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Rev Marcy Ann

Reflections & Celebrations


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Hello! I am Marcy Ann and I am an untraditionally-ordained minister who has found the unified field between science and religion. I did weddings at the beach for 20 years in Orange County, CA. I have written a book about what I have observed over the years about love and marriage and weddings and you can download it for free at www.whereismrright.com. I have asked Why? my whole life. Some of my answers will amuse you and some will confuse you, some will challenge you and some reflections will just be Marcy Ann's own personal Truth with a capital T. All shows are archived for listening at any time, on your computer or android phone.

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The Word of The Lord today is from The Holy Spirit that lives inside each one of us, providing guidance and coiunsel at all times.

Today we learna that we are the Stars in God's Heaven on Earth!!!

Today's message is from God. As we wind down the global pandemic, it's time to begin to address the aftermath of anxiety, fear, and depression,that has surfaced within hearts and minds throughout the globe. God's Peace is available -... more

Today's message is from God's Spirit who lives inside of each and every one of us, beating our heart.

Our Word today is from God.

Today's message is from God's Spirit which lives inside each and every one of us. You can begin to develop your own personal relationship with the voice of God within you. We were created to walk and talk with God every day, just like... more

Today, our message is from Jesus.

Today's messasge is pretty unadorned. It is spoken through The Absolute. I've had God speak this way before -- there are times when the absolute Word of The Lord is - plainly - ABSOLUTE!! It doesn't mean that God doesn't love us... more

The Word from Spirit today says that .there is nothing that is impossible for God - NOTHING!!! and every day, elemental forces are doing impossible things that we don't even know about yet. There is no such thing as a mistake. That is not in... more

Our message today is from Jesus.
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