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Judy Dudich

Mothers at Home


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Mothers at Home is offered by Homeschool Faith and Family Life Website to uplift, encourage, and support you in your daily family life journey!

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Today's youth face a myriad of temptation, pressure, and influences that contradict their core convictions and belief systems. Richele McFarlin devotes her time and work to help girls become young ladies and young ladies,... more

When all goes "wrong" do you grow in faith? Can you see God's hands in the trials of your life? Jennifer Allen is wife, mother to three children, and a registered nurse. She is a second-generation homeschooler and has been homeschooling... more

Do you have a child that struggles with learning? A "late" reader, perhaps? Do you doubt whether you have what it takes to "reach" this child and help him reach his full potential? This show is for YOU! Judy Dudich interviews Jill Campbell... more

Judy Dudich welcomes a panel of women who will be sharing their thoughts, ideas, and experiences on reading "I Surrender"/Study Guide for Women Seeking Christ as the Center of Daily Life. Judy is the author of "I Surrender" and hosts... more

Join host, Judy Dudich, and her special guest, Michele Quigley, as they discuss creative ideas for incorporating "faith" into the homeschooling day. This is Mothers at Home, special Catholic Edition! Not Catholic? No worries! ALL are... more

Judy Dudich, host of Mothers at Home, author of "I Surrender", and owner of Homeschool Faith and Family Life Website, interviews well-known Felice Gerwitz; owner of Ultimate Homeschool Expo and Media Angels Publishing, Inc., author,... more

Listen to two dynamic moms who supplement their family income while homeschooling! Just how DO they do it all? Tune in and find out! Creative ideas, practical tips, and lots of encouragement await you! Judy Dudich, author of the... more

Homeschooling is full of benefits, blessings, joys, and adventures...sometimes! Listen and learn how to handle the tough times that bring struggle, stress, trials, and challenges to your homeschooling and family life journey. Host,... more

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