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Anna Zilboorg (07-06-2020): Elder, Author, Designer, Teacher, Knitter

  • Broadcast in Knitting
Fiber Hooligan

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Next Monday (07/06/2020) my guest will be the talented designer, author, and teacher Anna Zilboorg. Anna's pronouns are she and her.

Anna, an Elder of the knitting community, is an Anglican solitary who now lives on the seaside town of Rockland, Maine.

According to a quote by her (that I found online), she says that she was… "Born and reared in New York City; educated at Harvard; taught at MIT. Fled from the madding crowd's ignoble strife until I found myself in Big Stone Gap, VA. Got religion. Returned to my childhood love of knitting; became a hermit."

At this point, Anna is retired. Before she retired, she devoted her energy to teaching the living craft (as opposed to just following directions). She has been called the Anarchist Knitter because of her book Knitting for Anarchists, and the 'Mad Bobbler' due to her love of three-dimensional stitches. Other books include Magnificent Mittens and Socks and Splendid Apparel, both available, as well as Sock for Sandals and ClogsFancy Feet, and 45 Fine & Fanciful Hats to Knit.

Beyond her impressive career, Anna is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. I’m so happy that she agreed to be on the show. Please tune in—you really don’t want to miss Anna!


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