Don Tomas Show Royce Roy Dominguez and Tomas Estrada-Palma discuss current eventsenCopyright Tomas Estrada-Palma (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:30:00 GMTSat, 28 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMTPoliticsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Tomas Show Royce Roy Dominguez and Tomas Estrada-Palma discuss current eventsfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics,cuba,castro,estrada-palma,exposed,havana,tomas estradapalma,don royce roy,freedom,tomas e plamaTomXsnoDon Royce Roy Dominguez and Tomas Estrada-Palma discuss current eventsepisodicThe CIA Heroin Epidemic, 28 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe CIA Heroin EpidemicMaryland Governor Larry Hogan wants to fight Heroin. He has quite a bit of work to do. That heroin is simply flooding out of Afghanistan daily. In fact, this is the biggest drug epidemic America has seen since the 1980's cocaine/crack epidemic while the CIA was helping those Contras down there in South America where the cocaine is grown from the coca plant then processes for delivery to America by the plane load. That crack scourge rivaled the old heroin epidemic in the 1960's and 1970's when the drug mostly came from Southeast Asia where by coincidence America just happened to be fighting a war with Vietnam keeping the world free from the communists playing dominoes or something like that if I recall correctly. Here's an idea. Now I don't want to tell the generals how to fight their wars and such but every place our military fights that happens to produce illegal drugs ends up flooding those drugs into our country. My humble suggestion is if you want to fight a drug war wouldn't it be better to do it right where you already have our military? I noticed on FOX Geraldo did a story about our GI's protecting the poppy crop so those Taliban don't get at it. It worked too because it all turned up on the streets of America where we hardly have any of those Taliban. Now if we could only find out who snatched the tons of refined product when the military obviously must have been preoccupied fighting the Taliban. Then we could really put a stop to this latest heroin outbreak. Maybe you might share this broadcast so that it could make it's way to the military leaders who obviously haven't noticed that right where they are always are fighting, narcotics are found as well then they find their way to America somehow. Maybe Blogtalk will permit this broadcast. 01:28:00TomXsnoMaryland Governor Larry Hogan wants to fight Heroin. He has quite a bit of work to do. That heroin is simply flooding out of Afghanistan daily. In fact, this isDon and Tomas Discuss the Next False Flag, 21 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMTDon and Tomas Discuss the Next False FlagThere is a core group of criminals within our government that is engaging in open criminal activity as if it won't matter in the very near future. So we pose the question, why? Why would the Justice Department give guns to Mexican drug gangs? Why would the IRS openly target political opponents of the regime? Why is the CIA and its allies openly funding ISIS, formerly Al Qaeda which they created in the first place? The concerning aspect is why aren't the perpitrators worried about being prosecuted? One answer is they have an enormous false flag planned for later this year that will make everything irrelevant. So call in and pick your poison. Will it be a nuclear false flag and if so which city or cities will be hit? How about Ebola? An EMP? Etc. Besides what kind of attack and where it might be launched, gives Don and Tomas your best guess as to who the traitors will blame this time. Will it be cave Arabs again? How about the CIA's mercenary army, ISIS? Of course the Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! They even made a funny movie with that title years ago when I was a kid. Give us your best educated guess and your reasons why. 01:35:00TomXsnoThere is a core group of criminals within our government that is engaging in open criminal activity as if it won't matter in the very near future. So we pose thValentines Day with Don and Tomas, 14 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMTValentines Day with Don and TomasCall in and tell us what's on your mind. You pick the topic especially the ladies. 01:39:00TomXsnoCall in and tell us what's on your mind. You pick the topic especially the ladies.A Replacement Economic System, 06 Feb 2015 23:00:00 GMTA Replacement Economic SystemOkay here's deal. Humans have been a human labor based economic system from our very beginnings. However, all of the top minds are pondering a growing problem that is only going to get worse. Artificially intelligent machine are slowly but increasingly accelerating their replacement of human labor. Soon you will no longer have jobs in the fastfood joints because these jobs all will be done by robots. In fact we are currently training the robot cashiers at Safeway everytime we scan and process our own check out sans human contact. The robot even talks to you and thanks you always reminding you to come back again which bored, tired human employees often forget to do. So what's to become of we few billions human beings now that we're no longer needed by the rulers for our labor? I'm sad to report that we are scheduled for elimination. Already the poisons placed into our food, drink, medicine and more have reduced the birth rate. Add to this the millions of abortion mostly motivated by economic privations caused by the rulers as well as the secret sterilizations and it's clear what is to become of us. So the rulers have proven their plan by murdering procreation before it can even happen and done this is secret. What a world what a world and their ugly wickedness. It doesn't have to be this way. Change from a human labor funded society to a land based funding system. If all human labor and the things which that labor becomes, except the land itself, are tax free then humans can survive and thrive quite comfortably keeping themselves busy around the home/garden. With no tax on labor, houses or other stuff our labor has purchased we all don't even need a job. Our jobs would be to mind our families, homes, gardens and neighborhoods. So the top psyco rulers need not murder us if they simply leave us alone. And we'll leave them alone to play with their robots. That's our counter offer. Take it or else. 01:40:00TomXsnoOkay here's deal. Humans have been a human labor based economic system from our very beginnings. However, all of the top minds are pondering a growing problem tGetting Healthy, 30 Jan 2015 23:00:00 GMTGetting HealthyEveryday Americans are bombarded by multiple government approved toxins in our food, drink, medicine, etc. Don and Tomas have been warning our fellow citizens for years about corruption, treason and whatnot but the message is just not getting through. Why? It's because the body and brain of so many Americans has been overwhelmed by poisons designed to debilitate the body, mind and at the end of the line the spirit - the soul. So Don and Tomas thought it might be a good idea to discuss cleaning up our act from these brain and body numbing elixers that have rendered so many of you to mere numbskulls who'll believe anything from a TV set. Ask yourselves this question. When someone warns you of the deadly, debilitating effects of vaccines, fluoride, aspartame, GMO, etc. do you ponder and weigh that information or do you ignore, ridicule and chastise the person? Tune in Friday at 6PM and hopefully tune out your mind programmers and poison pushers in government and industry getting rich and powerful making you sick and dead. 01:33:00TomXsnoEveryday Americans are bombarded by multiple government approved toxins in our food, drink, medicine, etc. Don and Tomas have been warning our fellow citizens fCrimes of the CIA, 23 Jan 2015 23:00:00 GMTCrimes of the CIAWhile the majority of employees at the CIA are well intentioned, compartmentalized dupes, top officials at the agency are filthy, treasonous criminals that need to be prosecuted. The same goes for its sister agencies like DEA, AFT, NSA, etc. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? You can call up to give Don and Tom your take on this topic. Previous listeners of the show may think we're all real angry because of the screaming and whatnot. But angry we're not. We're just Cubans. 01:38:00TomXsnoCIAWhile the majority of employees at the CIA are well intentioned, compartmentalized dupes, top officials at the agency are filthy, treasonous criminals that needDon and Tomas Parler, 17 Jan 2015 23:00:00 GMTDon and Tomas ParlerDon says Scacred Blue! Tomas agrees! Doesn't anybody else find it ironic that the French march in the streets calling for free speech as their government increases restrictions on free speech? This combined with all the evidense that the Paris attack was at least facilitated by western establishment players - most likely elements of MOSAD, CIA and French Intelligence. Call in and tell us what you think about this and also the relaxing of the imbargo with Cuba. 01:44:00TomXsnoDon says Scacred Blue! Tomas agrees! Doesn't anybody else find it ironic that the French march in the streets calling for free speech as their government increaHappy New Year From Don and Tomas!!!, 03 Jan 2015 23:00:00 GMTHappy New Year From Don and Tomas!!! As we say goodbye to 2014 and perhaps good riddence, we welcome 2015 in warily. If you haven't caught on yet that you're being fed a load of bull constantly then you're a member of the flu shot generation whatever your age. You drink from the fluoridated tap and the aspartamed bottle but can't comprehend why you're so fat, tired and sickly. How about wising up in the new year? If living is a struggle that ain't no way to live. Instead of struggling we work hard to make it happen. But before you can turn your life around you must realize you are a bug in the opinion of our rulers who treat you that way if you go along with them and their ways. Break out of your programming in 2015 with Don and Tomas live and uncensored. 00:17:00TomXsnoDon Tomas,Cuba,New World OrderAs we say goodbye to 2014 and perhaps good riddence, we welcome 2015 in warily. If you haven't caught on yet that you're being fed a load of bull constantly thNSA Spying Didn't Save the NY Cops, 27 Dec 2014 23:00:00 GMTNSA Spying Didn't Save the NY CopsRemember, the NSA said they were spying on us but that was to keep us safe? Were those two dead NY cops kept safe by NSA spying? Remember that the killer of the NY cops posted what he was planning to do hours before he did it? Yet somehow the NSA collected that data but never warned the New York City Police Department. Why? 01:38:00TomXsnoRemember, the NSA said they were spying on us but that was to keep us safe? Were those two dead NY cops kept safe by NSA spying? Remember that the killer of thCuba After The Banksters Invasion, 20 Dec 2014 23:00:00 GMTCuba After The Banksters InvasionDon and Tomas discuss the ramifications of Obama's moves on Cuba. Tune in and tell us what you think. 01:45:00TomXsnoDon and Tomas discuss the ramifications of Obama's moves on Cuba. Tune in and tell us what you think.Don and Tomas - Cuban Americans Won't Go For This Nonsense Again, 13 Dec 2014 23:00:00 GMTDon and Tomas - Cuban Americans Won't Go For This Nonsense AgainThe two Cuban amigos are kicking butt and naming names. Tune in at 6 PM Saturday with your questions and comments.Cuban Americans will rise up to lead our fellow Americans out of this social morass because we've seen this before and we damn sure aren't going there again! We especially want to hear from you average communist dupes who feel the crooked government will make us equal. One tip for the police. During the communist revolution in Cuba the police were lined up against a wall and shot. So don't be fed a fake narrative that aides another banker backed socialist revolutionary who admits he want to transform America. 01:28:00TomXsnoThe two Cuban amigos are kicking butt and naming names. Tune in at 6 PM Saturday with your questions and comments.Cuban Americans will rise up to lead our felloDon and Tomas back in the saddle again., 06 Dec 2014 23:30:00 GMTDon and Tomas back in the saddle again.Don Royce Roy Dominquez and Tomas Estrada-Palma let you know what's been going on. 01:37:00TomXsnoDon Royce Roy Dominquez and Tomas Estrada-Palma let you know what's been going on.Cuba Exposed, 19 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Tomas Estrada-Palma,Don Royce Roy,Castro,FreedomCubaCuba Exposed, 12 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMTCuba ExposedDon and Tom back from Hobnobbing with our fellow wizards. 01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaDon and Tom back from Hobnobbing with our fellow wizards.Cuba Exposed, 21 Sep 2009 00:00:00 GMTCuba ExposedDon and Tom back from Hobnobbing with our fellow wizards. 01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaDon and Tom back from Hobnobbing with our fellow wizards.cuba exposed, 03 Aug 2009 00:30:00 GMTcuba exposedthe forth branch of u.s. gov01:30:00TomXsnocuba,tomas e plama,don royce roy,freedom,libertathe forth branch of u.s. govcuba exposed, 20 Jul 2009 00:30:00 GMTcuba exposedthe forth branch of u.s. gov01:30:00TomXsnocuba,tomas e plama,don royce roy,freedom,libertathe forth branch of u.s. govcuba exposed, 13 Jul 2009 00:30:00 GMTcuba exposedthe forth branch of u.s. gov01:30:00TomXsnocuba,tomas e plama,don royce roy,freedom,libertathe forth branch of u.s. govCuba Exposed, 22 Jun 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedAudit the Federal Reserve Board! Then close the den of vipers down!!!01:30:00TomXsnocuba,tomas estrada-plama,don royce roy,freedom,libertyAudit the Federal Reserve Board! Then close the den of vipers down!!!Cuba Exposed, 15 Jun 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedThe fourth branch of government. Stop being scare seperately. Lets hang together and defend one another against tyranical government. They are weak. NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE BACK FOR OUR FREEDOM!!!01:30:00TomXsnocuba,tomas e plama,don royce roy,freedom,libertyThe fourth branch of government. Stop being scare seperately. Lets hang together and defend one another against tyranical government. They are weak. NOW IS THECuba Exposed, 25 May 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 18 May 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedRevolt Now Cuba. Obviously, it looks like Americans will be doomed by their ignorance. Cubans understand what I am saying but are still under the control of the Castro boys. Please unite now then crush these tyrants. I am not sure how much longer I will be allowed to keep writing freely in America as we are now adopting the Castro model here in the states. Spread the word amigos...revolt now!!!01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaRevolt Now Cuba. Obviously, it looks like Americans will be doomed by their ignorance. Cubans understand what I am saying but are still under the control of theCuba Exposed, 11 May 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 04 May 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 27 Apr 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedMandemic - Tonight Tomas discusses the possibility that the flu outbreak is man made and why. Tune in tonight. 01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaMandemic - Tonight Tomas discusses the possibility that the flu outbreak is man made and why. Tune in tonight.Cuba Exposed, 20 Apr 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 13 Apr 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 06 Apr 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCorporate Welfare Capitalism is Not the Free Market!01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCorporate Welfare Capitalism is Not the Free Market!Cuba Exposed, 30 Mar 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedSurviving the economic depression and the social repression.01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaSurviving the economic depression and the social repression.Cuba Exposed, 23 Mar 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 16 Mar 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedTomas discusses his latest death threat by the spy who comments on his blog and listens to this broadcast. Evidently, the U.S. government is displeased when Tomas tells the truth.01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaTomas discusses his latest death threat by the spy who comments on his blog and listens to this broadcast. Evidently, the U.S. government is displeased when TomCuba Exposed, 09 Mar 2009 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 02 Mar 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCuba,Exposed,Castro,Havana,Estrada-PalmaCubaCuba Exposed, 09 Feb 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 02 Feb 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 26 Jan 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 19 Jan 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 12 Jan 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 05 Jan 2009 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba Exposed, 29 Dec 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 22 Dec 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCalm Before The Storm01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCalm Before The StormCuba Exposed, 15 Dec 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedRaul's Lame Spies01:30:00TomXsnoCubaRaul's Lame SpiesCuba Exposed, 08 Dec 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedSparking The Revolt And Firing Raul The Dolt01:30:00TomXsnoCubaSparking The Revolt And Firing Raul The DoltCuba Exposed, 01 Dec 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedFire Raul!01:30:00TomXsnoCubaFire Raul!Cuba Exposed, 24 Nov 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedSurviving The Coming Great Repression - The Free Range Slave Revolt News.01:30:00TomXsnoCubaSurviving The Coming Great Repression - The Free Range Slave Revolt News.Cuba Exposed, 17 Nov 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDrawing From Experience Into The Future!01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDrawing From Experience Into The Future!Cuba Exposed, 10 Nov 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 03 Nov 2008 01:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 27 Oct 2008 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 20 Oct 2008 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 13 Oct 2008 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedDeal/No Deal01:30:00TomXsnoCubaDeal/No DealCuba Exposed, 06 Oct 2008 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedEscaping the old Cuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaEscaping the old CubaCuba Exposed, 29 Sep 2008 00:30:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuba01:30:00TomXsnoCubaCubaTo be determined, 23 Jun 2008 01:00:00 GMTTo be determinedTo be determined02:00:00TomXsnoCubaTo be determinedTo be determined, 16 Jun 2008 01:00:00 GMTTo be determinedTo be determined02:00:00TomXsnoCubaTo be determinedCuba, 09 Jun 2008 01:00:00 GMTCubaCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCell Phones To Cuba, 26 May 2008 01:00:00 GMTCell Phones To CubaChinese General Tzu advises when the enemy leave a gate open, rush in and overwhelm him. The enemy Raul has said Cubans can have cell phones. What are you waiting for? Cell phones are information cluster bombs.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaChinese General Tzu advises when the enemy leave a gate open, rush in and overwhelm him. The enemy Raul has said Cubans can have cell phones. What are you waitiCuba Number Four, 19 May 2008 01:00:00 GMTCuba Number FourCuba has pulled to the fourth largest number of hit my blog receives. Something is going on there.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCuba has pulled to the fourth largest number of hit my blog receives. Something is going on there.War with Venezuela, 12 May 2008 01:00:00 GMTWar with VenezuelaHow will the overthrow of Hugo effect Cuba?02:00:00TomXsnoCubaHow will the overthrow of Hugo effect Cuba?Cuba, Computers & Currency, 05 May 2008 01:00:00 GMTCuba, Computers & CurrencyCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaArgument Or Evidence, 28 Apr 2008 01:00:00 GMTArgument Or EvidenceThere is a difference between the two. For Cuban exiles to be effective in information war they must understand the difference between the two. Because I can tell the difference Canadians, Europeans and others give this exile way more credibility than most other exiles. I care about the truth of the matter on everything - not just Cuba. Shouldn't you?02:00:00TomXsnoCubaThere is a difference between the two. For Cuban exiles to be effective in information war they must understand the difference between the two. Because I can teProtecting The New Cuba, 21 Apr 2008 01:00:00 GMTProtecting The New CubaCuba is changing but we must not let happen to Cuba what has become of the U.S. We must not allow Cuba to be exploited by the international banker cartel and their funny fiat inflated money system. We must eliminate all land hoarding and demand that in the future ALL Cubans own their time, body and money...not just the guys named Castro.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCuba is changing but we must not let happen to Cuba what has become of the U.S. We must not allow Cuba to be exploited by the international banker cartel and thGod Bless The U.S. Military, 31 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMTGod Bless The U.S. MilitaryThey have been protecting us since the days of George Washington. Tune in to Cuba Exposed and I will explain the whole treasonous plot that almost succeeded. Fortunately, one smart general recognized what was happening, took action and saved America from the evil ones who stabbed us in the back. This is great news which means I may be able to get back to dealing with Cuba again.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaThey have been protecting us since the days of George Washington. Tune in to Cuba Exposed and I will explain the whole treasonous plot that almost succeeded. FoProgramming Mass Ignorance, 24 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMTProgramming Mass IgnoranceCuba is important but the collectivist dogs have taken over America. We are surrounded now and we have a tough fight ahead. Tune in to find out who your enemy is so you'll have a fighting chance. We're all been so stupid - but not for much longer!02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCuba is important but the collectivist dogs have taken over America. We are surrounded now and we have a tough fight ahead. Tune in to find out who your enemy iWill Raul Castro Abdicate?, 17 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMTWill Raul Castro Abdicate?Will Raul flee the nation in the dead of night or will he die a death fit for a Romanian dictator?02:00:00TomXsnoCubaWill Raul flee the nation in the dead of night or will he die a death fit for a Romanian dictator?Cuban Frustration Building, 10 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMTCuban Frustration BuildingCubans are angry here and in Cuba. Governments need to get out of our way!02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubans are angry here and in Cuba. Governments need to get out of our way!Raul, 03 Mar 2008 02:00:00 GMTRaulRaul02:00:00TomXsnoCubaRaulBattle Plan To Free Cuba, 25 Feb 2008 02:00:00 GMTBattle Plan To Free CubaThere is only one path to a free Cuba...tune in.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaThere is only one path to a free Cuba...tune in.There ought to be a law., 18 Feb 2008 02:00:00 GMTThere ought to be a law.If you think the constitution is one's digestive process - you could be a collectivist...02:00:00TomXsnoCubaIf you think the constitution is one's digestive process - you could be a collectivist...Cuba Night, 11 Feb 2008 02:00:00 GMTCuba NightBreaking through.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaBreaking through.Castro's Bankers The Rothschilds, 04 Feb 2008 02:00:00 GMTCastro's Bankers The RothschildsCastro has been in power for so long because that is the way the banking cartel likes it.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCastro has been in power for so long because that is the way the banking cartel likes it.Vote For Ron Paul In Florida Primary, 28 Jan 2008 02:00:00 GMTVote For Ron Paul In Florida PrimaryI ask every Cuban exile to please vote for Ron Paul. I'm here to dispel any concerns you may have as a result of the main stream media's anti Paul campaign.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaI ask every Cuban exile to please vote for Ron Paul. I'm here to dispel any concerns you may have as a result of the main stream media's anti Paul campaign.The World Economic collapse and Cuba, 21 Jan 2008 02:00:00 GMTThe World Economic collapse and CubaCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaDon't Attack My Friends With Lies!!!, 14 Jan 2008 02:00:00 GMTDon't Attack My Friends With Lies!!!Say whatever you like about my friends and family but it better be true. If it is you will be doing me a big favor. But I do not let anyone attack my friends with lies. If you thought you were my friend but you attack my friends in this way - you could not be my friend. This includes those with misconceptions based on innuendos, smears and incomplete analysis of ALL THE FACTS! I need to "RETHINK" who my friends are in this fight and establish who will respect my friends and family. Listening to 02:00:00TomXsnoCubaSay whatever you like about my friends and family but it better be true. If it is you will be doing me a big favor. But I do not let anyone attack my friends wiKilling Castro With The Constitution, 07 Jan 2008 02:00:00 GMTKilling Castro With The ConstitutionCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaEliminating The Embargo Excuse, 31 Dec 2007 02:00:00 GMTEliminating The Embargo ExcuseGet more food and medicine to Cubans while making the Castro boys' miserable.02:00:00TomXsnoCubaGet more food and medicine to Cubans while making the Castro boys' miserable.Truth about Cuba, 24 Dec 2007 02:00:00 GMTTruth about CubaDon't call us migrants!!!02:00:00TomXsnoCubaDon't call us migrants!!!To be determined, 17 Dec 2007 02:00:00 GMTTo be determinedCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaTo be determined, 10 Dec 2007 02:00:00 GMTTo be determinedCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaTo be determined, 03 Dec 2007 02:00:00 GMTTo be determinedCuba02:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaFailed Cuban Military Exercises, 26 Nov 2007 02:00:00 GMTFailed Cuban Military ExercisesInformation from inside the Cuban military confirm the Cuban military is not a functioning unit. 02:00:00TomXsnoCubaInformation from inside the Cuban military confirm the Cuban military is not a functioning unit.To be determined, 19 Nov 2007 02:00:00 GMTTo be determinedCuba01:00:00TomXsnoCubaCubaCuba, 12 Nov 2007 02:00:00 GMTCubaTo Be Determined01:00:00TomXsyesCubaTo Be DeterminedCuba Exposed, 05 Nov 2007 02:00:00 GMTCuba ExposedCuban Government Propaganda - Change01:00:00TomXsnoCubaCuban Government Propaganda - ChangeBush Speech and Senile Fidel's, 29 Oct 2007 01:00:00 GMTBush Speech and Senile Fidel'sTo be determined01:00:00TomXsnoCubaTo be determinedTo be determined, 22 Oct 2007 01:00:00 GMTTo be determinedTo be determined01:00:00TomXsnoCubaTo be determinedTo be determined, 15 Oct 2007 01:00:00 GMTTo be determinedCuba will be free!01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioCuba will be free!Cuba Exposed, 08 Oct 2007 01:00:00 GMTCuba ExposedCall in about Cuba.01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioCall in about Cuba.Chinese Model? Hell no!, 01 Oct 2007 01:00:00 GMTChinese Model? Hell no!We say no way to Cuba adopting the Chinese slave model. Tomas and Dona...01:00:00TomXsnoCubaWe say no way to Cuba adopting the Chinese slave model. Tomas and Dona...Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona Soleangel, 24 Sep 2007 01:00:00 GMTTomas Estrada-Palma & Dona SoleangelBack online and raring to fight with the Castro boys.01:00:00TomXsnoCubaBack online and raring to fight with the Castro boys.Truth about Cuba, 10 Sep 2007 01:00:00 GMTTruth about CubaCuban Freedom01:00:00TomXsnoCubaCuban FreedomTomas & Dona, 03 Sep 2007 01:00:00 GMTTomas & DonaCastro's Funeral01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioCastro's FuneralTomas and Dona, 27 Aug 2007 01:00:00 GMTTomas and DonaAlberto Gonzalez - Musician01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioAlberto Gonzalez - MusicianHurricane Dean, 20 Aug 2007 01:00:00 GMTHurricane DeanDona and Tomas01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioDona and TomasTomas and Dona, 13 Aug 2007 01:00:00 GMTTomas and DonaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaWho Knows Who'll Show Up, 06 Aug 2007 01:00:00 GMTWho Knows Who'll Show UpStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaTomas and Dona, 30 Jul 2007 01:00:00 GMTTomas and DonaSecret Guest01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioSecret GuestAiding The Resistance, 23 Jul 2007 01:00:00 GMTAiding The ResistanceAiding the Resistance01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioAiding the ResistanceSeize Isle of Pines, 16 Jul 2007 01:00:00 GMTSeize Isle of PinesThe Taiwan Model01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioThe Taiwan ModelStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 09 Jul 2007 01:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 02 Jul 2007 01:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 25 Jun 2007 01:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 18 Jun 2007 01:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaGuillermo Fariñas, 11 Jun 2007 01:00:00 GMTGuillermo FariñasGuillermo Fariñas00:30:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioGuillermo FariñasStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 04 Jun 2007 01:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaWhere's Fidel, 28 May 2007 00:00:00 GMTWhere's FidelStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoStop Cuba TourismStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaMarta Beatriz Roque & realcuba.c, 21 May 2007 00:00:00 GMTMarta Beatriz Roque & realcuba.cOppressed Cubans00:30:00TomXsnoMarta Beatriz RoqueOppressed CubansStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 14 May 2007 00:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoStop Cuba TourismStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba, 07 May 2007 00:00:00 GMTStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaStopping Tourism and Investment in Cuba01:00:00TomXsnoStop Cuba TourismStopping Tourism and Investment in CubaCuban Tourist Food Poisoning, 30 Apr 2007 03:30:00 GMTCuban Tourist Food PoisoningTalk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioTalk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the SoleangelCastro's date of Death!!, 23 Apr 2007 03:30:00 GMTCastro's date of Death!!Talk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Linda, Dona the Soleangel's sister who will read Castro's chart and give his death date.01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Linda, Dona the Soleangel's sister who will read Castro's chart and give his death date.Crushing Cuban Apartied Tourism, 16 Apr 2007 00:30:00 GMTCrushing Cuban Apartied TourismTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the SoleangelCrushing Cuban Apartied Tourism, 09 Apr 2007 00:30:00 GMTCrushing Cuban Apartied TourismTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma and Dona the Soleangel01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma and Dona the SoleangelCrushing Cuban Apartied Tourism, 02 Apr 2007 00:30:00 GMTCrushing Cuban Apartied TourismTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.Crushing Cuban Apartied Tourism, 26 Mar 2007 00:30:00 GMTCrushing Cuban Apartied TourismTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.01:00:00TomXsnoSegregation in CubaTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.To be determined, 19 Mar 2007 00:30:00 GMTTo be determinedTalk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaTalk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel.Sherritt heck doesn't look good in Cuba for business., 12 Mar 2007 00:30:00 GMTSherritt heck doesn't look good in Cuba for business.Talk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel - Name the foreign corporations that will have their entire investment seized for slave reparations. 01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaTalk With Tomas Estrada-Palma & Dona the Soleangel - Name the foreign corporations that will have their entire investment seized for slave reparations.Confronting Thomas Cook Travel, 05 Mar 2007 01:00:00 GMTConfronting Thomas Cook TravelTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma about progress getting Thomas Cook to stop booking holidays to Cuba. The Anti-tourist revolt in Cuba continues. Cubans want a pay raise!01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaTalk with Tomas Estrada-Palma about progress getting Thomas Cook to stop booking holidays to Cuba. The Anti-tourist revolt in Cuba continues. Cubans want a payShow 14 - 9 pm - until, 26 Feb 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 14 - 9 pm - untilCrushing Castro's Tourist Apartheid Government. Target: Thomas Cook!01:00:00TomXsnoCall in soonCrushing Castro's Tourist Apartheid Government. Target: Thomas Cook!Show 13- 9 pm - until, 19 Feb 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 13- 9 pm - untilWhere's my family?01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaWhere's my family?Show 12 - 9 pm - until, 12 Feb 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 12 - 9 pm - untilTo Be Determined01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaTo Be DeterminedShow 11 9 pm - until until, 05 Feb 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 11 9 pm - until untilGranma - it's not your mom's mom. Talk with Tomas Estrada-Palma01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaGranma - it's not your mom's mom. Talk with Tomas Estrada-PalmaShow 10 - 9pm - until, 29 Jan 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 10 - 9pm - untilBrave Cuban Women. Speak with Tomas Estrada-Palma00:30:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaBrave Cuban Women. Speak with Tomas Estrada-PalmaShow 9 - 9 pm - until, 22 Jan 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 9 - 9 pm - untilCelebrate Castro's death with Tomas Estrada-Palma.01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaCelebrate Castro's death with Tomas Estrada-Palma.Show 8 - 9 pm - until: - Cindy Sheehan, 15 Jan 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 8 - 9 pm - until: - Cindy SheehanHost Tomas Estrada-Palma discusses his recent communications with Cindy Sheehan about her trip to Cuba. Please call in.01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaHost Tomas Estrada-Palma discusses his recent communications with Cindy Sheehan about her trip to Cuba. Please call in.Show 7 - 9 pm - until, 08 Jan 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 7 - 9 pm - untilCubans please call in to speak with Tomas Estrada-Palma about how you have been mistreated by Fidel Castro and his revolution.01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaCubans please call in to speak with Tomas Estrada-Palma about how you have been mistreated by Fidel Castro and his revolution.Show 6 - 9:00 pm until, 01 Jan 2007 02:00:00 GMTShow 6 - 9:00 pm untilCall in and talk with Tomas Estrada-Palma about your resolutions and hopes for Cuba in the coming year. Happy New Year Cubans!01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalmaCall in and talk with Tomas Estrada-Palma about your resolutions and hopes for Cuba in the coming year. Happy New Year Cubans!Show 5, 25 Dec 2006 02:00:00 GMTShow 5The Cuban Christmas Special. Call in and speak with Tomas Estrada-Palma about Christmas' past, present and future.01:00:00TomXsnoTomas EstradaPalma,Cuba ExposedThe Cuban Christmas Special. Call in and speak with Tomas Estrada-Palma about Christmas' past, present and future.Show 4, 18 Dec 2006 02:00:00 GMTShow 4The Havana Goon Squad. - with Tomas Estrada-Palma live!01:00:00TomXsnoCUBA,CUBA,CUBA,CUBAThe Havana Goon Squad. - with Tomas Estrada-Palma live!Where's Fidel?, 11 Dec 2006 02:00:00 GMTWhere's Fidel?Have a word with Tomas Estrada-Palma - great grandson of Cuba's 1st President. At 9 PM just dial (646) 915-9664 and ask for Tomás.01:00:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioHave a word with Tomas Estrada-Palma - great grandson of Cuba's 1st President. At 9 PM just dial (646) 915-9664 and ask for Tomás.Time & Date Change, 10 Dec 2006 02:00:00 GMTTime & Date ChangeHave a word with Tomas Estrada-Palma - great grandson of Cuba's 1st President. At 9 PM just dial (646) 915-9664 and ask for Tomás.00:30:00TomXsnoWhats on your mindHave a word with Tomas Estrada-Palma - great grandson of Cuba's 1st President. At 9 PM just dial (646) 915-9664 and ask for Tomás.Day 1, 03 Dec 2006 00:30:00 GMTDay 1First Show!00:30:00TomXsnoBlogTalkRadio, Blog Talk RadioFirst Show!