Sharon Hughes Show Sharon Hughes Show - Join me and my guests as we look at the heart of the issues and the worldviews behind them. We also take a look at how to Stand Strong in the Day in which we Live. Background: In addition to being a 12-year veteran Radio Talk Show Host, Sharon is the Founder/President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, which seeks to inform on the critical issues facing our world, via radio, the web and events. Other divisions are Operation Heartlift to support our Troops, and Operation ARC to help Rescue at-risk-children from sex-trafficking. For information on Sharon's 2-hour weekly show originating out of KMYC AM1410 in No. California visit & for stations and times.enCopyright Sharon Hughes (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 15:15:00 GMTThu, 18 Aug 2016 22:00:00 GMTPolitics ConservativeBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Hughes Show Sharon Hughes Show - Join me and my guests as we look at the heart of the issues and the worldviews behind them. We also take a look at how to Stand Strong in the Day in which we Live. Background: In addition to being a 12-year veteran Radio Talk Show Host, Sharon is the Founder/President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, which seeks to inform on the critical issues facing our world, via radio, the web and events. Other divisions are Operation Heartlift to support our Troops, and Operation ARC to help Rescue at-risk-children from sex-trafficking. For information on Sharon's 2-hour weekly show originating out of KMYC AM1410 in No. California visit & for stations and times.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comSharon Hughes,Religious Liberty,Persecution,Faith,Family,Freedom,God,Culture,Politics,Worldviews,America,Christianity,Bible,Founding FathersChanging WorldviewsnoThe Sharon Hughes Show that looks at the heart of the issues, and the worldviews behind them.episodicMost Outrageous News Stories Ever Heard! #2 Conservative, 18 Aug 2016 22:00:00 GMTMost Outrageous News Stories Ever Heard! #2Continuing with some of the most unbelievable, and outrageous, news stories we've ever covered. Debra Rae and Audrey Russo join me. 00:35:00Changing WorldviewsnoSharon Hughes,Audrey Russo,Debra RaeMost Outrageous News Stories you've ever heard!Most Outrageous News Stories You've Ever Heard! #1 Conservative, 04 Aug 2016 22:00:00 GMTMost Outrageous News Stories You've Ever Heard! #1The most outrageous news stories we've ever covered over the years! Audrey Russo and Debra Rae joined me every week for an OUTRAGEOUS! show...and boy they delivered! You will laugh, cry and maybe feel like pulling your hair out, but one thing is for sure you will definately be entertained, and glad you know what's going on behind the scenes! 00:35:00Changing WorldviewsnoSharon Hughes,Audrey Russo,Debra Rae,OUTRAGEOUS NEWS STORIES!,ObamaMost Outrageous News Stories you've ever heard!God's Not Dead Part 2 - Homicide Detective Sets Out to Prove He Is Conservative, 20 May 2016 22:30:00 GMTGod's Not Dead Part 2 - Homicide Detective Sets Out to Prove He IsPart 2 with Cold-Case Homicide Detective, author, J. Warner Wallce. If you heard Part 1 you know this is a fascinating interview! 00:32:00Changing WorldviewsnoBible,Christianity,JWarnerWallace,God's Not Dead,AtheistCold-Case Homicide Detective Tries to prove that God is Dead, but the evidence was startling.God's Not Dead Part 1 - Homicide Detective Sets Out to Prove He Is Conservative, 13 May 2016 22:30:00 GMTGod's Not Dead Part 1 - Homicide Detective Sets Out to Prove He IsA few decades ago it was promoted in pop-culture that 'God is dead.' Of course, He's not, but Cold-Case Homicide Detective, James Warner Wallace set out to try to prove that God is dead. Recently featured in the new release, "God's Not Dead 2" - this is a fascinating interview. 00:32:00Changing WorldviewsnoGod's Not Dead,J.Warner Wallace,Sharon Hughes,Religious Freedom,MovieCold-Case Homicide Detective Tries to prove that God is Dead, but the evidence was startling.Merging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #3 Conservative, 29 Apr 2016 22:00:00 GMTMerging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #3Part 3 on Sal Alinsky and his "Rules for Radicals" including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Why do we need to pay close attention to the Progressive movement of today, and what role did Republicans play initially in it. We name names. Audrey Russo and Author Larry Schweikart join me. 00:25:00Changing WorldviewsnoPolitical Worldviews have merged, thanks to Sal Alinsky. Who is he? What was his goal for his book "Rules for Radicals"? Who are the radicals he's talking aboutMerging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #2 Conservative, 23 Apr 2016 00:30:00 GMTMerging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #2There's no doubt political worldviews have merged. But how? and why? Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" not only gives clues, but is embraced by many leaders in today's America. Audrey Russo joins me. 00:36:00Changing WorldviewsnoSal Alinsky,Sharon Hughes,Audrey Russo,Stella Lohman,ObamaPolitical Worldviews have merged. How? Why? & Who? Sal Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is part of the 'transformation' Pres. Obama promised.Merging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #1 Conservative, 15 Apr 2016 22:30:00 GMTMerging Worldviews in Politics & Gov't - Saul Alinsky #1Why and how have today's political worldviews been merged, both in America and abroad? We'll name who, and why Sal Alinsky and his tactics are to be taken seriously...because Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and many others follow them. Audrey Russo joins me. 00:49:00Changing WorldviewsnoSaul Alinsky,Sharon Hughes,Audrey Russo,Obama,ProgressivesPolitical Worldviews have merged. How? Why? Who is Sal Alinsky? What was his reason for writing his book "Rules for Radicals"? Who are the radicals he's talkingSharia: Abuse, Persecution, Rape & Honor Killings Conservative, 20 Jan 2016 03:47:16 GMTSharia: Abuse, Persecution, Rape & Honor KillingsWe address an issue that is an increasing danger to not only Arab women, but as we are seeing in Germany and elsewhere, all women -- abuse, rape, persecution, Muslim daughters victims of 'honor killings,' and more. Outspoken Muslim award-winning vocalist, Deeyah, and former Muslim & acclaimed author, Noni Darwish, know first hand about these conditions and are not afraid to talk about them.00:56:00Changing Worldviewsnorape,persecution,nonidarwish,absue,honorkillingsWe address an issue that is an increasing danger to not only Arab women, but as we are seeing in Germany and elsewhere, all women -- abuse, rape, persecution, MAre We Entering the 'Fourth Turning' into a NWO? Conservative, 07 Oct 2015 21:59:17 GMTAre We Entering the 'Fourth Turning' into a NWO?Pres. Obama, VP Joe Biden and others who have filled or advised the White House, have called for "a New World Order." Socialist Bernie Sanders is giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money. Donald Trump heads all other GOP candidates by a huge margin. Is this what William Strauss and Neil Howe, in their book, "The Fourth Turning," point to as what is coming next for America? Surveying past contemporary markers, the authors show an astounding forecast of a cascade of incidents that ultimately (can) lead to chaos in any nation, including the United States.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnoamerica,newworldorder,sharonhughes,fourthturning,nationalcrisisPres. Obama, VP Joe Biden and others who have filled or advised the White House, have called for "a New World Order." Socialist Bernie Sanders is giving HillaryIran: "The Beautiful Cry of 'Death to America!'" Conservative, 18 Aug 2015 21:09:15 GMTIran: "The Beautiful Cry of 'Death to America!'"Today's Guest: Author Joel Rosenberg. The Obama Administration keeps trying to convince the American people that Iran doesn't really mean 'Death to America!' But Iran's President Rouhani has said things like, "The beautiful cry of 'Death to America' unites our nation," which we talk about, as well as following Obama's deal with Iran, their Supreme Leader had his book published on how to outwit the US and destroy Israel! People wrote Ahmadinejad off as a crazy, but Rouhani has said the same kinds of crazy things...and WE WILL BE CRAZY if we don't believe them!00:54:00Changing Worldviewsnoobama,iran,sharonhughes,joelrosenberg,deathtoamericaToday's Guest: Author Joel Rosenberg. The Obama Administration keeps trying to convince the American people that Iran doesn't really mean 'Death to America!' BuUnreported Stories of the Abortion Wars, Part 2 Conservative, 11 Aug 2015 01:28:27 GMTUnreported Stories of the Abortion Wars, Part 2With the release of undercover videos of Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from abortions, please listen to Part 1 with Jill Stanek first, and then listen to this powerful interview with Dr. Monica Migliorino Miller, Author of "Abandoned - the Untold Stores of the Abortion Wars," which Dinesh D’Souza called “THE BEST BOOK EVER written on abortion!” Dr. Miller is the Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,plannedparenthood,babiesabortedalive,drmonicammiller,sellingbabybodypartsWith the release of undercover videos of Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from abortions, please listen to Part 1 with Jill Stanek first, and then lisUnreported Stories of the Abortion Wars, Part 1 Conservative, 11 Aug 2015 01:06:41 GMTUnreported Stories of the Abortion Wars, Part 1Probably one of the most important shows we've done. A grownup dose of reality, with the power to change minds and hearts. You do not want to miss my guest, Jill Stanek, a nurse who found an aborted baby alive in the hospital she worked at, took up the cause of saving such babies, all the way to the White House. Hear the incredible story of what she witnessed, experienced at the hands of her employer, and what was accomplish.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,jillstanek,changingminds&hearts,doseofreality,babiesbornaliveProbably one of the most important shows we've done. A grownup dose of reality, with the power to change minds and hearts. You do not want to miss my guest, JilWhen the World Will Be ONE w/ Tal Brooke Spiritual Counterfeits Project, 17 Apr 2015 19:00:00 GMTWhen the World Will Be ONE w/ Tal Brooke Spiritual Counterfeits ProjectTal Brooke, President of Spiritual Counterfeits Project and Author of "When the World Will be One," talks about the increase of a one-world government and religion (New World Order) that is gaining ground today. Separating fact from fiction and conspiracy theory, Tal will share from his own previous anti-Christ 'one-world' view and activities. I start out with definitions and how we can discern the real from 'false prophets' 'false teachers' 'wolves in sheeps' clothing,' which are rampant in our modern, 21st century, right here in America. Relevant and powerful in connecting the dots, for our Friday GODTalk edition of the show. 00:36:00Changing WorldviewsnoGODTalk,Tal Brooke,NWO,New World Religion,Sharon HughesWhen the World will be One with Author and Pres. of Spritual Counterfeits Project, Tal BrookeFallout From When a Church Takes a Stand w/ Pastor David Miller, 03 Apr 2015 19:00:00 GMTFallout From When a Church Takes a Stand w/ Pastor David MillerAs states are coming under pressure regarding protecting religious freedom, the State isn't the only thing churches are having to battle today. Their own denominations may be the first institution they have to stand up to when going against the cultural grain, as regards family values. California Pastor David Miller and his congregation faced extreme difficulty, persecution and loss when they chose to stand for the biblical definition of marriage. Powerful story. Then, with the release of the movie based on Bill O'Reilly's book, "Killing Jesus," how can we know what is a true depiction of Christ? Two pastors give their take on Hollywood and Jesus. Very interesting discussion! 00:56:00Changing WorldviewsnoEaster,Good Friday,Pastor David Miller,Pastor David Hughes,Pastor Steven ReyesFallout from when a Church takes a stand; then Hollywood and Jesus - how can we know a True DepictionAtheists, Darwin and Evidence w/ Ray Comfort, 13 Mar 2015 19:00:00 GMTAtheists, Darwin and Evidence w/ Ray ComfortAuthor and co-Host of the popular television show, "Way of the Master" with Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort discusses his book "You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think," which climbed to the top of the Amazon charts dethroning Richard Dawkins as the best-selling book in the "Atheist" category. Provocative. Plus, Dr. Jonathan Wells, Professor on Darwin Day and Darwin theory taught in schools. Powerful. 00:58:00Changing WorldviewsnoRay Comfort,Sharon Hughes,Atheism,Richard Dawkins,GODTalkRay Comfort discusses his book on "You can lead an atheist to evidence, but you can't make him think"Darwin's Doubt / Metamorphosis Conservative, 23 Feb 2015 04:46:45 GMTDarwin's Doubt / MetamorphosisDarwin openly acknowledged important weaknesses in his theory of evolution and professed his own doubts about key aspects of it. Yet today's public defenders of a Darwin-only science curriculum aparently do not want these or any other scientific doubts about Darwinian theory as reported to students. Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of "Darwin's Doubt" shows how Intelligent Design solves science mystery which Darwin's theory couldn't. Plus, Lad Allen, Producer of the amazing film 'Metamorphosis" weighs in on the subject.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnodarwin,metamorphosis,sharonhughes,dr.stephenmeyer,ladallenDarwin openly acknowledged important weaknesses in his theory of evolution and professed his own doubts about key aspects of it. Yet today's public defenders ofDarwinism: Molding the Minds of Kids Conservative, 23 Feb 2015 03:58:57 GMTDarwinism: Molding the Minds of KidsAfter Pres. Obama's 'anti-Christianity' statements at the National Prayer Breakfast, and the diminishing religious freedoms of Christians around the world and here at home, we are going to take a pause from the focus on the horrific atrocities of ISIS and other political issues to look at what is going on in our schools to break mold the minds of kids. Dr. Jonathan Wells, of the Discovery Institute, talks about Darwin Day celebrations that happen in schools, civic institutions and communities every February, (this year on Feb. 12, 2015) and how scientific and education societies have declared that schools should teach Darwinism as dogmatically as they teach the world is round. He refutes this agenda with compelling facts and reason.00:57:00Changing Worldviewsnoevolution,darwin,indoctrination,sharonhughes,dr.jonathanwellsAfter Pres. Obama's 'anti-Christianity' statements at the National Prayer Breakfast, and the diminishing religious freedoms of Christians around the world and hTerrorists Next Door & in U.S. Mosques Conservative, 17 Feb 2015 23:31:36 GMTTerrorists Next Door & in U.S. MosquesAuthor, Terrorism Analyst for CBN and host of The Watchman television program, Erick Stakelbeck, talks about his book, "The Terrorist Next Door - How the Government is Deceiving You About the Islamic Threat. " What isn't the government telling us about home-grown threats, no-go zones, etc? Plus, he'll give details on why ten rural areas have been picked to erect mega-mosques in the U.S. where the Muslim population is minimal.00:52:00Changing Worldviewsnoterrorists,threat,sharonhughes,unitedstates,erickstakelbeckAuthor, Terrorism Analyst for CBN and host of The Watchman television program, Erick Stakelbeck, talks about his book, "The Terrorist Next Door - How the GovernETHNIC CLEANSING - Planned Parenthood Conservative, 02 Feb 2015 03:17:25 GMTETHNIC CLEANSING - Planned ParenthoodIs Ethnic Cleansing happening in America today? Clenard Childress, author and Founder of, talks about the disproportionate number of black babies aborted every year in the United States, and the evidence of racism found in Planned Parenthood and in its founder, Margaret Sanger. Plus, David Chu tells of China's forced labor camps and marketing of organs of living prisoners. We must wake up and stop all this atrocity. We can be a voice for those who have no voice. To not speak is to speak. To not act is to act.00:56:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,changingworldviews,blackgenocide,ethniccleansing,clenardchildressIs Ethnic Cleansing happening in America today? Clenard Childress, author and Founder of, talks about the disproportionate number of black babETHNIC CLEANSING - American Eugenics in US Conservative, 02 Feb 2015 02:40:37 GMTETHNIC CLEANSING - American Eugenics in USTop Issues of the Week, then...Ethnic Cleansing (the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society) is sadly too much a reality in world history, but today Islamic Jihadists are on a rampage around the globe, such as Boko Haram in Africa who are murdering thousands of Christians. Can our nation stand by and do nothing? Edwin Black, NYTimes Best-Selling author of "War on the Weak," talks about Nazi Germany's ethnic cleansing of Jews, helped by the American eugenics movement. Facts are stubborn things.00:56:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,changingworldviews,edwinblack,ethniccleansing,nazigermanyTop Issues of the Week, then...Ethnic Cleansing (the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society) is sadly too muU.S. Sleeper Cells & Police States Conservative, 19 Jan 2015 03:13:01 GMTU.S. Sleeper Cells & Police StatesWe look at the growing threat of 'police states' as terrorism escalates, here in the U.S. with John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute; terrorists cells in America with Erick Stakelbeck; and for Personal Interest segment on personal finances, Jerry Robinson of Follow the Money. Plus, despite all the bad news, we've got good news stories, too, of real 'world changers' that will offer hope and more.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,johnwhitehead,erickstakelbeck,policestates,terrorisminamericaWe look at the growing threat of 'police states' as terrorism escalates, here in the U.S. with John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute; terrorists cells inTerrorism, the West & Putin's Russia Conservative, 19 Jan 2015 02:29:37 GMTTerrorism, the West & Putin's RussiaTop Issues of the Week, then ... World Leaders marched in Paris against Islamic terrorism, except for Pres. Obama; France to deploy 10,000 troops to boost security, and thousands of police to protect Jewish schools; Nigeria faces Boko Haram 2,000 slaughtered alone; Obama administration vows to fight Islamaphobia as response to Paris attacks, and more. A NEW SEGMENT: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?? Segment with Duane; then my Guests, Walid Shoebat, former PLO terrorist now author, has unique perspective and tells all in "Why We Want to Kill You;" and Yuri Felshtinsky, author of "Blowing Up Russia" gives first hand account of Putin's ruthless government.00:55:00Changing Worldviewsnoparis,terrorism,putin,sharonhughes,walidshoebotTop Issues of the Week, then ... World Leaders marched in Paris against Islamic terrorism, except for Pres. Obama; France to deploy 10,000 troops to boost securWhy American Exceptionalism? Conservative, 26 Dec 2014 22:40:58 GMTWhy American Exceptionalism?Top Issues of the Week...then my interview with Rabbi Aryeh Spero - Author of "Push Back, Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit," about American Exceptionalism and why it's important to recover, or embrace, this value again. Labeled by readers and political colleagues as "America's Rabbi," he is president of Caucus for America; has appeared on CBS, C-SPAN, and MSNBC; spoken at the National Press Club, testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee; his articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, National Review, New York Sun, Human Events, Jewish World Review & many others.00:57:00Changing Worldviewsnosharonhughes,changingworldviews,americanexceptionalism,rabbiaryehspero,america'srabbiTop Issues of the Week...then my interview with Rabbi Aryeh Spero - Author of "Push Back, Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit," about American ExceptRe-Programming America 2: Dumbing Down Conservative, 16 Nov 2014 18:38:36 GMTRe-Programming America 2: Dumbing DownHOUR 2 with Charlotte Iserbyt, Author of "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," who served as Sr. Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for the U.S. Department of Education during the Reagan Administration blows the whistle on how she and others were trained to look for the 'resisters' to the progressive/socialist plan for public education. Plus, a special Veteran's Day Tribute00:57:00Changing Worldviewsnoschools,sharonhughes,changingworldviews,dumbingdown,charlotteiserbytHOUR 2 with Charlotte Iserbyt, Author of "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," who served as Sr. Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and ImRe-Programming America 1: U.S. Socialism Conservative, 15 Nov 2014 22:09:36 GMTRe-Programming America 1: U.S. SocialismElection Outcomes & what it means moving forward, then... Steve Beren, former revolutionary Atheist Communist wil take us inside the socialistic mindset and the forces trying to take down America, and why and how he left the anti-war movement and other radical activities for the complete opposite. This is one interview you don't want to miss!00:56:00Changing Worldviewsnoantiwar,sharonhughes,changingworldviews,steveberen,socialistcommunistElection Outcomes & what it means moving forward, then... Steve Beren, former revolutionary Atheist Communist wil take us inside the socialistic mindset and theNeed to Know About the Qu'ran, Pt 3 Conservative, 14 Jul 2014 04:06:40 GMTNeed to Know About the Qu'ran, Pt 3Hot Topics of the day, including ISIS' saying Rome, Israel and the West will be next. Again, Historian William Federer joins me to talk about his book on what every American needs to know about the Qu'ran, plus a segment of Erick Stakelbeck, terrorism analyst for CBN, on the rise of ISIS brutality and aggression.00:29:00Changing Worldviewsnoisis,sharonhughes,changingworldviews,williamfederer,erickstakelbeckHot Topics of the day, including ISIS' saying Rome, Israel and the West will be next. Again, Historian William Federer joins me to talk about his book on what eNeed to Know About the Qu'ran Pt 2 Conservative, 10 Jul 2014 01:32:02 GMTNeed to Know About the Qu'ran Pt 2Hot Topics of the day, including Jimmy Carter speaking alongside Muslim Brotherhood; Hamas declaring 'all Israelis are targets' and latest on ISIS, the most violent and extremist jihadi group in the Middle East. Historian William Federer talks with me again about his book on what every American needs to know about the Qu'ran, this time as he fills in as host of another radio show. The combination of jihadists' extremist ideology and limitless supply of funding moves them forward in their conquest agenda.00:29:00Changing Worldviewsnoquran,isis,sharonhughes,changingworldviews,williamfedererHot Topics of the day, including Jimmy Carter speaking alongside Muslim Brotherhood; Hamas declaring 'all Israelis are targets' and latest on ISIS, the most vioNeed to Know About the Qu'ran Pt 1 Conservative, 08 Jul 2014 01:10:16 GMTNeed to Know About the Qu'ran Pt 1Hot Topics of the day, including Gov. Rick Perry on Obama Admin. orchestrating the current border crisis; the reason for ISIS changing its name to IS & their rapid taking of cities in Iraq. To understand their mindset author and historian William Federer joins me to talk about what every American needs to know about the Qu'ran. What is the exact agenda ISIS and other jihadists are following?00:28:00Changing Worldviewsnoquran,isis,takeover,sharonhughes,changingworldviewsHot Topics of the day, including Gov. Rick Perry on Obama Admin. orchestrating the current border crisis; the reason for ISIS changing its name to IS & their raSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Iran, Israel & the Middle East Coalition Conservative, 26 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Iran, Israel & the Middle East CoalitionFirst up: my guest author Ron Rhodes and then former PLO terrorist now Christian author and Myles Weiss co-host of Zola Levitt TV. Revelations that the U.S. has been having secret meetings with Iran for over a year, and Pres. Obama hailing the deal made with Iran as historic, but Israel's Netanyahu says it was an 'historic mistake." My guest, author Ron Rhodes, outlines in his book, "Northern Storm Rising" the Middle East Military Coalition gainst Israel" that is mounting, and the dangers to Israel and America, and why. How significant is the deal made with Iran? What does the plumbline tell us about these current events, and the big question everyone asks -- is America in the Bible? Lots to talk about. 00:57:00Changing WorldviewsnoSharon Hughes,Ron Rhodes,Israel,Iran,ObamaFirst up: my guest author Ron Rhodes and then former PLO terrorist now Christian author and Myles Weiss co-host of Zola Levitt TV. Revelations that the U.S. hasSHARON HUGHES SHOW: The New Barbarians w/ Caryl Matrisciana Conservative, 10 Jul 2013 19:00:00 GMTSHARON HUGHES SHOW: The New Barbarians w/ Caryl MatriscianaThe Middle East is in distress and Sharon's guest, Caryl Matrisciana, author and award-winning film producer of over 50 films, talks about 'summer camps' in Gaza that train children to 'kill the Jews,' as documented in her film "The New Barbarians, Teaching Children to Kill." And the dangers this and the agendas of the Muslim Brotherhood and home-grown terrorist cells develop and pose for America, the West, Isreal, Egypt, and other parts of the world. Audrey Russo also is on board as co-host today.01:00:00Changing WorldviewsnoSharon Hughes,Caryl Matrisciana,Audrey Russo,Muslim Brotherhood,Training Children to Kill for AllahThe Middle East is in distress and Sharon's guest, Caryl Matrisciana, author and award-winning film producer of over 50 films, talks about 'summer camps' in GazSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Common Core - Education's Trojan Horse Conservative, 25 Jun 2013 22:00:00 GMTSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Common Core - Education's Trojan HorseSharon's guest, Orlean Koehle, president of Eagle Forum of California, discusses her latest book, "Common Core, A Trojan Horse for Education Reform." Why should we be exerting every effort to stop Common Core from going forward with its curriculum, standards and assessment tests. Has your state jumped on the CC bandwagon? What you need to know. What you can do.01:01:00Changing WorldviewsnoSharon Hughes,Orlean Koehle,Common Core,Education,Federal StandardsSharon's guest, Orlean Koehle, president of Eagle Forum of California, discusses her latest book, "Common Core, A Trojan Horse for Education Reform." Why shouldSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Looming Nuclear Threat: Joel Rosenberg Conservative, 12 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTSHARON HUGHES SHOW: Looming Nuclear Threat: Joel RosenbergNYT Best-selling Author, Joel Rosenberg, his latest book, "Damascus Countdown, joins Sharon to talk about the threat of nuclear war, No. Korea, Iran, Israel, John Bolton's comments that Israel can't count on the White House, and Iran's obsession with 'the Twelve Imam.' Then Michael Maloof, Author of "A Nation Forsaken - EMP - The Escalating Threat of an American Castastrophe" joins the conversation. What can we do to prepare in the case of a nuclear disaster? 00:55:00Changing WorldviewsnoJoel Rosenberg,Michael Maloof,Nuclear Threat,Iran Israel No Korea,Sharon HughesNYT Best-selling Author, Joel Rosenberg, his latest book, "Damascus Countdown, joins Sharon to talk about the threat of nuclear war, No. Korea, Iran, Israel, JoEASTER SPECIAL - Is There Really Life After Death?, 27 Mar 2013 22:00:00 GMTEASTER SPECIAL - Is There Really Life After Death?First Up: While atheists are gaining wider access in our military and classrooms, hear the claims from one child and an atheist who died and came back to tell of their very moving experiences. Plus, claims of Peter Hitchens, brother of the late atheist Christopher Hitchens, from his book, “Rage Against God.” Then: Sitcoms and Saturday Night Live may mock Christ, but the new “Bible Series” made record viewing on the History Channel, not unlike the all-time box office "The Passion" by Mel Gibson. So, which represents the public most? 01:00:00Changing WorldviewsnoEaster,Life After Death,Hollywood Jesus,Saturday Night Live,Sharon HughesFirst Up: While atheists are gaining wider access in our military and classrooms, hear the claims from one child and an atheist who died and came back to tell oGREAT RADIO DEBATE: ABORTION & Roe v. Wade 40th Year Conservative, 22 Jan 2013 23:00:00 GMTGREAT RADIO DEBATE: ABORTION & Roe v. Wade 40th YearSharon moderates our next Great Radio Debate! with three panelists on the side of LIFE, Dr. Monica Miller, Janet Morana, and Steve Beren. Planned Parenthood, NARAL other other pro-choice organizations all declined to participate and provide panelists for their side. So we will use audio clips of their own words for our panelists to challenge. Then in the 2nd hour Sharon's talk to the Sonoma County Pro-Life Rally over the weekend with some really good news of significant inroads made, plus Terry Glessner on the other life issues - euthanasia and cloning. 01:28:00Changing WorldviewsnoAbortion,Sharon Hughes,Monica Miller,Janet Morana,Steve BerenSharon moderates our next Great Radio Debate! with three panelists on the side of LIFE, Dr. Monica Miller, Janet Morana, and Steve Beren. Planned Parenthood, NASTRAIGHTalk with Sharon: Push Back! with Rabbi Aryeh Spero Conservative, 03 Oct 2012 20:00:00 GMTSTRAIGHTalk with Sharon: Push Back! with Rabbi Aryeh Spero Sharon welcomes Rabbi Aryeh Spero to talk about his latest book, "Push Back - Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit," and to discuss how demagogues on the Left are aggressively pushing their ideology, making Americans question the historic promise and direction of their country. Always provocative and lively with the Rabbi!Provocative and lively with the Rabbi  00:28:00Changing WorldviewsnoAmericas Rabbi,American Roots,Leftist ideology,Aryeh Spero,Sharon HughesSharon welcomes Rabbi Aryeh Spero to talk about his latest book, "Push Back - Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit," and to discuss how demagogues onThe GREAT RADIO DEBATE #2: ObamaCare, For & Against Conservative, 24 Jul 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe GREAT RADIO DEBATE #2: ObamaCare, For & AgainstGet Ready to Rumble! Sharon welcomes four Panelists for our 2nd LIVE Radio Debate! Two for ObamaCare,  Dr. Laura Davies and Dr. Chris Lillis of Doctors for America, and two against it, Gayle Trotter, General Counsel, and Krista Kafer, Senior Fellow, of the Independent Women's Forum. Each will give their arguments for and against, and be able to question and challenge each other's positions.  DON'T MISS THIS SHOW! Spread the word to your friends and colleagues - we will be surveying listeners for their choices for the winning side. 00:58:00Changing WorldviewsnoObamaCare,Mandate,socialized medicine,healthcare,Sharon HughesGet Ready to Rumble! Sharon welcomes four Panelists for our 2nd LIVE Radio Debate! Two for ObamaCare,  Dr. Laura Davies and Dr. Chris Lillis of Doctors for AmerNEW! THE GREAT RADIO DEBATE #1: Capitalists vs. Socialists Conservative, 26 Jun 2012 22:00:00 GMTNEW! THE GREAT RADIO DEBATE #1: Capitalists vs. SocialistsWant to hear BOTH sides of the argument? Then join Sharon as she welcomes six panelists for our 1st LIVE Radio Debate! Economist Jerry Robinson, of Follow the Money, Author, Author/Talk Show Host Paul Ibbetson, and Steve Beren former Communist now Capitalist, will debate Steve Durham, Presidentical Candidate from the Freedom Socialist Party and and two other Socialist Party members. Each will give their arguments for and against, and be able to question and challenge each other's positions. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS SHOW! Help spread the word. We will be surveying listeners for the winners of the debate.   01:00:00Changing WorldviewsnoCapitalism,Socialism,Candidates,Socialist Party USA,CapitalistsWant to hear BOTH sides of the argument? Then join Sharon as she welcomes six panelists for our 1st LIVE Radio Debate! Economist Jerry Robinson, of Follow the M