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TALK, TEACH, AND TESTIFY RADIO, SPECIAL EDITION: On Sunday afternoon, July 22nd, 2018 (the 3rd day of the 5th Month/Rosh Chodesh) @ 12PM Noon EST (11AM CST), Talk, Teach, and Testify Radio© will present sound doctrine and teaching the spiritual meaning and revelation of the Thurah/Torah (teachings and instructions) of YAHUAH and the true importance of understanding end time prophecies in the TaNaKh (Scriptures). We shall discuss through Torah/Thurah how important the Judgments, Precepts, Commandments, and Ordinances are in the Renewed Covenant of YAHUAH. Please join us either by calling in at the new number of (515) 605-9874 or just click on the link below. May Abba/Ab baruk you and keep you. Shalum. Shabath Shalum.