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NORML Foundation

NORML SHOW LIVE: Marijuana Nation


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Paul Armentano reports from Sacramento on the Public Safety Committee of the California Assembly passing 4-3 the AB 390 bill to legalize marijuana, plus clips from that hearing."Radical" Russ Belville, your host and NORML's Outreach... more

Join us as we watch the legislative process in New Jersey and learn live whether New Jersey becomes the 14th medical marijuana state today. NORML NJ's Chris Goldstein will join us (if possible) with the latest from the Garden State."Radical"... more

High Times Senior Editor Dave Bienenstock joins us to preview the articles, interviews, and reviews coming in this month's edition of High Times Magazine, the journal of the cannabis community.Also Craig Beresh from... more

NORML announces the launch of a new outreach project, the NORML Women's Alliance, dedicated to expanding the role and highlighting the contributions of women in marijuana law reform. Leaders of the new group join us to discuss the... more

Dr. Mitch Earleywine, marijuana and drugs researcher at SUNY Albany, joins us for our regular Wednesday look at the science behind marijuana."Radical" Russ Belville, your host and NORML's Outreach Coordinator, brings you the freshest... more

Ken Wolski, Executive Director for the Coalition for Medical Marijuana in New Jersey joins us to discuss the last-minute efforts to pass medical marijuana in these final few days of the Corzine Administration.Cannabis Karri brings... more

It's 2010! Can you believe we're a decade through the new millennium? Turn us on at a special time this Thursday, New Years Eve, as we celebrate the new year in all four continental US time zones. It's a special THREE HOUR... more

NORML's leadership joins us to celebrate the holiday spirit! Executive Director Allen St. Pierre and NORML's Founder Keith Stroup plus members of the NORML Board of Directors will look back on the gifts we received in marijuana law reform... more

This weekend on NORML SHOW LIVE, we take a look at the rising influence of women in the movement to end adult marijuana prohibition. In 2009, the Gallup poll found the support for legalization of marijuana among women rose by a... more
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