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SelfXEsteem Elevated

Self-Esteem Elevated


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Self-Esteem being built from the inside out by knowing who you are and whose you are. Realizing that your past doesnt predict your future. You will get a glimpse with each guest on how to create your Blueprint from you relationship with Jesus Christ.

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LaToya Brown will be sharing her amazing journey from being a tormented teenage mother to a successful business owner and college professor.

D.A. Davis will join us at the launching of his book "Barren Vines, Empty Vessels. His 23 years of marriage has warranted some struggles. We all have an opportunity to hear his life lessons on what it takes to have a vibrant marriage.... more

Join me for my first episode of Self Esteem Elevated on BlogTalk. I will giving you the founding principles of Self Esteem being Elevated and how I got to this point of my life. I hope you enjoy.
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