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Goddess of the Month is Artemis, the Protectress of Women, Children, Nature and the Vulnerable. Over the summer, I found an ancient Latin prayer to Artemis which I wrote next to the glyph for Sagittarius on a sticky note and attached to my desk calendar (which also serves as my blog's editorial calendar.) Apparently, my plan was to work with Artemis the month of December, but in the wake of all the requests for Lilith information in November, I had fallen behind in my research and did not prepare anything on Artemis. Interestingly, I had been reciting the prayer (which goes, "epelthon, epelthon Artemis") rather subconsciously over the past few months everytime I sat down at my desk to write because the sticky note was at eye level. Despite the fact I was sidetracked on the Artemis plan, I personally started to feel strong attraction to her stories.
Everytime I'd see her name, I would pay attention, whether it was something I read in a book, or came across on the internet or just happened to see a synchronous message about her. For instance, a video of a little girl feeding a bear came up on my facebook feed the other day. It was soemthing I would normally scroll past, but this felt so intuitively Artemis to me that I couldn't help but stop and linger and watch. And it was just the other day I decided to look up Artemis in my astro chart. I was suprised to discover that I am currently experiencing an Artemis return! (0* Libra!). You see, when translated, the prayer means "come to us, come to us, Artemis." Join me all month long on the blog for a journey with Artemis! And sign up for your free gifts back at the blog: