The Word Revealed show is about discovering who we are in the Lord and who the Lord is in us. Our topics focus on relationship with God not religion. If you are sick of religion then this is the place for youenCopyright Jackie Roberson (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 13:30:00 GMTTue, 04 Mar 2014 01:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Word Revealed show is about discovering who we are in the Lord and who the Lord is in us. Our topics focus on relationship with God not religion. If you are sick of religion then this is the place for youfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comspirituality,christ,salvation,kingdom,kingdom of god,democracy,moses,spirit,bacon,bloodThe Word RevealednoThis show is about discovering who we are in the Lord and who the Lord is in us. Our topics focus on relationship with God not religion. If you are sick of reliepisodicCasualties Of War, 04 Mar 2014 01:00:00 GMTCasualties Of WarWar is ugly and as the Kingdom suffer violence and the violent take it by force according to Matt 11:12 there will be casualties. Are you a POW of war or are you suffering from the casualties of war. What do you do when you are tormented, fearful and confused? What do you do when your injured from your mind to your soul? How can we or do we overcome torments and casualties? We will discover how as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed next Monday March 3, 2014 @ 7:00 P.M. Central 8:00 P.M. Eastern and 5:00 P.M. on the westcoast. You do not want to miss this episode that will free you from the spirits of oppression and torment... 01:20:00The Word RevealednoCasualties,Violence,Prisoners Of War,TormentedWar is ugly and as the Kingdom suffer violence and the violent take it by force according to Matt 11:12 there will be casualties. Are you a POW of war or are yoThe Combat Zone, 25 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe Combat ZoneThis segment is about our combat in the spirit and how and when to use our weapons of warfare and what those weapons are. Even as their are differnt branches and tatics of warfare in each branch so it is in the Kingdom of God. Is our weapon a M16 or are you a snipper? Is your warfare in the Air or on the ground.. We will discover this as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.. 01:00:00The Word Revealednocombat weapons warfare,revelation knowledgeThis segment is about our combat in the spirit and how and when to use our weapons of warfare and what those weapons are. Even as their are differnt branches anSpiritual Warfare- Living The Life Of a Solider!, 18 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTSpiritual Warfare- Living The Life Of a Solider!This topic is about how to live a solider's life during our times of warfare. David not only lived a life of a King but that of a solider who served King Saul and his nation. Join us as we discover how important it is to know our position in times of warfare as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed. 01:00:00The Word RevealednoSpiritual Warfare,Solider,weapon,knowledgeThis topic is about how to live a solider's life during our times of warfare. David not only lived a life of a King but that of a solider who served King Saul aThe Gifts of The Spirit Pt 1, 03 Jun 2013 00:30:00 GMTThe Gifts of The Spirit Pt 1 How many of us are saved and yet do not know about the Gifts of the Spirit.? Do you know the Gifts of the Spirit come in three ? Do you know how they operate? Do you know there are nine Gifts?  How do these gifts function according to the Word Of God? We will look into the Gifts of the Spirit and indentify them so you might learn which of the three you may have in your life as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed. 01:20:00The Word RevealednoLove,Gifts,Three,Nine,OperationHow many of us are saved and yet do not know about the Gifts of the Spirit.? Do you know the Gifts of the Spirit come in three ? Do you know how they operate?Behold I Give Unto You Power, 20 May 2013 00:30:00 GMTBehold I Give Unto You PowerIn Luke: 10:19 it say's Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents, and scorpions and over all power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Will we closely examine the depths of this scripture and reveal the power we have over the powers of hell as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed. 01:24:00The Word RevealednoPower,serpents,scorpions,Tread,enemyIn Luke: 10:19 it say's Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents, and scorpions and over all power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt youFusion, 18 May 2013 00:30:00 GMTFusionWe often make our decisions based on how we feel or what we think. There are very few people who move according to fusion. We all fuse with somehting or someone during our life time. There is fusion in the scriptures but who stops to see it as fusion. We will look into fusion and see how we can learn and better our relationship with Christ as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:23:00The Word RevealednoAbiding,Christ,Decisions,Leading,GuidingWe often make our decisions based on how we feel or what we think. There are very few people who move according to fusion. We all fuse with somehting or someoneThe Spirit Of Nimrod, 13 May 2013 00:30:00 GMTThe Spirit Of NimrodThe bible tells us that a man name nimrod wanted to build a tower to go upward. What does this tower mean? This was so important to God until He allowed it to be written in the bible. We will take a look at the importance of the tower of babel as the word is revealed on The Word Revealed.01:16:00The Word RevealednoTower,Babel,Upward,Rebellion,Man-MadeThe bible tells us that a man name nimrod wanted to build a tower to go upward. What does this tower mean? This was so important to God until He allowed it to bEarthen Vessels Pt 2, 06 May 2013 00:30:00 GMTEarthen Vessels Pt 2Last week we discovered how valuable we are as earthen vessels this Sunday will will look at the difference in being an earthen vessel and a worldy vessels as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:23:00The Word RevealednoEarthen,Worldy,Systems of the world,Man Made Laws,Embedded TreasuresLast week we discovered how valuable we are as earthen vessels this Sunday will will look at the difference in being an earthen vessel and a worldy vessels as tEarthen Vessels Pt 1, 29 Apr 2013 00:30:00 GMTEarthen Vessels Pt 1Man was made from the dust of the earth and God put His breath in us which is His life. Why is it we allow everything and everyone else to tell us the value of who we are? Our very life is valued at the price of money we receive every month or work for daily. Who can really pay for the value of you? No one on this earth can because Jesus already demonstrated the value of us. Come and hear about how much value is in you as an earthen vessel as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed this coming Sunday night 7:30 P.M. Central Time.01:10:00The Word RevealednoEarthen,vessels,Priceless,Valuable,LifeMan was made from the dust of the earth and God put His breath in us which is His life. Why is it we allow everything and everyone else to tell us the value ofPurpose Vs. Motives, 15 Apr 2013 00:30:00 GMTPurpose Vs. MotivesDo you know that being motive driven is the biggest enemy in the church and outside the church? Many people take on positions in the church for motives not purpose. Many of us go to college or get a job or career because of motive. What about purpose? When is the last time your life, or thoughts where filled with purpose? Come and hear how we have been tricked into thinking that our motive driven life is essential in life as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:11:00The Word RevealednoPurpose,Motives,Disernment,Flesh,SpiritDo you know that being motive driven is the biggest enemy in the church and outside the church? Many people take on positions in the church for motives not purpRedemption And The Redeemed Pt 2, 01 Apr 2013 01:30:00 GMTRedemption And The Redeemed Pt 2Adam and Eve fell from a good place in God not a perfect place. Everything God created was Good but not perfect. They where told if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they would die, and yet Adam and Eve lived on and brought forth Cain and Abel. How could this be? God told them they would die! How could they continue to live on?  We will discover why as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:03:00The Word RevealednoRedemtion,Redeemed,Adam,Eve,Cain and AbelAdam and Eve fell from a good place in God not a perfect place. Everything God created was Good but not perfect. They where told if they ate from the tree of knRedemption And The Redeemed Pt 1, 25 Mar 2013 01:30:00 GMTRedemption And The Redeemed Pt 1Adam and Eve fell from a good place in God not a perfect place. Everything God created was Good but not perfect. They where told if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they would die, and yet Adam and Eve lived on and brought forth Cain and Abel. How could this be? God told them they would die! How could they continue to live on?  We will discover why as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:21:00The Word RevealednoRedemtion,Redeemed,Adam,Eve,Cain and AbelAdam and Eve fell from a good place in God not a perfect place. Everything God created was Good but not perfect. They where told if they ate from the tree of knPower Over The Kingdom's Of The Earth, 18 Mar 2013 00:30:00 GMTPower Over The Kingdom's Of The EarthMan was made in the image of Christ and through the word of God man had and has dominion in the earth. We will explore the different Kingdom's of the earth and see the power we have over those kingdom's as the word is revealed on The Word Revealed.01:11:00The Word RevealednoEarth,Kingdom Of God,Power,Man,DominionMan was made in the image of Christ and through the word of God man had and has dominion in the earth. We will explore the different Kingdom's of the earth andDual Citizenship, 11 Mar 2013 01:30:00 GMTDual CitizenshipHow can you be in two places at one time? Some people in lthe bible had dual citizenship and used it wisely. We will look at how Paul fits this description and how He used both citizenship's to fulfill his purpose and  destiny in his ministry. Are you using your dual citizenship wisely? We will see how Paul used his as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed..01:06:00The Word RevealednoApostle,Paul,Dual,Citizenship,Kingdom Of GodHow can you be in two places at one time? Some people in lthe bible had dual citizenship and used it wisely. We will look at how Paul fits this description andAmbassadors Of Christ, 01 Mar 2013 01:30:00 GMTAmbassadors Of ChristJesus prayed that we would be kept from the evil in the world in John Chapter 17. We will take a look at what it means to be an Ambassador of Christ and to be kept from the evil in the world as the word is revealed on The Word Revealed01:25:00The Word RevealednoAmbassador,Kingdom,Prayed,Christ,WorldJesus prayed that we would be kept from the evil in the world in John Chapter 17. We will take a look at what it means to be an Ambassador of Christ and to be kYe have not chosen Me, 25 Feb 2013 02:30:00 GMTYe have not chosen MeJesus said that we did not chose Him but He has chosen us we will discover the importance of being chosen for without Him we can do nothing John 15:5.01:09:00The Word Revealednochosen,Kingdom,Word,Reveal,VesselJesus said that we did not chose Him but He has chosen us we will discover the importance of being chosen for without Him we can do nothing John 15:5.The Compass, The Navigator, and The Anchor Pt 2, 30 Jan 2013 01:30:00 GMTThe Compass, The Navigator, and The Anchor Pt 2Are you wondering through life with no specific direction or purpose? Do you know why you are here in the earth? Most of us just accept whatever life throws at us and never challenge our circumstances or situations. Come and hear that life is more than survival and acceptance of situations and circumstances as the word is revealed on The Word Revealed tonight @ 7:30 P.M. Central Standard Time01:14:00The Word RevealednoCompass,Navigator,Anchor,Purpose,DirectionAre you wondering through life with no specific direction or purpose? Do you know why you are here in the earth? Most of us just accept whatever life throws atThe Compass, The Navigator, and The Anchor Pt 1, 29 Jan 2013 01:30:00 GMTThe Compass, The Navigator, and The Anchor Pt 1The Seas and the Winds of Life can cause many people to shipwreck or lose total and complete control of their lives. Are you sailing through your life without purpose, guidance, or direction?  Do you know why you where born here in the earth? "The grave yard is the richest place on earth" according to Dr Myles Munroe For in the grave yard is all types of potential, talents, and people with purpose that never entered or acheived the purpose of their earthly destination. Don't be a grave yard treasure come and hear how you have purpose and destiny in your life as the word of God is revealed on The Word Revealed tonight at 7:30 P.M. Central Standard Time.01:13:00The Word RevealednoCompass,Navigator,Anchor,Purpose,DirectionThe Seas and the Winds of Life can cause many people to shipwreck or lose total and complete control of their lives. Are you sailing through your life without pAaron's Rod, 17 Jan 2013 01:30:00 GMTAaron's RodIn the days of Moses their was bickering going on concerning who would be the High Priest of Israel. God gave Moses the solution through a dead branch that was not connected to any type of tree. Have you ever felt like a dead branch not connected to anything or anyone? Come and hear the good news about yourself as we discover what the dead branch means and how we do belong to someone and something more powerful than life itself as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:07:00The Word RevealednoMoses,Bickering,Branch,Powerful,High PriestIn the days of Moses their was bickering going on concerning who would be the High Priest of Israel. God gave Moses the solution through a dead branch that wasCulture Shock, 10 Jan 2013 01:30:00 GMTCulture ShockMany times when people in the military are deployed to other nations they go through what is known as culture shock. Because as American's we are use to liberty and freedom of speech and that is not always the case in other nations. So when these brave men and women are deployed to others nations it is hard to grasp the concept of different cultures, and their beliefs and lifestyles. When we are born again it is hard for us to grasp the concept of the Kingdom of God. Many leaders of the church have made the word of God of none affect for the lack of understanding that God's Kingdom is not of this world. Come and hear how the Kingdom of God has absolutely nothing to do with democracy or the life of the flesh as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:09:00The Word RevealednoCulture,Kingdom Of God,Democracy,Shock,LifestylesMany times when people in the military are deployed to other nations they go through what is known as culture shock. Because as American's we are use to libertyCulture Shock, 08 Jan 2013 01:30:00 GMTCulture ShockMany times when people in the military are deployed to other nations they go through what is known as culture shock. Because as American's we are use to liberty and freedom of speech and that is not always the case in other nations. So when these brave men and women are deployed to others nations it is hard to grasp the concept of different cultures, and their beliefs and lifestyles. When we are born again it is hard for us to grasp the concept of the Kingdom of God. Many leaders of the church have made the word of God of none affect for the lack of understanding that God's Kingdom is not of this world. Come and hear how the Kingdom of God has absolutely nothing to do with democracy or the life of the flesh as the scriptures are revealed on The Word Revealed.01:14:00The Word RevealednoCulture,Kingdom Of God,Democracy,Shock,LifestylesMany times when people in the military are deployed to other nations they go through what is known as culture shock. Because as American's we are use to libertyAbortion And Miscarriages, 28 Dec 2012 01:30:00 GMTAbortion And MiscarriagesThere are many advocates in the Christian Community who are against Abortion. These types of Clinics all over America are an unwelcomed sight within our nation for many advocating killing children. Miscarriages are tragic for those who wish to have children and cannot. Yet we never look into the Spiritual Abortions and Miscarriages that take place all the time and yet we never think anything of it. Come and hear how we do not notice that spiritual abortions are taking place within the church and spiritual miscarriages are happeining to God's people as we will learn and hear about on The Word Revealed Dec 27, 2012 @ 7:30 Central Time.01:10:00The Word RevealednoAbortion,Miscarriages,Spiritual Wickendess,Chrisitans,SheepThere are many advocates in the Christian Community who are against Abortion. These types of Clinics all over America are an unwelcomed sight within our nationOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 3, 13 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 3We will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus did more than just die for our sins, He fulfilled prophecy from the book of Psalms all the way to the prophets concerning His sufferings. Probably for many for the first time in your life  you will see Jesus in a whole brand new light, instead of seeing Him through the teaching and preaching of sin issues. This new insight will show you more than just sin. If you are tired of seeing Jesus as nothing more than suffering for your sin's then this topic is a must hear issue. Come and hear what Jesus did for the church as a whole and you individually on The Word Revealed. 01:10:00The Word RevealednoCruxifiction,Blood,Water,Piercing,SufferingsWe will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus didOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 2, 12 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 2We will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus did more than just die for our sins, He fulfilled prophecy from the book of Psalms all the way to the prophets concerning His sufferings. Probably for many for the first time in your life  you will see Jesus in a whole brand new light, instead of seeing Him through the teaching and preaching of sin issues. This new insight will show you more than just sin. If you are tired of seeing Jesus as nothing more than suffering for your sin's then this topic is a must hear issue. Come and hear what Jesus did for the church as a whole and you individually on The Word Revealed. 01:09:00The Word RevealednoCruxifiction,Blood,Water,Piercing,SufferingsWe will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus didOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 1, 11 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTOut Of His Side Came Blood and Water 1We will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus did more than just die for our sins, He fulfilled prophecy from the book of Psalms all the way to the prophets concerning His sufferings. Probably for many for the first time in your life  you will see Jesus in a whole brand new light, instead of seeing Him through the teaching and preaching of sin issues. This new insight will show you more than just sin. If you are tired of seeing Jesus as nothing more than suffering for your sin's then this topic is a must hear issue. Come and hear what Jesus did for the church as a whole and you individually on The Word Revealed. 01:11:00The Word RevealednoCruxifiction,Blood,Water,Piercing,SufferingsWe will look at the cruxifiction of Jesus as never before. We will see what His physical body suffered and how that relates to the church being born. Jesus didDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses III, 06 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses IIIThe topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to the Holy of Holies. This topic will not be about Jesus in the tabernacle but finding us in the tabernacle. You are going to be amazed and astonished at how God saw down into our present day through the tabernacle of Moses. Come and hear how your salvation was designed along with your lifestyle and manifestation of kingdom living all in the tabernacle of Moses. 01:07:00The Word RevealednoTabernacle,Moses,Gate,Outer Court,Holy of HoliesThe topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to theDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses II, 05 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses IIThe topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to the Holy of Holies. This topic will not be about Jesus in the tabernacle but finding us in the tabernacle. You are going to be amazed and astonished at how God saw down into our present day through the tabernacle of Moses. Come and hear how your salvation was designed along with your lifestyle and manifestation of kingdom living all in the tabernacle of Moses. 01:17:00The Word RevealednoTabernacle,Moses,Gate,Outer Court,Holy of HoliesThe topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to theDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses PT1, 04 Dec 2012 00:30:00 GMTDiscovering Us In The Tabernacle Of Moses PT1The topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to the Holy of Holies. This topic will not be completely about Jesus in the tabernacle but finding the church in the tabernacle. You are going to be amazed and astonished at how God saw down into our present day through the tabernacle of Moses. Come and hear how your salvation was designed along with your lifestyle and manifestation of kingdom living all in the tabernacle of Moses. 01:15:00The Word RevealednoTabernacle,Moses,Gate,Outer Court,Holy of HoliesThe topic is about the foreshadowing of us in salvation and manifestation. We will start from the  gate, to the outer court of the tabernacle all the way to theSpiritual Deafness II, 29 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTSpiritual Deafness IIThis is about the spritual deafness that has plagued the church as a whole. We no longer hear God but men who come in their own names. Have we forgotten the name of Jesus just so men and women can look upon us instead of God? Have we become so self engulfed until we can no longer hear the Lord in our lives? We hear sermons and read the word but do we really hear what thus saith the Lord? Come and hear how Jesus came to give sight to the blind and open the ears of those who are deaf as the scriptures come to life on The Word Revealed..01:01:00The Word RevealednoJesus,Deafness,Healings,Natural Ears,Spiritual EarsThis is about the spritual deafness that has plagued the church as a whole. We no longer hear God but men who come in their own names. Have we forgotten the namSpiritual Deafness, 28 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTSpiritual DeafnessThis is about the spritual deafness that has plagued the church as a whole. We no longer hear God but men who come in their own names. Have we forgotten the name of Jesus just so men and women can look upon us instead of God? Have we become so self engulfed until we can no longer hear the Lord in our lives? We hear sermons and read the word but do we really hear what thus saith the Lord? Come and hear how Jesus came to give sight to the blind and open the ears of those who are deaf as the scriptures come to life on The Word Revealed..01:10:00The Word RevealednoDeafness,Spiritual Hearing,Natural Hearing,Healing,JesusThis is about the spritual deafness that has plagued the church as a whole. We no longer hear God but men who come in their own names. Have we forgotten the namInside Out, Not Outside In, 27 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTInside Out, Not Outside InThis is about our salvation and when and how we receive the Holy Spirit in our bodies. The Holy Spirit is there to lead us into the Kingdom of God. We no longer walk in the flesh but should be taught by one of the ministries of the five fold how to walk in the spirit. The Holy Spirit then reveals the will of the Father to us in our hearts. We will look at how we grow from babies in the Lord to full mature Sons of God. 01:16:00The Word RevealednoSalvation,Holy Spirit,Kingdom Of God,Babies,Son-ShipThis is about our salvation and when and how we receive the Holy Spirit in our bodies. The Holy Spirit is there to lead us into the Kingdom of God. We no longerChosen Out Of The World II, 21 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTChosen Out Of The World IIDo you know that if you are saved that you have been chosen out of this world? The world is not the earth but the systems that dominates our life and lifestyles. Jesus prayed a prayer that we would not be taken out of the world but kept in it. We will take a close look at the Kingdom of God and how it differs from the systems of this world. You will be shocked and amazed at how we have been blinded to the truth. Come hear God reveal His purpose for us being in the earth and how we can affect the world and it's systems on The Word Revealed.01:19:00The Word RevealednoFruit,World,Chosen,Kingdom,Spirit-RealmDo you know that if you are saved that you have been chosen out of this world? The world is not the earth but the systems that dominates our life and lifestylesChosen Out Of The World, 20 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTChosen Out Of The WorldDo you know that if you are saved that you have been chosen out of this world? The world is not the earth but the systems that dominates our life and lifestyles. Jesus prayed a prayer that we would not be taken out of the world but kept in it. We will take a close look at the Kingdom of God and how it differs from the systems of this world. You will be shocked and amazed at how we have been blinded to the truth. Come hear God reveal His purpose for us being in the earth and how we can affect the world and it's systems on The Word Revealed.01:10:00The Word RevealednoFruit,World,Chosen,Kingdom,Spirit-RealmDo you know that if you are saved that you have been chosen out of this world? The world is not the earth but the systems that dominates our life and lifestylesReligion VS. Relationship Pt III, 15 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTReligion VS. Relationship Pt IIIMany times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relationship is not about sin but love. We do not marry one another because of each others faults but what we see and find good and loving in our soul mate. Come join us as we discover that religion has nothing to do with our relationship in Christ. 01:01:00The Word RevealednoRelationship,Ceremony,Religion,Salvation,ChristMany times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relatReligion VS. Relationship Pt II, 14 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTReligion VS. Relationship Pt IIMany times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relationship is not about sin but love. We do not marry one another because of each others faults but what we see and find good and loving in our soul mate. Come join us as we discover that religion has nothing to do with our relationship in Christ. 01:00:00The Word RevealednoRelationship,Ceremony,Religion,Salvation,ChristMany times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relatReligion VS. Relationship Pt 1, 13 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTReligion VS. Relationship Pt 1Many times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relationship is not about sin but love. We do not marry one another because of each others faults but what we see and find good and loving in our soul mate. Come join us as we discover that religion has nothing to do with our relationship in Christ. 01:01:00The Word RevealednoRelationship,Ceremony,Religion,Salvation,ChristMany times salvation is nothing more than a religious ceremony because of how we are taught so much about sin. Yes Jesus did truly die for ours sins but a relatThe Characteristics Of Christ Pt 3, 08 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTThe Characteristics Of Christ Pt 3What made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way more unique about Jesus character than just a sin issue. We will explore why Jesus character stood out among any other in His time. Come and join us as the character of Jesus is revealed on The Word Revealed..01:01:00The Word RevealednoChrist,Character,unique,Sin,His TimeWhat made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way moThe Characteristics Of Christ Pt 2, 07 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTThe Characteristics Of Christ Pt 2What made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way more unique about Jesus character than just a sin issue. We will explore why Jesus character stood out among any other in His time. Come and join us as the character of Jesus is revealed on The Word Revealed..01:00:00The Word RevealednoChrist,Character,unique,Sin,His TimeWhat made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way moThe Characteristics Of Christ, 06 Nov 2012 01:30:00 GMTThe Characteristics Of ChristWhat made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way more unique about Jesus character than just a sin issue. We will explore why Jesus character stood out among any other in His time. Come and join us as the character of Jesus is revealed on The Word Revealed..00:59:00The Word RevealednoChrist,Character,unique,Sin,His TimeWhat made Jesus character stand out above and beyond the fact of dying for ours sins. I know the church teaches and preaches that but there was something way moMetamorphosis Process III, 01 Nov 2012 00:30:00 GMTMetamorphosis Process III In this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saved but never enter into the spirit of their salvation. True salvation is a heart issue not a religious one. Come join us on the Word Revealed as the scriptures are unfolded and our minds our enlightened through the meaning of true salvation as the Word is Revealed.   01:00:00The Word RevealednoSalvation,Spirit,Heart,Mind,enlightenedIn this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saMetamorphosis Process PT 2, 31 Oct 2012 00:30:00 GMTMetamorphosis Process PT 2 In this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saved but never enter into the spirit of their salvation. True salvation is a heart issue not a religious one. Come join us on the Word Revealed as the scriptures are unfolded and our minds our enlightened through the meaning of true salvation as the Word is Revealed.   00:56:00The Word RevealednoSalvation,Spirit,Heart,Mind,enlightenedIn this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saMetamorphosis Process, 30 Oct 2012 00:30:00 GMTMetamorphosis Process In this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saved but never enter into the spirit of their salvation. True salvation is a heart issue not a religious one. Come join us on the Word Revealed as the scriptures are unfolded and our minds our enlightened through the meaning of true salvation as the Word is Revealed.   00:56:00The Word RevealednoSalvation,Spirit,Heart,Mind,enlightenedIn this week's broadcast we will discover not only salvation of the flesh but of the spirit. We will learn the difference in the two and how many people are saIndependence Day, 24 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTIndependence Day This is about our Independence and how it is used toward the Kingdom of God. We will talk a little about Democracy verses the Kingdom of God and how misunderstood God's intentions are for mankind. Join us on the Word Revealed as we focus on the plan of God in for our lives. 00:58:00The Word RevealednoIndependence,Kingdom,Democracy,Choices,Free-willThis is about our Independence and how it is used toward the Kingdom of God. We will talk a little about Democracy verses the Kingdom of God and how misunderstIndependence Day, 23 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTIndependence Day This is about our Independence and how it is used toward the Kingdom of God. We will talk a little about Democracy verses the Kingdom of God and how misunderstood God's intentions are for mankind. Join us on the Word Revealed as we focus on the plan of God in our lives. 00:57:00The Word RevealednoIndependence,Kingdom,Democracy,Choices,Free-willThis is about our Independence and how it is used toward the Kingdom of God. We will talk a little about Democracy verses the Kingdom of God and how misunderstA Living Sacrifice, 18 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTA Living Sacrifice Welcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chicken and the pig and learn the value of relationship with Christ and what it entails.     00:32:00The Word RevealednoChicken,Pig,Bacon,Sacrafice,OfferingWelcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chicA Living Sacrifice, 17 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTA Living Sacrifice Welcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chicken and the pig and learn the value of relationship with Christ and what it entails.     00:31:00The Word RevealednoChicken,Pig,Bacon,Sacrafice,OfferingWelcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chicA Living Sacrifice, 16 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTA Living Sacrifice Welcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chicken and the pig and learn the value of relationship with Christ and what it entails.     00:31:00The Word RevealednoPig,Chicken,Bacon,Sacrifice,OfferingWelcome to The Word Revealed we will talk about giving ourselves to the Lord fully and knowing who we are in Christ. We will talk about a story called the chic