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BKB The One

BKB: The One


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The only bare knuckle boxing radio show with an all access look at the sport, the behind the scenes, co-hosted by world heavyweight champ Bobby Gunn.

On-Demand Episodes

bobby Gunn and team talk about latest BKB news. B

Bobby Gunn talks about BKB and historic upcoming world title fight.

Bobby Gunn talks about receiving world title belt, upcoming BKB show.

Recap of last weeks figh


Special guest Danny Batchelder comes on and talks about his upcoming fights

A look ahead at ucoming fights, news, etc.

Bobby Gunn talks about previous fights, challenges, etc.

Talking about Bobby being acknowledged by BKB Hall of Fame, upcoming fights, news and more.

In our premier episode, Bobby and I are going to to introduce our show, discuss the current state of BKB, talk with fans and fighters around the world, and discuss the future of the sport. BKB: The One is the only legit BKB radio show out... more

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