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America in Focus

America in Focus


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America In Focus is a forum for proving the New World Order is on its way and showing how it can be stopped. To learn what the NWO Gang has in store for you and your family tune in and visit the website below for DVDs about the New World Order.

On-Demand Episodes

Tonite, We talk about the state of the world, but more specifically about the state of the United States Corporation. The cirminal gang in power is hosting their own virus, created by them, just like they created in the past AIDS, to fighten and put... more

Tonite, We dicuss the continuing false flag of the Ebola virus, which Big Brother is pushing, just like he pushed the AIDS virus. Also, we are going to go into the short history and synopsis of how billionaires become billionaires thorugh their... more

Tonite, We discuss the continuing issue with the False Flag Ebola virus. As with most diseased and viruses, they are tools that Big Brother employs in its biological warfare against humanity in order to scare, intimidate, and lower the... more

Tonite (8.18.2014) we covered: The occupation of America by the militarized terrorist cells (police depts) and the insanity of S.W.A.T. The stats on terrorist (cop) shootings of civilians resulting in a death is about 400 per year. 42% are... more

Tonite (8.08.2014) we civered: The unending war of Genocide by the edomite-khazars against the nation of Palestine and the Palestinian people. The UHN, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all say... more

Tonite (8.7.2014) we covered: The ongoing genocidal war by the edomite-khazar-ashkeNAZI jews against the nation of Palestine and her people. sean hanNUTTY spoke with the leading TERRORIST in the Middle East (benny... more

Tonite (8.04.2014) we dissected: The war of genocide by the khazar-edomite jews against the nation and people of Palestine. Even the Big Brother media and the barry soetoro CRIME syndicate said it is a "horrifying" and "disgraceful"... more

Tonite (5.09.2014) we chatted about: Cell phone kill switch. The Big Brother conspiracy to make free speech a crime and then to make free thought a crime. Monica Lewinsky is back. The VA is a joke agency. Benghazi will not go away.... more

Tonite (4.29.2014) we covered: The poll numbers of barry soetoro (obama), the illegal alien from Kenya and Indonesia are at its lowest. The Democrat Mafia fears they may lose the Senate. President Putin reveals the truth that the U.S.... more

Tonite (4.26.2014) we covered: The Roman Catholic Mafia's scam of turning two of their evil puppets into "saints." (John 23 & John Paul II). Hitlery Clinton said her Methodist faith made her the genocidal maniac she is. She also said Snowden... more
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