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ODWIRA: NEHESU-NEGUS-NKOSO - Negus is Not 'nigga'

  • Broadcast in Education



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In this episode of ODWIRA, we examine the origin of the term Negus (Nagas) which actually has its roots in Nehes (Nahas) and can be found in the Akan language as Nkoso. There is a great deal of misinformation propagated by those who foolishly would associate the term 'niggas' with 'negus' thereby associating a derogatory label with 'royalty'. We expose this totally inaccurate propaganda in detail in our publication ANIDAHO. We also provide for the first time the origin of the Negus and its cosmological foundation rooted in Nehes.

We examine our book ANIDAHO:



Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan 

Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu 

Akwamu Nation in North America 


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