ellis,Black menBlack relationshipsHOOD HEALTH 101: FEAT AUTHOR C'BS ALIFE ALLAH>>>> ]]>>>>> ]]>Politics, 15 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTHOOD HEALTH 101: FEAT AUTHOR C'BS ALIFE ALLAH>>>> ]]>Thursday January 14th, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join Ogod, Solarmind, & Sistah Renee, as we welcome author & editor of 'The Hood Health Handbook', C'BS ALIFE ALLAH!! This will be a hot one, & very informative! Don't miss it!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>> 03:03:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,C'BS ALIFE ALLAH,THE HOOD HEALTH HANDBOOKHood health handbook authorFREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS>>> ]]>>>> ]]>Politics, 13 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTFREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS>>> ]]>Join Ogod,Solarmind, &Sistah Renee, Tuesday Jan 12th, as we discussed the political prisoners in our community. Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>> 02:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Mumia Abu Jamal,PoliticsFree all political prisonersASK THE HOST WHATEVER NIGHT!!, 10 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTASK THE HOST WHATEVER NIGHT!!Open Mic Ask Us whatever night Lets talk ! 03:00:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIn the black radio,in the black media,ogod,sistah Reneé,solar mindIn the Black mediaDAWAH YISRAEL & THE BOOK CANADA BANNED!>>> ]]>>>> ]]>Politics, 08 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTDAWAH YISRAEL & THE BOOK CANADA BANNED!>>> ]]>Join O-god, Solarmind, & Sistah Renee Thursday January 7th, on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO'! We'll be joined by Dawah Yisrael, & he'll breakdown what happened on his recent attempt to enter Canada, & his book being banned in the country!! You won't wanna miss it!!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>> 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Dawah Yisrael,HomosexualityDAWAH telling his story on what happened with his book being banned in Canada.HEBREW YISRA'ELITE: SOVEREIGN NATIONALISM>>>> ]]>>>>> ]]>Politics, 06 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTHEBREW YISRA'ELITE: SOVEREIGN NATIONALISM>>>> ]]>Join OGod, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee Tuesday Jan 5th @ 9pm est/8pm cst, as we welcome The Hebrew Yisra'elite, to discuss 'Sovereign Nationalism'. Featuring The Mighty Hebrew, Ambassador Avraham Ben Yisra'el, & Moreh Yo'El Ben Yisra'el. Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>> 03:09:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Hebrew israelites,SovereigntyHebrew Israelite unityOPEN MIC NIGHT YEAR IN REVIEW 2015, 02 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTOPEN MIC NIGHT YEAR IN REVIEW 2015Join In the black Radio as we discuss our past year!!! 03:08:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOgod,Solar mind,In the black radio,In the black media,Sistah ReneeIn the black radioIN THE BLACK RECAP OF 2015>>>>>> ]]>>>>>>> ]]>Politics, 01 Jan 2016 02:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK RECAP OF 2015>>>>>> ]]>Thursday December 31st, 9pm est, 8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO'! We'll be recapping some of the big stories of the year, & will be joined by Chicago Activist Paul McKinley, to give us more insight on the corruption & crime going on there!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>>>> 02:31:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,2015,2016Recap of Black news of 2015THE SCIENCE OF A SELLOUTS FEAT DR. RANDY SHORT>>>> ]]>>>>> ]]>Politics, 30 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE SCIENCE OF A SELLOUTS FEAT DR. RANDY SHORT>>>> ]]>Tuesday December 29th, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind,  and Sistah Renee on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO'!! We have special guest Dr. Randy Short, & we'll be discussing the SCIENCE OF SELLOUTS! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>> 03:32:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGOD,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Dr.Randy Short,SelloutsBlack SelloutsIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT & OPEN MIC>>>>>> ]]>>>>>>> ]]>Politics, 27 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT & OPEN MIC>>>>>> ]]>Saturday December 26th, 9pm est/ 8pm cst, Join 'In The Black Radio', as we have 'In The Black News Night, & Open Mic! Affirmative Action, Baltimore police mistrial, & so much more! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to contribute your perspective, or hear us online by clicking the link >>>>>>> 03:00:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Black liberation,Current AffairsBlack current affairs, & open discussion..RE-ESTABLISHING INDEPENDENT BLACK WEALTH FT FINANCIAL SPECIALIST BROTHER KHONSU>>>>>>>>> ]]>>>>>>>>>> ]]>Politics, 23 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTRE-ESTABLISHING INDEPENDENT BLACK WEALTH FT FINANCIAL SPECIALIST BROTHER KHONSU>>>>>>>>> ]]>Tuesday December 22nd, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO', as we welcome financial procurement specialist, Brother KHONSU SHESHMU AMUN! He' ll be talking about how to get our money right, & building wealth in the community! Listen/Comment/Question @(619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>>>>>>> 02:28:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Khonsu sheshmu amon,MoneyGiving information on making your finances really work for you & the community..REVOLUTIONARY REINCARNATED FT KING SAMIR SHABAZZ, 20 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTREVOLUTIONARY REINCARNATED FT KING SAMIR SHABAZZJoin  in the black radio as we welcome for the first time King Samir Shabazz to our platform!! What does it mean to be a revolutionary ? Tune in tonight 9PM EST Bring you me questions and comments it's going down. Our YouTube page is our Facebook group is intheblackradio. The call in number for this evening is (619) 924-0694 press #1 to speak let's go! 02:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoKing Samir,Revolutionary Reincarnated,black power,in the black media,in the black radioIn the black radio the fastest growing radio show in the worldTHE RETURN OF ZaZa ALI (REVOLUTIONARY QUEEN), 18 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE RETURN OF ZaZa ALI (REVOLUTIONARY QUEEN) Join in the black radio as we welcome for the very first time to our platform sister Zaza Ali.. She is returning after a short break.. To bring you that revolutionary energy from the ancestral realm! This promises to be a powerful explosive experience for the family! If you have a comment or questions for Zaza ALi please call   (619) 924-0694 and press #1 lets get it! 02:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnozaza Ali,return,in the black media,in the black radio,solar mindJoin in the black radio as we welcome for the very first time to our platform sister Zaza Ali.. She is returning after a short break.. To bring you that revoluCONSCIOUS COMMUNITY VS REAL REVOLUTIONARYS FT ABAZU AMEN, 16 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTCONSCIOUS COMMUNITY VS REAL REVOLUTIONARYS FT ABAZU AMEN Join In the black radio tonight as we talk about the difference between the so-called conscious community and real revolutionaries. Bro Abazu Amen From RBG KAMIKAZE is going through to speak on the book or the bullet. Can information alone save black people? When will we stand up and  be proactive instead of reactive. Is it  beneficial to keep  having lectures on senseless topics? We going in tonight as always make sure your in the house it's going down!!  Tonight 9 PM Eastern standard time. The call in number is (619) 924-0694 PRess 1 TO SPEAK! 03:00:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoRBG,black power,Abazu,Conscious community versus real revolutionary,in the black radioJoin In the black radio tonight as we talk about the difference between the so-called conscious community and real revolutionaries. Bro Abazu Amen From RBG KAMVOICE YOUR OPINION OPEN MIC NIGHT, 11 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTVOICE YOUR OPINION OPEN MIC NIGHTTonight is the peoples night, Open Mic speak your mind!! We want to hear from you!!!! 03:02:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOpen mic,solar mind,ogod,sistah Reneé,in the black Make sure you subscribeTHE BLACK ATHLETE FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES, 09 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE BLACK ATHLETE FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVESTUNE INTO TO IN THE BLACK RADIO, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SPORTS INDUSTRY... AND ITS PARALLELS TO SLAVERY..THIS SHOW IS INSPRIED BY THE BOOK FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES!! MAKE SURE THE FAMILYG GOES TO YOUTUBE AND SUBSCRIBES TO OUR YOUTUBE PAGE!! 03:20:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMILLION DOLLAR SLAVES,SLAVERY,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,OGODSUBSCRIBE TO IN THE BLACK MEDIA ON YOUTUBEIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY THE NEW CHURCH??? FT (THE WENDY WILLIAMS BOYS), 06 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY THE NEW CHURCH??? FT (THE WENDY WILLIAMS BOYS)JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO TONIGHT!! WE ARE ASKING THE QUESTION IS THE CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY THE NEW CHURCH ? SINCE WHEN DID TELLING THE TRUTH BECOME SNICTHING ? WHY WE MUST HOLD CHARLATANS, CON-MEN, AND SCAMMERS IN THE COMMUNITY ACCOUNTABLE FOR THERE ACTIONS!!! WHY INFORMATION ALONE WILL NOT SAVE BLACK PEOPLE!!! ARE LECTURES THE NEW CHURCH SERVICES ?? TONIGHT WE ARE GOING TO DRAW THE PARALLEL BETWEEN THE BLACK CHURCH AND THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY!! ALSO WE ARE ONCE AGAIN EXPOSING MINISTER ENQI AND THE FACT HE CONTINUES TO LIE, AND DECIEVE THE PEOPLE!!!! WE GOING HARD AS ALWAYS!! 02:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWENDY WILLIAMS BOYS,THE NEW CHURCH,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,SISTAH RENEESUBSCRIBE NOW!!STATUS CORRECTION AND UCC SCAM EXPOSED FT PROFESSOR PHIL, 04 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTSTATUS CORRECTION AND UCC SCAM EXPOSED FT PROFESSOR PHILjoin in the black media tonight. We are bringing on a legal expert.. To expose the status correction and uniform commercial code.. That many organizations sell for thousands of dollars... What is status correction ? Is it legit??? Can someone be freed from jail or a criminal case using. Ucc?? Or is it just another way to scam unsuspecting consumers ? This promises to be a very exoplsive interview ! 03:36:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoStatus correction,scam,ucc,moors,professor PhilIn the black mediaCHIRAQ: & BEYOND... BLACKS BEING KILLED AT WILL, 02 Dec 2015 02:00:00 GMTCHIRAQ: & BEYOND... BLACKS BEING KILLED AT WILLTuesday December 1st 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on IN THE BLACK RADIO! We'll be breaking down all the violence & corruption in the city of Chicago & Beyond. We will discuss the Laquan Mcdonald case, the police department, violence in the black community, & racism-White supremacy's role in all of this!! It's one you don't want to miss! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link»»»»»» 02:15:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Chicago,CHIRAQThe violence & corruption in the city of Chicago & Beyond...MINISTER ENQI EXPOSED (FAKE PLASMA ,WATER FAKE DOCUMENTS) TWO SIDES TO A STORY, 29 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTMINISTER ENQI EXPOSED (FAKE PLASMA ,WATER FAKE DOCUMENTS) TWO SIDES TO A STORYIts going down tonight minister enqi exposed interview with his former business partner Ameen Bey. From fake tax id numbers, to selling the black   Conscious community.. Water that will  eventually give you kidney stones, masked as  healthy water.. Too lies about. Cointel pro  activity.. The slander!! Well family numbers don't lie!! How much longer are we going to let these fake health gurus rip us off..  It's apparent and obvious  That minister enqi!! Has been scamming the black community just to make a dollar!! Why he is worst than coca-Cola Pepsi or Arizona ice tea !!  We're bringing on a real scientist  And a real  Legal Expert And we have test results from minister enqi so called plasma water!! Be in the building family so we can get to the bottom of this ! 03:34:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnominister enqi,fraudulently recorded documents,Plasma water,in the Black radio,in the Black mediain the black mediaMASTER TEACHER DR. ASHRA KWESI LIVE!!!>>>>>> ]]>>>>>>> ]]>Politics, 26 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTMASTER TEACHER DR. ASHRA KWESI LIVE!!!>>>>>> ]]>Wednesday November 25th, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO', as we present MASTER TEACHER BABA DR. ASHRA KWESI LIVE!!! This is a living legend you don't want to miss! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link below>>>>>>> 02:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Dr. ASHRA KWESI,KemetMASTER TEACHER DR. ASHRA KWESI BREAKING DOWN HISTORY, RELIGION, KEMET, HOLIDAYS, & MORE!DR. UMAR LIVE:THE GOOD, BAD, & UGLY OF REVOLUTIONARY ROYALTY!!!>>>>>> GO TO YOUTUBE IN THE BLACK MEDIA AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!! ]]>>>>>>> GO TO YOUTUBE IN THE BLACK MEDIA AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!! ]]>Politics, 25 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTDR. UMAR LIVE:THE GOOD, BAD, & UGLY OF REVOLUTIONARY ROYALTY!!!>>>>>> GO TO YOUTUBE IN THE BLACK MEDIA AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!! ]]> Tuesday November 24th, 9pm est/8pm cst Join O-GOD, SOLARMIND, AND SISTAH RENEE on IN THE BLACK RADIO, as we present The Prince of PAN-AFRIKANISM, & Revolutionary Royalty, DR. UMAR JOHNSON LIVE!!!!!!! This will be LEGENDARY Family, be on the line early! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>>>>>> GO TO YOUTUBE IN THE BLACK MEDIA AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!! 03:25:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Dr. Umar Johnson,RevolutionarySubscribe at in the black mediaTHE GENESIS OF BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENTS IN AMERIKKKA>> ]]>>> ]]>Politics, 22 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE GENESIS OF BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENTS IN AMERIKKKA>> ]]>Saturday Nov 21st, 9pm est/8pm cst, join O-God, Solarmind, & Sistah Renèe, on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO'! We'll be discussing 'The Genesis of Black Liberation Movements in Amerikkka', featuring special guest, ! As usual, we'll be going in & dropping powerful information. Listen/Comment/Question @ (619) 924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link>>> 03:06:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Zion Lexx,Hebrew IsraelitesHistorical & Present Day information on Black Movements.THE STRUGGLE: GAY RIGHTS vs BLACK RIGHTS..IS IT FAIR TO COMPARE?>> ]]>>> ]]>Politics, 20 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE STRUGGLE: GAY RIGHTS vs BLACK RIGHTS..IS IT FAIR TO COMPARE?>> ]]> Thursday Nov 19th, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on 'In The Black Radio'! We'll be having the great debate on if gay rights can be compared to the struggle for Black rights? Both sides will be represented, & this will be a HOT one!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online by clicking the link:>>> 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Homosexuality,LgbtThursday Nov 19th, 9pm est/8pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, and Sistah Renee on 'In The Black Radio'! We'll be having the great debate on if gay rights can be cTHE LIVING LEGEND! DR.FRANCES CRESS-WELSING! LIVE!, 18 Nov 2015 01:30:00 GMTTHE LIVING LEGEND! DR.FRANCES CRESS-WELSING! LIVE!Tuesday November 17th, 8:30pm est/7:30pm cst, Join O-God, Solarmind, & Sistah Renee on 'IN THE BLACK RADIO'! We have special guest & living legend Dr.Frances Cress-Welsing in the house LIVE!!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak or click the thumbnail to hear us online!  02:52:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGod,Solarmind,Politics,Civil rights,RacismInform & educate on the system of Racism-White supremacy!!THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (BLACK MANS HELL WHITE MANS PROFIT, 15 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (BLACK MANS HELL WHITE MANS PROFIT Tune into In the black radio tonight, we are speaking about  The prison industrial complex, black mans hell, white mans profit..  We are going to be exposing the for profit  Industry that keeps our young Black  soldiers locked behind bars between the years they are most likely able to  Bear children. Also we will be speaking on the  correlation between  The third grade reading level  Of black boys and the prison  capacity. How it's just another form of slavery!! What types of goods and  products  are made in prison ?? And  ultimately why this is an attack on the black families unit  ability to reproduce. We are covering all bases tonight Bring a pen in your pad because were teaching tonight.. Call in number is (619) 924-0694.. Make sure y'all  visit our YouTube page @ IN THE BLACK MEDIA and please subscribe! 03:43:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPrison industrial complex,in the black radio,in the black media,Pertinent issues,ogodTune into In the black radio tonight, we are speaking about  The prison industrial complex, black mans hell, white mans profit..  We are going to be exposing tTHE RISE OF THE CONSCIOUS CAPITALIST TALK BLACK, LIVE WHITE, THINK GREEN, 11 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE RISE OF THE CONSCIOUS CAPITALIST TALK BLACK, LIVE WHITE, THINK GREEN JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE EXPOSED SO CALLED CONSCIOUS LEADERS.. HOW DO THE NEW TEACHERS IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY COMPARE TO REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS OF THE PAST? ARE THE CURRENT DAY LEADERS JUST IN IT FOR MONEY AND FAME OR THE LIBERATION OF BLACK PEOPLE? WHY MOST OF THESE LEADERS IN THE COMMUNITY ARE NOTHING MORE THAN PIMPING PASTORS! EXPLOTING THE PEOPLE FOR PERSONAL FINANCIAL GAIN!! ALSO CAN BLACK CAPITLISM ALONE SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? CAN DECIPHERING THE HIEROGLYPHS OR THE STUDY OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? WE GOING IS AS ALWAYS AND WE ARE CALLING NAMES. ALSO THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLACK EMPOWERMENT, AND BLACK POWER!!! CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694...... ,Make SURE YALL SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE@ IN THE BLACK MEDIA!! 03:20:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoCAPITILIST,CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY,PIMPING PASTORS,NEW CHRUCH,SA NIGGAJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE EXPOSED SO CALLED CONSCIOUS LEADERS.. HOW DO THE NEW TEACHERS IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY COMPARE TO REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS OF THET HE HOT SEAT WITH THE GUERRILLA HEBREW AKA AHLAZAR BANLAWYA (SHOTS FIRED), 08 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTT HE HOT SEAT WITH THE GUERRILLA HEBREW AKA AHLAZAR BANLAWYA (SHOTS FIRED)TUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!! THE GUERRILLA HEBREW TO IN THE BLACK RADIO THE GUERRILLA HEBREW WILL BE ADDRESSING WHO THE DEVIL IS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE!! ALSO HOW CAN THE HEBREW ISRAELITE DOCTINE CONTRIBUTE TO THE LIBERATION OF BLACK PEOPLE.. ALSO HE WILL BE TAKING YOUR QUESTIONS LIVE ON AIR!! BE IN THE BUILDING ITS GOING DOWN!! THE REALIST, UNBIASED, NUMBER ONE RADIO SHOW IN THE BLACK CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY!! THE CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694.. MAKE SURE THE FAMILY SUBSCRIBES ON YOUTUBE @ IN THE BLACK MEDIA!! 03:51:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGUERRILLA HEBREW,ISRAELITE,THE HOT SEAT,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIATUNE IN TO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!SEX OR SURVIVAL: THE TRUTH ABOUT POLYGAMY FROM THE SISTER WIVES, 06 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTSEX OR SURVIVAL: THE TRUTH ABOUT POLYGAMY FROM THE SISTER WIVESNovember 5th, 2015 8pm CST, Join O-God, Solarmind, & Sistah Renee on 'In The Black Radio'! We'll be speaking to the Sister Wives of Brotha Nasi Yashuv-EL, about the pros and cons of a polygamous lifestyle & what impact it could have for the Black community. They will tell us their feminine perspectives & advice. This will definitely  be an in depth show!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to speak, or hear us online @  02:23:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,Nasi Yashuv-EL,Hebrew IsraelitesTo educate and inform.Analyzing The Black Woman Under The System Of Racism White Supremacy, 04 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMTAnalyzing The Black Woman Under The System Of Racism White Supremacytune into in the black radio as we discuss state of the Black woman in the system of racism white supremacy. Also we will deal with current news in the community and around the world. Be in the house family ! 03:46:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoblack women,white supremacy,in the black radio,sistah Reneé,ogodTune into in the black radioDESTROYING COON & WHITE SUPREMACIST TALKING POINTS (SHOTS FIRED), 01 Nov 2015 01:00:00 GMTDESTROYING COON & WHITE SUPREMACIST TALKING POINTS (SHOTS FIRED)Peace family! Join O-God, Solarmind, & Sistah Renèe Saturday, October 31st @ 8pm CST on 'In The Black Radio'! We'll be obliterating the bullcrap said by White racists & Sell outs! It's going dooooown, you don't wanna miss it!! Listen/Comment/Question @ (619)924-0694 press 1 to talk! Or, hear us online by clicking the thumbnail...  03:16:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoO-God,Solarmind,Sistah Renèe,Racism,White supremacyTelling the truth on the lies told on our peopleHEBREW UNIFICATION FT NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVULUN AND GENERAL HASHAR AOCC, 30 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTHEBREW UNIFICATION FT NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVULUN AND GENERAL HASHAR AOCC JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO WE WELCOME TWO POWER HOUSES TO THE PLATFORM BROTHER HASHAR FROM THE HEBREW ISRAELITE GROUP AOCC, AND BROTHER NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVULUN.. THE TWO BROTHERS WILL BE ON THE PLATFORM DISCUSSING THERE LECTURE COMING UP NO MOOR LIES, WHY THAT LECTURE IS A CHESS MOVE AND IMPORTANT TO COUNTER OTHER MEDIA OUTLETS THAT PROMOTE DIS-UNITY... ALSO WHY THIS IS THE FIRST STEP TO ENDING RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY!!! UNIFY OR DIE!! FAMILY BE IN THE BULDING BRING YOUR QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS BOMB WILL BE DROPPED ALL NIGHT!! WE ARE ABOUT UNIFYING OUR PEOPLE ON IN THE BLACK RADIO!! TUNE IN!!! 03:53:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoNASI YASHUVEL,BROTHER HASHAR,AOCC,HEBREW ISRAELITES,NO MOOR LIESJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO WE WELCOME TWO POWER HOUSES TO THE PLATFORM BROTHER HASHAR FROM THE HEBREW ISRAELITE GROUP AOCC, AND BROTHER NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVULUN.. TSistah Renee vs King Noble's Black Lgbt Rhetoric, 28 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTSistah Renee vs King Noble's Black Lgbt RhetoricJoin 'In the Black Radio', O-God, Solarmind, & Sistah Renee Tuesday night @ 8pm CST! Sistah Renee will be destroying King Noble's Black homosexual rhetoric! She'll further breakdown his failed points, from their discussion about Black homosexuality on his program!! There will be all of that & much, much more! This is a hot one you won't wanna miss!!! Listen/Comment/Question @ 619-924-0694 press 1 to speak, or check us out @  03:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGod,Solarmind,Sistah Renee,King Noble,Black HomosexualityTo clear the air and inform the people!BLACK INTELLIGENTSIA FT ISRAEL DOCTRINE, 25 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTBLACK INTELLIGENTSIA FT ISRAEL DOCTRINEISRAEL DOCTRINE WILL.BE LIVE TONIGHT ON IN THE BLACK RADIO  02:33:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoISRAEL DOCTRINE,Ogod,IN THE BLACK RADIO,SOlar mind,Sistah reneeIn the black radioSIGN OF THE TIMES (THE STATE OF THE BLACK RACE) FT DR PHIL VALENTINE, 23 Oct 2015 00:00:00 GMTSIGN OF THE TIMES (THE STATE OF THE BLACK RACE) FT DR PHIL VALENTINE JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME DR PHIL VALENTINE TO OUR PLATFROM FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. DR PHIL WE BE SPEAKING ON THE SIGN OF THE TIMES, THE STATE OF THE BLACK RACE. AND MUCH MORE FAMILY.. THIS IS AN HONOR TO HAVE ONE OF THE PIONEERS OF THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY LIVE ON OUR SHOW, SO. GET YOUR QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS AND PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!!! 02:50:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPHIL VALENTINE,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,SIGN OF THE TIMES,OGODJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME DR PHIL VALENTINE TO OUR PLATFROM FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. DR PHIL WE BE SPEAKING ON THE SIGN OF THE TIMES, THE STATE OFTHE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONSPIRACY( FREE MASONS OATH EXPOSED), 18 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONSPIRACY( FREE MASONS OATH EXPOSED)ARE THE ELDERS HOLDING THE YOUTH BACK ? What's the real purpose of the  conscious community ? Is it about Black liberation or making money? Why is it that the brothers and sisters that are real about a  revolutionary change, they are systematically attack in ostracized and  ridiculed? Why are we not following Malcom Khalid and  especially Marcus Garvey or Elijah  Mohammed ?? Are the current day so Called  conscious speakers a new type of pastor? Or is it just a   Conspiracy ?? Tune in family we are going to  answer these questions and a whole lot more ! 03:56:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoELDERS VS YOUTH 2,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,OGOD,SOLAR MINDJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO!!FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET FT PROFESSOR GRIFF (ENEMY MINDZ RADIO), 14 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTFEAR OF A BLACK PLANET FT PROFESSOR GRIFF (ENEMY MINDZ RADIO)Join in the Black radio as we welcome professor GRIF to the platform for the very first time!! the legend one of the kings of the black liberation movement. make sure you bring you questions family!! it promises to be an explosive interview. 03:07:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoProfessor GRIF,enemy mindz radio,in the black radio,in the black mediaTune into in the black radio, the realist show on radio!!CONFESSIONS OF A FORMER UNITED STATES MARINE (TALES FROM INSIDE THE TRENCHES), 12 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTCONFESSIONS OF A FORMER UNITED STATES MARINE (TALES FROM INSIDE THE TRENCHES)JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO, WE GOT A CLASSIC INFORMATIVE SHOW TONIGHT, WE ARE BRINGING A FORMER US MARINE WHO SERVED IN IRAQ, AFGANISTAN TO TELL US THE REALITY OF WHAT HAPPENS OVERSEAS . FROM THE MURDER, THE RAPE, WHAT TYPE OF MEDICATIONS DO THEY GIVE THE SOLDIERS, AND WHAT EFFECTS DO THEY HAVE ON THE SOLDIERS. WHAT ARE THEY REALLY OVERSEAS DOING? ARE THEY FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM OR JUST STEALING RESOURCES ! BE IN THE HOUSE ITS GOING DOWN!! 03:56:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoTALES OF A FORMER US MARINE,US EXPOSED,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,OGODTUNE IN TO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIOWHY DOES THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY REFUSE TO DEAL WITH PERTINENT ISSUES, 07 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTWHY DOES THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY REFUSE TO DEAL WITH PERTINENT ISSUESjoin us tonight as we Speak on the state of Black liberation!! Can translating in the hieroglyph save us? Why is it that we refuse to talk about and address  sufficiently the system of racism white supremacy!! What are the youth  yearning for ? Also what is a  revolutionary ?? And much more be in the house it's going down!! 03:03:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWhite supremacy,Black liberation,in the Black radio,in the Black media,the youthIn the Black radioDECODING HIP HOP AND AFRICAN SPRITUALITY FT CITI HAMPTON, 02 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTDECODING HIP HOP AND AFRICAN SPRITUALITY FT CITI HAMPTONjoin us tonight as we welcome to the platform for the first time brother citi Hampton.. A conscious hip hop artist,  holistic healer.. And a historian.. This promises to be a great build !! Be in the house family !! It's going down!!! 03:15:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoHolistic healer,African SPRITUALITY,conscious,Hip hop,Citi HamptonTune into in the Black radioSO CALLED BLACK DOMESTIC TERRORISM THE NEW CO-INTEL PRO ( WHAT WE MUST DO), 01 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMTSO CALLED BLACK DOMESTIC TERRORISM THE NEW CO-INTEL PRO ( WHAT WE MUST DO)PEACE FAMILY JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE TALK ABOUT SO CALLED BLACK DOMESTIC TERRORISM! ! WHAT MESSAGE ARE THEY TRYING TO SEND TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY? WE WILL TAKE LOOK AT THE COMMENTS OF LATUSHA REDD, WERE THEY RIGHT AN EXACT OR OVERBOARD? ALSO WHY THIS SO CALLED BLACK DOMESTIC TERROIST LABEL, IS A TACTIC OF WHITE SUPREMACY, TO PUT FEAR IN THE HEARTS OF BLACK AROUND THE WORLD!! ALSO WE WILL SPEAK ON KING NOBLE AND HIS RECENT VIDEO.. AND THE BACKLASH HE RECIEVED FROM WHITE PEOPLE! ALSO WE WILL LOOK INTO THE CASE OF ASSATA SHAKUR!! AND MORE OF OUR BLACK RADICAL LEADERS!! TUNE IN FAMILY!! BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT GET THIS TYPE OF MEDIA COVERAGE ANYWERE ELSE!! 03:34:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK DOMESTIC TERROISM,HYPOCRITE WHITE MAN,IN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,CO INTEL PROTUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT FT THE MIGHTY HEBREW, 28 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT FT THE MIGHTY HEBREWJoin the black radio as we welcome for the first time to the platform the mighty hebrew. The mighty Hebrew will be coming on to expound on how the doctrine  of the Hebrew Israelites can help liberate Black people. Also the brother will be sharing with the family his life  experiences. Plus mighty Hebrew will be  clearing  up some rumors that have been circling around the conscious community and much more tune in family !! You already no what it is!! 03:57:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMighty Hebrew,intheblackradio,ogod,sistah Renee,solar mindTune into the realist show on radioIntheblackradio Interviews (The Son Of Man) The New Nation Of Islam, 26 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTIntheblackradio Interviews (The Son Of Man) The New Nation Of Islamjoin in the black radio as we welcome to the platform for the very first time the son  of man. The founder and leader of the new Nation of Islam. This brother heard and accepted the teachings of the honorable Elijah Muhammad. At a very young age. He is now leading black people to freedom and true liberation. Make sure you tune in family!! Also as a special treat to our listeners, our broadcast will be heard in Detroit on whpr 88.1 FM and Comcast channel 90.. 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoThe son of man,new Nation of Islam,in the Black radio,solar mind,sistah ReneeIn the black radioIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (OPEN MIC) SPEAK YOUR MIND!!!, 25 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (OPEN MIC) SPEAK YOUR MIND!!! TONIGHT SISTER RENEE BROTHER O GOD AND SOLARMIND WILL BE BRINGING THE LISTENING FAMILY UP TO DATE ON CURRENT EVENTS 03:00:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,SISTER RENEE,SOLAR MIND,O-GOD,REALIST SHOW ON RADIOIN THE BLACK MEDIAA PLATFORM OF DECEPTION (SELLING CONSCIOUNESS LIKE BATTLE RAP) FT ZION LEXX, 21 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTA PLATFORM OF DECEPTION (SELLING CONSCIOUNESS LIKE BATTLE RAP) FT ZION LEXXJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME FOR THE FIRST TIME TO THE THE PLATFORM BROTHER ZION LEXX. BROTHER ZION WILL BE ON IN THE BLACK RADIO TO DISCUSS HIS RECENT DEBATE WITH SHAKA AHMOSE (WHEN TWO WORLD COLLIDE) ALSO BROTHER ZION WILL BE SPEAKING ABOUT HIS NEW BOOK, HIS HEBREW DOCTRINE, AND HOW HIS HEBREW DOCTRINE IS DIFFERENT FROM OTHER HEBREW DOCTRINES. ALSO HE WILL TOUCH ON THE TOPIC SELLING CONSCIOUNESS LIKE BATTLE RAP. BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY AND BRING THE TOUGH QUESTIONS ITS GOING DOWN!!!! 03:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,ZION LEXX,HOT SEAT,HEBREW ISRAELITES,SISTER RENEETUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIONUBEN MENKARAYZZ LAUNCHES HIS BOOK AND( CHALLENGES OTHERS TO DO THE SAME ), 20 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTNUBEN MENKARAYZZ LAUNCHES HIS BOOK AND( CHALLENGES OTHERS TO DO THE SAME )TUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELOME NUBEN MENKARAYZZ BACK TO THE PLATFORM FOR THE SECOND TIME. BROTHER NUBEN WILL BE PROMOTING HIS NEW BOOK THE LOGICAL FACTS CREATION AND EVOLUTION, ON EARTH AND BEYOND. ALSO HOW IS HIS IDEOLOGY DIFFRENT FROM PAST BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENTS? ALSO THE BROTHER WILL BE SPEAKING ON THE CONDITION OF THE BLACK RACE! AND WHAT WE MUST DO TO FREE OURSELVES. HOW CAN THE FUTURE OF MENTELLECT FREE BLACK PEOPLE TODAY? AND MUCH MORE.. TUNE IN FAMILY THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS !! 03:13:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,NUEBEN MENKARAYZZ,HOT SEAT,SOLAR MIND,SISTER RENEEMAKE SURE YOU TUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIOIN THE BLACK RADIO RESPONDS TO THE LIES, DECEIT, FALSE ALLEGATIONS, 16 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK RADIO RESPONDS TO THE LIES, DECEIT, FALSE ALLEGATIONSTUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE EXPOSE THE LIES AND DECEIPTION AND THE FALSE ALLEGATION MADE ABOUT US AND OUR PLATFORM. THROUGH ALL THE SMOKE SCREENS, THE TRICKERY, THE THREATS... THE ISSUES REMAINS!! THERE ARE ENEMIES AMONG US!! 03:47:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoENEMIES AMONG US,IN THE BLACK RADIO,SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT,OGOD,SOLAR MINDTUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIONU COVENANT EXPOSED INTERVIEW WITH BROTHER POLIGHT'S BUSINESS CLIENT, 14 Sep 2015 01:24:37 GMTNU COVENANT EXPOSED INTERVIEW WITH BROTHER POLIGHT'S BUSINESS CLIENT TUNE IN NOW! Tune in family  for this special Sunday episode. As  in the black radio interviews One of brother polights business  clients.  Who has  documentation emails,  money transferred,  contracts etc.  he indeed paid brother polight by way of nu CONVENANT $17,500 for  status correction, credit repair and to put his home into a trust. Too date, the brother has not    Received   confirmation   That any of the services have been rendered successful. It's been since March 9th since these  services have been promised, and all this brother has been getting is a run around by brother polight. And there are email and other  documentation to prove it. To all the people in the  Community who claim to want to keep  charlatans and confidence men  out I expect you to speak up. And help try to get this brother his money back and other people. Who may have been defrauded. Tune in family and ask questions. So we can prevent this from  happening in the black community in again.. In the Black radio was the only people in the black Community that would even do this interview.. The call in number is (619) 924-0694..   03:53:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,Brother polight,Solar mind,Sister Renee,ogodIn the black radioTHE HOT SEAT WITH CAPTAIN TAZARYACH YAHAWADAH (I.S.U.P.K.) CROSS THE FUKN LINE, 09 Sep 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT WITH CAPTAIN TAZARYACH YAHAWADAH (I.S.U.P.K.) CROSS THE FUKN LINEJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME FOR THE SECOND TIME CAPTAIN TAZARYACH TO THE HOT SEAT!!  EVERYTING IS ON THE TABLE. TAZ, WILL BE SPEAKING ON HIS UP COMING LECTURE HOW TO SHARE YOUR MAN, ALSO THE BROTHER WILL BE ANSWERING QUESTION ABOUT THE CONTROVERSIAL HEBREW ISRALITE DOCTRINE!! ALSO THE BROTHER WE BE SPEAKING ABOUT ALLIGATIONS MADE ABOUT HIM AND HIS FAMILY!! ALSO WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO FREE BLACK PEOPLE AND DO WE HAVE A CHANCE TO BE LIBERATED AS LONG AS WE STAY DIVIDIED. FAMILY BE IN THE HOUSE ITS GOING DOWN!! AND YES WE BACK AFTER A WEEK OFF!!  03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoCAPTAIN TAZARYACH,HEBREW ISRAELITES,I.S.P.U.K.,IN THE BLACK RADIO,SISTER RENEEJOIN THE IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIOCO-INTEL PRO AND WHITE INFILTRATION IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY PART TWO, 28 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTCO-INTEL PRO AND WHITE INFILTRATION IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY PART TWOJoin us tonight as we go in on co intel pro and white infiltration in the conscious community part 2. also we will be dealing with the history of the co- intel pro, and its tagets, and long and short range goals, to prevent the unification of black people. in part two we will be dealing with the infiltration of the black pathers,  and the murder of fred hampton and mark clark and much more. tune in family as we continue part two of our series co-intel pro and white infiltration in the conscious community!! 03:57:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIn the Black radio,Ogod,sister Renee,Solar mind,co-intel proJoin in the Black RadioBROTHER POLIGHT BLACK LIBERATOR OR AGENT PROVOCATEUR (SHOTS FIRED), 19 Aug 2015 01:04:12 GMTBROTHER POLIGHT BLACK LIBERATOR OR AGENT PROVOCATEUR (SHOTS FIRED)tune into in the black radio as we respond to brother polight, attack on the militant black men in the conscious community. Who is brother polight? were did he come from?  What and who does he represent? Is brother polight a black liberator or and agent sent to keep disunity in the black community? Tune in those questions we be answered ! 03:43:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,BROTHER POLIGHT,O-GOD,SISTER RENEE,AGENTIN THE BLACK RADIOWHAT IS PAN-AFRICANISM REALLY EXPOSE FAKE RBG NIGGAS, 14 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTWHAT IS PAN-AFRICANISM REALLY EXPOSE FAKE RBG NIGGAS Join in the Black radio as we speak on what it means to really be african centered. What is black power ? What does the RBG stand for ? Are we really following the philosophies in the opinions of Marcus Garvey? Also is it ok for so called black power people to unite with people who follow the so called religions of perversion? This is our formal address to feet on the ground radio, who claim they are African first second and third. We are going to really analyze their ideology. Is it productive for Black liberation be in the house family ! 03:19:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIn the black radio,feet on the ground,Marcus Garvey,black liberation,religions of perversionIn the black radioIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY PROMOTING RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY, 10 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY PROMOTING RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE SPEAK ON THE CURRENT CONDITION OF THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY! WHAT IS IT PROMOTING? WHY ARE WE CONTINUING TO FOCUS ON PETTY DIFFERENCES RATHER THAN UNIFYING? HAS THIS TURNED IN THE WWE? IS THE COMMNUITY REALLY HELPING BLACK PEOPLE? OR IS IT ANOTHER FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT?  ALSO WE ARE GOING TO SPEAK ON THE RECENT VIDEO OF BROTHER POLIGHT AND MINISTER ENQI GETTING PUT IN THERE PLACE BY I.S.U.P.K. ALSO WHY THERE IS A NEED FOR ORDER AND DISCIPLINE IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY! AND WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE ELDERS DOING ABOUT THIS CHOAS IN THE COMMUNITY! TUNE IN TONIGHT FAMILY!! 03:47:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoSTATE OF THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNTIY,NIGGA SHIT,IN THE BLACK RADIO,O-GOD,SISTER RENEEJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE SPEAK ON THE CURRENT CONDITION OF THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY! WHAT IS IT PROMOTING? WHY ARE WE CONTINUING TO FOCUS ON PETTY DIFFERENIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY TEACHING WHITE SUPREMACY FT IMAN BASHIR, 08 Aug 2015 01:30:00 GMTIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY TEACHING WHITE SUPREMACY FT IMAN BASHIRJoin in the black radio as welcom IMAN Bashir back to talk about is the conscious community teaching white supremacy ? Can we trust out current teachers to liberate black people ? Do we have time to focus on anything that doesn't involve our complete liberation ? Also we are going to speak about the evolution conference what did it acomplish ? And the need for organizing our people now !! Bombs will be dropped !! Be in the house !! 01:03:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoState of the conscious community,evolution conference,revolution,in the black radio,OgodTune into the realist show on radioHAS AMERICA DECLARED WAR ON THE BLACK FAMILY, 07 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTHAS AMERICA DECLARED WAR ON THE BLACK FAMILYJoin in the black radio as we examine Americas war on the black family!! Labor, law. Politics, religion, sex and war.. We be discussed in great detail! Also what should we do when we encounter police? And much more be in the house it's going down once again!! 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWhite supremacy,in the black radio,black family,Ogod,sister ReneeTune into the realist show on radioEVOLUTION CONFERENCE RECAP (CAN ECONOMICS LIBERATE BLACK PEOPLE) ALSO WHATS NEXT, 05 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTEVOLUTION CONFERENCE RECAP (CAN ECONOMICS LIBERATE BLACK PEOPLE) ALSO WHATS NEXTJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE GIVE YOU A FULL RECAP OF WHAT WENT DOWN AT THE EVOLUTION CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK THIS PAST SUNDAY!! WHO HAD THE MOST DETAILED PRESENTATION? ARE WE ANY CLOSER TO KNOWING TO THE LIBERATION OF BLACK PEOPLE BEFORE THE EVENT? ALSO WHAT WAS THE ATMOSHPERE LIKE TO BE IN PERSON? O-GOD AND SOLAR MIND WERE IN THE BUILDING!! WHAT WE MUST DO MOVING FORWARD!! ALSO CAN ECONOMICS SAVE BLACK PEOPLE AT THIS POINT IN TIME? WHAT SHOULD BE THE NEXT BIG EVENT THAT THE H.O.K. DOES FOR THE PEOPLE!! AND MUCH MORE WE VALUE YOUR OPINION BE IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT ITS GOING DOWN!! 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoEVOLUTION CONFERENCE RECAP,SA NETER,IN THE BLACK RADIO,O-GOD,SISTERMAKE SURE YOU LITSEN IN TO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!NO MORE NIGGA SHIT REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION, 02 Aug 2015 01:00:00 GMTNO MORE NIGGA SHIT REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTIONJoin your host brother O-GOD Solar mind and sister Renee as we deal with current events around the world!! Also the need for a revolutionary mindset!! Why revolution is the only solution!! Also we will hea from the front line in Cincinnati envolving the recent murder of. One of our brothers!! Also what does Malcom Garvey and Khalid have to say about revolution ?why we are the return of the ancestors And much more be in the house family we dropping bombs once again!!! 03:35:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoRevolutionary,O-GOD,solar mind,sister Renee,realist show on radioMake sure you tune in too in the black radioDECONSTRUCTING ANKH THE GODKILLER (THE REAL NIGGER ATHEIST), 29 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTDECONSTRUCTING ANKH THE GODKILLER (THE REAL NIGGER ATHEIST) JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE RESPOND TO THE AMEN RA SQUADS ANHK THE (GODKILLER) CLAIMS THAT THE WHITEMAN ISNT THE DEVIL!! ALSO WHERE DID ATHEISM BEGIN? IS ATHEISM AFRICAN? HOW CAN YOU CLAIM TO BE BLACK AFRICAN POWER, BUT ARE PUSHING THE THE WHITE MANS ATHEISM AND EVOLUTION? WHY IS ANHK THE WHITEMAN'S NIGGER! ALSO WE GOING TO DEAL WITH FREE-MASONS AGENDA!! ALSO WE ARE GOING TO HEAR FROM THE GODKILLER OWN MOUTH WHAT HIS AGENDA IS, AND WHY HE IS IN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY!! THE GLOVES IS OFF!! 03:46:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGODKILLER,NIGGER ATHEIST,AMEN RA SQUAD,IN THE BLACK RADIO,SOLAR MINDJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE RESPOND TO THE AMEN RA SQUADS ANHK THE (GODKILLER) CLAIMS THAT THE WHITEMAN ISNT THE DEVIL!! ALSO WHERE DID ATHEISM BEGIN? IS ATHSANDRA BLAND MURDER THE POLICE AND WHITE GENETIC ANNILHALTION, 24 Jul 2015 01:30:00 GMTSANDRA BLAND MURDER THE POLICE AND WHITE GENETIC ANNILHALTIONJoin us tonight as we expound on the Sandra bland murder, and how this is the  plan of global white supremacy!! We will also touch on all the recent police aka Slave patrol murder of Black men  and now women and children..  Why dr Francis cress welsing was on point with her analysis of white genetic annihilation. We have to understand the dynamics of the system.. And why this will continue to occur as long as we live under the system of racism white supremacy tune in its going down! 02:31:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoSandra bland,Police murder,solar mind,sister Renee,in the black radioTune into to in the Black radioBLACK MALE AND FEMALE RELATIONSHIPS AND THE EFFECTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY, 22 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTBLACK MALE AND FEMALE RELATIONSHIPS AND THE EFFECTS OF WHITE SUPREMACYWHAT ROLE DOES WHITE SUPREMACY PLAY IN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BLACK MALE AND FEMALE RELATIONSHIP? DID THE BLACK WOMAN TURN HER BACK ON THE BLACK-MAN? WE WILL TAKE A DEEP LOOK AT ABORTION AND BLACK ON BLACK CRIME!! WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE HISTORY AND HOW IT WAS A SYSTEMATIC APPOARCH TO DESTROY THE UNITY OF THE BLACK MAN AND WOMAN!! WE WILL ALSO TOUCH ON INTERACIAL RELATIONSHIPS!! ALSO WHAT ROLE DID WELFARE AND GOVERMENT BENEFITS PLAY IN KEEPING THE BLACK MAN DOWN!!! WE ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE DIVIDE OF BLACK MAN AND WOMAN RELATIONSHIPS!! JOIN US FAMILY AS WE CONTIUNE TO DEAL WITH ISSUES THIAT EFFECT THE BLACK COMMUNITY! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK MALE AND FEMALE,RELATIONSHIPS,INTERACIAL DATING,SISTER RENEE,SOLAR MINDMAKE SURE YOU TUNE INTO THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!!THE EVOLUTION CONSPIRACY (WHITE MAN'S SCIENCE), 19 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE EVOLUTION CONSPIRACY (WHITE MAN'S SCIENCE) Join us tonight as we go in on the evolution conspiracy. Does evolution exist? Is evolution white man ideogy ? Why was the evolution theory created?  03:01:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoEvolution,Ogod,Solar mind,sister Renee,Realist show on radioTUNE INTO THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIOWHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THESE NIGGAS FEAUTRING BROTHER KAREEM, 16 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTWHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THESE NIGGAS FEAUTRING BROTHER KAREEM JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PLATFORM, BROTHER KAREEM, BRO KAREEM WILL BE DEALING THE AMERICAN NIGGAS FACTORY!! HOW WAS THE NIGGA MADE? HOW IS THE NEGRO MINDSET DESTROYING BLACK UNITY? DOES THE NIGGA OR NEGRO HAVE TO BE ELIMINATED BEFORE BLACK LIBERATION CAN HAPPEN? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THESE NIGGAS! BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY IT'S GOING DOWN!! 03:55:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoISLAM,WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THESE NIGGAS,BROTHER KAREEM,SOLAR MIND,O-GODJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PLATFORM, BROTHER KAREEM, BRO KAREEM WILL BE DEALING THE AMERICAN NIGGAS FACTORY!! HOW WAS THE NIGGA MADE? HOTHE HEBREW ISRAELITES REVOLUTIONARY DOCTRINE FT PRIEST DANYAAHLA, 15 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HEBREW ISRAELITES REVOLUTIONARY DOCTRINE FT PRIEST DANYAAHLAJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME PRIEST DANYAAHLA BACK TO IN THE BLACK RADIO!! WE WILL BE DISCUSSING THE HISTORY OF THE HEBREW ISRAELITES ROLE IN THE BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENT CAN THE BIBLE BE USED TO FREE BLACK PEOPLE!! ALSO WHAT POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS CAN THE HEBREW ISRAELITE DOCTRINE TO THE CONSCUIOS COMMUNITY? AND MUCH MORE!! BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY !! ITS GOING DOWN !!! 03:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPRIEST DANYAAHLA,IN THE BLACK RADIO,O-GOD,SOLAR MIND,SISTER RENEETUNE IN TO THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!FEAR OF WHITE GENETIC ANNIHLATION (PART TWO), 12 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTFEAR OF WHITE GENETIC ANNIHLATION (PART TWO)Join in the black radio as we expound on the teachings of dr Neely fuller and dr Francis cress welsing!! What is the white races biggest fear? We will explain why the system. Of racism white supremacy was created!! Can the white man be reformed? Is he the devil? What makes the white race the devil? We are going into the sub conscious mind of the white man from his inventions to his science!! What was he put on earth to do?? It's going down tonight family !! Be in the building!! 03:01:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWhite genetic annihilation,in the black radio,Ogod,solar mind,sister ReneeTune into the realist show on radio !!REAL RECOGNIZE REAL FEATURING CAPTAIN TAZARYACH YAHAWADAH (I.S.U.P.K.), 09 Jul 2015 01:00:00 GMTREAL RECOGNIZE REAL FEATURING CAPTAIN TAZARYACH YAHAWADAH (I.S.U.P.K.)JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME CAPTAIN  TAZARYACH YAHAWADAH TO THE PLATFORM!! HE WILL BE SPEAKING ON THE UPCOMING I.S.P.U.K COOKOUT IN JULY, ALSO THE STATE OF THE CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY.. IS THE HEBREW ISRAELITE DOCTRINE THE BEST DOCTRINE TO SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? ALSO CAPTAIN TAZARYACH WILL TOUCH  ON THE  SA  NETER'S EVOLUTION CONFERENCE AND THE TRUTH BEHIND WHY HE WAS NOT ON THE ROSTER!!  AND WHY I.S.P.U.K IS THE HOME OF THE TRUTH AND MUCH MORE!! BE IN THE HOUSE IT'S GOING DOWN!! 03:19:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoTazaryach Yahawadah,O-GOD,SOLAR MIND,SISTER RENEE,SISTER MAATTUNE INTO IN THE BLACK RADIO, THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!!DEFINITION OF A BROKE ASS FEATURING DAWAH ISRAEL AND SISTER RENEE, 08 Jul 2015 01:25:33 GMTDEFINITION OF A BROKE ASS FEATURING DAWAH ISRAEL AND SISTER RENEEJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELOME BROTHER DAWAH ISRAEL TO THE PLATFORM. HE WILL BE BREAKING DOWN HIS NEW BOOK THE DEFINITION OF A BROKE ASS. ALSO THE BROTHER WILL TALK ABOUT THE HISTORY OF HOMOSEXULITY, THE EFFECTS OF SAME SEX MARRIAGE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. AND SOME OF THE MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS OF MALE ON MALE SEX.. AND MUCH MORE, BE IN THE HOUSE IT'S GOING DOWN!! 03:34:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoDAWAH ISRAEL,SISTER RENEE,SOLAR MIND,O-GOD,GAY MARRIAGETUNE INTO THE REALIST SHOW ON RADIO!!NUBEN MENKARAYZZ EXPOSES SA NETER & MINISTER ENQI ABOUT THE EVOLUTION INTERVIEW, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMTNUBEN MENKARAYZZ EXPOSES SA NETER & MINISTER ENQI ABOUT THE EVOLUTION INTERVIEWJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE OPEN OUR PLATFORM TO BROTHER NUBEN MENKARAYZZ OF THE FUTURE OF MENTELLECT RADIO. WE ARE GOIING TO LET THIS BROTHER EXPLAIN IN DETAIL HIS SIDE OF THE STORY!! WHAT HAPPEN WHEN THE CAMERAS WERE OFF? IS THERE A SUCH THING AS EVOLUTION?  ARE WE ALLOWING RACISM WHITE SUPRMACY TO SLOWY CREEP INTO THE CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY?  WE ARE GOING TO BE FAIR AND LET THE BROTHER EXPLAIN IN DETAIL HIS STANCE ON EVOLUTION AND THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY!! BE IN THE BUILDING FAMILY ITS GOING DOWN TONIGHT!! 02:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoNUBEN MENKARAYZZ,OGOD,SA NETER TV,MINISTER ENQI,SOLAR MINDJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE OPEN OUR PLATFORM TO BROTHER NUBEN MENKARAYZZ OF THE FUTURE OF MENTELLECT RADIO. WE ARE GOIING TO LET THIS BROTHER EXPLAIN IN DETAIN THE BLACK RADIO VS MENS MINDSET WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE BLACK RACES CONDITION, 30 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK RADIO VS MENS MINDSET WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE BLACK RACES CONDITIONJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE DEBATE THE FACEBOOK GROUP THE MENS MINDSET , THE TOPICS WE WILL BE DISCUSSING IS CAN ECONOMICS AND EDUCATION ALONE SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? WHO'S RESPONDSIBLE FOR BLACK PEOPLES CONDITION? IS OUR STRATEGY OF REVOLUTION AND THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACYAN EFFECTIVE SRATEGY? ALSO ARE WHITE WOMEN BETTER FOR THE BLACK MAN?? TODAY? JOIN BROTHER O-GOD AND SOLAR MIND, AND OUR  NEWEST ADDITION SISTER RENEE (TRUTH QUEEN) AS WE DEFEND THE HONOR AND INTEGRITY OF THE BLACK RACE, BE IN THE HOUSE!!  FAMILY ITS  GOING DOWN!! THE CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694... WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! 03:47:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO VS KOON SQUAD,SISTER RENEE,O-GOD,SOLAR MIND,REALIST SHOW ON RADIOJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE DEBATE THE FACEBOOK GROUP THE MENS MINDSET , THE TOPICS WE WILL BE DISCUSSING IS CAN ECONOMICS AND EDUCATION ALONE SAVE BLACK PEOPTHE WHITE MANS EVOLUTION/SO THE WHITE MAN ISNT THE DEVIL ANYMORE ??, 28 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE WHITE MANS EVOLUTION/SO THE WHITE MAN ISNT THE DEVIL ANYMORE ??What is white evolution ? How did we go from black liberation and black nationalism to capitalism and the white mans rendition of how we evolve as a people ? How did we calling the white man the devil to saying he is not the devil! Are we allowing white The supremacist ideology come into the so-called conscious community?? And much more!! Tune in family you don't want to miss this discussion! 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnowhite evolution,Black Revolution,ogod,solar mind,sister reneeWhat is white evolution ? How did we go from black liberation and black nationalism to capitalism and the white mans rendition of how we evolve as a people ? HoEVOLUTION FACT OR FICTION FT GOOD GOD ALLAH (BTR'S MOST HATED), 26 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTEVOLUTION FACT OR FICTION FT GOOD GOD ALLAH (BTR'S MOST HATED)Join us tonight as we talk about human evolution is it made up? Did we come from and ape like creature ? Why are black people pushing this on people as if it's true? Also Black revolution vs white evolution  be in the house we going in with our special guest. Tune in to see who it is. 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIn the black radio,Ogod solar mind,Sister Renee,sister Maat,REALIST SHOW ON RADIOJoin us tonight as we talk about human evolution is it made up? Did we come from and ape like creature ? Why are black people pushing this on people as if it'sCONSCIOUS STRIPPER CO-INTEL PRO AND THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, 24 Jun 2015 01:30:00 GMTCONSCIOUS STRIPPER CO-INTEL PRO AND THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITYJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE LATEST NEWS IN THE COMMUNITY 03:26:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,Solar mind,OgodJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE LATEST NEWS IN THE COMMUNITYIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (CHURCH SHOOTING) DR UMAR SCANDAL HAITIANS, DOMINICANS, 19 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (CHURCH SHOOTING) DR UMAR SCANDAL HAITIANS, DOMINICANSJoin in the black radio as we speak about the recent chruch shooting? Dr umar Johnson scandal. Also the situation In the Dominican republic, putting out Haitians. and much more tune in!!! to the realist show on radio period!!! 03:15:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIn the black radio,Solar mind,sister Maat,OGOD,Realist show on radioJoin in the black radio as we speak about the recent chruch shooting? Dr umar Johnson scandal. Also the situation In the Dominican republic, putting out HaitianDARK SKIN VS LIGHT SKIN SUPREMACY/DR UMAR SCANDAL FT SISTER RENEE, 17 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTDARK SKIN VS LIGHT SKIN SUPREMACY/DR UMAR SCANDAL FT SISTER RENEEJOIN YOUR HOST SOLAR MIND AND O-GOD AND SISTER RENEE AS WE DEAL WITH THE RECENT DR UMAR JOHNSON SCANDAL. ALSO DARK SKIN VS LIGHT SKIN, IS IT STILL A MAJOR ISSUE IN OUR BLACK COMMUNITY? WHY IS IT THAT WE ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR DARKER SKINNED LEADERS!! WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR US TO OVERCOME THIS? WE ARE TAKING THE PLATFORM TO THE NEXT LEVEL WITH THE SISTERHOOD!! TONIGHT AT 9PM EST!! BE IN THE BUILDING !! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,SISTER RENEE,SOLAR MIND,OGOD,SISTER MAATJOIN YOUR HOST SOLAR MIND AND O-GOD AND SISTER RENEE AS WE DEAL WITH THE RECENT DR UMAR JOHNSON SCANDAL. ALSO DARK SKIN VS LIGHT SKIN, IS IT STILL A MAJOR ISSUETHE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY, 14 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACYJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY. WHY ARE TRYING TO BUILD IN A SYSTEM THAT HAS PROVEN TO SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROY EVERY ASPECT OF BLACK PEOPLE EXISTENCE. WHY THE SYSTEM MUST BE DESTROYED BEFORE WE CAN BUILD A SOLID FOUNDATION. HAVE WE REALLY LEARNED OUR LESSON FROM THE PAST? ALSO WE WILL RECAP THE LAST COUPLE OF GUEST ON IN THE BLACK RADIO! BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY!!! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,IN THE BLACK MEDIA,OGOD,SOLAR MIND,DESTRUCTION OF WHITE SUPRMACYJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY. WHY ARE TRYING TO BUILD IN A SYSTEM THAT HAS PROVEN TO SYSTEMATICALLY DETHE HOT SEAT FEATURING BROTHER SANKOFA, 09 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT FEATURING BROTHER SANKOFAJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME FOR THE FIRST TIME BROTHER SANKOFA TO THE HOT SEAT, BLACK NATIONALISM, MILITANCY ALSO THE STATE OF THE CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY AND MUCH MORE WILL BE ADDRESSED.NO QUESTION IS OFF THE TABLE!! BE IN THE HOUSE THIS IS SURE TO BE ONE OF THE BEST INTERVIEWS THUS FAR ON IN THE BLACK RADIO. 03:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBRO SANKOFA,SA NETER TV,IN THE BLACK RADIO,OGOD,SOLAR MINDJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME FOR THE FIRST TIME BROTHER SANKOFA TO THE HOT SEAT, BLACK NATIONALISM, MILITANCY ALSO THE STATE OF THE CONSCIUOS COMMUNITYUNDERSTANDING THE DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY, 07 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTUNDERSTANDING THE DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACYJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE DISCUSS THE DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY.. HOW DOES IT WORK? DOES IT NEED TO BE DESTROYED? CAN WE BUILD WITHIN THE CONFINDS OF THE SYSTEM? CAN ECONOMICS OR EDUCATION SAVE US? BE IN THE HOUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE EXPLOSIVE!!  02:53:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWHITE SUPREMACY,IN THE BLACK RADIO,WHITE DEVIL,OGOD,SOLAR MINDJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE DISCUSS THE DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY.. HOW DOES IT WORK? DOES IT NEED TO BE DESTROYED? CAN WE BUILD WITHIN THE CONFINDS OF THE STHE HOT SEAT FT MICHAEL EDWARDS, 05 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT FT MICHAEL EDWARDSJoin in the black radio as we welcome to the platform mike Edwards. You don't want to miss this, it's going to be fireworks!! Be In the house!! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMichael Edwards,OGOD,Solar mind,in the black radio,realist show on radioJoin in the black radio as we welcome to the platform mike Edwards. You don't want to miss this, it's going to be fireworks!! Be In the house!!OPEN MIC NIGHT!! FT SOLAR MIND AND ORIGINAL GOD, 02 Jun 2015 01:00:00 GMTOPEN MIC NIGHT!! FT SOLAR MIND AND ORIGINAL GODJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE MOST RECENT NEWS IN CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY DONT MISS THIS ITS GOING DOWN!! 03:12:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGOD,SOLAR MIND,IN THE BLACK RADIO,REALIST SHOW ON RADIOJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE GO IN ON THE MOST RECENT NEWS IN CONSCIUOS COMMUNITY DONT MISS THIS ITS GOING DOWN!!RESPECT THE YOUTH SPIRIT OF REBELLION (UNDERSTANDING THE POWER DYNAMIC), 28 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTRESPECT THE YOUTH SPIRIT OF REBELLION (UNDERSTANDING THE POWER DYNAMIC)DO THE YOUTH HAVE IT RIGHT? ARE WE SILLY TO BUILD AN ECONOMIC FOUNDATION WITHOUT A MEANS OF PROTECTION? WHY EVEN SO CALLED CONSCIOUS PEOPLE REALLY DONT UNDERSTAND POWER!! ALSO WE ARE GOING BREAK DOWN THE PAST SHOWS !! BE IN THE BUILDING!! 02:29:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoOGOD SOLAR MIND,IN THE BLACK RADIO,YOUTH SPIRIT,REBEL,BEST SHOW ON BLOGTALKDO THE YOUTH HAVE IT RIGHT? ARE WE SILLY TO BUILD AN ECONOMIC FOUNDATION WITHOUT A MEANS OF PROTECTION? WHY EVEN SO CALLED CONSCIOUS PEOPLE REALLY DONT UNDERSTAELDERS VS THE YOUTH REVOLUTION, WHO DROPPED THE BALL? FEATURING BROTHER SUTEK, 25 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTELDERS VS THE YOUTH REVOLUTION, WHO DROPPED THE BALL? FEATURING BROTHER SUTEKJOIN US ONCE AGAIN FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BROTHER SUTEC FROM SA NETER TV TO OUR PROGRAM!! WE ARE GOING TO DISCUSS WILLE LYNCH AND ARE ELDERS SPEAKING OUT AGIANST THE YOUTH STANDING UP AND PUSHING BACK AGAINST OPPRESION!! ALSO CAN ECONOMICS, AND EDUCATION SAVE BLACK PEOPLE!! CAN WE BUILD A SOLID NATION INSIDE A NATION AND MUCH MORE, BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY !! YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!!! 03:34:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,SOLAR MIND,OGOD,MAAT,SA NETER TVJOIN US ONCE AGAIN FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BROTHER SUTEC FROM SA NETER TV TO OUR PROGRAM!! WE ARE GOING TO DISCUSS WILLE LYNCH AND ARE ELDERS SPEAKING OUT AGIANSTOPEN MIC WITH ISRAEL DOCTRINE AND BROTHER MALIK, 21 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTOPEN MIC WITH ISRAEL DOCTRINE AND BROTHER MALIKJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PLATFORM ISRAEL DOCTRINE AND  BROTHER MALIK TO IRON OUT THERE DIFFERANCES. BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY!! TONIGHT AT 9PM EST 03:50:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,OGOD,SOLAR MIND,SISTER MAATJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PLATFORM ISRAEL DOCTRINE AND  BROTHER MALIK TO IRON OUT THERE DIFFERANCES. BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY!! TONIGHT AT 9PM ESTGROUND ZERO BALTIMORE FT RON "DIVINE " PROSPECT, 20 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTGROUND ZERO BALTIMORE FT RON "DIVINE " PROSPECTJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK TO OUR PROGRAM DIVINE PROSPECT, HE IS COMING TO SPEAK ON HIS RECENT TRIP BALTIMORE. WHAT DID HE SEE THAT FOX NEWS AND OTHER RACIST JEWISH OWNED MEDIA WOULDN'T SHOW! ALSO WHAT DOES THE BROTHER HAVE INSTORE FOR THE COMMUNITY IN THE FUTURE! AND MUCH MORE BE IN THE BUILDING FAMILY!!! 03:20:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGROUND ZERO,BALTIMORE,DIVINE PROSPECT,OGOD,INTHEBLACKRADIOJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK TO OUR PROGRAM DIVINE PROSPECT, HE IS COMING TO SPEAK ON HIS RECENT TRIP BALTIMORE. WHAT DID HE SEE THAT FOX NEWS ANDTHE HOT SEAT WITH BROTHER MALIK UZN ( HISPANIC AND BLACK UNITY), 18 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT WITH BROTHER MALIK UZN ( HISPANIC AND BLACK UNITY)JOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BROTHER MALIK UZN TO THE HOT SEAT!!  02:07:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIN THE BLACK RADIO,BROTHER MALIK,OGOD,SOLAR MIND,HOT SEATJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BROTHER MALIK UZN TO THE HOT SEAT!!THE HOT SEAT FEATURING ISRAEL DOCTRINE AKA (CARL ALBERT), 17 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT FEATURING ISRAEL DOCTRINE AKA (CARL ALBERT)JOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME ISRAEL DOCTRINE TO THE HOT SEAT, BE IN THE BUILDING FOR THIS POWERFUL SHOW!!  02:48:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoHOT SEAT,ISRAEL DOCTRINE,OGOD,INTHEBLACKRADIO,SOLARMINDJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME ISRAEL DOCTRINE TO THE HOT SEAT, BE IN THE BUILDING FOR THIS POWERFUL SHOW!!RETURN OF THE GODS FT NASI YASHUV - EL ZEVULUN, 15 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTRETURN OF THE GODS FT NASI YASHUV - EL ZEVULUNJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK THE GOOD BROTHER NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVUN TO OUR PROGRAM!! WE WILL ASK THE BROTHER ABOUT HIS RECENT TRIP TO BALTIMORE!  HIS NEW BOOK! AND MUCH MORE! BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY ! YOU DONT WANT TOO MISS THIS !! BRING YOUR QUESTION AND  COMMENTS!  02:46:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoNASI,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGOD,BALTIMORE,HEBREW WAR MACHINEJOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO AS WE WELCOME BACK THE GOOD BROTHER NASI YASHUV-EL ZEVUN TO OUR PROGRAM!! WE WILL ASK THE BROTHER ABOUT HIS RECENT TRIP TO BALTIMORE!  HTHE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY OR THE CON-US COMMUNITY PART TWO, 11 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY OR THE CON-US COMMUNITY PART TWOJOIN HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND SOLAR MIND AS WE EXPOSE THE PHONY FAKE LEADERSHIP IN THE SO CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY.ITS TIME TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE WE ARE CALLING OUT NAMES. ARE OUR LEADERS ABOUT LEADERSHIP OR GETTING MONEY? NOW WE UNDERSTAND WHY THEY WONT CALL THE WHITEMAN THE DEVIL THAT HE IS!!  HOW IS IT THAT LEADERS IN THE COMMUNTY MOBILIZE FOR DEBATES BUT WONT STAND ON THE FRONTLINE AND GET THE PREPECTIVE OF THE REAL PEOPLE IN THE STREETS!! BE IN THE BUILDING WE MIGHT CALL YOUR NAME ITS GOING DOWN!!!  03:34:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoSA NETER,POLIGHT,KING NOBLE,TALK REAL SOLUTIONS,CO INTEL PROJOIN HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND SOLAR MIND AS WE EXPOSE THE PHONY FAKE LEADERSHIP IN THE SO CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY.ITS TIME TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE WE ARE CAWHEN NIGGA'S IS SCARED OF REVOLUTION OPEN MIC (GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST), 06 May 2015 01:00:00 GMTWHEN NIGGA'S IS SCARED OF REVOLUTION OPEN MIC (GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST)JOIN US TONIGHT FAMILY AS WE EXPOUND ON WEEKLY NEWS ENCLUDING BALTIMORE POLICE MURDER OF FREDDIE GRAY, THE OLDER MEN IN THE COMMUNTY BEING SHOWN UP BY THE YOUTH!! IS IT TIME FOR NEW LEADERSHIP? WE GOING IN ON THE SOFT PASSIVE LEADERSHIP IN THE SO CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY!! TUNE IN TONIGHT AT 9PM EST PEACE!!! 02:57:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoREVOLUTION,SAMBO,INTHEBLACKRADIO,BALTIMORE RIOTS,FREDDIE GRAYJOIN US TONIGHT FAMILY AS WE EXPOUND ON WEEKLY NEWS ENCLUDING BALTIMORE POLICE MURDER OF FREDDIE GRAY, THE OLDER MEN IN THE COMMUNTY BEING SHOWN UP BY THE YOUTHBALTIMORE POLICE MURDER OF FREDDIE GRAY( MICROCOSM OF EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN ), 29 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTBALTIMORE POLICE MURDER OF FREDDIE GRAY( MICROCOSM OF EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN )ONCE AGAIN FAMILY ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AMERICAS OUTRIGHT DISRESPECT OF THE LIFE OF BLACK PEOPLE. JOIN US AS WE TAKE YOU INTO THE HISTORY OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM ITS INCEPTION AS SLAVE PATROLS TO PREVENT BLACKS FROM REVOLTING.AND WHY THE SYSTEM TO OPRESS BLACKS AND PEOPLE OF COLOR NEVER CHANGED. DR FRACIS CRESS WELSING AND DR NEALY FULLER WERE RIGHT! JOIN BROTHER O-GOD AND SOLAR MIND TONIGHT AT 9PM EST TO DISCUSS THIS ISSUE AND MUCH MORE!! WE GOING IN TONIGHT!! DONT MISS IT! BE HERE. CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694.. PRESS 1 TO ASK A QUESTION, OR TO COMMENT.  03:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoFREDDIE GRAY,BALTIMORE POLICE,BLACK MAN,WHITE DEVIL,DR WELSINGONCE AGAIN FAMILY ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AMERICAS OUTRIGHT DISRESPECT OF THE LIFE OF BLACK PEOPLE. JOIN US AS WE TAKE YOU INTO THE HISTORY OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENTTHE HOTT SEAT FEATURING GODKILLER (ANHK) FROM AMEN RA SQAUD, 26 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOTT SEAT FEATURING GODKILLER (ANHK) FROM AMEN RA SQAUDJOIN US SATURDAY NIGHT AS WE WELCOME THE GODKILLER BACK TO THE PROGRAM. HE WILL BE TOUCHING ON HIS WEEKEND IN NEW YORK CITY SPEAKING AT DOCTOR BEN'S EVENT, ALSO WHAT WENT DOWN IN NYC AT SA NETER STUDIOS. BRING YOUR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS.... ITS GOING DOWN.. PLEASE !! PLEASE! DONT MISS THIS FAMILY!!!!  03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGODKILLER,AMEN RA SQUAD,OGOD,SOLAR MIND,SA NETER TVJOIN US SATURDAY NIGHT AS WE WELCOME THE GODKILLER BACK TO THE PROGRAM. HE WILL BE TOUCHING ON HIS WEEKEND IN NEW YORK CITY SPEAKING AT DOCTOR BEN'S EVENT, ALSOTHE DESTRUCTION OF THE BLACK FAMILY (FRATRICIDAL WAR ) FT SISTER RENEE, 22 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE DESTRUCTION OF THE BLACK FAMILY (FRATRICIDAL WAR ) FT SISTER RENEEJOIN US TONIGHT FAMILY AS BE DISCUSS THE STATE OF THE BLACK FAMILY. WE ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH THE SYSTEM OF CHILD SUPPORT. IS IT FAIR TO THE MAN? HOW IS THE FAMILY STRUCTURE ATTACKED BY THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY..AND HOW IT TURNS THE BLACK MAN AGAINST HIS WOMAN AND VICE VERSA. JOIN US FAMILY TONIGHT 9PM AS WE GO IN ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BLACK FAMILY! 03:45:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK FAMILY,INTHEBLACKRADIO,SOLARMIND,OGOD,SISTER MAATJOIN US TONIGHT FAMILY AS BE DISCUSS THE STATE OF THE BLACK FAMILY. WE ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH THE SYSTEM OF CHILD SUPPORT. IS IT FAIR TO THE MAN? HOW IS THE FAMIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (OPEN MIC) FEATURING SOLAR MIND AND O-GOD, 17 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (OPEN MIC) FEATURING SOLAR MIND AND O-GODJoin us tonight as we go in on top news stories from around the world. Join your  ogod and solar mind and sister Maat. Tonight at 9pm EST 03:37:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoin the black radio,Sister Maat,Solar mind,ogodJoin us tonight as we go in on top news stories from around the world. Join your  ogod and solar mind and sister Maat. Tonight at 9pm ESTTHE HOT SEAT FEATURING IMAN BASHIR (THE BABY FACE IMAN), 13 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT FEATURING IMAN BASHIR (THE BABY FACE IMAN)JOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PROGRAM IMAN BASHIR. HE WILL BE TOUCHING ON SOLUTIONS FOR THE BLACK COMMUNTIY! ALSO HOW CAN ISLAM LIBERATE BLACK PEOPLE ? HOW DOES HE FEEL ABOUT THE SO-CALLED CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY? AND WE WILL SPEAK ABOUT HIS UPCOMING LECTURE ABOUT HIS MASTER TEACHER ON SA NETER TV. BRING THE TOUGH QUESTIONS! BE IN THE HOUSE FAMILY!!! 03:14:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIMAN BASIR,ISLAM,SOLAR MIND,OGOD,IN THE BLACK RADIOJOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PROGRAM IMAN BASHIR. HE WILL BE TOUCHING ON SOLUTIONS FOR THE BLACK COMMUNTIY! ALSO HOW CAN ISLAM LIBERATE BLACK PEOPLETHE HOT SEAT FEATURING BROTHER POLIGHT (THE BIBLE OR THE BULLET), 08 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT FEATURING BROTHER POLIGHT (THE BIBLE OR THE BULLET)THE TIME HAS COME FAMILY!! THE MOST ANTICIPATED INTERVIEW HAS COME!! JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO.. AS BROTHER POLIGHT SITS ON THE HOTT SEAT!!! WE WILL ASK BROTHER POLIGHT ABOUT ALL THE CONTROVERSY SURRODING HIS RECENT VIDEO, OF HIM SHOOTING THE BIBLE! AND HIS ISSUES WITH I.S.P.U.K. AND THE OTHER HEBREW ISRAELITE GROUPS!! CAN THE BIBLE SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? ALSO IS THE WHITE MAN THE DEVIL? WE WILL ASK THE QUESTIONS NO ONE WILL DARE TO ASK !! BE IN THE BUILDING FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BROTHER POLIGHT AND SA NETER TO IN THE BLACK RADIO!! THE FASTEST GROWING SHOW ON BLOGTALK RADIO!!! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBROTHER POLIGHT,SA NETER,HOTT SEAT,INTHEBLACKRADIO,BIBLE OR BULLETTHE TIME HAS COME FAMILY!! THE MOST ANTICIPATED INTERVIEW HAS COME!! JOIN IN THE BLACK RADIO.. AS BROTHER POLIGHT SITS ON THE HOTT SEAT!!! WE WILL ASK BROTHER PIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (HOT TOPICS) DAME DASH BREAKFAST CLUB, HOSTAGE IN PHILLY, 02 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS NIGHT (HOT TOPICS) DAME DASH BREAKFAST CLUB, HOSTAGE IN PHILLYJOIN US FAMILY AS WE GO IN ON WEEKLY NEWS THAT INCLUDES THE THE FIRED VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER IN  PHILLY TAKING HOSTAGES, DAME DASH INTERVIEW ON THE BREAKFAST CLUB, MOORS GETTING BLACK MEN LOCKED UP!! AND WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN UP THE TOPIC, THE WHITEMAN BEING THE DEVIL, BEAST, ENEMY, WHATEVER!!!  AND MUCH MORE TUNE IN OR CALL 619 924 0694 YOU DONT WANT TOO MISS THIS.. WE GOING IN TONIGHT!!! 02:56:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoINTHEBLACKRADIO,DAME DASH,BREAKFAST CLUB,OGOD,SOLAR MINDJOIN US FAMILY AS WE GO IN ON WEEKLY NEWS THAT INCLUDES THE THE FIRED VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER IN  PHILLY TAKING HOSTAGES, DAME DASH INTERVIEW ON THE BREAKFAST CLUCAN MOORISH PAPERWORK SAVE BLACK PEOPLE FEATURING (LORDMURKEL S-BEY), 01 Apr 2015 01:00:00 GMTCAN MOORISH PAPERWORK SAVE BLACK PEOPLE FEATURING (LORDMURKEL S-BEY)CAN MOORISH PAPER WORK GET BLACK PEOPLE OUT OF THERE CONDITION ? WHAT DOES BLACK MEAN? CAN PAPERWORK HELP  GET OUT YOU OUT OF JAIL? CAN YOU SAVE YOUR HOUSE FROM FORECLUSURE? ARE THE WE REALLY MOORS? JOIN US FAMILY AS BROTHER LORDMURKEL GOES IN ON MOORSIH PAPERWORK!! CAN IT SAVE US? WHAT WE MUST DO TO BE FREE NOW!! YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS FAMILY!!! 03:10:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMOORS,LORDMURKEL,BEY,EL,PAPERWORKCAN MOORISH PAPER WORK GET BLACK PEOPLE OUT OF THERE CONDITION ? WHAT DOES BLACK MEAN? CAN PAPERWORK HELP  GET OUT YOU OUT OF JAIL? CAN YOU SAVE YOUR HOUSE FROMOPEN MIC NIGHT OGOD,SOLAR MIND, LARON, GODKILLER, 26 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTOPEN MIC NIGHT OGOD,SOLAR MIND, LARON, GODKILLERJOIN US AS WE HAVE AN OPEN MIC NIGHT FAMILY!! 02:57:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoZION LEXX,HEBREW WAR MACHINE,OGOD,INTHEBLACKRADIO,HOTT SEATJOIN US AS WE HAVE AN OPEN MIC NIGHT FAMILY!!DON'T THROW ROCKS AT THE THRONE FT PREIST DANYAAHLA (LIONS OF ISRAEL), 25 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTDON'T THROW ROCKS AT THE THRONE FT PREIST DANYAAHLA (LIONS OF ISRAEL)JOIN US AS WE WELOME PREIST DANYAAHLA MEMBER OF THE HEBREW WAR MACHINE, ALSO LEADER OF LIONS OF ISRAEL. WHY WASNT HE ABLE TO SPEAK AT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE? WAS KING JAMES BLACK? WAS KING JAMES A FAGGOT? IS THE BIBLE THE BEST LIBERATION TOOL FOR BLACK PEOPLE? AND MUCH MORE FAMILY!! PLEASE GET YOUR QUESTIONS READY!! YOU DONT WANT TO   MISS THIS LIVE FAMILY!! CALL IN 619 924 0694.. 9PM EST 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPREIST DANYAAAHLA,LIONS OF ISRAEL,KEMET ON TRIAL,DEBATE,INTHEBLACKRADIOJOIN US AS WE WELOME PREIST DANYAAHLA MEMBER OF THE HEBREW WAR MACHINE, ALSO LEADER OF LIONS OF ISRAEL. WHY WASNT HE ABLE TO SPEAK AT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE?WAS THERE HOMOSEXUALITY IN ANCIENT EGYPT FT JONATHAN " THE MADJAI" OWENS, 22 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTWAS THERE HOMOSEXUALITY IN ANCIENT EGYPT FT JONATHAN " THE MADJAI" OWENSJOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE SHOW THE MADJAI JONATHAN OWEN'S, AS HE  ADDRESSES THE CLAIMS OF HOMOSEXUALITY IN KEMET... ARE THE HEBREWS CLAIMS TRUE? ALSO JOINING THE MADJAI WILL BE BROTHER GODKILLER (AHNK) FROM THE AMEN RA SQAUD!! TO EXPLAIN IN FULL DETAIL WHAT EXACTLY THOSE SO- CALLED HOMOSEXUAL  HIEROGLYPHICS DEPICT. ALSO WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON WITH THE STORY OF HORUS AND SETH, BE THERE FAMILY!!, YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS INFORMATIVE, EXPLOSIVE TOPIC!! THE CALL IN NUMBER IS 619 924-0694 BE SURE TO FOLLOW US FAMILY!! 03:28:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoKEMET,HORUS AND SETH,AMEN RA SQUAD,SOLAR MIND,OGODJOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BACK TO THE SHOW THE MADJAI JONATHAN OWEN'S, AS HE  ADDRESSES THE CLAIMS OF HOMOSEXUALITY IN KEMET... ARE THE HEBREWS CLAIMS TRUE?SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT FT (NASI YASHUVEL) POLIGHT, GODKILLER, THE MADJAI, 20 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTSETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT FT (NASI YASHUVEL) POLIGHT, GODKILLER, THE MADJAIJOIN US AS WE WELCOME BROTHER NASI YASHUVEL TO IN THE BLACK RADIO!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN ISRAELITE? WHAT REALLY HAPPEN AT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE? WE ARE GOING TO ASK HIM ABOUT HIS LATEST VIDEO THE DECONSTRUCTION OF BROTHER POLIGHT? ALSO WHAT STEPS CAN BLACK PEOPLE TAKE FOR LIBERATION NOW!! BRING ALL YOUR QUESTIONS EARLY !! BROTHER NASI YASHUVEL WILL BE SETTING THE RECORD STARIGHT ON ALL THE CONFUSION IN THE SO- CALLED CONSCIUOS COMMUNTY !! BROTHER POLIGHT, SA NETER THE MAJAI EVEN BROTHER POLIGHT CALLED IN TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT, BE THERE FAMILY YOU REALLY DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!!!!! 03:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoNASI YASHVEL,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGOD,SOLARMIND,KEMET ON TRIALJOIN US AS WE WELCOME BROTHER NASI YASHUVEL TO IN THE BLACK RADIO!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN ISRAELITE? WHAT REALLY HAPPEN AT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE? WE ARTHE HOT SEAT WITH (DIVINE PROSPECT ) "WE GOT NEXT"., 19 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTTHE HOT SEAT WITH (DIVINE PROSPECT ) "WE GOT NEXT".JOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BROTHER DIVINE PROSPECT TO IN THE BLACK RADIO! HE WILL TOUCH ON THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE ALSO, ARE WE REALLY HEBREW ISRAELITES? WERE THE BONES OF JOHN THE BAPTIST RECOVERED? WHAT REALLY HAPPEN AT THE DEBATE? WE ARE GOING TO ASK THE QUESTIONS NO ONE ELSE WILL DARE TO ASK!! ALSO THE BROTHER WILL TOUCH ON WHAT STRATIGIES CAN UNIFY OUR PEOPLE!! PLEASE FAMILY GET YOUR QUESTIONS PREPARED! FOR THIS DYNAMIC NIGHT WITH BROTHER DIVINE PROSPECT!!  03:55:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoDIVINE PROSPECT,KEMET ON TRIAL,OGOD,INTHEBLACKRADIO,INTERVIEWJOIN US FAMILY AS WE WELCOME BROTHER DIVINE PROSPECT TO IN THE BLACK RADIO! HE WILL TOUCH ON THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE ALSO, ARE WE REALLY HEBREW ISRAELITES? WEMETAPHYSICAL ESCAPISM VS REVOLUTIONARY REALITY FT LEX LEE VORTEX, 13 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTMETAPHYSICAL ESCAPISM VS REVOLUTIONARY REALITY FT LEX LEE VORTEXJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BROTHER LEX VORTEX, AS HE BREAKS DOWN AFRICAN SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS! WHO IS YOUR WORST ENEMY ? DO WE HAVE IT ALL WRONG, WHEN IT COMES TO BLACK LIBERATION? AND MUCH MORE YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS FAMLIY!! 02:54:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoLEX VORTEX,OGOD,BLACK LIBERATION,EVOLUTION,INTHEBLACKRADIOJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE WELCOME BROTHER LEX VORTEX, AS HE BREAKS DOWN AFRICAN SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS! WHO IS YOUR WORST ENEMY ? DO WE HAVE IT ALL WRONG, WHEN IT COMESISLAM VS AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY FT IMAN BASHIR "LIONS OF ALLAH", 12 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTISLAM VS AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY FT IMAN BASHIR "LIONS OF ALLAH"JOIN US AS WE WELCOME THE BABYFACE IMAN BASHIR AS HE GOES IN ON ISALMS CONNECTION TO AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY.. CAN ISLAM SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? HOW CAN WE USE ISLAM TO GET OUT OF OUR CONDITION ? WHAT BETTER FOR THE PEOPLE THE KORAN OR THE BIBLE? THE IMAN IS ON THE HOT SEAT!! ITS GOING DOWN FAMILY BE HERE!!! YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS!! 03:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoIMAN BASHIR,ISLAM,AFRICAN ISLAM,INTHEBLACKRADIO,LIONS OF ALLAHJOIN US AS WE WELCOME THE BABYFACE IMAN BASHIR AS HE GOES IN ON ISALMS CONNECTION TO AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY.. CAN ISLAM SAVE BLACK PEOPLE? HOW CAN WE USE ISLAM TOWHO'S THE DEVIL? FT "LARON G. KONSCIOUSNESS" CAMPBELL/ BIBLICAL TEACHINGS, 11 Mar 2015 01:00:00 GMTWHO'S THE DEVIL? FT "LARON G. KONSCIOUSNESS" CAMPBELL/ BIBLICAL TEACHINGSTONIGHT FAMILY WE WELCOME LARON G KONSCIOUSNESS. HE WILL BE SPEAKING IN DEPTH ON THE BIBLE, WHO IS THE DEVIL? ARE BLACK PEOPLE THERE OWN WORST ENEMY? WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A TRUE CHRISTIAN? CAN THE BIBLE SAVE US? THIS BROTHER IS GOING TO BREAK DOWN THE BIBLE LIKE NO OTHER!! YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE FAMILY. TUNE IN TONIGHT AT 9PM EST.. CALL IN NUMBER (619) 924-0694.. WE BACK 03:35:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWHO'S THE DEVIL,THE BIBLE,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGOD,JESUSTONIGHT FAMILY WE WELCOME LARON G KONSCIOUSNESS. HE WILL BE SPEAKING IN DEPTH ON THE BIBLE, WHO IS THE DEVIL? ARE BLACK PEOPLE THERE OWN WORST ENEMY? WHAT IT METHE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS/ SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY FT SISTER MAAT, 04 Mar 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS/ SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY FT SISTER MAATJOIN US TONIGHT FAMLIY FOR THIS EXPLOSIVE AND INFORMATIVE  TOPIC. WE ARE GOING IN TONIGHT ON THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY, WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MIND OF THE ENEMY. HOW DOES HE VIEW YOU? THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND VS THE CONSCIOUS MIND. WE ARE GOING TOO EXPOUND ON THE CRESS THEORY AND PROMINET  TEACHINGS OF NEELY FULLER AND DR FRANCIS CRESS WELSING, WERE THEY RIGHT? WHAT IF WE UNDERSTOOD THIS CONCEPT IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, WHERE WOULD WE  BE? WHY THE IDEALS AND CONCEPTS OF THE ENEMY HAS TO BE DESTROYED, BEFORE WE CAN MOVE FORWARD!  ALSO THE RETURN OF POWERFUL WARRIOR SISTER MAAT, THE CIPHER IS COMPLETE, PLEASE JOIN US TONIGHT AS EXPOUND ON  THIS TIMELY AND EXPLOSIVE TOPIC!! STARTING AT 9PM EST (619) 924-0694...     02:33:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoDR FRANCIS CRESS WELSING,NEELY FULLER,SISTER MAAT,INTHEBLACKRADIO,RACISM WHITE SUPREMACYJOIN US TONIGHT FAMLIY FOR THIS EXPLOSIVE AND INFORMATIVE  TOPIC. WE ARE GOING IN TONIGHT ON THE SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY, WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE PIN THE BLACK NEWS: FEMINIST VS DR UMAR JOHNSON THE SHOW EMPIRE, COMCAST, 27 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS: FEMINIST VS DR UMAR JOHNSON THE SHOW EMPIRE, COMCASTJOIN US FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWS NIGHT WERE WE TOUCH ON WEEKLY DEVELOPING STORIES, WE WILL TALK ABOUT DR UMAR JOHNSON FACE-OFF WITH A BLACK FEMINIST AT A LECTURE. ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE HIT SHOW EMPIRE... IS IT KOONERY.?.ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT CABLE GIANT COMCAST.. BEING SUED BY BLACK FILM MAKERS FOR NOT PLAYING BLACK CONSCIOUS FILMS. ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE DEPRESSION AFTER THE NFL, THATS NOT TALKED ABOUT . AND MUCH MORE FAMILY!!! 02:23:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoFEMINST VS DR UMAR,EMPIRE,DEPRESSION AFTER NFL,COMCAST SUED,1969 BLACK JESUS PICTUREJOIN US FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWS NIGHT WERE WE TOUCH ON WEEKLY DEVELOPING STORIES, WE WILL TALK ABOUT DR UMAR JOHNSON FACE-OFF WITH A BLACK FEMINIST AT A LECTURE. ALTHE MURDER OF ERIC GARNER (LEGAL LYNCHING) SLAVE CATCHERS TO MODERN DAY POLICE, 25 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE MURDER OF ERIC GARNER (LEGAL LYNCHING) SLAVE CATCHERS TO MODERN DAY POLICEWE WILL TALK ABOUT THE FACTS IN THE ERIC GARNER CASE. WE ARE GOING TO REPLAY THE TAPE AND GO OVER IT DETAIL BY DETAIL. YOU WILL GET TO HERE THE ORINGINAL GOD'S FULL PRESENTATION. ALSO WE WILL LOOK INTO THE CORRUPTION OF POLICE DEPAREMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES. AND MORE FACTS THAT SURROUNDING THE DEBATE WITH SARGE ON TALK REAL SOLUTIONS. YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS DYNAMIC PRESENTATION FAMILY!! 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoERIC GARNER DEBATE,OGOD VS SARGE,SLAVE CATCHERS,PADDY ROLLERS,NYPD CORRUPTIONWE WILL TALK ABOUT THE FACTS IN THE ERIC GARNER CASE. WE ARE GOING TO REPLAY THE TAPE AND GO OVER IT DETAIL BY DETAIL. YOU WILL GET TO HERE THE ORINGINAL GOD'STHE SLAVE REVOLTS (RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS) P.T.S.S., 17 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE SLAVE REVOLTS (RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS) P.T.S.S.JOIN HOST THE ORINGINAL GOD AS WE TOUCH ON THE HISTORY OF SLAVERY IN AMERICA ! WERE BLACKS ALWAYS PASSIVE?  WHAT ROLE DID CHRISTAINTY PLAY IN SLAVERY? WE WILL LOOK AT THE STORY OF GREAT MEN SUCH AS NAT TURNER! HOW WERE THE SLAVES FREED? WHAT MAKES AFRICAN SLAVERY THE WORST OF ANY OTHER SLAVERY..? AND WE WILL TOUCH ON THE EFFECTS THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE HAS ON BLACKS TODAY!! AND MUCH MORE!! 02:36:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoSLAVE REVOLTS,NAT TURNER,RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGODJOIN HOST THE ORINGINAL GOD AS WE TOUCH ON THE HISTORY OF SLAVERY IN AMERICA ! WERE BLACKS ALWAYS PASSIVE?  WHAT ROLE DID CHRISTAINTY PLAY IN SLAVERY? WE WILL LIN THE BLACK NEWS ..MORE DEBATE TALK.... STEVE HARVEY "KOONING" MUCH MORE!!, 12 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS ..MORE DEBATE TALK.... STEVE HARVEY "KOONING" MUCH MORE!!WE ARE GOING TO TALK MORE ABOUT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE,, PLUS WE ARE TOUCH ON STEVEYHARVEYS COMMENTS " I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT SLAVERY" AND MUCH MORE FAMILY!! CALL IN 619 924 0694.. 03:23:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoSTEVE HARVEY,KEMET ON TRIAL,INTHEBLACKNEWS2,NEWS WEEKWE ARE GOING TO TALK MORE ABOUT THE KEMET ON TRIAL DEBATE,, PLUS WE ARE TOUCH ON STEVEYHARVEYS COMMENTS " I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT SLAVERY" AND MUCH MORE FAMILYKEMET ON TRIAL (POST DEBATE) WHO WON? FT GODKILLER AND IMAN BASHIR, 10 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTKEMET ON TRIAL (POST DEBATE) WHO WON? FT GODKILLER AND IMAN BASHIRWE WILL TOUCH ON THE AFTERMATH OF THE DEBATE WON? WHAT WHERE SOME OF THE MAJOR POINTS ON EACH SIDE? WE WILL GIVE A FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF EXACTLY WHAT WENT DOWN! WE WILL HAVE INTERVIEWS FROM SOME OF THE BROTHER IN THE DEBATE!! YOU DONT WANNA MISS THIS!!! WE ARE GOING TO THE DEBATE AND WE WILL TAKE DETAILED NOTES TO DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY!! 02:15:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoKEMET ON TRIAL POST DEBATE,BRO POLIGHT,BRO GODKILLER,SA NETER,HASHARWE WILL TOUCH ON THE AFTERMATH OF THE DEBATE WON? WHAT WHERE SOME OF THE MAJOR POINTS ON EACH SIDE? WE WILL GIVE A FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF EXACTLY WHAT WENT DOWN!PRE-DEBATE SHOW (KEMET ON TRIAL) LIVE AT THE DEBATE. FT..AMEN RA SQUAD, 08 Feb 2015 16:30:00 GMTPRE-DEBATE SHOW (KEMET ON TRIAL) LIVE AT THE DEBATE. FT..AMEN RA SQUADWE WILL BE DOING A PREVIEW SHOW OF THE DEBATE BETWEEN BRO POLIGHT,AMEN RA SQUAD, BRO REGGIE VS NASI YUSEVIL, LIONS OF ISRAEL, HASHAR A.O.C. BROTHER GABBAR GOCC,AND DIVINE PROSPECT. KEMET ON TRIAL TUNE IN AS WE GET THE FAMLIY READY FOR THE DEBATE!! IN THE BLACK MEDIA WILL BE IN THE HOUSE WITH PRE DEBATE ANALISYS, INTERVIEW AND MUCH MORE TUNE IN!!! 01:47:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoKEMET ON TRAIL,PRE-DEBATE,POLIGHT,HEBREW WAR MACHINE,INTHEBLACKRADIOWE WILL BE DOING A PREVIEW SHOW OF THE DEBATE BETWEEN BRO POLIGHT,AMEN RA SQUAD, BRO REGGIE VS NASI YUSEVIL, LIONS OF ISRAEL, HASHAR A.O.C. BROTHER GABBAR GOCC,HOMOSEXUALITY, PEDOPHILIA, AND THE SICK MIND OF THE EUROPEAN, 06 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTHOMOSEXUALITY, PEDOPHILIA, AND THE SICK MIND OF THE EUROPEANWHAT ARE THE ORGINS OF  HOMOSEXUALITY? ARE PEOPLE BORN GAY? DID THEY HAVE HOMOSEXUALITY IN KEMET? WE WILL TOUCH ON NATURE VS NURTURE . IS THIS BEHAVIOR NORMAL? IS HOMOSEXUALITY A NEW FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL?  ALSO WE WILL TOUCH ON  THE AGENDA TO MAKE PEDOPHLIA LEGAL VERY SOON! WE WILL LOOK AT THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE HOMO!! ALSO WE WILL EXPOSE THE PROPPOGANDA TO MAKE BLACK PEOPLE EXCEPT THIS SICK BEHVIOR!! AND HOW OBAMA WAS INSTRAMENTIAL IN IMPLEMENTING THIS SICK TWISTED EUROPEAN BEHAVIOR.. WAS THERE HOMOSEXULITY KEMET?.AND WE WILL FORMALLY ADRESS SHAKA AHMOSE COMMENT "IM NOT SAYING THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY". ALSO WE WILL TOUCH ON THE HISTORY OF EUROPEANS PHILOSPHERS AND THERE OPINON ON THE SUBJECT MATTER. TUNE IN TOO THE FASTEST GROWING, REALEST SHOW IN THE NATION FAMILY!!! WE GO HARD NO CUT... SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP, AND RAW INFORMATION ... STEP INTO  THE BLACK!! 03:49:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoHOMO,EUROPEAN FAGGOTS,INTHEBLACKRADIO,HOMOSEXUAL,SICK BEHAVIOR OF THE CRACKERWHAT ARE THE ORGINS OF  HOMOSEXUALITY? ARE PEOPLE BORN GAY? DID THEY HAVE HOMOSEXUALITY IN KEMET? WE WILL TOUCH ON NATURE VS NURTURE . IS THIS BEHAVIOR NORMAL?THE WAR ON DRUGS ? OR WAR ON BLACK PEOPLE ?, 04 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE WAR ON DRUGS ? OR WAR ON BLACK PEOPLE ?WAS THERE EVER A WAR ON DRUGS ? WHY ARE PHARMACIES GIVEN A LICENSE TO SELL THE SAME DRUGS PEOPLE GET LOCKED UP FOR EVERY DAY? WHY THIS SO CALLED,  WAR IS A COVER UP TO DESTROY THE BLACK COMMUNITY! IS THE CIA BRINGING THE DRUGS INTO THE COUNTRY?  WE WILL ALSO TOUCH ON GARY WEBBS BOOK (DARK ALLIANCE) ALSO WE TOUCH ON THE FREEWAY RICKY ROSS STORY.ALSO WE WILL TAKE A LOOK AT DRUGS OFFENSES BY RACE. IS IT FAIR? JOIN US A WE EXPOSE THE SO CALLED WAR ON DRUGS FAMILY!!!! AND MUCH MORE!!! CALL IN TUESDAY NIGHT AT 9PM EST (619) 924-0694..... 02:55:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWAR ON DRUGS,GARY WEBB,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGOD,SOLARMINDWAS THERE EVER A WAR ON DRUGS ? WHY ARE PHARMACIES GIVEN A LICENSE TO SELL THE SAME DRUGS PEOPLE GET LOCKED UP FOR EVERY DAY? WHY THIS SO CALLED,  WAR IS A COVEFINANCING OUR OWN OPPRESSION (THE ILLUSION OF INCLUSION), 01 Feb 2015 02:00:00 GMTFINANCING OUR OWN OPPRESSION (THE ILLUSION OF INCLUSION)WHY ARE BLACK PEOPLE CONTINUING TO FINANCE OUR OWN OPPESSION? DOES HARD WORK GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO IN LIFE? ARE BLACK PEOPLE MAKING PROGRESS IN AMERICA? CAN ANYBODY MAKE IT IN AMERICA ?  ARE BLACK PEOPLE STILL USEFUL ? WHAT STEPS MUST WE TAKE TO STOP FUNDING OUR DEMISE?  03:03:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK POWER,INTHEBLACKRADIO,ILLUSION OF INCLUSION,OGOD,SOLAR MINDWHY ARE BLACK PEOPLE CONTINUING TO FINANCE OUR OWN OPPESSION? DOES HARD WORK GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO IN LIFE? ARE BLACK PEOPLE MAKING PROGRESS IN AMERICA? CIN THE BLACK NEWS!! (THE BREAKFAST CLUB,LORD JAMAR, BLACK MAN WITH NO REMORSE), 29 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTIN THE BLACK NEWS!! (THE BREAKFAST CLUB,LORD JAMAR, BLACK MAN WITH NO REMORSE)JOIN US AS WE DISCUSS HEADLINES FROM THIS WEEK IN TODAYS HIP HOP CULTURE FROM A CONSCIOUS PREPECTIVE. WE WILL TOUCH ON COMMENTS FROM CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD AND RAPPER FROM BRAND NUBIAAN AND MORE STORIES FROM THIS WEEK!  WE ARE GOIING TO TALK ABOUT HIP HOP AND THE EFFECTS IT HAS ON BLACK PEOPLE!! 02:50:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoHIP HOP LORD JAMAR,INTHEBLACKRADIO,CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD,HIP HOP,RADIOJOIN US AS WE DISCUSS HEADLINES FROM THIS WEEK IN TODAYS HIP HOP CULTURE FROM A CONSCIOUS PREPECTIVE. WE WILL TOUCH ON COMMENTS FROM CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD AND RAP(THE BIBLE ) IS IT THE BEST TOOL FOR LIBERATING BLACK PEOPLE?, 27 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMT(THE BIBLE ) IS IT THE BEST TOOL FOR LIBERATING BLACK PEOPLE?WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT ALL THE CONSEVERSIY SURROUNDING THE DEBATE KEMET ON TRIAL ! ALSO WHY THIS NOTHING MORE THAN JUST BLACK ON BLACK CRIME. ALSO WE ARE GOING TO LOOK INTO THE HISTORY OF THE HEBREWS ISREALITES ARE THEY GODS CHOOSEN PEOPLE? WHO IS THIS BIBLE TALKING ABOUT? IS THE BIBLE THE BEST LIBERATION TOOL FOR BLACK PEOPLE? HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE ? ARE BLACK PEOPLE HEBREW ISREALITES ? AND MUCH MORE !!!! 02:38:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoTHE BIBLE,LIBERATION,INTHEBLACKRADIO,OGOD SOLARMIND,BLACK POWERWE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT ALL THE CONSEVERSIY SURROUNDING THE DEBATE KEMET ON TRIAL ! ALSO WHY THIS NOTHING MORE THAN JUST BLACK ON BLACK CRIME. ALSO WE ARE GOOPEN MIC NIGHT (SPUR OF THE MOMENT) WEEKLY NEWS!!, 26 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTOPEN MIC NIGHT (SPUR OF THE MOMENT) WEEKLY NEWS!!JOIN US TONIGHT AS WE DO AN OPEN MIKE... WEEKLY NEWS!! 02:01:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoINTHEBLACKRADIO BRO PTAH AGENT AMONG US,OPEN MIKE,BLACK POWERJOIN US TONIGHT AS WE DO AN OPEN MIKE... WEEKLY NEWS!!THE WHITE MANS BIBLE (ETHIOPIAN CHRISTIAN VS SOLAR MIND ) DISTORTED COPY, 25 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE WHITE MANS BIBLE (ETHIOPIAN CHRISTIAN VS SOLAR MIND ) DISTORTED COPYDID THE SO-CALLED HEBREW ISREALITES REALLY EXIST? DID WHITE PEOPLE WRITE THE BIBLE? IS ETHOPIA PRACTICING UNTAMERED CHRISTANITY? IS THE BIBLE A TOOL FOR LIBERATION ? ARE ETHOPIANS RACIST TOWARDS BLACK AMERICANS? IS THE BIBLE A CARBON COPY OF ANICENT KEMETIC KNOWLEDGE ? DID THE ROMANS COPY THE  EGPYTIANS DIETIES? DID GOD WRITE THE BIBLE? SHOULD WE LOVE ARE ENIEMES AS THE BIBLE SAYS ?SHOULD WE TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY ? AND MUCH MORE FAMILY!! 03:24:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoHEBREW ISFREALITES,NEW BIBLE,INTHEBLACKRADIO,GMS HEBREW,BLACK POWERDID THE SO-CALLED HEBREW ISREALITES REALLY EXIST? DID WHITE PEOPLE WRITE THE BIBLE? IS ETHOPIA PRACTICING UNTAMERED CHRISTANITY? IS THE BIBLE A TOOL FOR LIBERATHAVE THE POLICE DECLARED WAR ON BLACK MEN? (OPEN SEASON), 22 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTHAVE THE POLICE DECLARED WAR ON BLACK MEN? (OPEN SEASON)HAVE THE POLICE DECLARED WAR ON BLACK MILITANT GROUPS? WHY IS THE MEDIA TWISTING THE FOCUS OFF OF POLICE BRUTALITY, TO ANTI-COP RHETORIC ? WHO ARE THE REAL TERRORIST? WE WILL LOOK AT THE AMERICAN MEDIAS DEMONALIZATION CAMPAIGN AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE!! WE ARE GOING TO ONCE AGAIN EXPOSE THE SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACIES DECEPTIONS AND OUTRIGHT LIES..WE ARE GOING TO EXPOSE THE POLITICAL PROPAGANDA!! WE WILL LOOK AT THE HISTORY OF POLICE CORRUPTION.. IS THIS THE REAL LIFE PURGE ON BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!!! ALSO WHY CO-INTEL PRO STILL EXIST AND IS ALIVE AND WELL..ALSO WHY THE BLACK MAN IS ONLY USEFUL IN THIS SOCIETY TO POPULATE PRISONS AND BE THE WHITE MANS BITCH. ALSO WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT A RECENT UNARMED BLACK MAN IN BRIGDETON,NJ..!!! 03:58:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPOLICE BRUTALITY,BLACK MAN,POLICE STATE,INTHEBLACKRADIO,WAR ON BLACK MENHAVE THE POLICE DECLARED WAR ON BLACK MILITANT GROUPS? WHY IS THE MEDIA TWISTING THE FOCUS OFF OF POLICE BRUTALITY, TO ANTI-COP RHETORIC ? WHO ARE THE REAL TERRDOMESTIC TERRORISM (ENEMY OF THE STATE) BLACK FACE OF TERROR, 20 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTDOMESTIC TERRORISM (ENEMY OF THE STATE) BLACK FACE OF TERRORWHAT IS DOMESTIC TERRORISM ? IS THE US GOVERMENT TRYING TO FRAME BLACK MEN WHO SPEAK ANTI- GORVERMENT RHETORIC ? WE WILL LOOK AT THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERMENT AND HOW THEY WHERE BEHIND TULSA OKALAHOMA BOMBING! ALSO THE PHILADELPHIA MOVE BOMBING.. BLACK WALSTREET  AND THE ASSAINATION OF DR MARTIN LUTHER KING AND MALCOM X..WE WILL ALSO TOUCH ON WHY BLACK MEN ARE SPEAKING UP!!! IS IT JUSTIFIED! ALSO WE WILL TOUCH ON AGENTS SENT BY THE GOVERMENT TO SPY AND COMPILE INFORMATION TO GIVE TO THE DEVIL!! TO PROSECUTE POLITICAL ACTIVIST.. ALSO WHO IS REALLY A THE TERROIST, WE ARE BRINGING FACTS TO EXPOSE DOMESTIC TERRORISM !! WE WILL ALSO TOUCH ON HOW THE MEDIA PLAYS APART IN CHANGING THE SO CALLED FACE OF TERROR FROM, AN ARAB TO A BLACK MAN!! ALSO WE WILL BRING YOU MORE INFORMATION ON AGENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY  AND MUCH MUCH MORE FAMILY!! 02:55:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoDOMESTIC TERRORISM,BLACK MEN,BLACK WALLSTREET,DR MLK,MALCOM XWHAT IS DOMESTIC TERRORISM ? IS THE US GOVERMENT TRYING TO FRAME BLACK MEN WHO SPEAK ANTI- GORVERMENT RHETORIC ? WE WILL LOOK AT THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATETHE YEAR OF THE BULLY OR THE BULLET (INSPIRED BY DR KHALID MUHAMMAD), 19 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE YEAR OF THE BULLY OR THE BULLET (INSPIRED BY DR KHALID MUHAMMAD)WE WILL TOUCH ON DR KHALID MUHAMMAD FAMOUS SPEECH !! WHY ITS TIME TO ORGANIZE NOW! ENOUGH RADIO SHOWS, ENOUGH DEBATES, ENOUGH LECTURES, ITS TRULY TIME TO PUT ASIDE PETTY DIFFERANCES OR WE WONT BE AROUND MUCH LONGER TO EVEN FIGHT EACH OTHER!! WHY WE NEED TO PUNISH TRADERS OR AGENTS IN THE COMMUNITY WHO SPY AND TAKE INFORMATION BACK TO THE DEVIL...HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO WE NEED TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO ITS TIME TOO ACT!! I CHALLENGE BLACK MAN TO STAND UP AND TAKE OVER WHERE TEACHERS LIKE KHALID MUHAMMAD, MARCUS GARVEY, ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, FRED HAMPTON, ASSATA SHAKUR, TUPAC SHAKUR, MALCOM X DR UMAR JOHNSON, DR FRANCIS CRESS WELSING, DR JOHN HERNY CLARK , DR BEN...ETC ORGANIZE OR DIE!! FAMILY ....ALSO WHY WE NEED TO EXPOSE AGENTS AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. PAST AND PRESENT! 02:19:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBULLY OR BULLET,DR KHALID MUHAMMAD,FREEDOM FIGHTERS,REVOLUTION,BLACK POWERWE WILL TOUCH ON DR KHALID MUHAMMAD FAMOUS SPEECH !! WHY ITS TIME TO ORGANIZE NOW! ENOUGH RADIO SHOWS, ENOUGH DEBATES, ENOUGH LECTURES, ITS TRULY TIME TO PUT ASWHITE GENETIC ANNIHILATION (THE BLACK PHALLUS) THE EQUALIZER..., 18 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTWHITE GENETIC ANNIHILATION (THE BLACK PHALLUS) THE EQUALIZER...WHY DID SLAVES CATCHERS CUT OFF THE BLACK MANS PENIS? IS THE BLACK MAN SUPERIOR TO THE WHITE MAN? WHAT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF RACISUM ? WE WILL LOOK AT THE GENETIC POTENIAL OF THE BLACK AFRICAN MAN!!! WHY DO WHITE PEOPLE HATE US? IS THE BLACK MAN GOD? WHY WAS THE GUN MADE?  WE WILL EXAMINE THE TEACHINGS OF DR FRANCIS CRESS WELSING!! DID SHE CRACK THE CODE? IS BLACK DOMINATE AND WHITE RECESSIVE?  WE WILL TOUCH ON THE POWER OF MELANIN!! AND MUCH MORE!! 03:33:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK PENIS,WHITE GENETICS,INTHEBLACKRADIO,EQAULIZERWHY DID SLAVES CATCHERS CUT OFF THE BLACK MANS PENIS? IS THE BLACK MAN SUPERIOR TO THE WHITE MAN? WHAT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF RACISUM ? WE WILL LOOK AT THE GENETIMOORISH PAPERWORK SCAM EXPOSED!!!, 15 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTMOORISH PAPERWORK SCAM EXPOSED!!!CAN PAPERWORK FREE BLACK PEOPLE? DOES CHANGING YOUR STATUS REALLY WORK? WHAT IS A UCC ? WHERE DID THIS INFORMATION COME FROM? WE WILL LOOK AT THE TEACHINGS OF TAJ TAREK BEY, BROTHER POLIGHT, AND OTHER SO CALLED MOORS HOW MANY BROTHERS ARE IN PRISON USING PAPERWORK?  AND WHY WONY ANYONE HELP THEM? WERE THE MOORS SLAVES TRADERS?  OR AN ENEMY TO BLACK PEOPLE? ARE WE FREE WHITE PEOPLE...?  HOW MUCH MONEY ARE THESE PIMPS MAKING OFF OF DESPERATE PEOPLE? WHAT IS REAL SOVEREIGTRY? CAN WE BE SOVEREIGN IN AMERICA? AND MUCH MORE!! 03:05:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMOORS,PAPERWORK SCAM,MOORISH,TAJ TAREK BEY,LORD ABBACAN PAPERWORK FREE BLACK PEOPLE? DOES CHANGING YOUR STATUS REALLY WORK? WHAT IS A UCC ? WHERE DID THIS INFORMATION COME FROM? WE WILL LOOK AT THE TEACHINGS OF TEXPOSING THE AGENT AMONG US PART TWO COINTELPRO TACTICS.. (BRO PTAH), 14 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTEXPOSING THE AGENT AMONG US PART TWO COINTELPRO TACTICS.. (BRO PTAH)WE ARE GOING TO EXPOSE THE LIES OF THE FAKE REVOLUTOINARY BRO PTAH!! BEWARE OF THE FBI AGENT!! IM GOING TO POST BRO PTAH TEXT MESSAGES AND VOICE MAIL THAT THE BROTHER SENT ME !! TOO FINALLY EXPOSE THIS BROTHER ONCE AND FOR ALL....THIS A WARNING TO THE FAMILY TO NEVER DEAL WITH THIS PHYSCO CIA,FBI US MARSHALS AGENT JOIN!! US TO EXPOSE THIS BROTHER ONCE AGAIN!!! DONT LET THIS BROTHER FOOL YOU I HAVE DOCUMENTATION AND WITNESSES THAT THIS  BROTHER LIED TO THE PEOPLE THAT HE SAYS HE CARES ABOUT!! THIS IS FAKE BLACK POWER!! HOW HE IS USING CO-INTEL PRO TACTICS TO DECIEVE AND FOOL THE PEOPLE OF THE COMMUNITY..AND KEEP BLACK PEOPLE DIVIDED.."TO BE HONEST I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BLOWOVER, BUT WITH HIS LATEST TACTICS, EXPOSES THE FACT HE IS DANGEROUS AND TOXIC TO THE COMMUNITY"... AND MUST BE EXPOSED AND STOPPED...!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! MEN LIE WOMEN LIE BUT DOCUMENTS DONT!! ANYONE WHO WANTS TO SEE THIS INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF HIT ME UP !!! WE HAVE FACTUAL DOCUMENTATION CALL IN NUMBER 619 924 0694.... 02:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBRO PTAH,FBI AGENT,EXPOSING,TEXT MESSAGES,VOICE MAILWE ARE GOING TO EXPOSE THE LIES OF THE FAKE REVOLUTOINARY BRO PTAH!! BEWARE OF THE FBI AGENT!! IM GOING TO POST BRO PTAH TEXT MESSAGES AND VOICE MAIL THAT THE BTHE BLACK ATHLETE (PART TWO) TAMING THE WHITE BEAST........, 11 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE BLACK ATHLETE (PART TWO) TAMING THE WHITE BEAST........WE WILL LOOK AT MICHEAL VICKS DOG FIGHTING CASE. WE ARE GOING TO GO MORE IN DEPTH INTO THE BOOK FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES. ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE REFEREES ADMITTING TO CHEATING IN MAJOR GAMES!! WE WILL ALSO LOOK INTO THE ROLE THE MEDIA PLAYS IN DESTRYOING THE IMAGE OF THE  BLACK ATHLETE!! ALSO LISTEN TO ABOUT 20 IGNORANT WHITE RACIST CALLERS GET PUT TO BED WITH SCHOLARSHIP!! WE WILL ALSO TOUCH ON THE NEGRO LEAUGE AND WHY BLACK PEOPLE GAVE IT UP, TO WORK FOR WHITE PEOPLE!!  ALSO WE WILL TALK MORE ABOUT THE BLACK ATHLETE AND THEIR SLAVE MENTALITY !!! AND MUCH MORE CALL IN (619) 924-0694...... 03:35:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoRICH SLAVES,BLACK ATHLETE,INTHEBLACKRADIO,FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVESWE WILL LOOK AT MICHEAL VICKS DOG FIGHTING CASE. WE ARE GOING TO GO MORE IN DEPTH INTO THE BOOK FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES. ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE REFEREEFAKE REVOLUTIONARIES (EXPOSING BRO PTAH).... AGENT IN OUR MIST....., 10 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTFAKE REVOLUTIONARIES (EXPOSING BRO PTAH).... AGENT IN OUR MIST.....DO BLACK PEOPLE REALLY WANT TO BE FREE? WHAT IS REVOLUTION? ARE BLACK MEN TOO EMOTIONAL ? ARE BLACK PEOPLE IN A WORST CONDITION THAN THEY ACTUALLY THINK? WE WILL EXPOSE BLOGTALK GANGSTERS! WHY THE BLACK MAN DONT WANNA DO ANYTHING BUT TALK SHIT!! WHY ITS TIME TOO PUT UP OR SHUT UP!! WHY WE MIGHT BE EXTINCT AND IN A MUSEUM UNLESS WE PUT ASIDE OUR PETTY DIFFERENCES!! ALSO WE WILL TOUCH ON COINTEL PRO AND HOW IT IS ALIVE AND WELL AND HOW TO SPOT AN AGENT IN YOUR MIST!  WHY BLACK PEOPLE STILL SUFFER FROM PTSS, .. WHERE IS THE NEXT MARCUS GARVEY OR ELIJAH MUHAMMAD? ARE YOU AN ARM CHAIR REVOLUTIONARY? WHY DO BROTHERS THINK TALKING ABOUT HISTORY AND REGURGITATING INFORMATION IS STRUGGLE.. ARE WE READY TO FIGHT THE DEVIL? THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION!!!! WHY DONT WE FORGIVE OUR BROTHERS?? JOIN US FOR THIS ON TIME AND VERY MUCH NEEDED BUILD FAMILY!! CALL IN NUMBER IS (619) 924-0694... BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/INTHEBLACKRADIO 02:25:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoFAKE NIGGAS,BLACK ON BLACK CRIME,BLACK POWER,INTHEBLACKRADIO,Bro ptah AgentDO BLACK PEOPLE REALLY WANT TO BE FREE? WHAT IS REVOLUTION? ARE BLACK MEN TOO EMOTIONAL ? ARE BLACK PEOPLE IN A WORST CONDITION THAN THEY ACTUALLY THINK? WE WILTHE BLACK ATHLETE (MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES), 08 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTTHE BLACK ATHLETE (MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES)IS THE BLACK ATHLETE THE REPRESENTATION OF THE FIELD NIGGA ? IS THE BLACK ATHLETE USED TO DIVERT TO THE SO-CALLED AFRICAN AMERICAN FROM THE REALITY OF THE SYSTEM OF OPPRESION ? WHY DONT WE HAVE ANY MORE MUHAMMAD ALI'S OR OUT SPOKEN PERSONALITES LIKE WE HAD  IN THE PAST? ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE BLACK QUATERBACK AND THE HISTORY IN THE NFL!! ALSO WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE BOOK FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES!! MAND MUCH MORE FAMILY TUNE IN TONIGHT AT 8:30 PM EST CALL IN NUMBER (619) 924-0694!!  02:52:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK ATHLETE,MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES,INTHEBLACKRADIO,SAMBO,KOONSIS THE BLACK ATHLETE THE REPRESENTATION OF THE FIELD NIGGA ? IS THE BLACK ATHLETE USED TO DIVERT TO THE SO-CALLED AFRICAN AMERICAN FROM THE REALITY OF THE SYSTEIS IT OKAY FOR THE BLACK WOMAN TO BE A WHORE? RESPONSE TO SGT WILLIE PETE, 07 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTIS IT OKAY FOR THE BLACK WOMAN TO BE A WHORE? RESPONSE TO SGT WILLIE PETEShould the black woman be allowed to be a whore while the black man fights oppression ? Is telling the truth about the black woman bitching? Why didn't sarge wiilie Pete play the entire show? How being single mom contributes too raising soft emotional weak sons!! Why whenever we talk about the black woman's role in society,, do black weak negros try to change the subject. we are going to set the record straight. We are going to play the entire interview that sarge willie pete deliberately left out! We invite all people who oppose our facts to call in 619 924 0694 we bring the facts raw and uncut if you scared go to chruch!!!! t 02:27:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnosarge wilie pete,black woman,blackwhore,intheblack radioShould the black woman be allowed to be a whore while the black man fights oppression ? Is telling the truth about the black woman bitching? Why didn't sarge wiGANGSTER RAP (THE CIA CREATION TO POPULATE PRISONS AND FUEL THE WAR ON DRUGS)., 02 Jan 2015 02:00:00 GMTGANGSTER RAP (THE CIA CREATION TO POPULATE PRISONS AND FUEL THE WAR ON DRUGS).DID THE CIA INVENT GANGSTER RAP? WE WILL TALK ABOUT HOW RAP OR HIP HOP CONTRIBUTES TO THE DRUG GAME, ALSO HOW HIP HOP'S NEGATIVE MESSAGE ABOUT PROMTING ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE SYSTEMATICALLY OVERPOPULATES PRISONS!! DO BLACK ENTERTAINERS AND CELEBRTIES HAVE STOCK IN PRIVATE PRISONS? WE WILL TOUCH ON THE INCEPTION OF HIP HOP AND COMPARE ITS MESSAGE THEN AND NOW! WE WILL ALSO EXPOSE SOME OF THE COMPANIES THAT HAVE STOCK IN SEEING BLACK MEN BEHIND BARS. WE WILL ALSO TALK ABOUT HOW THE PRISONER IS IN FACT THE NEW SLAVE!! AND MUCH MORE!!! 03:31:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGANGSTER RAP,PRISON COMPLEX,HIP HOP,PRIVATE PRISONS,BLACK BOYSDID THE CIA INVENT GANGSTER RAP? WE WILL TALK ABOUT HOW RAP OR HIP HOP CONTRIBUTES TO THE DRUG GAME, ALSO HOW HIP HOP'S NEGATIVE MESSAGE ABOUT PROMTING ALCOHOLEFFEMINIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE/MASCULATING THE FEMALE PART TWO, 01 Jan 2015 01:30:00 GMTEFFEMINIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE/MASCULATING THE FEMALE PART TWOPART TWO OF THE EXPLOSIVE TOPIC THE EEFEMINIAZATION OF THE BLACK MALE / MASCULATING THE FEMALE. WE WILL LOOK AT HOW BLACK SHOWS IN THE 80S 90S AND EVEN NOW SOCAILLY ENGINEER BLACK BOYS TO BECOME DOCILE FEMINIE WEAK MALES AT THE SAME TIME TURNING THE WOMAN INTO ALPHA-MALES. ALSO HOW THE MUSIC PLAYS A PART IN THIS PYSCOSIS.. WE WILL ALSO GO FUTHER ON THE WEARING A DRESS RITUAL THAT BLACK MEN IN NEARLY EVERY INDUSTDRY HAVE TO PARTICPATE IN.!! ALSO WE WILL GO EVEN DEEPER INTO THE BLACK MOVIES... AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE BLACK MIND!! WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE NEW GAY RAPPER BEING INTRODUCED TO SOCIETY AND MUCH MORE FAMILY!!! CALL IN NUMBER (619) 924-0694 03:10:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK BOYS,INTHEBLACKRADIO,MASCULATE BLACK FEMALE,FEMINE BLACK BOYPART TWO OF THE EXPLOSIVE TOPIC THE EEFEMINIAZATION OF THE BLACK MALE / MASCULATING THE FEMALE. WE WILL LOOK AT HOW BLACK SHOWS IN THE 80S 90S AND EVEN NOW SOCATHE EFFEMINIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE AT THE SAME TIME MASCULATING THE FEMALE, 31 Dec 2014 01:30:00 GMTTHE EFFEMINIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE AT THE SAME TIME MASCULATING THE FEMALEHAVE THE BLACK MAN AND WOMEN TRADED PLACES IS SOCIETY ? HOW BEING RAISED BY A MOTHER ALONE CONTRIBUTES TO EMOTIONAL UNSTABLE BLACK MALES! IS THE INDEPENDENT WOMAN REALLY INDEPENDNANT? WHY THE WOMAN LEADING A FAMLIY IS A PROBLEM!!! WHAT ROLE DOES WHITE SUPREMACY PLAY IN THIS FRATRICIDALWAR? WHAT ROLE DO MOVIES AND BLACK MUSIC PLAY? ARE BLACK MEN OBSELETE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY? WHY BEING GAY IS ANTI NATURE AND ANTI-AFRICAN.... 03:41:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK FEMINE MALE,BLACK MALE WAR,INTHEBLACKRADIOHAVE THE BLACK MAN AND WOMEN TRADED PLACES IS SOCIETY ? HOW BEING RAISED BY A MOTHER ALONE CONTRIBUTES TO EMOTIONAL UNSTABLE BLACK MALES! IS THE INDEPENDENT WOMCONSCIOUS OR CON-US COMMUNITY (GET FREE QUICK SCHEME), 30 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTCONSCIOUS OR CON-US COMMUNITY (GET FREE QUICK SCHEME)IS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY BECOMING THE NEW BLACK CHRUCH ? ARE THE PERSONALITIES REALLY CONCERED ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE? IS IT BECOMING MORE ABOUT YOUTUBE VIEWS AND HOW MUCH MONEY CAN BE MADE RATHER THAN HELPNG BLACK PEOPLE GET FREE? HOW MANY MORE LECTURES DO WE NEED TO GET THE POINT ACROSS ? DOES INFORMATION CHANGE CONDITION ? WHY WONT WE UNIFY? WHAT CRETRIA SHOULD WE JUDGE THE SO CALLED LEADERS IN THE COMMUNITY BY? HOW CAN 5000 AGO YEARS HELP US TODAY? ARE DEBATES HEALTHY RIGHT NOW? WE WILL SHOW YOU THE DIFFERANCE BETWEEN A REVOLUTIONARY AND A CONSCIOUS PERSON? 03:29:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoCONSCIOUS COMMUNITY,CON-US COMMUNITY,NEW BLACK CHRUCH,INTHEBLACK,RADIIOIS THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY BECOMING THE NEW BLACK CHRUCH ? ARE THE PERSONALITIES REALLY CONCERED ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE? IS IT BECOMING MORE ABOUT YOUTUBE VIEWS ANDWHY THE WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL (IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE), 27 Dec 2014 02:30:00 GMTWHY THE WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL (IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE)WHO IS WORSE THE WHITE MAN OR THE SO CALLED DEVIL IN THE BIBLE? WHY DO WE CALL THE WHITE MAN THE DEVIL? WE WILL SHOW YOU EVIDENCE THE WHITE RACE IS IN FACT THE DEVIL ARE THERE BLACK DEVILS ? WHAT DOES THE DEVIL MEAN ? WHY WE CANT CO-EXIST WITH THE WHITE MAN!  WE WILL LOOK AT HISTORY TO PROVE THE WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL!  02:24:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWHITE MAN DEVIL,BLACK MAN GOD,DEVILSWHO IS WORSE THE WHITE MAN OR THE SO CALLED DEVIL IN THE BIBLE? WHY DO WE CALL THE WHITE MAN THE DEVIL? WE WILL SHOW YOU EVIDENCE THE WHITE RACE IS IN FACT THEINTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS (IS THE BLACK WOMAN THE NEW EUROPEAN ALPHA MALE), 25 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTINTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS (IS THE BLACK WOMAN THE NEW EUROPEAN ALPHA MALE)IS THE BLACK WOMAN THE NEW WHITE MAN ?IS THE BLACK WOMAN OPPRESING THE BLACK MAN? WHY DO BLACK PEOPLE DATE OUTSIDE THERE RACE? DO BLACK WOMAN WANNA LOOK LIKE WHITE WOMAN? WHO IS THE BLACK WOMAN TRYING TO ATTRACT?  03:12:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoINTER RACIAL RELATIONSHIP,WHITE MAN,BLACK WOMANIS THE BLACK WOMAN THE NEW WHITE MAN ?IS THE BLACK WOMAN OPPRESING THE BLACK MAN? WHY DO BLACK PEOPLE DATE OUTSIDE THERE RACE? DO BLACK WOMAN WANNA LOOK LIKE WHOPEN MIC (SAY WHATS ON YOUR MIND), 22 Dec 2014 02:02:43 GMTOPEN MIC (SAY WHATS ON YOUR MIND)OPEN MIC SAY WHAT YOU FEEL!! 02:41:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoINTHEBLACK RADIO,OPEN MICOPEN MIC SAY WHAT YOU FEEL!!JESUS CHRIST WHEN THE ENEMY BECAME THE DIETY, 21 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTJESUS CHRIST WHEN THE ENEMY BECAME THE DIETYWAS JESUS WHITE OR BLACK ? WAS JESUS REAL ? WAS THE JESUS A PLAGRIZED STORY FROM KEMET ? IS JESUS A SAVIOR OR AN ENEMY TO BLACK PEOPLE ? WHY ARE  WE TAUGT NEVER TO QUESTION THE GOSPEL? DID JESUS DIE ON THE CROSS? IS THERE POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS ?AND MUCH MORE JOIN HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND SOLAR MIND AND BRO PTAH.. 02:55:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoMILITARY SCIENCE,POLTICAL SCIENCE,BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY,WHITE SUPREMACY,JESUSWAS JESUS WHITE OR BLACK ? WAS JESUS REAL ? WAS THE JESUS A PLAGRIZED STORY FROM KEMET ? IS JESUS A SAVIOR OR AN ENEMY TO BLACK PEOPLE ? WHY ARE  WE TAUGT NEVEASSATA SHAKUR WHY NOW? (NJ STATE POLICE LIES AND DECEPTION) HANDS OFF ASSATA, 19 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTASSATA SHAKUR WHY NOW? (NJ STATE POLICE LIES AND DECEPTION) HANDS OFF ASSATAWe will expose the NJ STATE POLICE. THE FBI And the lies they are telling the people !! We will talk about the facts of the case! Why they will never catch her!! What she s symbolizes for black liberation.  02:18:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoASSATA SHAKUR,NJ POLICE LIES,COINTELPROWe will expose the NJ STATE POLICE. THE FBI And the lies they are telling the people !! We will talk about the facts of the case! Why they will never catch her!PROSPERITY DOCTRINE (PIMPING IN THE NAME OF GOD), 17 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTPROSPERITY DOCTRINE (PIMPING IN THE NAME OF GOD) DOES GOD NEED MONEY ? WE WILL EXAMINE HOW PREACHERS USE FEAR TO CONTROL THE CONGREGARTION! WHY ARE PASTORS NOT FOLLOWING THE WORD OF GOD? WHY ARE PASTORS USING THE FEAR OF POVERTY TO FORCE YOU INTO GIVEN ?  WE ARE GOING TO BREAK DOWN THE SCRIPTURES AND DECODE THE TRUE MEANING!! WE WILL DISCUSS HOW TO CHRUCH FELL FROM BEING REVOLUTIONARY TO DOCILE!!! 03:12:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPIMPING PASTORS,PROSPERITY DOCTRINE,GOD,BLACK CHRUCHDOES GOD NEED MONEY ? WE WILL EXAMINE HOW PREACHERS USE FEAR TO CONTROL THE CONGREGARTION! WHY ARE PASTORS NOT FOLLOWING THE WORD OF GOD? WHY ARE PASTORS USINGCO-INTEL PRO (THE FBI AND CIA HISTORY OF DESTORYING BLACK LIBERATION), 16 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTCO-INTEL PRO (THE FBI AND CIA HISTORY OF DESTORYING BLACK LIBERATION)THE HISTORY OF THE FBI AND CIA INFLITRATION INSIDE BLACK LIBERATION MOVMENTS FROM MARCUS GARVEY TO MODERN DAY FAKE CONSCIOUNS PIMPS, WE WILL DISCUSS THE BLACK PANTHERS, THE BLACK LIBERATION ARMY, THE NATION OF ISLAM, DR YORK TO NATURAL TAHUTI. WHERE DID THEY GO WRONG? WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO ASSURE THIS TACTIC CANNOT BE SUCCSEFUL AGAIN. WHAT CRITERIA SHOULD WE JUDGE OUR CURRENT DAY LEADERS..!!! WE ARE CALLING OUT NAMES  WE WILL ALSO DISCUSS 2PAC AND ASSATA SHAKUR AND THE FEARLESS BLACK LIBERATION ARMY.JOIN US FOR THIS EXPLOSIVE TOPIC FAMILY!! 03:10:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoCO-INTEL PRO,BLACK LIBERATION,ASSATA SHAKUR,MARCUS GARVEY,FBITHE HISTORY OF THE FBI AND CIA INFLITRATION INSIDE BLACK LIBERATION MOVMENTS FROM MARCUS GARVEY TO MODERN DAY FAKE CONSCIOUNS PIMPS, WE WILL DISCUSS THE BLACK PTHE DEMONALIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE IMAGE (ONES MAN GOD ANOTHER MANS DEVIL)., 14 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTTHE DEMONALIZATION OF THE BLACK MALE IMAGE (ONES MAN GOD ANOTHER MANS DEVIL).why is the black male vilified in movies ? why are black women being told subconsciously being programmed to be the scandal chick? why this demonalization campaign is the same as adolf hitler campaign to exterminate the jews!! the black male image in movies!! !  03:16:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoBLACK MALE IMAGE,INTHEBLACKRADIO,BLACK MANS GOD,WHITE MAN DEVIL,BLACKwhy is the black male vilified in movies ? why are black women being told subconsciously being programmed to be the scandal chick? why this demonalization campaTHE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (EFFECTS ON BLACK BOYS), 10 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTTHE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (EFFECTS ON BLACK BOYS)DOES THE SCHOOLS PREPARE BLACK BOYS FOR PRISON? IS THERE A SYSTEM THAT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST BLACK BOYS? WHY ARE BLACK BOYS DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL AT AN ALARMING RATE? WHAT DO PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTUALLY TEACH BLACK KIDS? IS IT TIME TO PULL BLACK BOYS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL? WHAT EFFECTS DOES THE MEDICINE HAVE ON BLACK BOYS? JOIN YOUR HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AND SOLAR MIND AS WE EXPOUND ON THE PRISON INDUSTRAIL COMPLEX!!  02:59:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoPRISON,BLACK BOYS,JAIL,PRISON IDUSTRIAL COMPLEXDOES THE SCHOOLS PREPARE BLACK BOYS FOR PRISON? IS THERE A SYSTEM THAT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST BLACK BOYS? WHY ARE BLACK BOYS DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL AT AN ALARMINERIC GARNER (AMERICAS EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN ON BLACK BOYS) WHY NOBODY CARES!, 09 Dec 2014 01:30:00 GMTERIC GARNER (AMERICAS EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN ON BLACK BOYS) WHY NOBODY CARES!WHY ARE NIGGAS SCARED TO FIGHT BACK!! DOES IT MATTER IF YOU PASSIVE OR AGGRESIVE ? IS BLACK ON BLACK CRIME MORE PREVILATE THAN WHITE ON WHITE CRIME? WHY ARE OTHER RACES OF PEOPLE SILENCE ? WHY NOBODY CARES ABOUT BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE.! WHY SO CALLED GANGSTER NIGGAS STANDING DOWN !!!  02:32:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoERIC GARNER,REVOLUTON,BLACK BOYS,BLACK ON BLACK CRIME,PASSIVE NIGGASWHY ARE NIGGAS SCARED TO FIGHT BACK!! DOES IT MATTER IF YOU PASSIVE OR AGGRESIVE ? IS BLACK ON BLACK CRIME MORE PREVILATE THAN WHITE ON WHITE CRIME? WHY ARE OTHHollyWood Movies Decoded Night ft Original God and Solar Mind, 05 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTHollyWood Movies Decoded Night ft Original God and Solar Mindmovies decoded, we will talk about how hollywood movies depcit and manipulate peoples mind! the black man wearing a dress! the emasculation of the black male is discussed! why do black women love scandal! how do hollywood movies infulence black peoples perception?  02:26:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoThe purge,hunger games,movies decodedmovies decoded, we will talk about how hollywood movies depcit and manipulate peoples mind! the black man wearing a dress! the emasculation of the black male isINTERGRATION, (WILLE LYNCH) AND ITS PRESENT DAY EFFECT ON BLACK PEOPLE, 04 Dec 2014 01:30:00 GMTINTERGRATION, (WILLE LYNCH) AND ITS PRESENT DAY EFFECT ON BLACK PEOPLEhow has intergration effected black people ? is the wille lynch letter in effect currrent day?  02:04:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoINTERGRATION,WILLIE LYNCH,BLACK SOCIAL ISSUES,SAMBO,UNCLE TOMhow has intergration effected black people ? is the wille lynch letter in effect currrent day?The God Deception featuring GOD KILLER (AHNK) From the AMEN-RA SQUAD, 02 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTThe God Deception featuring GOD KILLER (AHNK) From the AMEN-RA SQUADWhat was the first symbol of god? where did the concept of god originate ? does god love black people? is god an enemy of black people? join the GODKILLER from the real black atheist of atlanta, the amen ra sqaud as he brings his through analiysis of history.... yfrom an unbaised african frame of mine.. join your host the ORIGINAL GOD AND SOLAR MIND .. BLACK AFRICAN POWER!!! 00:18:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoGOD DECEPTION,GOD KILLER,AMEN RA SQUAD,REAL BLACK ATHEISTWhat was the first symbol of god? where did the concept of god originate ? does god love black people? is god an enemy of black people? join the GODKILLER fromREVOLUTION VS EVOLUTION featuring Goddess CHI, 30 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTREVOLUTION VS EVOLUTION featuring Goddess CHIIS BLACK PEOPLE FIGHTING OPRESSION COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE? SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO LOVE OUR ENEMY? DOES LOVE REALLY CONQUER EVERYTHING? REVOLUTION IS EVOLUTION  01:53:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoREVOLUTION,EVOLUTION,BLACK POWER,INTHEBLACKRADIOIS BLACK PEOPLE FIGHTING OPRESSION COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE? SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO LOVE OUR ENEMY? DOES LOVE REALLY CONQUER EVERYTHING? REVOLUTION IS EVOLUTIONScientific Racism ft SOLAR MIND, 27 Nov 2014 02:00:00 GMTScientific Racism ft SOLAR MINDTonight we will talk about Scientific racism, from it's inception to current day. Are white people still racist? Is there such thing as reverse racism ? Can blacks be racist ? Solar mind will thoroughly analyze the concept of racism 02:10:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoRacism,mike brown. Black powerTonight we will talk about Scientific racism, from it's inception to current day. Are white people still racist? Is there such thing as reverse racism ? Can blaFERGUSON AMERICA'S (WAR ON BLACK BOYS) FEAT BRO PTAH AND SOLAR MIND, 26 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTFERGUSON AMERICA'S (WAR ON BLACK BOYS) FEAT BRO PTAH AND SOLAR MINDNOW THAT THE VERDICT IS IN NOW WHAT?? WHY WONT BLACK PEOPLE PUSH BACK ? WE WILL DISCUSS POLICE BRUTALTY!! THE STATE OF THE BLACK RACE!!! WHAT MUST BE DONE TO STOP THE ALL OUT ASSALUT ON BLACK BOYS? JOIN YOUR HOST THE ORIGINAL GOD AS WE DISCUSS THIS TOPIC IN FULL DETAIL!! 02:52:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoFERGUSON,REVOLUTION,BLACK POWER,WAR ON BLACK BOYS,POLICE BRUTALITYNOW THAT THE VERDICT IS IN NOW WHAT?? WHY WONT BLACK PEOPLE PUSH BACK ? WE WILL DISCUSS POLICE BRUTALTY!! THE STATE OF THE BLACK RACE!!! WHAT MUST BE DONE TO STExamining the Sambo, Uncle tom and Aunt Jemima mindset in Black people...., 24 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTExamining the Sambo, Uncle tom and Aunt Jemima mindset in Black people....Why are black people scared to fight white supremacy?  we will examine what causes this passive mindset! is seperation possible in america? does the youth have the right attitude ? why dont the elders want the young men to fight? 02:03:00IN THE BLACK RADIOnoWHITE SUPREMACY,Sambo,black power,RevolutionWhy are black people scared to fight white supremacy?  we will examine what causes this passive mindset! is seperation possible in america? does the youth have