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Discover AMAZING TIPS from the founder and owner of the largest real estate investment group in Canada.
Here is some background on this incredible individual: Over the last 14 years, Sunil Tulsiani transformed from Police Detective to worldwide real estate mogul. In his first year alone, he invested in 77 properties. The media nicknamed him “The Wealthy Cop”.
He founded the largest elite club in North America,, and has members across Canada, the USA, and around the world. Sunil has been featured on INC magazine, CNBC, Fox Business News, CP24 TV, Bloomberg International and has been on the covers of many magazines, including Profiles of Success.
Sunil has shared stages with Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Ron Le Grand, Robert G. Allen, and many others across Canada, the USA, and the world. Sunil has a goal of Making 100 Millionaires and has partnered up with Legendary Robert G. Allen. Meet Sunil in person at this amazing event!