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She travels from North Carolina and is available for fundraisers, corporate and faith-based events. Want to be a guest on the show? Apply by sending an email to jean@jeanbaileyrobor.com, subject line: BTR Guest Spot </description><language>en</language><copyright>Copyright Jean Robor (C/O Blogtalkradio)</copyright><pubDate>Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:45:00 GMT</pubDate><lastBuildDate>Wed, 08 Apr 2015 22:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><generator>BlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0</generator><cloud domain="rpc.rsscloud.org" port="5337" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="rssCloud.pleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" /><image><url>https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_afterfocus_1407845892984_(1).jpg</url><title>The Celebrate Life! Show </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor</link><description>Welcome to Celebrate Life!, the show. Positive. Passionate. Personal. Join your host, award-winning motivational speaker Jean Bailey Robor, author of "SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! Get Past Your Excuses & Realize Your Dreams," as she and her guests get real about what they are passionate about. Browse topics and guests for the show that interests you. Most shows run between 15-30 minutes. Jean encourages you to live the life you've only dared to imagine. Discover your purpose. Celebrate life! To book Jean for your next event, visit www.JeanBaileyRobor.com. She travels from North Carolina and is available for fundraisers, corporate and faith-based events. Want to be a guest on the show? Apply by sending an email to jean@jeanbaileyrobor.com, subject line: BTR Guest Spot </description></image><atom:link href="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/podcast" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /><itunes:owner><itunes:email>feeds@blogtalkradio.com</itunes:email><itunes:name>BlogTalkRadio.com</itunes:name></itunes:owner><itunes:keywords>lifestyle,sheryl roush,heart of a toastmaster,jean bailey robor,toastmasters,books,depression,joy,stress,success</itunes:keywords><itunes:image href="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/api/image/resize/1400x1400/aHR0cHM6Ly9kYXNnN3h3bWxkaXg2LmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2hvc3RwaWNzLzc4YzE3YjA3LWRiMmMtNGVhNi04MWQxLTBkYTlkZjUyMTJjN19hZnRlcmZvY3VzXzE0MDc4NDU4OTI5ODRfKDEpLmpwZw/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_afterfocus_1407845892984__1_.jpg?mode=Basic" /><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:category text="Society & Culture"><itunes:category text="Philosophy"></itunes:category></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:subtitle>Welcome to Celebrate Life!, the show. Positive. Passionate. Personal. Join your host, award-winning motivational speaker Jean Bailey Robor, author of "SHE HAS A</itunes:subtitle><itunes:type>episodic</itunes:type><item><title>Celebrate Life welcomes Bri Seeley</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/04/08/celebrate-life-welcomes-bri-seeley</link><description><![CDATA[Do you realize you inspire the world every day.....just by being you? Bri Seeley does and she is on a mission to make sure other women realize this about themselves as well. Jean Bailey Robor, host of The Celebrate Life Show, welcomes Bri who enjoys connecting with and inspiring other women. Her brand, Bri Seeley Fashion, is luxury femininity for iconic women based in Los Angeles. In this episode, you'll find out about the incredible talent of Bri and what she offers the world. Bri says, "My brand is all about being a woman."Who is that woman inside of you? How do you translate that and communicate it to the outside world using the clothes that you wear? Tune in and find out more! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Do you realize you inspire the world every day.....just by being you? Bri Seeley does and she is on a mission to make sure other women realize this about themselves as well. Jean Bailey Robor, host of The Celebrate Life Show, welcomes Bri who enjoys connecting with and inspiring other women. Her brand, Bri Seeley Fashion, is luxury femininity for iconic women based in Los Angeles. In this episode, you'll find out about the incredible talent of Bri and what she offers the world. Bri says, "My brand is all about being a woman."Who is that woman inside of you? How do you translate that and communicate it to the outside world using the clothes that you wear? Tune in and find out more! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/04/08/celebrate-life-welcomes-bri-seeley/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/04/08/celebrate-life-welcomes-bri-seeley.mp3" length="14340725" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/04/08/celebrate-life-welcomes-bri-seeley</guid><pubDate>Wed, 08 Apr 2015 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life welcomes Bri Seeley</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Do you realize you inspire the world every day.....just by being you? Bri Seeley does and she is on a mission to make sure other women realize this about themselves as well. Jean Bailey Robor, host of The Celebrate Life Show, welcomes Bri who enjoys connecting with and inspiring other women. Her brand, Bri Seeley Fashion, is luxury femininity for iconic women based in Los Angeles. In this episode, you'll find out about the incredible talent of Bri and what she offers the world. Bri says, "My brand is all about being a woman."Who is that woman inside of you? How do you translate that and communicate it to the outside world using the clothes that you wear? Tune in and find out more! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Do you realize you inspire the world every day.....just by being you? Bri Seeley does and she is on a mission to make sure other women realize this about themselves as well. Jean Bailey Robor, host of The Celebrate Life Show, welcomes Bri who enjoys connecting with and inspiring other women. Her brand, Bri Seeley Fashion, is luxury femininity for iconic women based in Los Angeles. In this episode, you'll find out about the incredible talent of Bri and what she offers the world. Bri says, "My brand is all about being a woman."Who is that woman inside of you? How do you translate that and communicate it to the outside world using the clothes that you wear? Tune in and find out more! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>bri seeley,celebrate life,women empowerment,excuses,jean bailey robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Do you realize you inspire the world every day.....just by being you? Bri Seeley does and she is on a mission to make sure other women realize this about themse</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_8G72FDvd.jpg" /></item><item><title>Back to the '50's: Dinner & Dancing Fundraiser in Burlington, NC</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/27/back-to-the-50s-dinner-dancing-fundraiser-in-burlington-nc</link><description><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life Show host, Jean Bailey Robor, interviews Darryl R. Peebles who shares with you how you can have a night of dinner, dancing and music AND provide a fun night for the Blind and Visually Impaired. When you purchase your ticket for your night of fun on April 18, 2015, you'll actually be providing a FREE night of fun for a Blind or Visually Impaired Person. The theme is Back to the '50's so be sure to come dressed to impress! Bring your favorite guy or gal or find one while you're there! (Tip: Jean's trying to fill up her dance card!) Tune in to find out how you could win FREE tickets! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life Show host, Jean Bailey Robor, interviews Darryl R. Peebles who shares with you how you can have a night of dinner, dancing and music AND provide a fun night for the Blind and Visually Impaired. When you purchase your ticket for your night of fun on April 18, 2015, you'll actually be providing a FREE night of fun for a Blind or Visually Impaired Person. The theme is Back to the '50's so be sure to come dressed to impress! Bring your favorite guy or gal or find one while you're there! (Tip: Jean's trying to fill up her dance card!) Tune in to find out how you could win FREE tickets! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/27/back-to-the-50s-dinner-dancing-fundraiser-in-burlington-nc/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/27/back-to-the-50s-dinner-dancing-fundraiser-in-burlington-nc.mp3" length="15121891" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/27/back-to-the-50s-dinner-dancing-fundraiser-in-burlington-nc</guid><pubDate>Fri, 27 Mar 2015 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Back to the '50's: Dinner & Dancing Fundraiser in Burlington, NC</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life Show host, Jean Bailey Robor, interviews Darryl R. Peebles who shares with you how you can have a night of dinner, dancing and music AND provide a fun night for the Blind and Visually Impaired. When you purchase your ticket for your night of fun on April 18, 2015, you'll actually be providing a FREE night of fun for a Blind or Visually Impaired Person. The theme is Back to the '50's so be sure to come dressed to impress! Bring your favorite guy or gal or find one while you're there! (Tip: Jean's trying to fill up her dance card!) Tune in to find out how you could win FREE tickets! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>The Celebrate Life Show host, Jean Bailey Robor, interviews Darryl R. Peebles who shares with you how you can have a night of dinner, dancing and music AND provide a fun night for the Blind and Visually Impaired. When you purchase your ticket for your night of fun on April 18, 2015, you'll actually be providing a FREE night of fun for a Blind or Visually Impaired Person. The theme is Back to the '50's so be sure to come dressed to impress! Bring your favorite guy or gal or find one while you're there! (Tip: Jean's trying to fill up her dance card!) Tune in to find out how you could win FREE tickets! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:16:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Blind and Visually Impaired,Dinner,Dancing,Music,'50's</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>The Celebrate Life Show host, Jean Bailey Robor, interviews Darryl R. Peebles who shares with you how you can have a night of dinner, dancing and music AND prov</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_Y3B49gjr.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life welcomes Cathy Sikorski</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/celebrate-life-welcomes-cathy-sikorski</link><description><![CDATA[On today's broadcast of the Celebrate Life show, your host Jean Bailey Robor welcomes Cathy Sikorski, Esq., motivational speaker and author of Showering with Grandma: Confessions of a Serial Caregiver. Cathy speaks on the comedy of caregiving and is a practicing attorney dealing largely with Elder Law issues (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security). Not only that, but she has acted in community theater and a short film and won a Humor Prize at the 2014 Philadelphia Writers' Conference. Listen in and find out more about Cathy and how what she does can inspire you! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On today's broadcast of the Celebrate Life show, your host Jean Bailey Robor welcomes Cathy Sikorski, Esq., motivational speaker and author of Showering with Grandma: Confessions of a Serial Caregiver. Cathy speaks on the comedy of caregiving and is a practicing attorney dealing largely with Elder Law issues (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security). Not only that, but she has acted in community theater and a short film and won a Humor Prize at the 2014 Philadelphia Writers' Conference. Listen in and find out more about Cathy and how what she does can inspire you! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/celebrate-life-welcomes-cathy-sikorski/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/celebrate-life-welcomes-cathy-sikorski.mp3" length="15185003" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/celebrate-life-welcomes-cathy-sikorski</guid><pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life welcomes Cathy Sikorski</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On today's broadcast of the Celebrate Life show, your host Jean Bailey Robor welcomes Cathy Sikorski, Esq., motivational speaker and author of Showering with Grandma: Confessions of a Serial Caregiver. Cathy speaks on the comedy of caregiving and is a practicing attorney dealing largely with Elder Law issues (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security). Not only that, but she has acted in community theater and a short film and won a Humor Prize at the 2014 Philadelphia Writers' Conference. Listen in and find out more about Cathy and how what she does can inspire you! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On today's broadcast of the Celebrate Life show, your host Jean Bailey Robor welcomes Cathy Sikorski, Esq., motivational speaker and author of Showering with Grandma: Confessions of a Serial Caregiver. Cathy speaks on the comedy of caregiving and is a practicing attorney dealing largely with Elder Law issues (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security). Not only that, but she has acted in community theater and a short film and won a Humor Prize at the 2014 Philadelphia Writers' Conference. Listen in and find out more about Cathy and how what she does can inspire you! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:16:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Celebrate Life,Cathy Sikorski,caregiving,humor,Showering with Grandma Confessions of a Serial Caregiver</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On today's broadcast of the Celebrate Life show, your host Jean Bailey Robor welcomes Cathy Sikorski, Esq., motivational speaker and author of Showering with Gr</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_qT8dGIrw.jpg" /></item><item><title>Let's Talk Toastmasters: Introduction</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/lets-talk-toastmasters-introduction</link><description><![CDATA[Toast.....what? That was my first thought when I heard the word: Toastmasters. After a quick Google search, my curiosity brought me that same day to a Toastmasters club in North Carolina. That was over 10 years ago and my life has never been the same. In fact, you can read my Toastmasters story in the book "Heart of a Toastmaster" by Sheryl Roush. Today, let's talk Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is an organization that helps its members, worldwide, to develop and hone their leadership and public speaking skills. Tune in and find out how Toastmasters can help you grow personally and professionally. You only live your life once. Shouldn't you do whatever it takes to live your life best? Discover where you are and where you want to go from here. Toastmasters can help with that! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Toast.....what? That was my first thought when I heard the word: Toastmasters. After a quick Google search, my curiosity brought me that same day to a Toastmasters club in North Carolina. That was over 10 years ago and my life has never been the same. In fact, you can read my Toastmasters story in the book "Heart of a Toastmaster" by Sheryl Roush. Today, let's talk Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is an organization that helps its members, worldwide, to develop and hone their leadership and public speaking skills. Tune in and find out how Toastmasters can help you grow personally and professionally. You only live your life once. Shouldn't you do whatever it takes to live your life best? Discover where you are and where you want to go from here. Toastmasters can help with that! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/lets-talk-toastmasters-introduction/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/lets-talk-toastmasters-introduction.mp3" length="8634328" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/03/21/lets-talk-toastmasters-introduction</guid><pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2015 13:34:32 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Let's Talk Toastmasters: Introduction</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Toast.....what? That was my first thought when I heard the word: Toastmasters. After a quick Google search, my curiosity brought me that same day to a Toastmasters club in North Carolina. That was over 10 years ago and my life has never been the same. In fact, you can read my Toastmasters story in the book "Heart of a Toastmaster" by Sheryl Roush. Today, let's talk Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is an organization that helps its members, worldwide, to develop and hone their leadership and public speaking skills. Tune in and find out how Toastmasters can help you grow personally and professionally. You only live your life once. Shouldn't you do whatever it takes to live your life best? Discover where you are and where you want to go from here. Toastmasters can help with that! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Toast.....what? That was my first thought when I heard the word: Toastmasters. After a quick Google search, my curiosity brought me that same day to a Toastmasters club in North Carolina. That was over 10 years ago and my life has never been the same. In fact, you can read my Toastmasters story in the book "Heart of a Toastmaster" by Sheryl Roush. Today, let's talk Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is an organization that helps its members, worldwide, to develop and hone their leadership and public speaking skills. Tune in and find out how Toastmasters can help you grow personally and professionally. You only live your life once. Shouldn't you do whatever it takes to live your life best? Discover where you are and where you want to go from here. Toastmasters can help with that! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>toastmasters,heart of a toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,leadership,leadership development</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Toast.....what? That was my first thought when I heard the word: Toastmasters. After a quick Google search, my curiosity brought me that same day to a Toastmast</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life: Leading Yourself Well with Anna Olson</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/02/11/celebrate-life-leading-yourself-well-with-anna-olson</link><description><![CDATA[Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life welcomes John Maxwell certified leadership coach and CEO of AMO Consulting, Anna Olson. She provides coaching and development for leaders desiring to improve their performance and strengthen the culture of their organization. She provides coaching and training in leadership development, team building, organizational change and effective communication, among other topics. She has a special place in her heart for coaching fellow women entrepreneurs. In today's broadcast, Anna will share how you must lead yourself well before you can lead others well. She will focus specifically how women leaders do not take care of themselves enough. If this sounds like you, tune in for a solution. Welcome to Celebrate Life! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life welcomes John Maxwell certified leadership coach and CEO of AMO Consulting, Anna Olson. She provides coaching and development for leaders desiring to improve their performance and strengthen the culture of their organization. She provides coaching and training in leadership development, team building, organizational change and effective communication, among other topics. She has a special place in her heart for coaching fellow women entrepreneurs. In today's broadcast, Anna will share how you must lead yourself well before you can lead others well. She will focus specifically how women leaders do not take care of themselves enough. If this sounds like you, tune in for a solution. Welcome to Celebrate Life! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/02/11/celebrate-life-leading-yourself-well-with-anna-olson/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/02/11/celebrate-life-leading-yourself-well-with-anna-olson.mp3" length="14302273" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2015/02/11/celebrate-life-leading-yourself-well-with-anna-olson</guid><pubDate>Wed, 11 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life: Leading Yourself Well with Anna Olson</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life welcomes John Maxwell certified leadership coach and CEO of AMO Consulting, Anna Olson. She provides coaching and development for leaders desiring to improve their performance and strengthen the culture of their organization. She provides coaching and training in leadership development, team building, organizational change and effective communication, among other topics. She has a special place in her heart for coaching fellow women entrepreneurs. In today's broadcast, Anna will share how you must lead yourself well before you can lead others well. She will focus specifically how women leaders do not take care of themselves enough. If this sounds like you, tune in for a solution. Welcome to Celebrate Life! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life welcomes John Maxwell certified leadership coach and CEO of AMO Consulting, Anna Olson. She provides coaching and development for leaders desiring to improve their performance and strengthen the culture of their organization. She provides coaching and training in leadership development, team building, organizational change and effective communication, among other topics. She has a special place in her heart for coaching fellow women entrepreneurs. In today's broadcast, Anna will share how you must lead yourself well before you can lead others well. She will focus specifically how women leaders do not take care of themselves enough. If this sounds like you, tune in for a solution. Welcome to Celebrate Life! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>success,leadership,women,Entrepreneur,Business</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life welcomes John Maxwell certified leadership coach and CEO of AMO Consulting, Anna Olson. She provides coaching and developmen</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_KCX6jirq.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life welcomes Comedian Herb McCandless Jr</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/10/06/celebrate-life-welcomes-comedian-herb-mccandless-jr</link><description><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life show, hosted by Jean Bailey Robor, presents one of the hottest, most hilarious and unforgettable comedians Herb McCandless Jr. Herb has entertained across North America, from the Bahamas to Las Vegas. Today, Herb is sharing about a comedy benefit show that he is a part of, Laugh for a Cause. Hosted by the Cutting Board in Burlington, NC, this show will benefit Alamance Citizens for a Drug Free Community and Alamance County Against Animal Cruelty. This is a clean comedy show featuring Herb McCandless Jr. with special guest Jean Bailey Robor, Darryl Peebles and headliner Marion Spears Karr. (Click here for tickets on EventBrite.) Listen in to find out more about Herb and the show and how you can get in touch with him for your next corporate, civic or comedic event! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life show, hosted by Jean Bailey Robor, presents one of the hottest, most hilarious and unforgettable comedians Herb McCandless Jr. Herb has entertained across North America, from the Bahamas to Las Vegas. Today, Herb is sharing about a comedy benefit show that he is a part of, Laugh for a Cause. Hosted by the Cutting Board in Burlington, NC, this show will benefit Alamance Citizens for a Drug Free Community and Alamance County Against Animal Cruelty. This is a clean comedy show featuring Herb McCandless Jr. with special guest Jean Bailey Robor, Darryl Peebles and headliner Marion Spears Karr. (Click here for tickets on EventBrite.) Listen in to find out more about Herb and the show and how you can get in touch with him for your next corporate, civic or comedic event! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/10/06/celebrate-life-welcomes-comedian-herb-mccandless-jr/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/10/06/celebrate-life-welcomes-comedian-herb-mccandless-jr.mp3" length="13921536" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/10/06/celebrate-life-welcomes-comedian-herb-mccandless-jr</guid><pubDate>Mon, 06 Oct 2014 16:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life welcomes Comedian Herb McCandless Jr</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[The Celebrate Life show, hosted by Jean Bailey Robor, presents one of the hottest, most hilarious and unforgettable comedians Herb McCandless Jr. Herb has entertained across North America, from the Bahamas to Las Vegas. Today, Herb is sharing about a comedy benefit show that he is a part of, Laugh for a Cause. Hosted by the Cutting Board in Burlington, NC, this show will benefit Alamance Citizens for a Drug Free Community and Alamance County Against Animal Cruelty. This is a clean comedy show featuring Herb McCandless Jr. with special guest Jean Bailey Robor, Darryl Peebles and headliner Marion Spears Karr. (Click here for tickets on EventBrite.) Listen in to find out more about Herb and the show and how you can get in touch with him for your next corporate, civic or comedic event! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>The Celebrate Life show, hosted by Jean Bailey Robor, presents one of the hottest, most hilarious and unforgettable comedians Herb McCandless Jr. Herb has entertained across North America, from the Bahamas to Las Vegas. Today, Herb is sharing about a comedy benefit show that he is a part of, Laugh for a Cause. Hosted by the Cutting Board in Burlington, NC, this show will benefit Alamance Citizens for a Drug Free Community and Alamance County Against Animal Cruelty. This is a clean comedy show featuring Herb McCandless Jr. with special guest Jean Bailey Robor, Darryl Peebles and headliner Marion Spears Karr. (Click here for tickets on EventBrite.) Listen in to find out more about Herb and the show and how you can get in touch with him for your next corporate, civic or comedic event! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Celebrate Life,Jean Bailey Robor,comedy,stand up,Herb McCandless Jr</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>The Celebrate Life show, hosted by Jean Bailey Robor, presents one of the hottest, most hilarious and unforgettable comedians Herb McCandless Jr. Herb has enter</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_RwHtr2vv.jpg" /></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Rita Barber</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/28/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rita-barber</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. At the convention and since then, Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, has interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rita Barber shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. At the convention and since then, Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, has interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rita Barber shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/28/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rita-barber/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/28/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rita-barber.mp3" length="27681792" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/28/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rita-barber</guid><pubDate>Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Rita Barber</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. At the convention and since then, Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, has interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rita Barber shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. At the convention and since then, Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, has interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rita Barber shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:29:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Rita Barber,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life: The Irishman Speaks- Conor Cunneen</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/20/celebrate-life-the-irishman-speaks-conor-cunneen</link><description><![CDATA[Today, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, welcomes Conor Cunneen, the Irishman, professional speaker, and author of several books including Why Ireland Never Invaded America- An Insightful Unique Look at Corporate Strategy. Conor has been described as an Irishman happily exiled to the United States. He will be the keynote speaker at From the Mountains to the Sea, the 2014 District 37 Fall Conference. Listen in to find out more about Conor, his role in the conference and just why this Irishman speaks! And find out how you can book him for your next event! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, welcomes Conor Cunneen, the Irishman, professional speaker, and author of several books including Why Ireland Never Invaded America- An Insightful Unique Look at Corporate Strategy. Conor has been described as an Irishman happily exiled to the United States. He will be the keynote speaker at From the Mountains to the Sea, the 2014 District 37 Fall Conference. Listen in to find out more about Conor, his role in the conference and just why this Irishman speaks! And find out how you can book him for your next event! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/20/celebrate-life-the-irishman-speaks-conor-cunneen/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/20/celebrate-life-the-irishman-speaks-conor-cunneen.mp3" length="16029312" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/09/20/celebrate-life-the-irishman-speaks-conor-cunneen</guid><pubDate>Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life: The Irishman Speaks- Conor Cunneen</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, welcomes Conor Cunneen, the Irishman, professional speaker, and author of several books including Why Ireland Never Invaded America- An Insightful Unique Look at Corporate Strategy. Conor has been described as an Irishman happily exiled to the United States. He will be the keynote speaker at From the Mountains to the Sea, the 2014 District 37 Fall Conference. Listen in to find out more about Conor, his role in the conference and just why this Irishman speaks! And find out how you can book him for your next event! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Today, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, welcomes Conor Cunneen, the Irishman, professional speaker, and author of several books including Why Ireland Never Invaded America- An Insightful Unique Look at Corporate Strategy. Conor has been described as an Irishman happily exiled to the United States. He will be the keynote speaker at From the Mountains to the Sea, the 2014 District 37 Fall Conference. Listen in to find out more about Conor, his role in the conference and just why this Irishman speaks! And find out how you can book him for your next event! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:17:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Leadership,Speaking,Conor Cunneen,IrishmanSpeaks</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, welcomes Conor Cunneen, the Irishman, professional speaker, and author of several books including Why Ireland Never Invaded</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_rVyjrt4P.jpg" /></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster, Vicky Ferrer</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vicky-ferrer</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vicky Ferrer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vicky Ferrer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vicky-ferrer/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vicky-ferrer.mp3" length="6401280" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vicky-ferrer</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster, Vicky Ferrer</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vicky Ferrer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vicky Ferrer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:07:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Books,Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Vallee Albert</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vallee-albert</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vallee Albert, Past District Governor and Past International Director, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vallee Albert, Past District Governor and Past International Director, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vallee-albert/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vallee-albert.mp3" length="8001408" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-vallee-albert</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Vallee Albert</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vallee Albert, Past District Governor and Past International Director, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Vallee Albert, Past District Governor and Past International Director, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Vallee Albert,Val Albert</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Tammy Miller, Accredited Speaker</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-tammy-miller-accredited-speaker</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International Director and Accredited Speaker Tammy Miller shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International Director and Accredited Speaker Tammy Miller shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-tammy-miller-accredited-speaker/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-tammy-miller-accredited-speaker.mp3" length="8001408" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-tammy-miller-accredited-speaker</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Tammy Miller, Accredited Speaker</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International Director and Accredited Speaker Tammy Miller shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International Director and Accredited Speaker Tammy Miller shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Tammy Miller,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Shel Taylor</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-shel-taylor</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Shel Taylor shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Shel Taylor shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-shel-taylor/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-shel-taylor.mp3" length="9601536" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-shel-taylor</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Shel Taylor</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Shel Taylor shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Shel Taylor shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Shel Taylor,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Scott Alexander</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-scott-alexander</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Scott Alexander shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Scott Alexander shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-scott-alexander/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-scott-alexander.mp3" length="7201152" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-scott-alexander</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Scott Alexander</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Scott Alexander shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Scott Alexander shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:08:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Scott Alexander,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Rebecca Marzec</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rebecca-marzec</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rebecca Marzec shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rebecca Marzec shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rebecca-marzec/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rebecca-marzec.mp3" length="19201152" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/25/heart-of-a-toastmaster-rebecca-marzec</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Aug 2014 00:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Rebecca Marzec</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rebecca Marzec shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Rebecca Marzec shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:21:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Rebecca Marzec,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Paul Clark</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-paul-clark</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Paul Clark shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Paul Clark shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-paul-clark/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-paul-clark.mp3" length="19201152" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-paul-clark</guid><pubDate>Sun, 24 Aug 2014 21:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Paul Clark</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Paul Clark shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Paul Clark shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:21:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Pat Johnson, Past International President</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-pat-johnson-past-international-president</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Pat Johnson, DTM, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Pat is only the 5th woman to ever serve as Toastmasters International President. She shares her story, her wisdom and is living proof that Toastmasters International membership and involvement is life-changing. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Pat Johnson, DTM, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Pat is only the 5th woman to ever serve as Toastmasters International President. She shares her story, her wisdom and is living proof that Toastmasters International membership and involvement is life-changing. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-pat-johnson-past-international-president/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-pat-johnson-past-international-president.mp3" length="52802664" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-pat-johnson-past-international-president</guid><pubDate>Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Pat Johnson, Past International President</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Pat Johnson, DTM, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Pat is only the 5th woman to ever serve as Toastmasters International President. She shares her story, her wisdom and is living proof that Toastmasters International membership and involvement is life-changing. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Pat Johnson, DTM, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Pat is only the 5th woman to ever serve as Toastmasters International President. She shares her story, her wisdom and is living proof that Toastmasters International membership and involvement is life-changing. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:37:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Pat Johnson,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Olivia Schofield</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-olivia-schofield</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Olivia Schofield shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Olivia Schofield shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-olivia-schofield/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-olivia-schofield.mp3" length="5121408" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/24/heart-of-a-toastmaster-olivia-schofield</guid><pubDate>Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Olivia Schofield</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Olivia Schofield shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Olivia Schofield shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:06:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Olivia Schofield,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Monique Blokzyl</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-monique-blokzyl</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Monique Blokzyl shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Monique Blokzyl shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-monique-blokzyl/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-monique-blokzyl.mp3" length="11682048" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-monique-blokzyl</guid><pubDate>Fri, 22 Aug 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Monique Blokzyl</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Monique Blokzyl shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Monique Blokzyl shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:13:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Monique Blokzyl,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Michael Osur</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-michael-osur</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Michael Osur shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Michael Osur shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-michael-osur/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-michael-osur.mp3" length="7201536" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/22/heart-of-a-toastmaster-michael-osur</guid><pubDate>Fri, 22 Aug 2014 04:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Michael Osur</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Michael Osur shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Michael Osur shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:08:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Michael Osur,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Maureen Zappala</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-maureen-zappala</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Maureen Zappala shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Maureen Zappala shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-maureen-zappala/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-maureen-zappala.mp3" length="10402176" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-maureen-zappala</guid><pubDate>Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Maureen Zappala</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Maureen Zappala shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Maureen Zappala shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Maureen Zappala,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Lydia Harris</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-lydia-harris</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Lydia Harris shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Lydia Harris shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-lydia-harris/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-lydia-harris.mp3" length="10402176" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/19/heart-of-a-toastmaster-lydia-harris</guid><pubDate>Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Lydia Harris</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Lydia Harris shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Lydia Harris shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Lydia Harris,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Laura Clancy</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-laura-clancy</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Laura Clancy shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Laura Clancy shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-laura-clancy/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-laura-clancy.mp3" length="10402586" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-laura-clancy</guid><pubDate>Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Laura Clancy</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Laura Clancy shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Laura Clancy shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Laura Clancy,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Kay Presto</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-kay-presto</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Kay Presto shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Kay Presto shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-kay-presto/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-kay-presto.mp3" length="16801920" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-kay-presto</guid><pubDate>Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Kay Presto</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Kay Presto shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Kay Presto shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:18:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Kay Presto,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Karen Twichell</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-karen-twichell</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Karen Twichell, Accredited Speaker, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Karen Twichell, Accredited Speaker, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-karen-twichell/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-karen-twichell.mp3" length="8802220" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-karen-twichell</guid><pubDate>Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Karen Twichell</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Karen Twichell, Accredited Speaker, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Karen Twichell, Accredited Speaker, shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:10:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Accredited Speaker,Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Joyce Feustel</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-joyce-feustel</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Joyce Feustel shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Joyce Feustel shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-joyce-feustel/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-joyce-feustel.mp3" length="8482063" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-joyce-feustel</guid><pubDate>Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Joyce Feustel</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Joyce Feustel shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Joyce Feustel shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Books,Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Jan Vecchio</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jan-vecchio</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jan Vecchio shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jan Vecchio shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jan-vecchio/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jan-vecchio.mp3" length="6882048" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/18/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jan-vecchio</guid><pubDate>Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Jan Vecchio</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jan Vecchio shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jan Vecchio shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:08:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Jan Vecchio,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Jackie Kloosterboer</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jackie-kloosterboer</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jackie Kloosterboer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jackie Kloosterboer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jackie-kloosterboer/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jackie-kloosterboer.mp3" length="5761985" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-jackie-kloosterboer</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Jackie Kloosterboer</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jackie Kloosterboer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Jackie Kloosterboer shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:07:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Jackie Kloosterboer,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Douglas Brinker</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-douglas-brinker</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Doug Brinker shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Doug Brinker shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-douglas-brinker/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-douglas-brinker.mp3" length="11202048" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-douglas-brinker</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Douglas Brinker</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Doug Brinker shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Doug Brinker shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:12:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Doug Brinker,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Dina Loomis</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dina-loomis</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Dina Loomis shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Dina Loomis shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dina-loomis/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dina-loomis.mp3" length="8001828" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dina-loomis</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Dina Loomis</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Dina Loomis shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Dina Loomis shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Dina Loomis,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Dilip Abayasekara, Past International President</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dilip-abayasekara-past-international-president</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International President Dilip Abayasekara shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Dilip also shares about his varied experiences in Toastmasters International as an Accredited Speaker, author and World Championship of Public Speaking contestant in the 25+ years he's been a member of this stellar organization. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International President Dilip Abayasekara shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Dilip also shares about his varied experiences in Toastmasters International as an Accredited Speaker, author and World Championship of Public Speaking contestant in the 25+ years he's been a member of this stellar organization. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dilip-abayasekara-past-international-president/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dilip-abayasekara-past-international-president.mp3" length="18882142" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-dilip-abayasekara-past-international-president</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Dilip Abayasekara, Past International President</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International President Dilip Abayasekara shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Dilip also shares about his varied experiences in Toastmasters International as an Accredited Speaker, author and World Championship of Public Speaking contestant in the 25+ years he's been a member of this stellar organization. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Past International President Dilip Abayasekara shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. Dilip also shares about his varied experiences in Toastmasters International as an Accredited Speaker, author and World Championship of Public Speaking contestant in the 25+ years he's been a member of this stellar organization. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:20:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmaster,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Dilip Abayasekara,Books</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Deborah Bogdon</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-deborah-bogdon</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Deborah Bogdon shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Deborah Bogdon shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-deborah-bogdon/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-deborah-bogdon.mp3" length="10081920" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-deborah-bogdon</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 06:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Deborah Bogdon</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Deborah Bogdon shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Deborah Bogdon shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmasters,Deborah Bogdon,Sheryl Roush,Jean Bailey Robor,Public Speaking</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Bev LeBlanc</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-bev-leblanc</link><description><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Bev LeBlanc shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Bev LeBlanc shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-bev-leblanc/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-bev-leblanc.mp3" length="12482304" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2014/08/17/heart-of-a-toastmaster-bev-leblanc</guid><pubDate>Sun, 17 Aug 2014 04:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Heart of a Toastmaster: Bev LeBlanc</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Bev LeBlanc shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Over 1,600 members from 122 countries were in attendance. Jean Bailey Robor, a contributor to the book, interviewed several fellow contributors. This episode is one of those interviews. Heart of a Toastmaster by Sheryl Roush can be purchased through heartofatoastmaster.com. Listen in as Bev LeBlanc shares in this special Heart of a Toastmaster episode. (Brought to you by that "No Buts About It" motivational speaker, Jean Bailey Robor of Celebrate Life. Find out more about Jean and what she can do for you at her website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com) </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:14:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Toastmaster,Heart of a Toastmaster,Sheryl Roush,Bev LeBlanc,Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 the Heart of a Toastmaster book by Sheryl Roush had an unprecedented global release at the Toastmasters International Convention h</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Revisiting the Resolutions</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2013/08/20/revisiting-the-resolutions</link><description><![CDATA[Welcome to Celebrate Life as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares insights and updates on resolutions she made--and maybe you did too!---back in January. Sometimes, we need to revisit our goals and measure our success. Listen in and learn not only how well (or how poorly) Jean kept her resolutions, but also how these resolutions can help you lead a more successful life. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Welcome to Celebrate Life as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares insights and updates on resolutions she made--and maybe you did too!---back in January. Sometimes, we need to revisit our goals and measure our success. Listen in and learn not only how well (or how poorly) Jean kept her resolutions, but also how these resolutions can help you lead a more successful life. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2013/08/20/revisiting-the-resolutions/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2013/08/20/revisiting-the-resolutions.mp3" length="2094312" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2013/08/20/revisiting-the-resolutions</guid><pubDate>Tue, 20 Aug 2013 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Revisiting the Resolutions</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Welcome to Celebrate Life as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares insights and updates on resolutions she made--and maybe you did too!---back in January. Sometimes, we need to revisit our goals and measure our success. Listen in and learn not only how well (or how poorly) Jean kept her resolutions, but also how these resolutions can help you lead a more successful life. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Welcome to Celebrate Life as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares insights and updates on resolutions she made--and maybe you did too!---back in January. Sometimes, we need to revisit our goals and measure our success. Listen in and learn not only how well (or how poorly) Jean kept her resolutions, but also how these resolutions can help you lead a more successful life. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>resolutions,promises,humorous,attitude,success</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Welcome to Celebrate Life as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares insights and updates on resolutions she made--and maybe you did too!---back in January. Someti</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_iri0Ndzb.jpg" /></item><item><title>Remembering 9/11</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/09/12/remembering-911</link><description><![CDATA[ Listen in as Jean Bailey Robor remembers the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11. Plus, you'll hear a never-before-revealed personal account of where Jean was when "the world stopped turning." And you'll have the opportunity to call in and share your story or thoughts on one of the most tragic days in America's history. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Listen in as Jean Bailey Robor remembers the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11. Plus, you'll hear a never-before-revealed personal account of where Jean was when "the world stopped turning." And you'll have the opportunity to call in and share your story or thoughts on one of the most tragic days in America's history. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/09/12/remembering-911/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/09/12/remembering-911.mp3" length="2864820" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/09/12/remembering-911</guid><pubDate>Wed, 12 Sep 2012 03:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Remembering 9/11</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Listen in as Jean Bailey Robor remembers the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11. Plus, you'll hear a never-before-revealed personal account of where Jean was when "the world stopped turning." And you'll have the opportunity to call in and share your story or thoughts on one of the most tragic days in America's history. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Listen in as Jean Bailey Robor remembers the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11. Plus, you'll hear a never-before-revealed personal account of where Jean was when "the world stopped turning." And you'll have the opportunity to call in and share your story or thoughts on one of the most tragic days in America's history. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:12:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>911,america,hero,victim,survivor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Listen in as Jean Bailey Robor remembers the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11. Plus, you'll hear a never-before-revealed personal account of where</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/125664_5iUhp40D.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with That Literary Lady, special guest</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/02/13/celebrate-life-with-that-literary-lady-special-guest</link><description><![CDATA[ Today my guest is Yolanda Johnson-Bryant, a.k.a That Literary Lady. She wears many hats as published author, freelance writer, columnist, novelist, editor, ghostwriter, literary, social media and entrepreneurial consultant and advocate. Listen in as Yolanda talks about her role as a business woman with varied interests. She is a most amazing woman who knows how to celebrate life! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Today my guest is Yolanda Johnson-Bryant, a.k.a That Literary Lady. She wears many hats as published author, freelance writer, columnist, novelist, editor, ghostwriter, literary, social media and entrepreneurial consultant and advocate. Listen in as Yolanda talks about her role as a business woman with varied interests. She is a most amazing woman who knows how to celebrate life! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/02/13/celebrate-life-with-that-literary-lady-special-guest/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/02/13/celebrate-life-with-that-literary-lady-special-guest.mp3" length="3714949" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2012/02/13/celebrate-life-with-that-literary-lady-special-guest</guid><pubDate>Mon, 13 Feb 2012 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with That Literary Lady, special guest</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Today my guest is Yolanda Johnson-Bryant, a.k.a That Literary Lady. She wears many hats as published author, freelance writer, columnist, novelist, editor, ghostwriter, literary, social media and entrepreneurial consultant and advocate. Listen in as Yolanda talks about her role as a business woman with varied interests. She is a most amazing woman who knows how to celebrate life! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Today my guest is Yolanda Johnson-Bryant, a.k.a That Literary Lady. She wears many hats as published author, freelance writer, columnist, novelist, editor, ghostwriter, literary, social media and entrepreneurial consultant and advocate. Listen in as Yolanda talks about her role as a business woman with varied interests. She is a most amazing woman who knows how to celebrate life! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:16:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>author,workshop,entreprenuer,women,business</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today my guest is Yolanda Johnson-Bryant, a.k.a That Literary Lady. She wears many hats as published author, freelance writer, columnist, novelist, editor, gh</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! The Big 'But' Give - 2011</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/11/20/celebrate-life-the-big-but-give--2011</link><description><![CDATA[ Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she lets you in on the first ever Big 'But' Give and shares with you what it means, who it benefits and how you can be a part of it. The Big 'But' Give is an initiative, from Nov. 17- Dec. 25, surrounding the book, She Has A Big 'But'! Get Past Your Excuses & Realize Your Dreams. Tune in to find out more! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she lets you in on the first ever Big 'But' Give and shares with you what it means, who it benefits and how you can be a part of it. The Big 'But' Give is an initiative, from Nov. 17- Dec. 25, surrounding the book, She Has A Big 'But'! Get Past Your Excuses & Realize Your Dreams. Tune in to find out more! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/11/20/celebrate-life-the-big-but-give--2011/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/11/20/celebrate-life-the-big-but-give--2011.mp3" length="2583533" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/11/20/celebrate-life-the-big-but-give--2011</guid><pubDate>Sun, 20 Nov 2011 04:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! The Big 'But' Give - 2011</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she lets you in on the first ever Big 'But' Give and shares with you what it means, who it benefits and how you can be a part of it. The Big 'But' Give is an initiative, from Nov. 17- Dec. 25, surrounding the book, She Has A Big 'But'! Get Past Your Excuses & Realize Your Dreams. Tune in to find out more! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she lets you in on the first ever Big 'But' Give and shares with you what it means, who it benefits and how you can be a part of it. The Big 'But' Give is an initiative, from Nov. 17- Dec. 25, surrounding the book, She Has A Big 'But'! Get Past Your Excuses & Realize Your Dreams. Tune in to find out more! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:11:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>give,books,joy,depression,success</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she lets you in on the first ever Big 'But' Give and shares with you what it means, who it benefits and how you can be a</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Margaux Joy DeNador, special guest</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/14/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest</link><description><![CDATA[ Tune in as Celebrate Life! welcomes Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love. Today, Margaux has some exciting things to share. You'll hear why she's started doing monthly tele-gathering calls and how you can join her for the next call. She will also talk about what she's learned about business success and a life you love. Listen to our conversation and discover new ways to think about your work and your life. Be inspired to take action and make choices that will result in business success and a life you love! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in as Celebrate Life! welcomes Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love. Today, Margaux has some exciting things to share. You'll hear why she's started doing monthly tele-gathering calls and how you can join her for the next call. She will also talk about what she's learned about business success and a life you love. Listen to our conversation and discover new ways to think about your work and your life. Be inspired to take action and make choices that will result in business success and a life you love! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/14/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/14/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest.mp3" length="3499491" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/14/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest</guid><pubDate>Wed, 14 Sep 2011 03:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Margaux Joy DeNador, special guest</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in as Celebrate Life! welcomes Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love. Today, Margaux has some exciting things to share. You'll hear why she's started doing monthly tele-gathering calls and how you can join her for the next call. She will also talk about what she's learned about business success and a life you love. Listen to our conversation and discover new ways to think about your work and your life. Be inspired to take action and make choices that will result in business success and a life you love! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Tune in as Celebrate Life! welcomes Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love. Today, Margaux has some exciting things to share. You'll hear why she's started doing monthly tele-gathering calls and how you can join her for the next call. She will also talk about what she's learned about business success and a life you love. Listen to our conversation and discover new ways to think about your work and your life. Be inspired to take action and make choices that will result in business success and a life you love! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>life,love,Margaux Joy DeNador,anxiety,joy</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Tune in as Celebrate Life! welcomes Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love. Today, Margaux has some exciting things to share. You'll</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! Do YOU Have a Big 'But'?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/05/celebrate-life-do-you-have-a-big-but</link><description><![CDATA[ Join your host & author of SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS, Jean Bailey Robor, and identify the big 'buts' in your life that are holding you back from your personal and professional success. Jean will share universal truths that will help you get past your excuses to fail and begin your path to success today. Tune in and find out how you can win a FREE autographed book! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Join your host & author of SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS, Jean Bailey Robor, and identify the big 'buts' in your life that are holding you back from your personal and professional success. Jean will share universal truths that will help you get past your excuses to fail and begin your path to success today. Tune in and find out how you can win a FREE autographed book! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/05/celebrate-life-do-you-have-a-big-but/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/05/celebrate-life-do-you-have-a-big-but.mp3" length="2142586" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/09/05/celebrate-life-do-you-have-a-big-but</guid><pubDate>Mon, 05 Sep 2011 15:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! Do YOU Have a Big 'But'?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Join your host & author of SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS, Jean Bailey Robor, and identify the big 'buts' in your life that are holding you back from your personal and professional success. Jean will share universal truths that will help you get past your excuses to fail and begin your path to success today. Tune in and find out how you can win a FREE autographed book! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Join your host & author of SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS, Jean Bailey Robor, and identify the big 'buts' in your life that are holding you back from your personal and professional success. Jean will share universal truths that will help you get past your excuses to fail and begin your path to success today. Tune in and find out how you can win a FREE autographed book! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>success,fail,dream,joy,victim</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join your host & author of SHE HAS A BIG 'BUT'! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS, Jean Bailey Robor, and identify the big 'buts' in your life that a</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Marta Richardson</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/08/31/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-marta-richardson</link><description><![CDATA[ Tune in as today's guest Marta Richardson shares about the Classical Music Across Cultures Project and the impact it has in the community. You'll also hear about the upcoming Sphinx Virtuosi concert, featuring the Catalyst Quartet! The Sphinx Organization fosters the development of young artists of tomorrow. You won't want to miss it! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in as today's guest Marta Richardson shares about the Classical Music Across Cultures Project and the impact it has in the community. You'll also hear about the upcoming Sphinx Virtuosi concert, featuring the Catalyst Quartet! The Sphinx Organization fosters the development of young artists of tomorrow. You won't want to miss it! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/08/31/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-marta-richardson/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/08/31/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-marta-richardson.mp3" length="3267523" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/08/31/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-marta-richardson</guid><pubDate>Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Marta Richardson</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in as today's guest Marta Richardson shares about the Classical Music Across Cultures Project and the impact it has in the community. You'll also hear about the upcoming Sphinx Virtuosi concert, featuring the Catalyst Quartet! The Sphinx Organization fosters the development of young artists of tomorrow. You won't want to miss it! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Tune in as today's guest Marta Richardson shares about the Classical Music Across Cultures Project and the impact it has in the community. You'll also hear about the upcoming Sphinx Virtuosi concert, featuring the Catalyst Quartet! The Sphinx Organization fosters the development of young artists of tomorrow. You won't want to miss it! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:14:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Marta Richardson,CMAC,Sphinx Virtuosi,Greensboro,music</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Tune in as today's guest Marta Richardson shares about the Classical Music Across Cultures Project and the impact it has in the community. You'll also hear abo</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Memorial Day: More Than a 3-Day Weekend</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/05/29/memorial-day-more-than-a-3-day-weekend</link><description><![CDATA[ Tune in to today's episode of Celebrate Life as Jean Bailey Robor talks about Memorial Day. It's so much more than a 3-day weekend. It's another opportunity for our nation to remember those who have fought in military service and have given all that we might enjoy our freedoms and truly celebrate life. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in to today's episode of Celebrate Life as Jean Bailey Robor talks about Memorial Day. It's so much more than a 3-day weekend. It's another opportunity for our nation to remember those who have fought in military service and have given all that we might enjoy our freedoms and truly celebrate life. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/05/29/memorial-day-more-than-a-3-day-weekend/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/05/29/memorial-day-more-than-a-3-day-weekend.mp3" length="1620973" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/05/29/memorial-day-more-than-a-3-day-weekend</guid><pubDate>Sun, 29 May 2011 20:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Memorial Day: More Than a 3-Day Weekend</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Tune in to today's episode of Celebrate Life as Jean Bailey Robor talks about Memorial Day. It's so much more than a 3-day weekend. It's another opportunity for our nation to remember those who have fought in military service and have given all that we might enjoy our freedoms and truly celebrate life. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Tune in to today's episode of Celebrate Life as Jean Bailey Robor talks about Memorial Day. It's so much more than a 3-day weekend. It's another opportunity for our nation to remember those who have fought in military service and have given all that we might enjoy our freedoms and truly celebrate life. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:07:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Memorial Day,military,Taps,82nd Airborne,grief</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Tune in to today's episode of Celebrate Life as Jean Bailey Robor talks about Memorial Day. It's so much more than a 3-day weekend. It's another opportunity fo</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life: Straight Talk for Christians</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/04/25/celebrate-life-straight-talk-for-christians</link><description><![CDATA[ Do you call yourself Christian? If so, then this episode of Celebrate Life is for you! Tune in for a tune up to make your Christian life a life worth celebrating. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Do you call yourself Christian? If so, then this episode of Celebrate Life is for you! Tune in for a tune up to make your Christian life a life worth celebrating. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/04/25/celebrate-life-straight-talk-for-christians/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/04/25/celebrate-life-straight-talk-for-christians.mp3" length="3447037" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/04/25/celebrate-life-straight-talk-for-christians</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life: Straight Talk for Christians</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[ Do you call yourself Christian? If so, then this episode of Celebrate Life is for you! Tune in for a tune up to make your Christian life a life worth celebrating. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary> Do you call yourself Christian? If so, then this episode of Celebrate Life is for you! Tune in for a tune up to make your Christian life a life worth celebrating. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Christian,stress,anxiety,joy,witness</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Do you call yourself Christian? If so, then this episode of Celebrate Life is for you! Tune in for a tune up to make your Christian life a life worth celebrati</itunes:subtitle><itunes:image href="https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/episodes/78c17b07-db2c-4ea6-81d1-0da9df5212c7_february2010_jbr_026.jpg" /></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! Are You a Victim of the Joy Thieves?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/21/celebrate-life-are-you-a-victim-of-the-joy-thieves</link><description><![CDATA[Today, Jean Bailey Robor, award-winning motivational speaker and author, will share how you can overcome your victim mentality and reclaim the joy in your life. Life is too short to let the 'joy thieves' rob you of another day when you can celebrate life! Join Jean and find out how you can enjoy a joy-filled life today! You won't want to miss it!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, Jean Bailey Robor, award-winning motivational speaker and author, will share how you can overcome your victim mentality and reclaim the joy in your life. Life is too short to let the 'joy thieves' rob you of another day when you can celebrate life! Join Jean and find out how you can enjoy a joy-filled life today! You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/21/celebrate-life-are-you-a-victim-of-the-joy-thieves/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/21/celebrate-life-are-you-a-victim-of-the-joy-thieves.mp3" length="3352996" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/21/celebrate-life-are-you-a-victim-of-the-joy-thieves</guid><pubDate>Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! Are You a Victim of the Joy Thieves?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, Jean Bailey Robor, award-winning motivational speaker and author, will share how you can overcome your victim mentality and reclaim the joy in your life. Life is too short to let the 'joy thieves' rob you of another day when you can celebrate life! Join Jean and find out how you can enjoy a joy-filled life today! You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Today, Jean Bailey Robor, award-winning motivational speaker and author, will share how you can overcome your victim mentality and reclaim the joy in your life. Life is too short to let the 'joy thieves' rob you of another day when you can celebrate life! Join Jean and find out how you can enjoy a joy-filled life today! You won't want to miss it!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:14:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>joy,depression,anxiety,christian,circumstances</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today, Jean Bailey Robor, award-winning motivational speaker and author, will share how you can overcome your victim mentality and reclaim the joy in your life.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Alice Osborn</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/01/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-alice-osborn-1</link><description><![CDATA[Today, I welcome Alice Osborn, author of Unfinished Projects and Right Lane Ends. Alice is a manuscript editor, freelance writer and storyteller. Alice has served as a Writer-in-Residence in the Artists in the Schools program since 2009 and has taught creativity, memoir and business workshops. Her work appears in Raleigh’s News and Observer, The Pedestal Magazine, and in numerous journals and anthologies. Listen in to learn more about the writing life with Alice Osborn. If you're a writer, an aspiring writer or avid reader, you won't want to miss it!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, I welcome Alice Osborn, author of Unfinished Projects and Right Lane Ends. Alice is a manuscript editor, freelance writer and storyteller. Alice has served as a Writer-in-Residence in the Artists in the Schools program since 2009 and has taught creativity, memoir and business workshops. Her work appears in Raleigh’s News and Observer, The Pedestal Magazine, and in numerous journals and anthologies. Listen in to learn more about the writing life with Alice Osborn. If you're a writer, an aspiring writer or avid reader, you won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/01/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-alice-osborn-1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/01/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-alice-osborn-1.mp3" length="3637835" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/03/01/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-alice-osborn-1</guid><pubDate>Tue, 01 Mar 2011 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Alice Osborn</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today, I welcome Alice Osborn, author of Unfinished Projects and Right Lane Ends. Alice is a manuscript editor, freelance writer and storyteller. Alice has served as a Writer-in-Residence in the Artists in the Schools program since 2009 and has taught creativity, memoir and business workshops. Her work appears in Raleigh’s News and Observer, The Pedestal Magazine, and in numerous journals and anthologies. Listen in to learn more about the writing life with Alice Osborn. If you're a writer, an aspiring writer or avid reader, you won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Today, I welcome Alice Osborn, author of Unfinished Projects and Right Lane Ends. Alice is a manuscript editor, freelance writer and storyteller. Alice has served as a Writer-in-Residence in the Artists in the Schools program since 2009 and has taught creativity, memoir and business workshops. Her work appears in Raleigh’s News and Observer, The Pedestal Magazine, and in numerous journals and anthologies. Listen in to learn more about the writing life with Alice Osborn. If you're a writer, an aspiring writer or avid reader, you won't want to miss it!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:16:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Alice Osborn,writing,poetry,workshops,presentations</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today, I welcome Alice Osborn, author of Unfinished Projects and Right Lane Ends. Alice is a manuscript editor, freelance writer and storyteller. Alice has serv</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Kendra Canady</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/02/21/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kendra-canady</link><description><![CDATA[Kendra Canady, known for her dynamic personality and passion for encouraging others to discover their dynamic destiny, is a motivational speaker and Life Events & Results coach. Her favorite quote is “Life’s most urgent question is What are you doing for others?” by Martin Luther King, Jr. What Kendra does for others is helping them live a life they love. Tune in and find out how to start living YOUR dynamic destiny! You won’t want to miss this exciting episode of Celebrate Life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Kendra Canady, known for her dynamic personality and passion for encouraging others to discover their dynamic destiny, is a motivational speaker and Life Events & Results coach. Her favorite quote is “Life’s most urgent question is What are you doing for others?” by Martin Luther King, Jr. What Kendra does for others is helping them live a life they love. Tune in and find out how to start living YOUR dynamic destiny! You won’t want to miss this exciting episode of Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/02/21/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kendra-canady/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/02/21/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kendra-canady.mp3" length="3084248" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/02/21/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kendra-canady</guid><pubDate>Mon, 21 Feb 2011 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Kendra Canady</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Kendra Canady, known for her dynamic personality and passion for encouraging others to discover their dynamic destiny, is a motivational speaker and Life Events & Results coach. Her favorite quote is “Life’s most urgent question is What are you doing for others?” by Martin Luther King, Jr. What Kendra does for others is helping them live a life they love. Tune in and find out how to start living YOUR dynamic destiny! You won’t want to miss this exciting episode of Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Kendra Canady, known for her dynamic personality and passion for encouraging others to discover their dynamic destiny, is a motivational speaker and Life Events & Results coach. Her favorite quote is “Life’s most urgent question is What are you doing for others?” by Martin Luther King, Jr. What Kendra does for others is helping them live a life they love. Tune in and find out how to start living YOUR dynamic destiny! You won’t want to miss this exciting episode of Celebrate Life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:13:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Dynamic,Destiny,depression,anxiety,joy</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Kendra Canady, known for her dynamic personality and passion for encouraging others to discover their dynamic destiny, is a motivational speaker and Life Events</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Larry James</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/01/24/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-larry-james</link><description><![CDATA[Today's guest, Larry James, has been a professional author, speaker and relationship coach since 1987. He is President of CelebrateLove.com. Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and more than 650 radio talk show guest appearances. Plus, he has worked closely with Dr. John Gray, PhD., author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Larry conducts Personal Relationship Coaching for high functioning singles and married couples, people who are committed to "doing" whatever it takes to make their relationships work. Listen in for Larry's relationship tips!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today's guest, Larry James, has been a professional author, speaker and relationship coach since 1987. He is President of CelebrateLove.com. Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and more than 650 radio talk show guest appearances. Plus, he has worked closely with Dr. John Gray, PhD., author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Larry conducts Personal Relationship Coaching for high functioning singles and married couples, people who are committed to "doing" whatever it takes to make their relationships work. Listen in for Larry's relationship tips!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/01/24/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-larry-james/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/01/24/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-larry-james.mp3" length="3490087" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2011/01/24/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-larry-james</guid><pubDate>Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Larry James</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today's guest, Larry James, has been a professional author, speaker and relationship coach since 1987. He is President of CelebrateLove.com. Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and more than 650 radio talk show guest appearances. Plus, he has worked closely with Dr. John Gray, PhD., author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Larry conducts Personal Relationship Coaching for high functioning singles and married couples, people who are committed to "doing" whatever it takes to make their relationships work. Listen in for Larry's relationship tips!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Today's guest, Larry James, has been a professional author, speaker and relationship coach since 1987. He is President of CelebrateLove.com. Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and more than 650 radio talk show guest appearances. Plus, he has worked closely with Dr. John Gray, PhD., author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Larry conducts Personal Relationship Coaching for high functioning singles and married couples, people who are committed to "doing" whatever it takes to make their relationships work. Listen in for Larry's relationship tips!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>relationships,marriage,stress,Larry James,dating</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today's guest, Larry James, has been a professional author, speaker and relationship coach since 1987. He is President of CelebrateLove.com. Larry has appeared</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life at Christmas with Jean Bailey Robor</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/12/24/celebrate-life-at-christmas-with-jean-bailey-robor</link><description><![CDATA[Holidays got you down? Can't find the joy of Christmas? You're not alone. Listen in as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 3 simple ways you can make this Christmas better than you can imagine!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Holidays got you down? Can't find the joy of Christmas? You're not alone. Listen in as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 3 simple ways you can make this Christmas better than you can imagine!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/12/24/celebrate-life-at-christmas-with-jean-bailey-robor/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/12/24/celebrate-life-at-christmas-with-jean-bailey-robor.mp3" length="1485554" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/12/24/celebrate-life-at-christmas-with-jean-bailey-robor</guid><pubDate>Fri, 24 Dec 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life at Christmas with Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Holidays got you down? Can't find the joy of Christmas? You're not alone. Listen in as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 3 simple ways you can make this Christmas better than you can imagine!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Holidays got you down? Can't find the joy of Christmas? You're not alone. Listen in as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 3 simple ways you can make this Christmas better than you can imagine!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:07:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Christmas,depression,joy,holiday,season</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Holidays got you down? Can't find the joy of Christmas? You're not alone. Listen in as your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 3 simple ways you can make</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life with special guest, Angel Guerrero</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/20/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-angel-guerrero</link><description><![CDATA[Join me as I welcome Angel Guerrero, award-winning public speaker and web designer. Angel will share with us about his next event, Celebrate Women in Business. You won't want to miss it!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join me as I welcome Angel Guerrero, award-winning public speaker and web designer. Angel will share with us about his next event, Celebrate Women in Business. You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/20/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-angel-guerrero/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/20/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-angel-guerrero.mp3" length="3652464" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/20/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-angel-guerrero</guid><pubDate>Sat, 20 Nov 2010 02:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life with special guest, Angel Guerrero</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join me as I welcome Angel Guerrero, award-winning public speaker and web designer. Angel will share with us about his next event, Celebrate Women in Business. You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Join me as I welcome Angel Guerrero, award-winning public speaker and web designer. Angel will share with us about his next event, Celebrate Women in Business. You won't want to miss it!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:16:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>women in business,angel guerrero,speaker,web design,toastmaster</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join me as I welcome Angel Guerrero, award-winning public speaker and web designer. Angel will share with us about his next event, Celebrate Women in Business.</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life with special guest, Simply Sue Falcone</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/15/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-simply-sue-falcone</link><description><![CDATA[Are you burdened by stress and fear? Today’s guest is Simply Sue Falcone, author of The Lighthouse of Hope, a day by day journey of fear free living. As a speaker who writes, Sue is available for seminars, home groups and retreats, where she offers inspiration, hope and triumph over fear. Listen in as Sue shares with you how to recognize and conquer your fears. You won't want to miss it!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you burdened by stress and fear? Today’s guest is Simply Sue Falcone, author of The Lighthouse of Hope, a day by day journey of fear free living. As a speaker who writes, Sue is available for seminars, home groups and retreats, where she offers inspiration, hope and triumph over fear. Listen in as Sue shares with you how to recognize and conquer your fears. You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/15/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-simply-sue-falcone/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/15/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-simply-sue-falcone.mp3" length="3419034" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/11/15/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-simply-sue-falcone</guid><pubDate>Mon, 15 Nov 2010 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life with special guest, Simply Sue Falcone</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you burdened by stress and fear? Today’s guest is Simply Sue Falcone, author of The Lighthouse of Hope, a day by day journey of fear free living. As a speaker who writes, Sue is available for seminars, home groups and retreats, where she offers inspiration, hope and triumph over fear. Listen in as Sue shares with you how to recognize and conquer your fears. You won't want to miss it!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Are you burdened by stress and fear? Today’s guest is Simply Sue Falcone, author of The Lighthouse of Hope, a day by day journey of fear free living. As a speaker who writes, Sue is available for seminars, home groups and retreats, where she offers inspiration, hope and triumph over fear. Listen in as Sue shares with you how to recognize and conquer your fears. You won't want to miss it!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>fear,depression,hope,simply sue,jean bailey robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Are you burdened by stress and fear? Today’s guest is Simply Sue Falcone, author of The Lighthouse of Hope, a day by day journey of fear free living. As a speak</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! A Look at Domestic Violence</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/25/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kay-hunkins</link><description><![CDATA[Join me today for this episode of Celebrate Life where we'll talk about domestic violence and its far-reaching affects on the lives of women, men, children and their communities. Find out how you can recognize the warning signs and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join me today for this episode of Celebrate Life where we'll talk about domestic violence and its far-reaching affects on the lives of women, men, children and their communities. Find out how you can recognize the warning signs and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/25/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kay-hunkins/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/25/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kay-hunkins.mp3" length="3659569" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/25/celebrate-life-with-special-guest-kay-hunkins</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Oct 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! A Look at Domestic Violence</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join me today for this episode of Celebrate Life where we'll talk about domestic violence and its far-reaching affects on the lives of women, men, children and their communities. Find out how you can recognize the warning signs and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Join me today for this episode of Celebrate Life where we'll talk about domestic violence and its far-reaching affects on the lives of women, men, children and their communities. Find out how you can recognize the warning signs and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>domestic violence,stress,depression,Jean Bailey Robor,safe</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join me today for this episode of Celebrate Life where we'll talk about domestic violence and its far-reaching affects on the lives of women, men, children and</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Motivation: 5 Tips to Making It Work!</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/11/motivation-5-tips-to-making-it-work</link><description><![CDATA[In this episode, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 5 simple tips to help you motivate yourself and live a life you love. Go beyond the ordinary and learn how to thrive and not just survive this thing we call life. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[In this episode, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 5 simple tips to help you motivate yourself and live a life you love. Go beyond the ordinary and learn how to thrive and not just survive this thing we call life. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/11/motivation-5-tips-to-making-it-work/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/11/motivation-5-tips-to-making-it-work.mp3" length="2283464" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/10/11/motivation-5-tips-to-making-it-work</guid><pubDate>Mon, 11 Oct 2010 22:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Motivation: 5 Tips to Making It Work!</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[In this episode, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 5 simple tips to help you motivate yourself and live a life you love. Go beyond the ordinary and learn how to thrive and not just survive this thing we call life. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>In this episode, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 5 simple tips to help you motivate yourself and live a life you love. Go beyond the ordinary and learn how to thrive and not just survive this thing we call life. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:13:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>motivation,depression,Derek Redmond,joy,thrive</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>In this episode, your host, Jean Bailey Robor, shares with you 5 simple tips to help you motivate yourself and live a life you love. Go beyond the ordinary and</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! Motivation: Is It Really All That? </title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/30/celebrate-life-motivation-is-it-really-all-that</link><description><![CDATA[Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she talks about motivation. Is it important? Helpful? Or over-rated? Tune in to Celebrate Life and find out! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she talks about motivation. Is it important? Helpful? Or over-rated? Tune in to Celebrate Life and find out! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/30/celebrate-life-motivation-is-it-really-all-that/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/30/celebrate-life-motivation-is-it-really-all-that.mp3" length="2008630" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/30/celebrate-life-motivation-is-it-really-all-that</guid><pubDate>Mon, 30 Aug 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! Motivation: Is It Really All That? </itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she talks about motivation. Is it important? Helpful? Or over-rated? Tune in to Celebrate Life and find out! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she talks about motivation. Is it important? Helpful? Or over-rated? Tune in to Celebrate Life and find out! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>motivation,Jean Bailey Robor,success,stress,career</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she talks about motivation. Is it important? Helpful? Or over-rated? Tune in to Celebrate Life and find out!</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Dena Harris, special guest</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/23/celebrate-life-with-dena-harris-special-guest</link><description><![CDATA[Today's guest, Dena Harris, is an award-winning author and feature writer. She specializes in articles on product marketing, career and job search strategies, public speaking and pets. Dena has authored or contributed to several books including Lessons in Stalking...Life with Cats and Chicken Soup for the American Idol Lover's Soul. Not only that, if you're looking for a ghostwriter, Dena can breathe life into your writing. Tune in today and celebrate life with Dena Harris.]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today's guest, Dena Harris, is an award-winning author and feature writer. She specializes in articles on product marketing, career and job search strategies, public speaking and pets. Dena has authored or contributed to several books including Lessons in Stalking...Life with Cats and Chicken Soup for the American Idol Lover's Soul. Not only that, if you're looking for a ghostwriter, Dena can breathe life into your writing. Tune in today and celebrate life with Dena Harris.]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/23/celebrate-life-with-dena-harris-special-guest/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/23/celebrate-life-with-dena-harris-special-guest.mp3" length="3500536" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/23/celebrate-life-with-dena-harris-special-guest</guid><pubDate>Mon, 23 Aug 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Dena Harris, special guest</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Today's guest, Dena Harris, is an award-winning author and feature writer. She specializes in articles on product marketing, career and job search strategies, public speaking and pets. Dena has authored or contributed to several books including Lessons in Stalking...Life with Cats and Chicken Soup for the American Idol Lover's Soul. Not only that, if you're looking for a ghostwriter, Dena can breathe life into your writing. Tune in today and celebrate life with Dena Harris.]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Today's guest, Dena Harris, is an award-winning author and feature writer. She specializes in articles on product marketing, career and job search strategies, public speaking and pets. Dena has authored or contributed to several books including Lessons in Stalking...Life with Cats and Chicken Soup for the American Idol Lover's Soul. Not only that, if you're looking for a ghostwriter, Dena can breathe life into your writing. Tune in today and celebrate life with Dena Harris.</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Dena Harris,ghostwriter,speaker,author,cats</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Today's guest, Dena Harris, is an award-winning author and feature writer. She specializes in articles on product marketing, career and job search strategies, p</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with hypnotherapist, David Grinstead</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/18/celebrate-life-with-hypnotherapist-david-grinstead</link><description><![CDATA[Tune in to meet David Grinstead, a hypnotherapist who motivates his clients to do what they do not wish to do in order to achieve what they wish to achieve. You'll find David's advice invaluable and pertinent to your day to day life. Listen in and celebrate life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Tune in to meet David Grinstead, a hypnotherapist who motivates his clients to do what they do not wish to do in order to achieve what they wish to achieve. You'll find David's advice invaluable and pertinent to your day to day life. Listen in and celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/18/celebrate-life-with-hypnotherapist-david-grinstead/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/18/celebrate-life-with-hypnotherapist-david-grinstead.mp3" length="2664826" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/18/celebrate-life-with-hypnotherapist-david-grinstead</guid><pubDate>Wed, 18 Aug 2010 04:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with hypnotherapist, David Grinstead</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Tune in to meet David Grinstead, a hypnotherapist who motivates his clients to do what they do not wish to do in order to achieve what they wish to achieve. You'll find David's advice invaluable and pertinent to your day to day life. Listen in and celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Tune in to meet David Grinstead, a hypnotherapist who motivates his clients to do what they do not wish to do in order to achieve what they wish to achieve. You'll find David's advice invaluable and pertinent to your day to day life. Listen in and celebrate life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:12:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>stress,hypnotism,weight loss,depression,David Grinstead</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Tune in to meet David Grinstead, a hypnotherapist who motivates his clients to do what they do not wish to do in order to achieve what they wish to achieve. You</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Dr. Glenda Clare, special guest</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/10/celebrate-life-with-dr-glenda-clare-special-guest-1</link><description><![CDATA[My guest today is Dr. Glenda Clare, a social scientist and professional speaker. Glenda is a show host of WIN, the Women's Informational Network. In this episode, she shares about an upcoming event especially for women, a Girl's Night Out. And it's free! Listen in and find out how to celebrate life through empowerment!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest today is Dr. Glenda Clare, a social scientist and professional speaker. Glenda is a show host of WIN, the Women's Informational Network. In this episode, she shares about an upcoming event especially for women, a Girl's Night Out. And it's free! Listen in and find out how to celebrate life through empowerment!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/10/celebrate-life-with-dr-glenda-clare-special-guest-1/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/10/celebrate-life-with-dr-glenda-clare-special-guest-1.mp3" length="3524150" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/10/celebrate-life-with-dr-glenda-clare-special-guest-1</guid><pubDate>Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:30:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Dr. Glenda Clare, special guest</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest today is Dr. Glenda Clare, a social scientist and professional speaker. Glenda is a show host of WIN, the Women's Informational Network. In this episode, she shares about an upcoming event especially for women, a Girl's Night Out. And it's free! Listen in and find out how to celebrate life through empowerment!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>My guest today is Dr. Glenda Clare, a social scientist and professional speaker. Glenda is a show host of WIN, the Women's Informational Network. In this episode, she shares about an upcoming event especially for women, a Girl's Night Out. And it's free! Listen in and find out how to celebrate life through empowerment!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>WIN,Glenda Clare,women,Girls Night Out,Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>My guest today is Dr. Glenda Clare, a social scientist and professional speaker. Glenda is a show host of WIN, the Women's Informational Network. In this episod</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Have You Found Your Funny Today?</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/02/have-you-found-your-funny-today</link><description><![CDATA[Join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest by finding humor in the world around you. Find out how every day happenings can make you laugh, smile and give you reasons, not just to survive, but to celebrate life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest by finding humor in the world around you. Find out how every day happenings can make you laugh, smile and give you reasons, not just to survive, but to celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/02/have-you-found-your-funny-today/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/02/have-you-found-your-funny-today.mp3" length="1940294" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/08/02/have-you-found-your-funny-today</guid><pubDate>Mon, 02 Aug 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Have You Found Your Funny Today?</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest by finding humor in the world around you. Find out how every day happenings can make you laugh, smile and give you reasons, not just to survive, but to celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest by finding humor in the world around you. Find out how every day happenings can make you laugh, smile and give you reasons, not just to survive, but to celebrate life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>depression,humor,funny,stress,joy</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest by finding humor in the world around you. Find out how every day happenings c</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Henry Hutton of Publish and Sell</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/26/celebrate-life-with-henry-hutton-of-publish-and-sell</link><description><![CDATA[Henry Hutton, one of the founders of Lulu.com, is today's featured guest. Lulu.com is the world's leading online publishing site. Henry is the go-to guy if you're even thinking of publishing a book. According to Henry, formatting, editing, cover art, trim size selection, pricing, distribution, marketing, blogging, social networking, search engine rankings...the world of self-publishing can get complex pretty quickly if you don’t educate yourself. Are you a published or aspiring author? Tune in and find out what Henry Hutton can do for you. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Henry Hutton, one of the founders of Lulu.com, is today's featured guest. Lulu.com is the world's leading online publishing site. Henry is the go-to guy if you're even thinking of publishing a book. According to Henry, formatting, editing, cover art, trim size selection, pricing, distribution, marketing, blogging, social networking, search engine rankings...the world of self-publishing can get complex pretty quickly if you don’t educate yourself. Are you a published or aspiring author? Tune in and find out what Henry Hutton can do for you. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/26/celebrate-life-with-henry-hutton-of-publish-and-sell/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/26/celebrate-life-with-henry-hutton-of-publish-and-sell.mp3" length="3360728" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/26/celebrate-life-with-henry-hutton-of-publish-and-sell</guid><pubDate>Mon, 26 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Henry Hutton of Publish and Sell</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Henry Hutton, one of the founders of Lulu.com, is today's featured guest. Lulu.com is the world's leading online publishing site. Henry is the go-to guy if you're even thinking of publishing a book. According to Henry, formatting, editing, cover art, trim size selection, pricing, distribution, marketing, blogging, social networking, search engine rankings...the world of self-publishing can get complex pretty quickly if you don’t educate yourself. Are you a published or aspiring author? Tune in and find out what Henry Hutton can do for you. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Henry Hutton, one of the founders of Lulu.com, is today's featured guest. Lulu.com is the world's leading online publishing site. Henry is the go-to guy if you're even thinking of publishing a book. According to Henry, formatting, editing, cover art, trim size selection, pricing, distribution, marketing, blogging, social networking, search engine rankings...the world of self-publishing can get complex pretty quickly if you don’t educate yourself. Are you a published or aspiring author? Tune in and find out what Henry Hutton can do for you. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>self publish,book,Lulu,marketing,Henry Hutton</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Henry Hutton, one of the founders of Lulu.com, is today's featured guest. Lulu.com is the world's leading online publishing site. Henry is the go-to guy if you'</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>The Freedom of Forgiveness</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/19/the-freedom-of-forgiveness</link><description><![CDATA[The anger rises up in you every time you think about what he did to you, about what she said to you. Just when you think you've moved past it, here it comes again. Are you tired of being a slave to your emotions? Are you ready to get rid of that anger and experience total joy? Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she shows you how you can get rid of the anger and experience the freedom that only comes with forgiveness. Live free...starting today! It's your time to celebrate life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[The anger rises up in you every time you think about what he did to you, about what she said to you. Just when you think you've moved past it, here it comes again. Are you tired of being a slave to your emotions? Are you ready to get rid of that anger and experience total joy? Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she shows you how you can get rid of the anger and experience the freedom that only comes with forgiveness. Live free...starting today! It's your time to celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/19/the-freedom-of-forgiveness/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/19/the-freedom-of-forgiveness.mp3" length="2007585" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/19/the-freedom-of-forgiveness</guid><pubDate>Mon, 19 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>The Freedom of Forgiveness</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[The anger rises up in you every time you think about what he did to you, about what she said to you. Just when you think you've moved past it, here it comes again. Are you tired of being a slave to your emotions? Are you ready to get rid of that anger and experience total joy? Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she shows you how you can get rid of the anger and experience the freedom that only comes with forgiveness. Live free...starting today! It's your time to celebrate life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>The anger rises up in you every time you think about what he did to you, about what she said to you. Just when you think you've moved past it, here it comes again. Are you tired of being a slave to your emotions? Are you ready to get rid of that anger and experience total joy? Join your host, Jean Bailey Robor, as she shows you how you can get rid of the anger and experience the freedom that only comes with forgiveness. Live free...starting today! It's your time to celebrate life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:09:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>forgive,freedom,stress,anger,depression</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>The anger rises up in you every time you think about what he did to you, about what she said to you. Just when you think you've moved past it, here it comes aga</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Margaux Joy DeNador, special guest</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/12/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest</link><description><![CDATA[Want to love your life and feel more joy? Tune in as Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love, shares from her heart. As a student of positive psychology and the power of thoughts of 25 years, Margaux can help you move toward your best life now! Tune in and find out how to truly Celebrate Life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Want to love your life and feel more joy? Tune in as Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love, shares from her heart. As a student of positive psychology and the power of thoughts of 25 years, Margaux can help you move toward your best life now! Tune in and find out how to truly Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/12/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/12/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest.mp3" length="3381835" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/07/12/celebrate-life-with-margaux-joy-denador-special-guest</guid><pubDate>Mon, 12 Jul 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Margaux Joy DeNador, special guest</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Want to love your life and feel more joy? Tune in as Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love, shares from her heart. As a student of positive psychology and the power of thoughts of 25 years, Margaux can help you move toward your best life now! Tune in and find out how to truly Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Want to love your life and feel more joy? Tune in as Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love, shares from her heart. As a student of positive psychology and the power of thoughts of 25 years, Margaux can help you move toward your best life now! Tune in and find out how to truly Celebrate Life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Margaux Joy DeNador,joy,depression,best life,law of attraction</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Want to love your life and feel more joy? Tune in as Margaux Joy DeNador, author of The Art of Living a Life You Love, shares from her heart. As a student of po</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with Jean Sturgill, author and Christian life coach</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/28/celebrate-life-with-jean-sturgill-author-and-chris</link><description><![CDATA[My guest today is Jean Sturgill, a Christian life coach and award-winning motivational speaker. Jean is the author of You Are Who God Says You Are and the children’s book, Bouncing Beaver Discovers God. She is the incoming President of Burlington Toastmasters, past Director at BNI, and owner of Drew’s Animals. Jean’s presentations for women’s ministries, community outreaches and marriage retreats helps others step out in faith. Listen in and find out how to celebrate life God’s way. ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest today is Jean Sturgill, a Christian life coach and award-winning motivational speaker. Jean is the author of You Are Who God Says You Are and the children’s book, Bouncing Beaver Discovers God. She is the incoming President of Burlington Toastmasters, past Director at BNI, and owner of Drew’s Animals. Jean’s presentations for women’s ministries, community outreaches and marriage retreats helps others step out in faith. Listen in and find out how to celebrate life God’s way. ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/28/celebrate-life-with-jean-sturgill-author-and-chris/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/28/celebrate-life-with-jean-sturgill-author-and-chris.mp3" length="3472323" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/28/celebrate-life-with-jean-sturgill-author-and-chris</guid><pubDate>Mon, 28 Jun 2010 02:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with Jean Sturgill, author and Christian life coach</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[My guest today is Jean Sturgill, a Christian life coach and award-winning motivational speaker. Jean is the author of You Are Who God Says You Are and the children’s book, Bouncing Beaver Discovers God. She is the incoming President of Burlington Toastmasters, past Director at BNI, and owner of Drew’s Animals. Jean’s presentations for women’s ministries, community outreaches and marriage retreats helps others step out in faith. Listen in and find out how to celebrate life God’s way. ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>My guest today is Jean Sturgill, a Christian life coach and award-winning motivational speaker. Jean is the author of You Are Who God Says You Are and the children’s book, Bouncing Beaver Discovers God. She is the incoming President of Burlington Toastmasters, past Director at BNI, and owner of Drew’s Animals. Jean’s presentations for women’s ministries, community outreaches and marriage retreats helps others step out in faith. Listen in and find out how to celebrate life God’s way. </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Jean Sturgill,Drews Animals,faith,life,depression</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>My guest today is Jean Sturgill, a Christian life coach and award-winning motivational speaker. Jean is the author of You Are Who God Says You Are and the child</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! The Man That Mattered</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/20/celebrate-life</link><description><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest. Today Jean shares thoughts on someone that made a difference in her life. Are you making a difference in the lives of those you love? Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest. Today Jean shares thoughts on someone that made a difference in her life. Are you making a difference in the lives of those you love? Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/20/celebrate-life/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/20/celebrate-life.mp3" length="2175187" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/20/celebrate-life</guid><pubDate>Sun, 20 Jun 2010 06:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! The Man That Mattered</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest. Today Jean shares thoughts on someone that made a difference in her life. Are you making a difference in the lives of those you love? Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest. Today Jean shares thoughts on someone that made a difference in her life. Are you making a difference in the lives of those you love? Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:10:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>father,love,legacy,depression,Tony Robbins</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor and find out how you can live life to the fullest. Today Jean shares thoughts on someone t</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Sindy Martin</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/14/celebrate-life</link><description><![CDATA[Featured guest, Sindy Martin is an award winning speaker and trainer that specializes in etiquette, networking and presentation skills. Her fresh, fun and fast-paced style entertains, inspires, and motivates her audience to increase their interpersonal skills. Tune in and Smartin-Up Your Professionalism! ]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Featured guest, Sindy Martin is an award winning speaker and trainer that specializes in etiquette, networking and presentation skills. Her fresh, fun and fast-paced style entertains, inspires, and motivates her audience to increase their interpersonal skills. Tune in and Smartin-Up Your Professionalism! ]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/14/celebrate-life/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/14/celebrate-life.mp3" length="2973071" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/14/celebrate-life</guid><pubDate>Mon, 14 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Sindy Martin</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Featured guest, Sindy Martin is an award winning speaker and trainer that specializes in etiquette, networking and presentation skills. Her fresh, fun and fast-paced style entertains, inspires, and motivates her audience to increase their interpersonal skills. Tune in and Smartin-Up Your Professionalism! ]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Featured guest, Sindy Martin is an award winning speaker and trainer that specializes in etiquette, networking and presentation skills. Her fresh, fun and fast-paced style entertains, inspires, and motivates her audience to increase their interpersonal skills. Tune in and Smartin-Up Your Professionalism! </itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Sindy Martin,business,net etiquette,business etiquette,success</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Featured guest, Sindy Martin is an award winning speaker and trainer that specializes in etiquette, networking and presentation skills. Her fresh, fun and fast-</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! One Down, Two to Go!</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/07/celebrate-life</link><description><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Today Jean shares thoughts on what happens when children grow up and get married. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Today Jean shares thoughts on what happens when children grow up and get married. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/07/celebrate-life/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/07/celebrate-life.mp3" length="2412379" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/06/07/celebrate-life</guid><pubDate>Mon, 07 Jun 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! One Down, Two to Go!</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Today Jean shares thoughts on what happens when children grow up and get married. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Today Jean shares thoughts on what happens when children grow up and get married. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Jean Bailey Robor,dreams,joy,self help,depression</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have vic</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Sheryl Roush</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/31/celebrate-life</link><description><![CDATA[Internationally top-rated presenter Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of a Military Woman is today's featured guest. Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Erin Brockovich, and other celebrities. Listen in on this special Memorial Day presentation of Celebrate Life! as we celebrate and honor military families. Plus, one lucky listener will win a free copy of Sheryl's book!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Internationally top-rated presenter Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of a Military Woman is today's featured guest. Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Erin Brockovich, and other celebrities. Listen in on this special Memorial Day presentation of Celebrate Life! as we celebrate and honor military families. Plus, one lucky listener will win a free copy of Sheryl's book!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/31/celebrate-life/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/31/celebrate-life.mp3" length="3324575" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/31/celebrate-life</guid><pubDate>Mon, 31 May 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! with special guest, Sheryl Roush</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Internationally top-rated presenter Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of a Military Woman is today's featured guest. Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Erin Brockovich, and other celebrities. Listen in on this special Memorial Day presentation of Celebrate Life! as we celebrate and honor military families. Plus, one lucky listener will win a free copy of Sheryl's book!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Internationally top-rated presenter Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of a Military Woman is today's featured guest. Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Erin Brockovich, and other celebrities. Listen in on this special Memorial Day presentation of Celebrate Life! as we celebrate and honor military families. Plus, one lucky listener will win a free copy of Sheryl's book!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Sheryl Roush,military,joy,motivation,depression</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Internationally top-rated presenter Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of a Military Woman is today's featured guest. Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside Olivia</itunes:subtitle></item><item><title>Celebrate Life! Live Your Perfect Day</title><link>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/24/celebrate-life</link><description><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Tune in while Jean shares 3 important tips to help you create your perfect day today. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Tune in while Jean shares 3 important tips to help you create your perfect day today. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><category domain="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/">Lifestyle</category><comments>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/24/celebrate-life/#comments</comments><enclosure url="https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/24/celebrate-life.mp3" length="2739223" type="audio/mpeg" /><guid>http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jeanbaileyrobor/2010/05/24/celebrate-life</guid><pubDate>Mon, 24 May 2010 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate><itunes:title>Celebrate Life! Live Your Perfect Day</itunes:title><content:encoded><![CDATA[Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Tune in while Jean shares 3 important tips to help you create your perfect day today. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!]]></content:encoded><itunes:summary>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have victory over circumstances, anything that steals your joy. Stop looking for better days to come; make today that better day. Tune in while Jean shares 3 important tips to help you create your perfect day today. Rise to the challenge: Celebrate Life!</itunes:summary><itunes:duration>00:15:00</itunes:duration><itunes:author>Jean Bailey Robor</itunes:author><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:keywords>Jean Bailey Robor,dreams,joy,self help,depression</itunes:keywords><itunes:subtitle>Are you living a life you love? Come join your host Jean Bailey Robor each Monday at 6pm EST and find out how you can live life to the fullest. You can have vic</itunes:subtitle></item></channel></rss>