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Ohio Exopolitics

Ohio Exopolitics


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This show covers UFOs, ancient history, extra-terrestrial life and new technology. Your host Mark Snider interviews the key people in the world of exopolitics. The focus of the interviews will deal with contactees, military personnel, scientists, authors, researchers, historians and others that are knowledgeable in the field of UFO study and the many related fields. Purchase music heard on the show at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sniderhumbert. Logo Art based on a painting by Jim Nichols.

On-Demand Episodes

Trump Indictment Ukraine War The Tall Whites UFO Over Washington DC Life Extension Hollow Moon Structures on the Moon Ingo Swann Universal Consciousness The Power of Thought

Young Woman Having Drano Poured in Her Eyes to Go Blind Men Having Their Arms and Legs Cut Off To Become What is Called Nuggets There Are Bio Weapons Labs in Ukraine The Covid Shot Contains Nano Technology The... more

This recently revised 388 page book conclusively reports that Washington, D.C., is statistically the UFO sightings capital of the world. The author presents over 200 eye-witness accounts of UFO incursions in DC from 1850 to 2007. For the first... more

CIA Classified Book about the Pole Shift, Mass Extinctions and The True Adam & Eve Story Twenty Foot Tall Giants Found in North America Giants in North America The Eye of the Sahara

Trump Arrest Expected To Happen Next week Clif High - Bank Failures, Tesla, Dollar Failure, First Week Of May Juan O Savin - People Dropping Like Flies Juan O Savin - The Military Is Not In Charge But the Fight is Still On Aage... more

Tom Rense Brings Out Whistle Blowers WW3 ALERT Congress Framing China for COVID as War Pretext 535,000 Americans Dead From Covid Shots I Saw What Tucker Is Releasing Next Massive Snows in Northern California Clif High:... more

Young Lawyer Defends Americans Fired For Refusing COVID Death Jab Look Here Everyone, Then You Won't See What Really Happened (David Icke) Bill Gates Wanted In International Courts Attorney Robert Barnes Battling Pfizer In... more

HARRP Earthquakes Order Out of Chaos Jewish illuminati One World Government Sodom and Gomorrah End Times Nikola Tesla Weather Control Second Advent

Solaris IT'S TIME TO ABOLISH THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT SCHOOL SYSTEM | KEVIN NOVAK The Killbox Train Wreck East Palestine Ohio (Greeg Reese Film) Learn How Euphrates River Drought Is A Sign Of End Times Chemtrails Killing... more

Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, listen to this show and there will be no turning back.
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