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Truth Talk Today, with Al Mickle

  • Broadcast in Current Events
Truth Talk Today w Al Mickle

Truth Talk Today w Al Mickle


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This show brings "the other side of the story" of today’s news and events to the table, while allowing YOU the time to share your insights.  WARNING: DO NOT EXPECT TO BE CODDLED, SNUGGLED, OR HAVE YOUR EGO STROKED, just because you took the time to dial some digits. You do NOT have the right to not be offended, but I DO have the right so offend you, especially if you are a socialist, communist, jackass, or are just plain stupid.  If you want to chime in, by all means, please do so.  If you are Hell bent on the destruction of our great nation and our Constitution, perhaps you might rather call your mama, cause there will be no safety here.

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